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Any updates on patches?


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Reading the existing topics it seems the game had lots of glitches but the topics are very old.


The trophy guide mentions an upcoming patch.  Does anyone know if that happened?


I'm on patch 1.05 if that helps.  Downloaded yesterday.  Patch notes look like these glitches were fixed but not 100% sure.


From the guide:

"NEVER USE THE GATE FROM PINWHEEL HARBOUR TO VILLAGE! In most cases this will break your game and force you to restart the story or wait for an patch.

KEYBOARD - The current patch has a bug to where the keyboard does not show up when it's supposed to, the next patch should fix this problem. Until then, you cannot progress during points where the keyboard has to be used."

Edited by big_bob002
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At least on Steam the most recent version is 1.0.4 from November 2016.



The guide has been written in May 2015, so I guess there's a chance it's been fixed?

The last comment on the guide is from August 2016 and mentions that a patch is coming, but I can't really find anything on 1.0.5 or what it contains.


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I just played it and had the worst time of my life. I ran into all three projector bugs (coffee cup, miner vigil, church bells) that have been reported as early as 2015. The workarounds and reloading probably added 4-5 hours to my playtime. It wasn't fun.


Thankfully I was playing the disc version, because I had to revert back to 1.00 in order to get the church bell projector to work. If you played it and didn't have any troubles, count yourself lucky.

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6 hours ago, bud-arc said:

I just played it and had the worst time of my life. I ran into all three projector bugs (coffee cup, miner vigil, church bells) that have been reported as early as 2015. The workarounds and reloading probably added 4-5 hours to my playtime. It wasn't fun.


Thankfully I was playing the disc version, because I had to revert back to 1.00 in order to get the church bell projector to work. If you played it and didn't have any troubles, count yourself lucky.


Crap.  I was about to start it.  


Guess I'll take my chances.  I guess the worst case is another game not at 100%.


I will check out these projector bugs and try backing up beforehand.

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2 hours ago, big_bob002 said:

Crap.  I was about to start it.  


Guess I'll take my chances.  I guess the worst case is another game not at 100%.


I will check out these projector bugs and try backing up beforehand.


It took me a lot of researching different sites/threads to finally find solutions for the bugs. Before I inevitably forget all of them, I'll compile what worked for me here for you or anyone else starting this in 2019 and beyond (big thanks to the people on playstationtrophies forum for all their advice).


You have three save slots, so make sure you make a save after each successful projector repair (rotate through all three slots in case you need to roll back to an earlier point). In order to restore projectors, you need to solve three puzzles and the problem is with one of them not registering (you'll know if it's successful if you hear a musical chime you'll become familiar with). If you do all three puzzles and the projector is only 2/3 restored (the projector is complete, but lying on the ground), you're screwed. You need to revert to a save from before you started the puzzle and try something different (do it in a different order, or try the steps more slowly).


For the coffee cup puzzle in the Industrial section, this is the exact order which worked for me (place the coffee cup last):



1) Pick up coffee cleaning tablets from kitchen
2) Open slot on coffee machine, then click it twice to add two tablets (you'll hear a sound cue)
3) Close slot, then put coffee mug in machine and turn it on (you can leave it there for now)
4) Turn on pressure valve in nearby locker room (300 - 100 - 200 - 300 - 100)
5) Open Sean V.'s locker (combination is 2910), then take out hammer, go to the back of the showers and break the cracked wall
6) Get the arsenic tablets behind the wall and put it in the arsenic disposal next to the Wardens office (across from locker room)
7) At this point, the projector is right in front of you and you should hear the second chime/see it complete on the floor
8) Get the full coffee mug and enter the Wardens office and put it on his desk (should hear the third chime if it worked!)


For the Bible/candle puzzle in the Mining area, it was pure luck. I used the Bible from the area and one I picked up and stored from the first area (Harbor) and randomly placed them on different podiums while lighting/blowing out candles until it finally worked. I almost cried when I heard that familiar chime because it took so much trial and error to finally get it. Here are some threads I consulted to help me try new things: 



For the church projector in Pinwheel Village, I tried every combination but couldn't make it work. I had to delete the application and play the disc version without patches (1.00). I'm guessing this might be glitched indefinitely on version 1.05. Here are the actions required in the right order to solve it:



1) Ring the four bells around the area (cider mill, school, doctor, house on the pier) - chime #1
2) Play the required notes in the church (F - F - G - G# - A# - G# - G - F) by pulling the four ropes in the right order - chime #2
3) Place the sheet music on the piano, then use the piano tuner on the keys
4) Play the keys again in order to play the sheet music - chime #3 (success!)


Also, this might be a helpful nugget for some people. In most of the guides I looked at, they said after you enter the last door/portal in the hub, that was the point of no return for the game. However, if you complete the game after that (a 10-minute linear path after you get the platinum), then after the end credits, "continue" your game and play through the epilogue (and another end credits roll). After that, "continue" again and you'll be in free roam mode where you can visit any part of the map to clean up projectors, plaques or any photos you may have missed (I ended up missing two photos and thought I was screwed until I realized you can clean this up post-game). However, if any of the projector puzzles glitched for you during your playthrough, they will still be glitched post-game, so don't even start them if you plan on saving them all for later. (In order to finish the story, all you have to do is collect all 32 red ribbons -- 8 in each section -- which is actually the easiest part of the game.)


Edit: One more thing. A lot of guides mentioned that fast-travel (clicking on the map in the hub) would break the game for them. I only did it a couple of times, but it never messed up/slowed down the game for me. That was actually the only part I didn't have a problem with.


