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Cassylvania's Miserable Little Pile of Platinums


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10 hours ago, DragonQuest238 said:

It is slow and the collectibles are a bit tricky to find, but I promise you that since you need to play with the sound off to catch audio cues(like phones ringing), you will enjoy the experience for the most part. :)


Going to see who wins the race for my 50th platinum, Dragon Quest Builders or LEGO Harry Potters Years 1-4. In the meantime, I finally completed those two miscellaneous trophies. Thanks for the advice, Cassy! I used that picture you mentioned(the one in France) to get both Fast Exposure and Black and White(the latter took me 25 resets because I have a twitchy finger and had to train myself to go slowly and not hit an incomplete square) and also the second Las Vegas picture(the pinball one). I am probably going to just do this game and POWGI when I am out of the house because I have to focus on my PS4. (My controller died and I have to charge it again because I let it run on its battery for 90 minutes while doing Fill-A-Pix on the Vita. Whoops.)


Well, you're certainly right about it being slow. I was attempting a blind playthrough, but I had no idea where to go or what to do. After about three hours of wandering around, I decided to use a collectibles guide. I actually think it might be a better way to play this game, because triggering some of the "events" out of order makes the story really confusing. Not that I really get it anyway...


Good job on Phil! I'm about halfway through Las Vegas. Phil's latest picture was of a bulldozer demolishing a building (OR BURYING SOMETHING), and he was WAY too happy about it.


58 minutes ago, Briste said:

The whole night was brutal...from the 45 minute delay to start, to the first play of the season being a penalty, to Atlanta getting stuffed at the 1 on their first drive of the season (Devonta Freeman is on one of my teams :() to 15 penalties by half time. Both QB's were brutal with Ryan being especially bad...I went to bed at about midnight just after Atlanta had taken the lead. I really hope that is not a sign of things to come. I'm really looking forward to Sunday but that game was just yuck....a simple 'wrong' would have done just fine...


For now, let's just say it was Week 1 jitters. I'm kinda excited to see the Browns play in a torrential downpour, and to see if Jimmy G is all tough or all fluff.


(Hint: I'd prefer the cotton variety.)


1 hour ago, Briste said:

The Infections Madness of Doctor Dekker (TiMoDD for short?) is ok...the game is literally you just interviewing insane people to figure out who the murderer is. The thing that sucks about it is you pretty much have to use a guide to play it. There really is no skill to this game at all and I could see how it might be really boring for someone. I'm ok with it at this point since I'm treating it more like a movie. Thankfully I have a USB port keyboard, so it makes typing in the questions so much better. If I had to use the PS4 controller, I'd probably go mad. I should be able to get through this and TMNT by Sunday night...we'll see.


This practice needs to be stopped. Why are developer so obsessed with putting in trophies that require a walkthrough? That's actually a concern I have with L.A. Noire. I haven't looked it up yet, but if there are trophies that require me not making a mistake (like, choosing the wrong dialogue option or accusing the wrong person of a crime), I might just pass. That defeats the whole purpose of playing a detective game. Sure, I can understand WHY solving every crime perfectly might be trophy-worthy, but people are CLEARLY only going to get it by looking up the answers. Instead, how about just non-missable story trophies, so that players can focus on your game? Crazy thought, I know.


This made a lot more sense when video game companies were in bed with strategy guide writers.

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11 hours ago, Cassylvania said:

Instead, how about just non-missable story trophies, so that players can focus on your game? Crazy thought, I know.


ICEY spoilers:


While playing ICEY, I followed the trophy guide and got to a dead-end room in the sewers. The robot guide was yelling at me to keep following the arrow and then he said he was going to not talk until I left the room, so he started humming. Then my trophy popped and he said "What? You were just here for a trophy? Are you one of those trophy fanatics?" He then made some holographic trophies appear and ICEY destroyed them and earned two more trophies, and he said "I can't believe it. You are! Do you not realize how much work I put into this story? Why do you do such trivial things for trophies?" As he was rebooting, he grumbled. "I should have just made a farming simulator if that's all you care about!"


That whole thing in ICEY made me feel bad about my life and also made me laugh. If game devs hate you doing stupid stuff just for trophies, then they should only put their game on the Nintendo Switch because the PS4 and XBOX S require achievements and people are going to 100% the achievements regardless of your story. I do agree: If you don't want me to piddle about one area forever, then do like Telltale Games and make all of your trophies for the platinum be ones you get just by completing the game's story events automatically. Artifex Mundi is also to blame for this behavior because they have in-game achievements on the original PC versions and some of the titles require you to collect hidden objects like sigils or roses and it's very easy to not see one and pass through an area. I'm looking at Grim Legends 2, Lost Grimoires 2, and DEFINITELY the last two games in the Nightmares from the Deep trilogy. Persian Nights: Sands of Wonder is even more evil - the emblems you need to find for the collectible achievements are so notorious chameleonic that you will always miss them if you aren't looking for them deliberately, they blend into the background.

