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Avowed... Xbox Exclusive?!


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So Obsidian have revealed their newest RPG, Avowed. As a fan of their previous work, such as Fallout: New Vegas and The Outer Worlds, at first I was really excited, but then I found out that the game is going to be XBOX EXCLUSIVE?! What the fuck?! I understand that Obsidian is owned by Microsoft but surely I can't be the only one who's pissed about this. I hate exclusives in general, even if they're PlayStation exclusives. Everyone should have access to great games.

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5 minutes ago, matigrosso91 said:

I feel you, man. Hellblade 2 being exclusive of Xbox makes me sad and anger because i LOVED the first one.


Sorry to hear that, man. Like I said, I really hate exclusives. When I tell people that, they're always like "oh I bet it's fine when it's PlayStation exclusive" but no, I wish they weren't a thing at all. I hate the fact that there are some great games on PlayStation that people on Xbox will never be able to experience.


5 minutes ago, DEI2EK said:

On the bright side you can get it on PC if you have a gaming PC, but I wouldn’t expect any Obsidian games to ever come to Playstation again unless Microsoft cuts them loose


I'm afraid my PC wouldn't be able to run a big modern game like that, unfortunately. Yeah, agreed, I doubt whether we'll ever seen an Obsidian game on PlayStation again, which sucks so much because they're one of the best when it comes to RPGs.

1 minute ago, Hayabusa85 said:

Without exclusives there would be no point in more than one console existing.  Without more than one console existing there would be no competition.  Without competition there would be no need to try and innovate to one up the opposition.  Hating exclusives is hating gaming.


I see your point but I disagree that "there would be no point in more than one console existing". PlayStation and Xbox can one-up each other on more things than exclusives. Things that don't screw over half the gaming world.

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17 minutes ago, ImMagnetz said:

So Obsidian have revealed their newest RPG, Avowed. As a fan of their previous work, such as Fallout: New Vegas and The Outer Worlds, at first I was really excited, but then I found out that the game is going to be XBOX EXCLUSIVE?! What the fuck?! I understand that Obsidian is owned by Microsoft but surely I can't be the only one who's pissed about this. I hate exclusives in general, even if they're PlayStation exclusives. Everyone should have access to great games.

Dude xbox is done this event was trash!! That game looked like a xbox 360 game ..NAW not mad at all lol it was trash!! Happy to be honest ps dont have that crap lol 

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5 minutes ago, Titanomachy_75 said:

Dude xbox is done this event was trash!! That game looked like a xbox 360 game ..NAW not mad at all lol it was trash!! Happy to be honest ps dont have that crap lol 


I'd need to see more of it to form an opinion on that but I'd have still been interested in it seeing as Obsidian tend to make great RPG games. I'm not so much worried about what it looks like graphically.

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18 minutes ago, Hayabusa85 said:

Without exclusives there would be no point in more than one console existing.  Without more than one console existing there would be no competition.  Without competition there would be no need to try and innovate to one up the opposition.  Hating exclusives is hating gaming.

ps and nintendo is enough

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1 hour ago, NxtDoc said:


No, it is also on PC.  So it isn't exclusive to Xbox.  


Why would you hate exclusives?  That is what gives a brand it's identity.  It is the lifeblood of a console.  These companies need to separate themselves, outside of an operating system, and a box.


Are you upset that the Whopper is a BK exclusive?  Are you upset that Ford is the only company that makes a Mustang? 


The entitlement is ridiculous.  


Exactly.  It's not fair that McDonald's can only make the Big Mac!  



The Fast Food comparison doesn't work. You can freely walk into either shop and buy the one you want, you don't have to have a 500 dollar membership to gain entry into each venue.

But I agree, exclusives are needed as they give people a reason to buy a console and 'should' spark rivalry between the various companies.


2 hours ago, ImMagnetz said:


Sorry to hear that, man. Like I said, I really hate exclusives. When I tell people that, they're always like "oh I bet it's fine when it's PlayStation exclusive" but no, I wish they weren't a thing at all. I hate the fact that there are some great games on PlayStation that people on Xbox will never be able to experience.



