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The $10 to $50 PlayStation gift card giveaway - Ends July 15th 2024


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Posted (edited)

Tier 1 Entries


1. BlutistaBytes - Cat Quest, Cat Quest II, Assassin's Creed Origins, Assassin's Creed Odyssey

2. Kishnabe - Cat Quest, Cat Quest II

3. KirbyLlama - Cat Quest, Cat Quest II, Tales of Kenzera: Zau




Tier 1 Finalists


1. BlutistaBytes (3) - Pawesome Combo

2. KirbyLlama (6) - Pawesome Combo





Tier 2 Entries


1. MAUSZX - Night in the WoodsHeadliner: NoviNews, Midnight Fight Express, Road 96

2. NamoPh - Sea of Stars





Tier 2 Finalists


1. MAUSZX (7) - Odd Night






Tier 3 Entries


1. CobraMJD - Kingdom Hearts

2. Eblait - Batman: The Telltale Series, Batman: The Enemey Within, Kingdom Hearts Re: Chain of Memories

3. RotatingCube - Kingdom Hearts: Melody of Memory

4. stuck-energies3 - Kingdom Hearts: Melody of Memory

5. Jeanoltt - Call of the Sea



Tier 3 Finalists


1. RotatingCube (20) - Keyblade Master

2. Eblait (5) - Tell Tales

3. stuck-energies3 (20) - Keyblade Master




Tier 4 Entries


1. Jeanoltt - Nier Replicant

2. StraightVege - Soulstice, Rise of the Tomb Raider, Disco Elysium, Deep Sky Derelicts: Definitive Edition

3. DoctorBaofu - Rise of the Tomb Raider, Shadow of the Tomb Raider, Pyre, A Space For the Unbound, Dredge, Sable

4. UK-Danny-93 - Nier Replicant, Dredge

5. jpwbjpwb - Mafia III, Sable, Shadow of the Tomb Raider

6. nashoyo68 - Rise of the Tomb Raider, Nier Replicant

7. mickTHC - Soulstice

8. Meikoro - Nier Replicant, A Space For the Unbound

9. RustyZero - Dodgeball Academia

10. ShadyWARcotix - A Space For the UnboundDodgeball Academia, Dredge, Sable, Assassin's Creed III, Disco Elysium



Tier 4 Finalists


1. nashoyo68 (5) - The Tomb Raider

2. DoctorBaofu (15) - The Tomb Raider

3. jpwbjpwb (6) - The Tomb Raider

4. ShadyWARcotix (17)

5. UK-Danny-93 (8)

6. Meikoro (9)

7. StraightVege (14) - The Tomb Raider


Tier 5 Entries


1. xtrminator05 - Dragon Age II, Dragon Age: Inquisition, Tales of Zestiria

2. jonesey46 - Banishers: Ghosts of New Eden

3. KyonKuchiki - Dragon Age: Inquisition, Banishers: Ghosts of New Eden

4. ShadyWARcotix - Immortality

5. Xylobe - Immortality, Banishers: Ghosts of New Eden

6. MrHealthy - Dragon Age II



Tier 5 Finalists


1. ShadyWARcotix (2)

2. Xylobe (27) - Shepards and Banishers

3. xtrminator05 (20) - Where's Dreadwolf

4. KyonKuchiki (20) - Where's Dreadwolf


Edited by Abby_TheLastofUs
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Posted (edited)

Seems harder to pick the game now. Too bad you can't combo diferent tiers, as the games I am most interested are one from each tier, with the exception of tier 1 where I have two and tier 2 where I have none. 🤔

Edited by kluhyarg
Stupid brain made me type the wrong word.
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Posted (edited)
7 hours ago, RedbeardRik said:

Awesome contest. Do we have to nominate our games beforehand or just say here when the needed trophy has been earned? 


You can post here when you're done with your game/games, but I'd have an easier time keeping track of things if you posted what game you're choosing to enter with, and then posting again when you're done with it. Ideally, it would look like this:


Day 1 - Person A posts their game of choice 

Day 6 - Person A posts that they've finished their game of choice, and post what their next chosen game is

Day 14 - Person A posts they've finished their second game of choice, posts their third choice (if they have one)


And it goes on like that, but yeah, you can just post when you're finished with everything, but it'd make things easier for me if I was notified of you each step, one post at a time. It'd also frequently bump the thread, making more people notice it and enter the giveaway. 😋


Mentioned this in the OP, but for those that might have glossed over it. The list of game choices will continue expanding until the giveaway is over, so check back frequently, even if there's nothing listed right now that you want to play.