Edited by DragonQuest238
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@DragonQuest238 Yup. I'm not against stupid trophies or collectibles, if done right, but I've always thought trophies shouldn't ruin the overall gameplay experience. This is especially true with a game like, say, Heavy Rain, where the developers insist it was only intended to be played through once. If that's the way you want your game to be played, then don't have a trophy list that contradicts it. Dat's all I'm saying.


Anyway, since my character in Everyblah blah Rapture moves about as fast as a snail in peanut butter, I've had a lot of time to think over my remaining Spelling Bee/Halloween games. For the first, I have an idea of a phrase I can spell, but it's technically against the rules. That won't stop me. It will require playing another L game, which I was going to do anyway so that I can at least spell BELLY, but I stand by what I said before: L.A. Noire is simply too long to attempt right now. I'd like to keep all my games below 15-20 hours, or I simply won't have time to complete them all.


Similarly -- and much to Jens' chagrin -- I'm going to wait on Flinthook. I still intend to complete it, but that looks like the kind of game that will take me at least a few weeks to master, and I'm not sure I have the time for that. No sense in losing what little hair I have left. However, I have what I think is a very suitable replacement for Candyman. Not only does it have pirates in the title, but it features a whole world of candy people. That's right -- you know what I'm playing!


Image result for adventure time pirates of the enchiridion


I was considering saving it for my next milestone, but meh. It's necessary for both of these events.


I'll keep the rest of the games -- and the secret phrase -- a surprise.

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13 hours ago, Cassylvania said:

@DragonQuest238 Yup. I'm not against stupid trophies or collectibles, if done right, but I've always thought trophies shouldn't ruin the overall gameplay experience. This is especially true with a game like, say, Heavy Rain, where the developers insist it was only intended to be played through once. If that's the way you want your game to be played, then don't have a trophy list that contradicts it. Dat's all I'm saying.


Anyway, since my character in Everyblah blah Rapture moves about as fast as a snail in peanut butter, I've had a lot of time to think over my remaining Spelling Bee/Halloween games. For the first, I have an idea of a phrase I can spell, but it's technically against the rules. That won't stop me. It will require playing another L game, which I was going to do anyway so that I can at least spell BELLY, but I stand by what I said before: L.A. Noire is simply too long to attempt right now. I'd like to keep all my games below 15-20 hours, or I simply won't have time to complete them all.


Heavy Rain isn't bad at all. I really enjoyed the game for what it was. It's just too bad I never got around to playing the original version back when it came out in 2010.


Kamikaze is the only difficult trophy out of the bunch. Also for anyone here going for Perfect Crime, you have to manually get out of the sinking car with Scott when you control him. For some reason just sitting there and letting the animation play out glitches the trophy, this happened to me five times until someone on the forums mentioned it.


LA Noire on the PS4 has those stupid collectibles that are exclusive to the PS4/Xbox One/Switch versions of the game. I highly, highly recommend playing the cases blindly if you never played this game before. Makes the experience a lot more immersive.


The Car Fanatic trophy is a real pain in the ass, as was getting those stupid Film Reels (one is found in a train tunnel you have to drive out to). Playstationtrophies.org has a pretty good guide for both of those trophies.

Edited by Spaz
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9 hours ago, Spaz said:

LA Noire on the PS4 has those stupid collectibles that are exclusive to the PS4/Xbox One/Switch versions of the game. I highly, highly recommend playing the cases blindly if you never played this game before. Makes the experience a lot more immersive.


Oh, definitely. That's the only way to play a game like that. I'm just hoping the trophies don't require a guide. I really hate when games force me to decide between using a walkthrough or playing through the game twice. That's never an easy decision.


Speaking of stupid trophies...


Platinum #128 - Everybody's Gone To The Rapture



I actually really liked this game, but it has one of the stupidest trophy lists I've ever seen, requiring you to do such exciting things as turning on microwaves, entering a building ten times, walking backwards, and...waiting. Yes, three whole trophies that require you putting down the controller and making a sandwich. There's even a trophy that requires you to ignore the entire story and find all twenty-four radio instead! Best of all, there are over a hundred collectibles, and no way to keep track of them, or even to know if the game registers something as being "obtained"!


