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Would you prefer instant gaming (no loading) or maximum graphical potential


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15 hours ago, Akrioz said:

I will take fast loading any time any day. When you die on death march in The Witcher 3 you are forced to load for 2 minutes. Metro Exodus loading times are about five minutes for the last DLC. So much times spent surfing the internet when I could just play instead and do not get out of the game.



My thoughts too. Maybe I’ll even be able to play LBP3, which I gave up on due to horrendous load times.

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When more horsepower and/or faster loading is an excuse for devs to not optimize their code and install sizes, then in the end it does not bring you what it potentially could. The modern gaming consoles allow some indie devs (but even some AAA studios) to produce games that are barely even functional and only the sheer horsepower of the console makes it somewhat acceptable. On an original Playstation 1 those devs would not have had a job at all. To even make it work back then you had to know the consoles inside and out and that can be a very good thing, because easier to produce games on a system does not mean you get better games!


A game like "Save the Ninja Clan" comes to mind. Three moving objects on the screen already makes it jitter and lag like crazy. It's pathetic, maybe learn how to code on a certain platform first before you try to release a game on it. For some devs "it doesn't crash too often" seems to be enough though.


/rantmode off

Edited by pinkrobot_pb
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Performance comes before graphics. If load times are more than 1 minute, that's ridiculous. For PS5, I feel that 30 FPS is no longer acceptable... we need 60. Instant loading would be nice. Those SSDs will not come cheap, so the devs should have some respect for our storage space and optimise the install sizes.

Edited by RadiantFlamberge
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2 hours ago, RadiantFlamberge said:

Performance comes before graphics. If load times are more than 1 minute, that's ridiculous. For PS5, I feel that 30 FPS is no longer acceptable... we need 60. Instant loading would be nice. Those SSDs will not come cheap, so the devs should have some respect for our storage space and optimise the install sizes.

I agree. Well, I’m fine with the storage size given 1) I’ve had a launch 500GB this gen and never hit the wall (although I do uninstall games whenever I’ve finished with them); and 2) games are going to be downloadable in parts this gen, so I likely won’t have online multiplayer stuff installed apart from if I’m chasing a trophy.

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I have a job. I have kids. I hate when games waste my time with loading screens. So there's my answer.


Also, I don't think that Microsoft's brute machine will enhance visual fidelity that much. The PS5 might have smarter, invisible solutions to work around performance. A few splashes of shadows here and there under rocks or whatever ain't going to change my mind. PS will have games that better suit me, I'm 10,000% sure.

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4 hours ago, fbdbh said:

I have a job. I have kids. I hate when games waste my time with loading screens. So there's my answer.


Also, I don't think that Microsoft's brute machine will enhance visual fidelity that much. The PS5 might have smarter, invisible solutions to work around performance. A few splashes of shadows here and there under rocks or whatever ain't going to change my mind. PS will have games that better suit me, I'm 10,000% sure.

Indeed, when I was a kid I would have been willing to wait for better graphics. Now I just want to increase play time and get far more frustrated with long loading times. 

Edited by thefourfoldroot
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I agree with the majority, no loading would be amazing and the PS5 might be a first example in this scenario. I don't mind graphics that aren't perfect, I still play the PS2, N64 or even a pixel game :D
If they actually could reduce the loading time to 0 and the whole game would be one gigantic world, without waiting 5 minutes in the menu or after you died and need to load - that would be amazing !
On the other hand, I would miss good loading screens, like in Skyrim, Dark Souls games, or Monster Hunter games (except MHWorld). They have info in their loading screens that may interest some people, me included, or they just look nice, like with the monster hunter maps in the loading screen :)

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10 hours ago, Ac3dUd3- said:

At one point our eyes wont be able to tell the difference in resolutions past a certain point. there is no need to have a 16k game lol

Agreed. I'm satisfied with 4k, or even 2.5k (2560 x 1440, which is what I game at on PC). You would need quite a large TV to appreciate 8k... probably 85" or more. Give me 4k@60 fps rather than 8k@30.


Sony's video of GT Sport running 8k@120 has aroused my skepticism. It looks like a bullshot to me. I'm more ready to believe that this was done on some super high end PC costing $4.000 or more. I'd like to be wrong.


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Instant load times seems like an improvement that more people will notice than graphical enhancements. There are lots of gamers (myself included) still playing on 1080p TVs, so 4k/8k/googolplexK graphics mean nothing to me at the moment.


While I'll almost certainly get a 4k TV before I buy my next gaming console, not everyone has the financial means to buy a new TV every time a new standard hits the market. Instant load times will benefit everyone no matter what TV they're playing on.

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