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At least once, but multiple times if I truly enjoy the song, like Spice & Wolf, Kanon, A Certain Scientific Railgun, etc. But definitely not always if I'm marathoning.

What's one of your favorite books

Edited by Dav9834
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That is very hard for me, lol, but I'd say....underground/old school hip hop. Especially the instrumentals. Close second is whatever genre you'd consider people like Flying Lotus or Boards of Canada.

Edit: beat me to it :)

Many different cakes :)

Music: Do you prefer live performances over studio versions?

I like this question, I prefer the studio version because I like to hear the added effects. Such as hearing extra sounds in the instrumental or echoes in the voice.

When is the last time you've burned yourself? (I'm assuming everyone has been burned in one way or another at least once, lol)

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I have 35 games, my first was Far Cry 4. The Last of Us came with my PS4, but I'm counting the first game that I actually purchased.

O.o never.

What do you think of Bloodborne?

I don't think that he meant intentionally cut yourself, haha.

Same question.

Edited by -Dark Mark-
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Dragon Age inquisition was the first, the best game I have played on the ps4 so far but there are so many I want to get! And i have 8 in my collection!




I don't think that he meant intentionally cut yourself, haha.



Oh crap I'm such an idiot -.- sorry :D
Favorite KH game?

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Not to my recollection... Wait... Yes probably, oh wait no definitely if we include residences. Teenage years, what are ya gonna do. Just don't remember any of it well, which usually accompanies that sort of thing...

One of your favorite types of animals

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Felines are among my favorites.


Why do you think some people feel the need to cause trouble wherever they go?



Because they're poopie (I swear, I don't mean it   :()


What's the most embarrassing thing that's happened to you?

It's not about you :P Someone started acting like Kilo1__ to me on psn.

Edited by kuuhaku
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Whoa De Ja Vu.

I got black out drunk at a party and was carried to a friend's house, where I proceeded to urinate in the living room and fall asleep with myself exposed. Her brother and his girlfriend found me.t9402.gif

What was your luckiest moment in life? (Nothing that has to do with gaming.)

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The last friday of my senior year in highschool, the principal decided to play the song "Friday" by Rebecca Black on the loudspeaker all day. I would consider that the unluckiest moment in my life.


Do you think a game that has historically been single player should add multiplayer to it?

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