How could this be improved? Why, how about HAVING SOME FUCKIN' TROPHIES FOR DOING THE THINGS IN THE GAME THAT YOU INTEND THE PLAYER TO DO? Here's five trophies for you: complete Jeremy's storyline, complete Wendy's storyline, complete Frank's storyline, complete Lizzie's storyline, complete Stephen's storyline. Why is this so hard? It's literally what you want the player to do. MY GOD, even No Man's Sky had the common sense to have trophies that any normal player would naturally be working towards. It horrifies me to think that actual brain cells were used in the decision to forego any and all storyline-based trophies in favor of "moonwalk into a building for 50 seconds." This was an actual conscious decision some human being had to make.


Also, don't capitalize "to" and "the" in your title. It looks tacky.


*SIGH* ...Completely valid criticisms, aside, this was a surprisingly good game, and way better than that atrocity Ether One. I don't think I'm going to recommend it -- no, not because of the above points, but because I think it's a rather niche game -- but maybe consider checking it out if you're looking for a slower, more emotional experience, and you've already played Life is Strange.

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Everybody's Gone to the Rapture does kind of hold a special place in gaming for me, even though the trophy list is meh.  The village of Yaughton where it is based is a fictional name, but the game is set in the county of Shropshire which is where I grew up.  So a lot of the sights and scenery in the game was very reminiscent of my childhood, even some of the dialogue references things that are specific to the area.  The level of detail is just spot on.


It was released the year I moved to the US, so it was nice to have that little taste of home whilst I was adapting to living here.

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4 hours ago, Cassylvania said:

Oh, definitely. That's the only way to play a game like that. I'm just hoping the trophies don't require a guide. I really hate when games force me to decide between using a walkthrough or playing through the game twice. That's never an easy decision.


The story can be easily done before you go for any collectibles. 


Be warned though. The PS4 version added new collectibles so you have to go for those. 


I don’t know why you haven’t played Heavy Rain yet. It’s a good game, and easily doable in under 15 hours, since you said you don’t want anything over that. 

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On 9/8/2018 at 1:22 AM, Cassylvania said:

This practice needs to be stopped. Why are developer so obsessed with putting in trophies that require a walkthrough? That's actually a concern I have with L.A. Noire. I haven't looked it up yet, but if there are trophies that require me not making a mistake (like, choosing the wrong dialogue option or accusing the wrong person of a crime), I might just pass. That defeats the whole purpose of playing a detective game. Sure, I can understand WHY solving every crime perfectly might be trophy-worthy, but people are CLEARLY only going to get it by looking up the answers. Instead, how about just non-missable story trophies, so that players can focus on your game? Crazy thought, I know.

It was pretty disappointing that his was the case. One of the trophy's is called 'Hintless Wonder' and the description is 'Zero hints...and you absolutely didn't cheat at all' Since half of the questions you need to come up with on your own, and many are super random...you could either use a guide OR use the hint button to find out all the questions, write them down and then download your save from the cloud and playthrough as if you didn't ask for a hint. I chose the guide method and the one on Playstationtrophies.org was fantastic. The story was really wierd and I'm not even sure I understand what the hell happened. Using the guide though it was pretty quick and easy, but definitely not worth paying full price.


I also finished TMNT: Danger of the Ooze. It surprisingly wasn't terrible. The controls for attacking weren't great...it was very easy to damage yourself while attacking...but it was a fun little Metroidvania style game. I'll play it several times probably since my kid loves the turtles...but it's not anything I'd really recommend unless it was for a couple bucks on sale. I think this is not available digitally anyways so it'd be unlikely to show up on sale.


So for the spelling bee, that leaves two letters. I've already decided on Batman Return to Arkham Asylum for B and I've decided to do Shantae and the Pirate's Curse for S. It will double as my Candyman game since pirate theme is allowed and it was only $10. I'll probably start that up tomorrow night. Any words of wisdom? I know you wrote the guide so I guess I can find all your wisdome there :)


Today was actually a pretty good day of football. Both our teams came out on top and there were some pretty exciting games. I didn't see any of them affected by the new rules so that was a plus. I don't know how the Packers pulled this game tonight out of their asses. I thought they were done at the half after how dominant the Bears D was. Cousins looked good today, so that is promising for you guys. The biggest shock of the day was Cleveland going toe-to-toe with Pitt...I mean they blew the win in Browns fashion by having the FG blocked...but still...I hate the Steelers so that was nice to see! Did you spend all day watching football too?