I'm afraid my PC wouldn't be able to run a big modern game like that, unfortunately. Yeah, agreed, I doubt whether we'll ever seen an Obsidian game on PlayStation again, which sucks so much because they're one of the best when it comes to RPGs.


I see your point but I disagree that "there would be no point in more than one console existing". PlayStation and Xbox can one-up each other on more things than exclusives. Things that don't screw over half the gaming world.

You won't need a good PC come September, xCloud is supposedly being added to GP Ultimate (although they 'could' increase the price or sell an upgraded version). This will allow you to stream all gamepass games (at least first-party ones) on any tablet, phone, PC or older Xbox consoles. So, you'll be able to play it for a dollar when Xbox has their usual offers running.

Edited by turniplord
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10 hours ago, Titanomachy_75 said:

Dude xbox is done this event was trash!! That game looked like a xbox 360 game ..NAW not mad at all lol it was trash!! Happy to be honest ps dont have that crap lol 

Thats something a basic Playstation fan would say. I have both consoles and to be honest. Xbox had some great games showcased today. The event was pretty good. No one complained during it or after it. And on the plus side, Xbox users can play all 20-30 gamea for free. So who would complain? Avowed was one of the most popular games during that livestream because it was made by Obsidian, the people who created the Outer Worlds. Which some people see as a better "Fallout 4". Now they must be aiming to make a better "Skyrim". Which is why so many people like the game already.

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4 minutes ago, ShesInNightCity said:

No one complained during it or after it.


Well, this is a thread complaining after it. Also:


PS5 event: 8/10

Xbox event: 5/10



2/10 i'd say



Avowed, Fable and Everwild really peaked my interest, but nothing at launch. Halo looked really dated...



You’re being generous with the XBox score 


It's okay to come in with how you feel about the event and it's content, but you don't need to start by dismissing how others felt about it.

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45 minutes ago, ShesInNightCity said:

And that no one can say that either is garbage because of that fact.


Again, that's just dismissing others viewpoints. Other people don't get to dictate your viewpoint and you don't get to dictate theirs. Claiming subjective opinions are "facts" isn't an excuse. That's considered giving others grief and will be moderated here.

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9 hours ago, turniplord said:

The Fast Food comparison doesn't work. You can freely walk into either shop and buy the one you want, you don't have to have a 500 dollar membership to gain entry into each venue.

But I agree, exclusives are needed as they give people a reason to buy a console and 'should' spark rivalry between the various companies.


You won't need a good PC come September, xCloud is supposedly being added to GP Ultimate (although they 'could' increase the price or sell an upgraded version). This will allow you to stream all gamepass games (at least first-party ones) on any tablet, phone, PC or older Xbox consoles. So, you'll be able to play it for a dollar when Xbox has their usual offers running.


I also offered Vehicles for that exact reason.  For those that try to diminish the Whopper.


It is ridiculous to say exclusives are bad.  No they are not.  As you mentioned they spark competition, and competition breeds excellence.  Stone sharpens steel.  


And this outrageous notion that a business should stop doing the very thing that made them significant in the 1st place is mind boggling.

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I like exclusives. I believe in competing game systems. The more of both we have the better the attempts at getting us to give up our wallets by game makers through producing a better product... there are of course exceptions, but generally the good outweighs the EAs and Bethesdas...


I will definitely miss playing Hellblade's next..

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13 hours ago, NxtDoc said:


No, it is also on PC.  So it isn't exclusive to Xbox.  


Why would you hate exclusives?  That is what gives a brand it's identity.  It is the lifeblood of a console.  These companies need to separate themselves, outside of an operating system, and a box.


Are you upset that the Whopper is a BK exclusive?  Are you upset that Ford is the only company that makes a Mustang? 


The entitlement is ridiculous.  