Edited by bud-arc
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Thanks for the tips.  Read them a few times.


I got all trophies and did everything in the game with no problems at all.  It sounds like I just got super lucky.


I used a different save file after every completed projector and backed up my save after every 5 completed projectors.  Fortunately I never needed the backups.


The only time I closed the game was for backing up saves.  Other than that I used Rest mode a bunch of times.  


I found the puzzles confusing and used the ps4trophies guides a lot if that helps anyone having problems.  Maybe follow the order they did things.

Edited by big_bob002
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  • 7 months later...
  • 1 year later...

Apparently, an update came out in September 2020, which fixes a bunch of problems.


- PS4 PRO 4k support added.
- Fixed a streaming level saving issue that affected the Mining depth levels that swap in and out.
- Fixed an issue where teleporting to Loss from the Case would cause a player to fall through the floor.
- Fixed an issue where the End Sequence wasn't displaying any ribbons that you found in Brimclif Mine.
- Potential fix for a door in the End Sequence not opening after the water part.
- Fixed an issue where the pulley rope in the Blacksmith wasn't saving its position.
- Fixed notes and background elements not scaling to different resolutions.
- Fixed some trophy unlock issues.
- Fixed an issue where the water sometimes turns green in the mines due to an outdated reflectioncapture.
- Re-enabled some autosave checkpoints.
- Fixed an issue where the mapboard doesn't appear sometimes.
- Fixed many door rotation issues
- Fixed a crash on start new game related to an unreferenced camera fade.
- Fixed a crash involving dialogue that is playing while saving the game.
- Fixed an issue where look sensitivity was a very small value by default.
- Fixed an outmap in the may day bedroom.
- Fixed an issue where blackboards didn't keep their current text after loading game.
- Repaired blackboard cursors and fonts.
- Fixed a missing visual effect when tearing a rubber pipe in the village.
- Fixed an outmap in Industrial Center.
- Fixed walk on water issues in Devlin, Mine and Midpoint.
- Fixed an issue where an item with two materials would swap material with another item (may day envelope).
- Prevented the player from interacting with the may day order form while the form is being moved into the envelope.
- Disabled the water volume in Devlin so that when the water drains away the player doesn't still hear water footsteps.
- Fixed an issue where Arsenic house would show the wrong flame colour after loading the game or returning to the area.
- Fixed an issue where you could walk through the blue valve puzzle machine in Devlin.
- Fixed an issue where the arsenic grinder speed would be incorrect after loading the game.
- Fixed a level streaming issue in Devlin where a room would not be visible from a certain angle.
- Latent Determinism fix - handled an issue that was contributing to broken save files and puzzles.
- Fixed Miners Dry puzzle with a valid count of candles. If you have issues, try turning all the candles off and starting again.
- Church Bells Puzzle is now more reliable.
- Fixed a distance culling issue with some meshes beneath the lighthouse when in the Harbour.
- Fixed a menu issue where UI elements would be greyed out until they were active.
- Fixed the issue where an item placed sound would always fire after the game is loaded.
- Fixed a bad subtitle in English when entering the Blacksmith puzzle.
- Fixed a typo in English when reading a note in the Blacksmith puzzle.
- Reduced loud volume of puzzle solved ambient effects in the Industrial area.
- Fixed missing collision on a pillar in the Industrial area.
- Made an additional 700a fuse spawn in the lockers closest to the ventilation valve puzzle if the puzzle hasn't been solved yet.
- Forced the piano interaction to unlock in Village when the game loads so that players don't get stuck on Church puzzle.
- Fixed an issue where blackboards would allow a single character to be entered to be solved.
- Fixed a missing 'slow' effect on a water volume in Brimclif.
- Fixed an issue where culling of the candles in Miners Vigil left them not visible from a distance.
- Fixed an issue where the mapboard would not allow interactions with puzzle text elements below a certain angle.
- Fixed a lack of collision on pumping machinery on the memory puzzle in Brimclif, and allowed the player to interact with the reel.
- Fixed an issue where you couldn't walk to the furthest desks in one of the school classrooms in the Village.
- Fixed some repeating audio issues across the Village.
- Fixed the mapboard ID's being mismatched to the projectors - when you solve a puzzle, the correct puzzle will be gold on the mapboard.
- Fixed an issue where the combo dials opposite the reel machine in Brimclif couldn't be interacted with.
- Fixed an issue where Brimclif lift audio would loop forever if taking the lift a couple of times.
- Fixed a lighting issue with the paintable wall in Village.
- All puzzles and savegame operations are now much more reliable.
- Fixed an incorrect light reference in the Dead Miners puzzle which made spotting the 2 lamps made visible by the rightmost altar very difficult.
- Fix for the blackboard in Pinwheel Shipping in the Village not firing it's correct event for puzzle solved if you solve it too close to other dialogue.
- Fixed in-world tutorial tips not updating their language if the player chose a new language unless the player loaded another level.
- Fixed a variety of



Is it safe to play it now? :hmm:

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  • 3 weeks later...
On 12/12/2021 at 4:13 AM, zizimonster said:

Apparently, an update came out in September 2020, which fixes a bunch of problems.


Is it safe to play it now? :hmm:


It's been awhile since I played.  I played it before that patch even and don't remember any problems.


If you have the patience backing up saves is always a great fail safe.

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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 2 years later...

I can confirm that I did not have any major issues either. Played on my PS5, load times were fast, and only ran into about 3 or 4 tiny issues with the puzzles/projectors more so due to a solution issue rather than an actual glitch

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