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11 hours ago, Mesopithecus said:

Everybody's Gone to the Rapture does kind of hold a special place in gaming for me, even though the trophy list is meh.  The village of Yaughton where it is based is a fictional name, but the game is set in the county of Shropshire which is where I grew up.  So a lot of the sights and scenery in the game was very reminiscent of my childhood, even some of the dialogue references things that are specific to the area.  The level of detail is just spot on.


Yeah, it was a beautiful game! I was thinking the whole time, "Why can't other games look like this?"


It actually kinda helped with the feeling of loneliness too. Like, you're in this amazing world, but there's nobody around to share it with.


7 hours ago, Spaz said:

I don’t know why you haven’t played Heavy Rain yet. It’s a good game, and easily doable in under 15 hours, since you said you don’t want anything over that. 


I already played it. Platinumed it on my old account. I'll probably do it again, but I'm not in any rush, with so many new titles to play.


I also finished TMNT: Danger of the Ooze. It surprisingly wasn't terrible. The controls for attacking weren't great...it was very easy to damage yourself while attacking...but it was a fun little Metroidvania style game. I'll play it several times probably since my kid loves the turtles...but it's not anything I'd really recommend unless it was for a couple bucks on sale. I think this is not available digitally anyways so it'd be unlikely to show up on sale.


You said the magic word. If it's a Metroidvania game, I'll eventually get to it. Plus, I grew up with the turtles...


3 minutes ago, Briste said:

So for the spelling bee, that leaves two letters. I've already decided on Batman Return to Arkham Asylum for B and I've decided to do Shantae and the Pirate's Curse for S. It will double as my Candyman game since pirate theme is allowed and it was only $10. I'll probably start that up tomorrow night. Any words of wisdom? I know you wrote the guide so I guess I can find all your wisdome there :)


Pirate's Curse is the hardest of the Shantae titles, by far. You have to beat every boss without taking damage, and you have to do that godawful run with Rottytops. I covered all these in my guide, so that should help! For Rottytops, though... Get ready to have that jingle stuck in your head. (Good thing it's so perfectly themed for Halloween!)


12 minutes ago, Briste said:

Today was actually a pretty good day of football. Both our teams came out on top and there were some pretty exciting games. I didn't see any of them affected by the new rules so that was a plus. I don't know how the Packers pulled this game tonight out of their asses. I thought they were done at the half after how dominant the Bears D was. Cousins looked good today, so that is promising for you guys. The biggest shock of the day was Cleveland going toe-to-toe with Pitt...I mean they blew the win in Browns fashion by having the FG blocked...but still...I hate the Steelers so that was nice to see! Did you spend all day watching football too?


Some guy got ejected from the Bengals/Colts game due to the new rule, I think.


I actually subscribed to Playstation Vue, so I was able to watch the games. I started with the hilarious tie game (that will spawn a thousand memes), went out to dinner when the Cowboys came on, and then returned in time to see Rodgers do what Rodgers does best. It's gotta be pretty hard throwing that ball on one leg. Especially when Cris Collinsworth is humping it the whole time.


I will say this: for the first half, I thought those "experts" might be right about the Bears' chances this year. They looked really good. But you can never put too much stock into a Week 1 game -- or the first 30 minutes.


So, my dream of the Packers starting the year 0-2 is crushed, but hopefully we can still make 1-1 happen. I wish I had gotten to see the Vikings played, but I heard Cousins started off hot and then cooled down as the game went on. The defense more or less did the same. I'm not overly thrilled about the 49ers coming within a TD/2-point conversion of tying it, but there are no easy wins in the NFL. (Unless you're playing Nathan Peterman, I guess.)


Well, I suppose I need another game. I have a few more short ones in my backlog, but they're not ones I've ever mentioned before. Still, I'm going to need five of them by the end of the month to complete my secret phrase. Fortunately, I don't think any are over 10 hours...

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1 hour ago, Briste said:

I've decided to do Shantae and the Pirate's Curse for S.

That reminds me: I need to get to work on Mudbog Island soon. That game isn't gonna complete itself. Great game, you could do worse. (You could also do better, but I refrain from Shantae Half-Genie Hero as that has DLC trophies, but it's easier to get that platinum. Still, not going to back away from a challenge now that I got through Run Run Rottytops flawless. Go to Youtube and check out Green Z-Saber's site, he has lots of great platinum playthrough speedruns. Never would have platinumed Disgaea 5 without his help.)

1 hour ago, Cassylvania said:

Pirate's Curse is the hardest of the Shantae titles, by far. You have to beat every boss without taking damage, and you have to do that godawful run with Rottytops. I covered all these in my guide, so that should help! For Rottytops, though... Get ready to have that jingle stuck in your head. (Good thing it's so perfectly themed for Halloween!)

