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Platinumed Dark Souls 3 - is Bloodborne harder ?


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DS3 is the first and only souls game I've played so far and I have enjoyed it immensely ( although I died so many times I can't remember).
In fact I loved it so much I decided to platinum it. It took me about ~4 weeks.

In terms of difficulty, would you guys rate Bloodborne as Harder or Easier to platinum than DS3 ?
How about difficulty in general ? Which one is tougher to beat ?

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7 minutes ago, gamitech said:

DS3 is the first and only souls game I've played so far and I have enjoyed it immensely ( although I died so many times I can't remember).
In fact I loved it so much I decided to platinum it. It took me about ~4 weeks.

In terms of difficulty, would you guys rate Bloodborne as Harder or Easier to platinum than DS3 ?
How about difficulty in general ? Which one is tougher to beat ?


At first I felt Bloodborne was harder due to the gameplay being based mostly on offense than defence.

Being aggressive is the key than it will become a little easier.

Side note: Winter Lanterns. FUCK Winter Lanterns. ?

Edited by reiner-
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I'd say it's easier, collecting all the weapons in Bloodborne is way easier than collecting all the rings in DS3.  And there's no ending that requires you to follow very time sensitive steps.  However, Defiled Chalice Amygdala.  Just Defiled Chalice Amygdala.


Congrats on your DS3 plat and good luck on Bloodborne.  I've been meaning to pick it back up and finish the plat myself.

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47 minutes ago, gamitech said:

DS3 is the first and only souls game I've played so far and I have enjoyed it immensely ( although I died so many times I can't remember).
In fact I loved it so much I decided to platinum it. It took me about ~4 weeks.

In terms of difficulty, would you guys rate Bloodborne as Harder or Easier to platinum than DS3 ?
How about difficulty in general ? Which one is tougher to beat ?


The game overall is about the same difficulty
The DLC is harder (although there are no trophies related to the DLC, I think you should play it because is simply one of the best DLC ever created)

The platinum is harder (if you don't use multiplayer) but shorter (you only need one playthrough)
If you use multiplayer to defeat the chalice dungeon bosses (optional bosses) the game is as easy/hard as Dark Souls 3. But if not, there are 2 or 3 bosses that are really though

Edited by Lezonidas
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It's waaay less grindy than Dark Souls is. If you've never played bloodborne, it might be harder at first because of the combat differences, but overall the plat is easier and takes less time. You need at least 2 playhroughs if you use cloud saving, 3 otherwise, but the playthroughs after the first one take less time since you know the areas and enemies.

Edited by ChunkyKong64
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Bloodborne is a cakewalk compared to the grind for the Dark Souls III plat.


You might have trouble in the Defiled Chalice Dungeon because it cuts your hp in half.

Defiled Amygdala can be troublesome even for an experienced player and with coop assistance., but for the most part game is easier and shorter than DS3.


If Dark Souls III was your first game in the series and it took you for 4 weeks, then I estimate it will take you 1-2 weeks to plat Bloodborne.


Grats on DS3 plat and enjoy Bloodborne!


Also, axe is a really nice starter weapon. Very versatile weapon for different situations.


If you have any questions or concerns, send me a private message here or on my PSN account.

Edited by Bodyodorthegrave69
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I would say that BB is difficult than DS3 because BB encourages players to be offensive all the time and in my case, I just have difficulties handling the dodge/parry timing on all From Software games. Being offensive is definitely not my type lol. Besides BB has DLC trophies so it should be harder. And the only good thing in BB is that it's much less grindy.

Edited by Astray404
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Haven't played Dark Souls 3 yet, but yes Bloodborne is easier. Most of the base game bosses in Bloodborne is stupid easy even by yourself. The only one that gave me issue was in the chalice dungeon where you have half health and that's literally the only reason why he was hard. Forget about everything Dark Souls taught you besides patience and pattern learning. Just make sure to get the three umbilical cords and you'll be golden because nothing else is missable unless you just drop things willy-nilly.


And looking at the trophy guides Dark Souls 3 has collect all the rings which is 3 playthroughs while all weapons and tools is much easier and only requires 1. If you back up your saves you can even do all 3 endings on your first NG.

