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ExistentialSolid's "Please Destroy Me" Detour


New Nomination List ~ Poll #1  

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  1. 1. Which of the following games would you like to see next?

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Oh man, I seriously got to the very end on the ultra hard challenge last night! With the perfect items too. the space bar item that gives you health and bloody recharge. While I was playing I also got balls of steel twice! But those two items on ultra hard are a godsend.


I cried. I was sad. Was so close to getting to second stage. It was when 4 champion sins are there. So fucking close :(


Be glad you don't got the afterbirth and afterbirth+ challenges. 

Edited by freeman4200
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Now that you got to mega satan, I can expand on ultra hard.


Ultra hard is beating mega satan with only 3 hearts or whatever amount of health ups you get. But there are zero red/soul heart pick ups. And the baddies are extra tough. Champions are everywhere. 


Anyways, the guy saying it's easier to get the lost with the expansions is kind of right. There is a item called missing poster, it's those kind of items that are on your bottom left when you pick it up. Well you die with that and bam you turn into the lost and unlock it. The problem is the item rarely shows itself. If you look at my trophy for the lost you can see how long it took from when I started the game. Like a year. It's crazy. But have fun with the lost. Also just play on hard since you have too anyways to get full completion.

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On 4/13/2021 at 6:27 PM, freeman4200 said:

Oh man, I seriously got to the very end on the ultra hard challenge last night! With the perfect items too. the space bar item that gives you health and bloody recharge. While I was playing I also got balls of steel twice! But those two items on ultra hard are a godsend.


I cried. I was sad. Was so close to getting to second stage. It was when 4 champion sins are there. So fucking close :(


Be glad you don't got the afterbirth and afterbirth+ challenges. 

Ouch, I've only ever seen balls of steel twice in my entire experience with the game, let alone in a single run. :(
I'm sure you'll get there eventually though so don't give up! :D

On 4/14/2021 at 11:47 AM, Miles said:

Nice progress updates.. though I'm interested in how you're enjoying this little apsurd game so far? :P

Well, Isaac was enjoyable at first but the repetition has started to weigh on me. I keep finding excuses to play something else and my updates have suffered as a result. This is the type of game that can be great in short bursts, but, when trying to binge it, it ends up getting stale very quickly.

So, I think what I may need to do is take a break. But not a break from regularly updating this checklist; it would just be a break from Isaac. 

I've been thinking about breaking my own rules and starting a certain game for this checklist that released today. It may or may not have meat in the title... :giggle:

I'll make an announcement tomorrow if I decide to go through with it. 

On 4/14/2021 at 1:38 PM, grayhammmer said:

I know you said you won't go into the dlc for this game, but let me just say that having the first expansion pack makes getting the lost SO much easier.

You're right, the DLC would make it much, much easier! To be honest, I'm just too much of a cheapskate to buy it until I'm sure that I'm going to push my way through it. :P It shouldn't take me too much longer to unlock the Lost using the method outlined in the PSNP guide, I'll just need to put in a little more practice. 

23 hours ago, freeman4200 said:

Now that you got to mega satan, I can expand on ultra hard.


Ultra hard is beating mega satan with only 3 hearts or whatever amount of health ups you get. But there are zero red/soul heart pick ups. And the baddies are extra tough. Champions are everywhere. 


Anyways, the guy saying it's easier to get the lost with the expansions is kind of right. There is a item called missing poster, it's those kind of items that are on your bottom left when you pick it up. Well you die with that and bam you turn into the lost and unlock it. The problem is the item rarely shows itself. If you look at my trophy for the lost you can see how long it took from when I started the game. Like a year. It's crazy. But have fun with the lost. Also just play on hard since you have too anyways to get full completion.

I didn't even know there was such a thing as ultra hard until you mentioned it. ?

It definitely sounds like a challenge, though it will probably have to wait until I've decided to start the DLC (assuming ultra hard is necessary for any trophies). 

Thanks for the tip! I've run across the missing poster 2-3 times in runs but I think I will hold off on grabbing the expansions until I platinum the base game first. I'm sure I'll unlock the Lost the normal way soon enough! 

Edited by ExistentialSolid
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3 hours ago, ExistentialSolid said:

Well, Isaac was enjoyable at first but the repetition has started to weigh on me. I keep finding excuses to play something else and my updates have suffered as a result. This is the type of game that can be great in short bursts, but, when trying to binge it, it ends up getting stale very quickly.