I thought so too. It's still really hard but I did complete the game on Switch and enjoyed the story. The enemy difficulty is really nasty, mainly on the last two islands, and the dungeons do you no favors. I did manage to be Squid Baron without damage first try after a few resets, finding that the Pirate Hat can help avoid those nasty charge attacks. :)


Good luck on your secret phrase. ^_^


Just platinumed Dragon Quest Builders as my 50th. I have a couple of cheap Vita rentals I could do and then try to do some more work on my event games.

Edited by DragonQuest238
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23 hours ago, Cassylvania said:

You said the magic word. If it's a Metroidvania game, I'll eventually get to it. Plus, I grew up with the turtles...

I also just want to mention that TMNT was made by the same company that made Shantae so there's a decent chance you would like the game play. I started Shantae tonight and it's pretty funny so far. It's more pixelated than I was expecting, but it's not a big deal. The jump button is a little sticky...I had a little trouble landing on platforms at first but I think I'm getting the hang of it. I've had some luck with the no damage on bosses trophies through the first two. Once you get the formula down it isn't too bad. I've laughed out loud several times already and I've only played about an hour or so during the football games.


Speaking of which...the Jets looked....good outside of their first offensive play of the night. The Lions also looked like they hadn't practiced yet this year...but that was still a surprising showing. I'm going to bed at half-time for this game.


23 hours ago, Cassylvania said:

Especially when Cris Collinsworth is humping it the whole time.

lol he is just brutal now. I used to really like him...but I just can't listen to him anymore...I watch the game on mute a lot to be honest. The commentating on the Jets game was pretty bad tonight too.


23 hours ago, Cassylvania said:

So, my dream of the Packers starting the year 0-2 is crushed, but hopefully we can still make 1-1 happen.

I was really hoping the Bears could pull that one out. When the Saints lost, it knocked out 1/3 of my Suicide Pool...if the Packers lost it would have knocked out another 1/3 almost. I took Baltimore so had a nice relaxing Sunday as far as that pool goes. I'd say that Rodgers injury should work in your guys favor next week since it would limit his mobility...however we saw how much that hurt him against Da Bears lol That is a big game for the Vikings. If they can win in Lambeau...that would set a nice tone to the beginning of the year in the NFC north.

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12 hours ago, Briste said:

I started Shantae tonight and it's pretty funny so far. It's more pixelated than I was expecting, but it's not a big deal. The jump button is a little sticky...I had a little trouble landing on platforms at first but I think I'm getting the hang of it. I've had some luck with the no damage on bosses trophies through the first two. Once you get the formula down it isn't too bad. I've laughed out loud several times already and I've only played about an hour or so during the football games.


I decided not to do the no-damage trophies for Cyclops Plant of Empress Spider on my first playthrough because they usually stick to the ceiling a lot and require a lot of jumping and hoping they reach Shantae's level. Pirate Mode gives you the Cannon and Sword to hit them from above. I have managed to do them sucessfully on a test run but I decided not to go for it. I will be no damaging for the last few bosses because I don't want to deal with those trophies in my speedrun Pirate Mode run. Glad you're enjoying the game.


Right now I am doing a LEGO marathon so I can get some more LEGO platinums out of the way. Once those games are finished I can focus on other games. Played through a bit of Dragon Quest XI last night, really fun callback to the series.

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2 hours ago, DragonQuest238 said:

I will be no damaging for the last few bosses because I don't want to deal with those trophies in my speedrun Pirate Mode run.

This is kind of my thinking. I'm doing this first run semi-casually, meaning I'm not rushing, so I figured I'd get those challenging ones done this time through so I can focus on speed next. I was thinking of not doing any health upgrades on this run as well so that I can afford to be more reckless on my next runs for speed. I stopped last night after the Cyclops battle. It took me about five tries to beat him without getting hit. I also did it using only the spikey ball to get that trophy too. If any of the battles prove to be too annoying, I'll wait and do it once I have all the gear on a later playthrough.


There's a pretty decent sale right now on the Playstation Store and I picked up a couple of potential titles for the Halloween event. My backlog is quickly starting to pile up so I've decided to put a hard freeze on buying new games until I finish what I've bought so far. I have about thirty games hiding in there and if I keep buying them during this little sales...I'll never play most of them.

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22 hours ago, Briste said:

Speaking of which...the Jets looked....good outside of their first offensive play of the night. The Lions also looked like they hadn't practiced yet this year...but that was still a surprising showing. I'm going to bed at half-time for this game.