If there are any games you'd like to see included in the giveaway, leave a comment on my profile and I'll consider adding them. Don't post them here, though, don't want the thread getting too cluttered with people suggesting games.


Edited by Abby_TheLastofUs
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Posted (edited)

Very specific personal question. Say the guide of "I was a Teenage Exocolonist" were to be edited to make it look super quick and easy to get all 29 endings... Would that cause it to be worth less tickets (Since I know I'm damn well not getting them). 😜 


I'm leaning towards tier 4 since I have a bunch of the games already, but not planning anything for now.


Thanks for the giveaway Abby! (btw wanted to confirm the guide bit was a joke in case the guide team see this  😅)



Edited by Breakingthegreen
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Thanks for the giveaway!


I was planning to participate starting with Dragon Age II, but I checked my profile and found out that I got exactly 1 trophy in it 9 years while testing my game disc back when I bought it. Did not actually play the game or get any more trophies.


Is there chance I can still participate by playing DAII? Or am I out of luck?

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This one actually sounds fun, so I suppose it's time to ruin my completion percentage for a while. Because I've played a number of the options already (particularly those in Tier 1), I had to peruse this list for quite a while to decide on a plan of action. Ultimately, I've chosen to target these three games/trophies in Tier 4:


Soulstice - "We can choose to Fight" (4)

Rise of the Tomb Raider - "The Price of Truth" (2)

Disco Elysium - "Venture into the HARDCORE" (5)


From what I understand, this will also combo for "The Tomb Raider" (5), since I've already played Shadow of the Tomb Raider previously. Correct me if I'm wrong, of course.


I'll post an update when this task is finally accomplished, which may take some time, as I've been too preoccupied with other life stuff to play anything lately. I'd also like to finish My Friend Pedro first, before it leaves PS+. Still, I should be able to comfortably nab these trophies by July 15th.


Thank you.

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I'm gonna give this another shot.   I'll go with Rise of the Tomb Raider as my first game.  


I played the first one, but never got around to playing Rise and Shadow, so I'm using this giveaway to make myself finally play those.

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11 hours ago, MAUSZX said:

So the best or maybe the only strategy is focus on one tier. Right?


Yes, there's no point in switching tiers.


You can if you want to, but it doesn't improve your chances. The only games that count are the ones from the tier you've chosen.

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Posted (edited)

Count me in again please and I'll enter Tier 5 with my first game being Banishers Ghosts of New Eden


I won't be going for the combo though cause Tales of Zestiria does not look like my thing at all 😅

Edited by jonesey46
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I know tier 4 is already crowded enough, but that's the tier I have multiple backlog games in already. Will be doing my best to cover some or all of Mafia III, Sable, and Shadow of the Tomb Raider.

Might end up switching to tier 1 or 2 closer to the end date. will have to see.

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Totally failed last time but feel like giving this another shot. Plan on continuing to crowd tier 4 by playing Rise of the Tomb Raider.

If I have enough time I might finally give the NieR franchise a shot.

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Awesome, what a great idea for a contest! I love the 1 trophy from 5+ years ago rule. I've made it a particular focus this year to clear my backlog, and while I'm sad I have more than 1 trophy in Tales of Zesteria, I did see another game that's perfect. I'm going to throw my hat in the ring for Tier 5 and Dragon Age: Inquisition.

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I'm in!


Going for Tier 3 with Batman: The Telltale Series. I already have the Platinum for Tales from the Borderlands, so I'm also going for the Tell Tales combo.


Good luck everyone 🙂

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2 hours ago, Eblait said:

I'm in!


Going for Tier 3 with Batman: The Telltale Series. I already have the Platinum for Tales from the Borderlands, so I'm also going for the Tell Tales combo.


Good luck everyone 🙂

I have it too. But according to the rules I think we can not use our previous platinums and gameplays.

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