So, I think what I may need to do is take a break. But not a break from regularly updating this checklist; it would just be a break from Isaac. 

So I’m not the only one feels that way about TBOI? I also went into this game, confident I could earn the platinum, and I did have fun for a while. However, once the sheer size of this platinum got wrapped around my head, I started drifting away from the game. The existence of garbage runs, where you don’t get any good items, wasn’t really helping, either. Maybe I’ve just played too much Dead Cells at the time, because garbage runs do exist there if you put too many items into your item pool. 

Regardless, it’s quite interesting to read about your journeys towards some soul-crushingly difficult platinums, especially TBOI. It’s actually encouraged me to give Splasher a try one of these days!

Edited by Trumpet_Boi_208
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Since I didn't start boi for the plat I had so much fun and loved learning the intricacies of the game. Only until months later after getting good at the game did I think about getting the plat. But when I did it hurt my enjoyment of the game. So now it's just about having the best run I can make with what I get. 


Don't rush it. Do a run on hard and then one on greed. Then take a break for a hour or two. Makes it much more fun than trying to grind run after run.


My goal is to plat the game by repentances release on ps4. Hopefully you can too!

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15 hours ago, ExistentialSolid said:

Well, Isaac was enjoyable at first but the repetition has started to weigh on me. I keep finding excuses to play something else and my updates have suffered as a result. This is the type of game that can be great in short bursts, but, when trying to binge it, it ends up getting stale very quickly.


 Agreed, its not a game you want to be grinding in long sessions for trophies. Also, from what Ive seen, playing it with all DLCs installed seems to be the way to go, giving you more content and variety. Some of the stuff they added with Repentence is game changing, making it feel like an entirely new game. I had no idea how Afterbirth worked at first so I didnt think about getting it until the plat was done but eh, kinda regret that now but its whatever :D


I think some SMB updates would be nice for sure. I'm not too sure how I feel about the game from watching gameplay, so some insight from a good player is always welcome.

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15 hours ago, ExistentialSolid said:


I've been thinking about breaking my own rules and starting a certain game for this checklist that released today. It may or may not have meat in the title... :giggle:


Do it! ? I enjoy your updates regardless of the game you are playing, but as @Miles mentioned, I, too, am not sure what to think of the game yet. Would be awesome to have your opinion!! 

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15 hours ago, ExistentialSolid said:

Well, Isaac was enjoyable at first but the repetition has started to weigh on me. I keep finding excuses to play something else and my updates have suffered as a result. This is the type of game that can be great in short bursts, but, when trying to binge it, it ends up getting stale very quickly.


I feel the same. I'm in the end game for the plat now, and my runs consist of getting to the item room on the first floor and rerolling for the Book of Revelations (for Super Meat Boy) or Pyromaniac (Infinite reroll method for the other 5 items I need), and restarting if I don't get it. It's tremendously repetitive and not much fun. I absolutely still like the game, and would recommend it to anyone looking for a good game to play normally, but the plat hunt has definitively made the game worse for me.


Unfortunately, I'm too stubborn to quit, so it's back to banging my head against a wall! 

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Nice challenge! I think this is the best for you and for the interest of the thread, I know well how BoI can get quite repetitive and tiresome if played a lot over a short period of time, it works better as a one-playthrough-per-session game. Especially if you tend to get tired of roguelites as you say.


Good luck with SMBF, I started it yesterday and it looks like this will not be an easy plat at all. I don’t know if as hard as the original one, but definitely hard enough!

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Destroyed by boredom xD


Im glad you’ve taken it upon yourself to change things up, I was thinking to myself not long ago that I hope you don’t persevere with a game you’re not enjoying anymore just because of us following the thread. Your mental health and enjoyment of what you’re doing is top priority!


Although you may feel like the updates are becoming mundane, I still think they’ve been incredibly well written and are very good to read! I have to ask though, why does BOI require this obscene amount of playthroughs? Do you gain anything from them or are they purely trophy based?


Looking forward to your take on SMBF, I really need to make on a move on with the first one!!

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On 17.4.2021 at 7:16 PM, ExistentialSolid said:

~ Change of Plans ~

Quite funny xD.

I got SMB forever two days ago and thought about changing my nominated game yet again in favor of it. (If you would have allowed the change, given I already changed my nominated game once.)

Glad to see that you're already approaching the game.


Looking forward to your updates. My opinion so far: It's really fun. Could be quite hard though. Screw it, we're going in.

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