I could barely stay awake through the first game, let alone the second. Stafford may be the next in line of quarterbacks that people thought were good for years and then realized they were fooling themselves (see: Cutler, Sanchez, Flacco wait people still think that). You can't pin it all on him, but wow, pairing that game in prime time with Bears/Packers the night before really puts things in perspective. It was pretty clear Stafford was trying to do what Rodgers did, and the results speak for themselves.


Still, it's only Week 1, and the Lions are arguably the most inconsistent team in the NFL. If they drop a 50-burger on the 49ers this weekend, I wouldn't bat an eye.


23 hours ago, Briste said:

I was really hoping the Bears could pull that one out. When the Saints lost, it knocked out 1/3 of my Suicide Pool...if the Packers lost it would have knocked out another 1/3 almost. I took Baltimore so had a nice relaxing Sunday as far as that pool goes. I'd say that Rodgers injury should work in your guys favor next week since it would limit his mobility...however we saw how much that hurt him against Da Bears lol That is a big game for the Vikings. If they can win in Lambeau...that would set a nice tone to the beginning of the year in the NFC north.


Vikings/Packers is always the game I circle first on my calendar. I usually just chalk it up as a loss, because I expect them to split games, but I wouldn't mind sneaking in a quick win while Rodgers is in recovery (let's not kid ourselves -- he's playing Sunday). Still, nobody gets to use the excuse that Rodgers is hurt, because that clearly didn't hold him back this week.


One thing I've noticed about Rodgers -- besides the fact that his mustache is even uglier than Phil's -- is that he usually looks a lot more perturbed when playing the Vikings than any other team. I only know this because the Packers are CONSTANTLY on TV, so I've gotten to see him a lot, and his facial expressions when playing the Vikings are hilarious. Also:


Image result for cris collinsworth aaron rodgers funny


8 hours ago, Briste said:

This is kind of my thinking. I'm doing this first run semi-casually, meaning I'm not rushing, so I figured I'd get those challenging ones done this time through so I can focus on speed next. I was thinking of not doing any health upgrades on this run as well so that I can afford to be more reckless on my next runs for speed. I stopped last night after the Cyclops battle. It took me about five tries to beat him without getting hit. I also did it using only the spikey ball to get that trophy too. If any of the battles prove to be too annoying, I'll wait and do it once I have all the gear on a later playthrough.


Holy crap. You did Zombie Survival Guide. How many tries did that take you?


4 hours ago, Jens said:

Ooooooooohhhhhhhhhhh snap guys, Hollow Knight in 2 weeks? I am actually kinda flabbergasted. Now that will throw a monkey wrench into my plans, because this one is the only game (besides Darkest Dungeon) I would consider 100th platinum worthy. Otherwise I wouldn't care whatsoever which game it'll be.


I know nothing about this game, but it looks awesome. If the platinum/100% isn't too long, it might even be a good candidate for my bug phobia trophy. That's the only one I haven't figured out. (As I said, the rest are a surprise, though!)


Well, I guess one of them isn't a surprise anymore. Yes, I'm playing Lili: Child of Geos. What is that, you ask? Well, it's the only L game that looked good and isn't 20+ hours long. And trust me -- I've become an expert on L games.


However, in the midst of playing it, I noticed that Minecraft decided to give me the middle finger yet again. Yes, four years after its release on the PS4, and they're still pumping out those DLC trophies. Well, Minecraft, you can just sit your ass in line with Crash and P-Arch, because I'm TRYING to celebrate Halloween. Geez, at this rate, I'm never going to finish my backlog.


Still, I like to get special trophies when I can get, and I noticed I was getting close to PSN level 30. I don't normally plan those out, but I really love what the devs did with the new P-Arch trophs, and I didn't feel like waiting for the 6k milestone. And since today is the 17th year anniversary of probably the most memorable day of my life, I decided to go with this...




I have no regrets.

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45 minutes ago, Cassylvania said:

Still, it's only Week 1, and the Lions are arguably the most inconsistent team in the NFL. If they drop a 50-burger on the 49ers this weekend, I wouldn't bat an eye.

I was reading some NFL blogs today and they were saying that Patricia has already lost the locker room in Detroit due to his disciplinary tactics during practice. A game like last night won't do much to win them back. The Lions offense is too good to look like that each week...but apparently the Jets D said they knew what plays were coming since they figured out Staffords hand signals. I hope that's true considering how bad he was...


45 minutes ago, Cassylvania said:



Image result for cris collinsworth aaron rodgers funny

I love when people do this lol, or when they update a Wikipedia page to list the date of death after some huge loss (Re: Falcons). It never lasts long before it gets fixed...but it is funny every time!