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Defiled Amygdala and Orphan of Kos are both way, WAY tougher than anything that's required for trophies in DS3 and you need to do both if you 100% Bloodborne. The DS3 DLC bosses are more in line with those two in Bloodborne however so if you've done that you might be OK. Bloodborne plays a bit differently although there are a lot of similarities, so you'll probably have to adapt a bit but it's overall pretty forgiving once you get how the systems work.


Also fuck the red spiders in the Chalice Dungeons, why do they hit harder than any boss.

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2 minutes ago, Seasonreaper said:

Defiled Amygdala and Orphan of Kos are both way, WAY tougher than anything that's required for trophies in DS3 and you need to do both if you 100% Bloodborne. The DS3 DLC bosses are more in line with those two in Bloodborne however so if you've done that you might be OK. Bloodborne plays a bit differently although there are a lot of similarities, so you'll probably have to adapt a bit but it's overall pretty forgiving once you get how the systems work.


Also fuck the red spiders in the Chalice Dungeons, why do they hit harder than any boss.

You can at least get the orphan stuck in multiple different types of loops, which make him a joke. He can also be backstabbed pretty easily

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8 hours ago, Bodyodorthegrave69 said:

If Dark Souls III was your first game in the series and it took you for 4 weeks, then I estimate it will take you 1-2 weeks to plat Bloodborne.


Grats on DS3 plat and enjoy Bloodborne!


Also, axe is a really nice starter weapon. Very versatile weapon for different situations.


If you have any questions or concerns, send me a private message here or on my PSN account.

Thanks so much for the reply and the tips.
I feel much more encouraged now to take it on.

Thanks everybody and I will PM you if I need anything. Thanks again for that.

I want to thank everybody for the feedback.
I am willing to give Bloodborne trophy a go now with all of this feedback.
Thanks again, you guys are great !

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If you enjoyed DS3 then you definitely should play Bloodborne, regardless of difficulty and length. It's hands down the best FromSoft game and one of the best games on the PS4, and I'm sure you'll have a blast ?


Bloodborne was my first souls-like game, followed by DS3, so the former gave me a bit more trouble. To put some numbers to it, I'd rate Dark Souls III a 5/10 and Bloodborne a 6/10 in challenge, mainly due to the DLC and Chalice Dungeons, but both a 10/10 in enjoyment ?



Edit: I should mention than I played both games entirely offline and never summoned. If you are going to summon help then I guess both games are trivial. 

Edited by Arcesius
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I managed to get the platinum.
Thanks everyone for the encouragement to start playing this.
I really enjoyed the game, the atmosphere. It's really cool.

There a few f...ed up bosses  as on my road to the platinum I wanted to kill everysingle one but all in all amazing game.

On 2/5/2020 at 3:24 PM, Seasonreaper said:

Defiled Amygdala and Orphan of Kos are both way, WAY tougher than anything that's required for trophies in DS3 and you need to do both if you 100% Bloodborne. The DS3 DLC bosses are more in line with those two in Bloodborne however so if you've done that you might be OK. Bloodborne plays a bit differently although there are a lot of similarities, so you'll probably have to adapt a bit but it's overall pretty forgiving once you get how the systems work.


Also fuck the red spiders in the Chalice Dungeons, why do they hit harder than any boss.

:)) indeed fuck those spiders.
I must admit the worst boss in my entire platinum run was the Defiled Amygdala. Suck a bad boss as almost everything there one-shots you. I hate this kind of design. It took me way too many tries. I am ashamed to even recall how many.

On 2/5/2020 at 1:09 PM, Astray404 said:

I would say that BB is difficult than DS3 because BB encourages players to be offensive all the time and in my case, I just have difficulties handling the dodge/parry timing on all From Software games. Being offensive is definitely not my type lol. Besides BB has DLC trophies so it should be harder. And the only good thing in BB is that it's much less grindy.

Right, but the DLC trophies are not needed for the platinum. There is a separate Gold trophy in the DLC for getting all of the bosses there.

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  • 3 months later...

I personally found the nameless king tougher than any of the bloodborne bosses, including the chalice dungeons. I played them in order too (DS1, then DS2 then DS3 then Bloodborne) so can't say it was a 'learning effect'. Gascoigne was probably my hardest fight as its so early on and forced me to learn/use the parry mechanic, which is a good thing as the parrying in bloodborne is really OP and much easier to pull off than in Dark Souls. If we're including DLC then I think Sister Friede and Gael were also tougher than Kos. 

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