Exactly.  It's not fair that McDonald's can only make the Big Mac!  




It being on PC is of no use to me, I play on PlayStation. Like I said, brands can live and die on the quality of their console and the services they provide, eg. PlayStation Plus. They don't need to repeatedly screw over half the console gaming world just because they want to have a dick measuring contest. Comparing huge, beautiful video game experiences to fucking burgers is just silly, come on now.

12 hours ago, ObliviousSenpai said:

It just sounds like you're frustrated that you don't get everything on one system.


Yes, I am. I shouldn't have to miss out on games from my favourite developers just because they're being controlled by these big corporations.

11 hours ago, turniplord said:

The Fast Food comparison doesn't work. You can freely walk into either shop and buy the one you want, you don't have to have a 500 dollar membership to gain entry into each venue.

But I agree, exclusives are needed as they give people a reason to buy a console and 'should' spark rivalry between the various companies.


You won't need a good PC come September, xCloud is supposedly being added to GP Ultimate (although they 'could' increase the price or sell an upgraded version). This will allow you to stream all gamepass games (at least first-party ones) on any tablet, phone, PC or older Xbox consoles. So, you'll be able to play it for a dollar when Xbox has their usual offers running.


I don't really understand all that, if I'm being honest. How could I be able to play it on a PC that isn't good? You'd need to at least have a PC that's able to run modern games surely, which I don't have.

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5 minutes ago, ImMagnetz said:



I don't really understand all that, if I'm being honest. How could I be able to play it on a PC that isn't good? You'd need to at least have a PC that's able to run modern games surely, which I don't have.

xCloud is like PSNow on PC. You're basically streaming the games from Microsofts servers. So, any device - regardless of power - can play the games as your PC isn't rendering anything other than the stream of the game. 


Think Stadia. 

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20 minutes ago, craig_obviously said:

I like exclusives. I believe in competing game systems. The more of both we have the better the attempts at getting us to give up our wallets by game makers through producing a better product... there are of course exceptions, but generally the good outweighs the EAs and Bethesdas...


I will definitely miss playing Hellblade's next..


I can understand that. It's obviously good that both companies are in competition and are trying to out-do each other. I just wish that there was a way to do that without half the console gaming world repeatedly having to miss out on great titles just for the sake of them one-upping each other. If exclusives have to be a thing, I wish we could at least have it that the games come out for the other console eventually, maybe say a year later or something.

1 minute ago, turniplord said:

xCloud is like PSNow on PC. You're basically streaming the games from Microsofts servers. So, any device - regardless of power - can play the games as your PC isn't rendering anything other than the stream of the game. 


Think Stadia. 


Ahh, I see what you mean. Interesting. Hmm, I've never been a fan of that whole concept, hence why I've never been subbed to PSNow, but I suppose it might be better than nothing.

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19 minutes ago, ImMagnetz said:


It being on PC is of no use to me, I play on PlayStation. Like I said, brands can live and die on the quality of their console and the services they provide, eg. PlayStation Plus. They don't need to repeatedly screw over half the console gaming world just because they want to have a dick measuring contest. Comparing huge, beautiful video game experiences to fucking burgers is just silly, come on now.


Yes, I am. I shouldn't have to miss out on games from my favourite developers just because they're being controlled by these big corporations.


I don't really understand all that, if I'm being honest. How could I be able to play it on a PC that isn't good? You'd need to at least have a PC that's able to run modern games surely, which I don't have.

This will never change so you either adjust or you don’t. PS has a ton of exclusives that not even PC gamers could play and they’re now getting them (*maybe; not confirmed yet; rumour* Bloodborne, *confirmed* Horizon Zero Dawn) which is great but this is business. There will always be concurrence to have the most money. If you want to play exclusive games that aren’t on PS then you should either drop it and move on or take initiative and save money to get a PC and/or XBOX. Yes it sucks that Hellblade 2 and Avowed are exclusives but from a business aspect thats how people will also buy an XBOX/PC instead of a PS5.

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