45 minutes ago, Cassylvania said:

Holy crap. You did Zombie Survival Guide. How many tries did that take you?

I think it was about ten or so? I made it to the last screen on my first try and then died like 9 or 10 times before I got back there rushing stupidly. It wasn't so bad when I took my time. That last screen the soldiers surprised me with how close the jump was to get past them. That was where I died the first time but I was able to make it through the second time I reached that screen. Most of my deaths were in the first three screens trying to rush to the hard parts. I'm glad that is out of the way though. I just beat the Spider Queen and will call it a night after this post. I'm really liking this game so far. Now that I'm used to the controls, it plays smoothly, it is really quite clever and it's a lot of fun. I'm really liking the music as well. Eventhough it is repetive...it's not annoying at all which isn't usually the case with repetive musice. I really like the boss music. I may have to play another one for the Halloween Event since Shantae would satisfy the Gynophobia category. I'm not sure though...I did just put a hard freeze on my game purchasing lol I'd hate to fail after only eight hours. I'll have to see if I have anything else in my backlog that would qualify.


45 minutes ago, Cassylvania said:

Still, I like to get special trophies when I can get, and I noticed I was getting close to PSN level 30. I don't normally plan those out, but I really love what the devs did with the new P-Arch trophs, and I didn't feel like waiting for the 6k milestone. And since today is the 17th year anniversary of probably the most memorable day of my life, I decided to go with this...




I have no regrets.

lol this is hilarious. The fact you got this on 9/11 seems pretty ironic too. 9/11 was on of the most memorable days in my life as well, but to be honest with you...I don't remember much from that specific day other than watching the second plane hit the tower on live TV. I was studying for a French test on my couch when I saw the second plane crash...needless to say, I didn't move from my couch for the rest of the day or much the next day either. I just remember staring at my TV thinking WTF is going on? My father died on 9/13 (unrelated) so that kind of distracted me from a lot of what was going on nationally.


I was actually starting to feel pretty old today too. The topic of 9/11 came up a little at work today and one of the girls I work with said she doesn't have any memory of it since she was only five when it happened. I'm now old enough to be working with people that can't remember that day...which seems pretty crazy considering it doesn't feel like it was that long ago and that day altered everything and changed how people live their day-to-day lives. I guess that's probably how the people that lived through Pearl Harbor felt too.

Edited by Briste
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Looks like you're doing Lili: Child of Geos, Cassly. I sort of enjoyed it a while back, might platinum it. Lili looks beautiful and I might consider her a waifu if she wasn't so young. xD


I just platinumed Seasons after Fall for Trophophobia and taking a break with Dragon Warrior III on the Gameboy Color, gathering medals. I'm going to try to make myself playing Into the Nexus because I promised myself I would work on my PS3 games and it'll be four days before my next shipment of GameFly games shows up.

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On 9/11/2018 at 11:43 PM, Briste said:

I was reading some NFL blogs today and they were saying that Patricia has already lost the locker room in Detroit due to his disciplinary tactics during practice. A game like last night won't do much to win them back. The Lions offense is too good to look like that each week...but apparently the Jets D said they knew what plays were coming since they figured out Staffords hand signals. I hope that's true considering how bad he was...


That may be one of the worst QB performances I've ever seen (and I watched Nathan Peterman play). On the last interception, it looked like Stafford threw it on purpose, and I honestly don't blame him. Any time a team sucks that bad, it's usually on the coach. Whether the Jets defenders knew the calls -- or the Lions were just too gassed from practice -- I could easily see this going south if they drop a couple more games. It'll be interesting to watch. Up next: Jimmy G...


21 hours ago, Jens said:

You know me, I'm hesitant when it comes to recommendations, but that is one that's worth making space for. Buuuuut.... I know your shtick (little english lesson for me: does this always have a bad connotation? Because this time I didn't mean it like that if it does :P ) in these events and this game is supposed to be chock-full with DLC.... so it might be quite the big game. People felt like underpaying big time while playing this game, 12€ is almost considered a slap in the face :P But keep it in mind or pre-order it, because I can't see a world in which you don't get a pretty sweet deal with this one.



Yeah, it's hard enough to platinum 13 games for one event, let alone do all the DLC too. But if it's anything like Shovel Knight or Shantae, I'm sure the DLC will just add to the experience. We'll wait until we see a trophy list before making any rash decisions. For now, I already have my next five or six games planned out...



21 hours ago, Jens said:



Well, I'm sold.


11 hours ago, DragonQuest238 said:

Looks like you're doing Lili: Child of Geos, Cassly. I sort of enjoyed it a while back, might platinum it. Lili looks beautiful and I might consider her a waifu if she wasn't so young. xD


She's a graduate student, so she's probably in her early to mid-20's... I guess that might be young to you. When I was a grad student, I remember walking around campus around lunchtime and seeing how young everybody looked. That's the first time in my life that I actually started to feel old.


Still, I dunno about waifu. She's a bit of a Mary Sue, isn't she?


It's a decent game, though. Not going to recommend it, but not going to hate on it either. You run around an island and pick flowers off the backs of golems. I'm not exactly sure which phobia it's going to count for, but I'll come up with something.


So glad Thursday night games are a thing! Really looking forward to Ravens/Bengals. For some reason, I just always like watching AFC vs. AFC match-ups. It's nice to kick back and enjoy a game that has no bearing on your team's playoff aspirations.


And, speaking of pointless things, what's up with Playstation's 6.0 update? Surely there's more to it than "stability" improvements.

Edited by Cassylvania
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Platinum #129 - Lili: Child of Geos



Look, @Jens -- it's your avatar.


Not much to say about this one, other than it has three of the most jank trophies I've ever seen in a game this short. Imagine being asked to smash 1000 pots, pick 1000 flowers, or scare away 500 birds, for no apparent reason other than to waste your time. Regardless of what I feel about the game (and it was fine), there's no excuse for that trash. Take your L and go home.

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12 hours ago, Jens said:

I actually thought that I missed some Isaac DLC when I saw these trophies pop up on people's profiles, I'm not kidding :P 

After seeing that you started it I watched a video because I had no clue what this game is... and it looked weird... I skipped to the middle of the video (3hr video titled "full playthrough".... so I thought I couldn't miss all that much) and I was rather confused.


It's really weird. Here's the gist: some girl lands on an island, it's full of assholes, and she decides to start plucking flowers off their backs to get back at the evil Mayor Asshole. I don't think the game ever explains why any of this is happening. All we know is she's doing this for a school project, and that matters...somehow. Then again, having gone to grad school, I can totally understand a professor sending one of his students to collect data from some remote location where dying at the hands of angry natives and/or Mother Nature is entirely in the realm of possibilities.


I say, if you can get it for free, give it a shot for an easy platinum. Otherwise, leave this game as driftwood.


12 hours ago, Jens said:

But now that you mentioned my avatar.... well let's copycat you and represent despite me not being as much into it as I was a few years ago, but at least still very well informed about it. Might give you some research to do because I suspect you won't have a clue :P 


Soccer, huh? Or, as we call it in the States, real football. (Actually, I think that's just me.) I don't really follow it, but I do know how to perform a mean reverse image search!


Alright, boys and girls! We're about to complete a whirlwind of games. My next four games are already planned out, and we only have two weeks to complete them. After this event, I'm so ready to go back to slow gaming. I can just picture my winter now, huddled around the TV with a cup of hot cocoa and The Witcher 3, watching the Browns play meaningless games while I question my decision to finally cut cable.


Winter is...oh, shut up, me. Let's get back to the fear!

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5 minutes ago, Jens said:

But to be honest... that's probably the definition of a luxury problem, so I won't cry about it too hard :D And Gerald will bear you company for a long time, so slow gaming it will be for you most likely. Your decision is absolutely unshakable? No winter event? I think so right now as well, but so did I for the phobia event and here I am... :P 


It...will depend on the nature of the event. If it's another "13 categories and you gotta commit to at least three" thing, I might consider the bare minimum. If it's going to require a month-long commitment to a plethora of games, probably not. One of the frustrating things now is that I'm trying to combine two events at the same time, so I'm forced to play stuff like Lili Cogs just because it begins with an L, even though it doesn't fit any of the Halloween themes (I went with Acrophobia, but it's a stretch). If I was only doing the Halloween event, I could've done Owlboy or SkyScrappers.


We'll see. I don't want to fill up my profile with subpar games. I don't feel like I'm doing that, but how long until I resort to My Name is Mayo, just because an event called Build-Your-Own-Sandwich comes along? Actually, that could be kinda fun... I Am Bread, The Baconing, Overcooked, MouseCraft... Mm.


Anyway, just finished another Philuzzle. The soulless-eyed vagabond has carted me off to Mexico now. I thought I was making a beautiful flower, but instead it turned out to be a red knee tarantula, and Phil is WAY too happy about that fact. It's like he's celebrating dropping a venomous spider on my head. Just for that, I might stick his ass under Arachnophobia, because that was a horrifying realization.


I'm just gonna go...play something else now...


Side note: I don't think any of you live near the Carolinas, but stay safe, if you do.

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