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Youtube Copyright Disaster ! Angry Rant


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Youtube Copyright Disaster ! Angry Rant



Angry Joe : http://www.youtube.com/user/AngryJoeShow


Completely Agree with Angry Joe & the other youtubers on this matter 

Google has been dragging down Youtube for a long time now 

and i just hope they fix it and make everything right 


obviously this doesn't affect everyone and it's mainly 

gaming related channels but it's still completely wrong 

and has to be fixed !


their are lots of videos going on about this subject ,

streams , interviews etc but i feel this one 

shows the real gravity of the situation


most people won't care but for people including myself 

who watch Gaming related Youtube videos daily of whoever it may be 

then you will understand 


anyway hope you guys enjoy the video 

and of course share your opinions !

Edited by TheBolloxx
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I've always found Angry Joe to be a bit of a dick.


Although I agree with what he's saying, Shouting like a COD fanboy and repeating himself over and over for 18 minutes isn't the way to deal with the situation.  9 minutes in and he'd repeated his argument angrily at least 4 times.


Oh wait... I get it... He's Joe and he's angry.



His reviews are distinctly better than his "rants". I think it's the difference between scripted and unscripted, but he manages to stay on point for most of the time. His review of that awful biker game, Road to Hell Retribution, was one of the more entertaining YT vids I've seen in a while. Also, hey AF. :)

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Largely discussed yesterday strangely enough - the main point that came through was that it wouldn't be an issue if people weren't making money off other people's work. If youtube are changing it, then it is because they risk to lose more in law suits than in users coming on.


AF defined Angry Joe perfectly.

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What an idiot.  If you're going to write a rant at least make it polished.  This is a real rant:  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eFPgqNdpDqc.  


When you take someone else's work and use it to make money no matter which way you cut it you're technically stealing.  That's like someone stealing your keys and distributing 10,000,000 copies and letting everyone who has a copy use it whenever they want.


EDIT:  He doesn't even look or sound pissed off.  It sounds more like he wants to seem like it so he can get more money from the company he's ranting against.  Hypocrite.

Edited by Quikdrawjoe
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EDIT:  He doesn't even look or sound pissed off.  It sounds more like he wants to seem like it

Yeah at first I thought his persona was fun to watch but after watchin more than one of his rants you see no point in the over acting he does. He comes more annoying than funny.

His reviews are good though, guess he really needs a script to make it work.

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I've seen this. The thing is, it's mainly the music companies who want the copyright stuff. They are sick of people stealing music off Youtube, unfortunately Google went too far in catching content I.D. matches. They put it to everything from music to video games.

Guys like DSPGaming have had over 400 videos matched for content I.D. He asked the devs on twitter and they said it's OK to use their gameplay for Let's Plays as it's under fair use. So it looks like the game devs, aside from Nintendo, don't care. While Google and YouTube think they do.

Hopefully with all these big YouTubers speaking out, and all these devs saying it's OK to use their content, YouTube will fix this soon.

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I've seen this. The thing is, it's mainly the music companies who want the copyright stuff. They are sick of people stealing music off Youtube, unfortunately Google went too far in catching content I.D. matches. They put it to everything from music to video games.

Guys like DSPGaming have had over 400 videos matched for content I.D. He asked the devs on twitter and they said it's OK to use their gameplay for Let's Plays as it's under fair use. So it looks like the game devs, aside from Nintendo, don't care. While Google and YouTube think they do.

Hopefully with all these big YouTubers speaking out, and all these devs saying it's OK to use their content, YouTube will fix this soon.

The thing is, even if the Youtube thing stays, it wont do any difference. Do music companies think that Youtube is harming them in the same way that Ares, Utorrent and other P2P software? It's just stupid imo.

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Is not like Youtube is the only site to upload video. Maybe the ones affected should create their own? Youtube sucks yeah, but nobody is forcing them to use it.

You're aware that Youtube is one of the only places where they can make money doing this, right? They aren't just uploading videos - they are making a living.

This issue is screwing with their livelihood. Those videos that get flagged? They can't be monetized. That means they have to go days, weeks - sometimes even months - without any revenue from those videos.

Imagine, if you will, you were working in retail - you get paid by commission. You have a line of shirts that suddenly, you can't make any money on because the owner of the line is claiming you shouldn't be able to sell them.

However - the shirts are still being sold. You can still sell them, but you get nothing from them until it's all cleared up.

It's the same thing here. The videos are still available to be viewed - but they get absolutely nothing from them. I've posted this video a few times, but no one seems to watch it - and they really should before they start going on a tirade about how Youtube sucks - Youtube isn't doing it. Youtube's only fault in the matter is that they have this system in place for copyright holders to use.

I would like to say this, though: There's one thing people really need to realize about this situation.

Content ID matches aren't the same thing as a copyright strike/takedown notice. The Content ID system is automated. It's basically flagging all of these videos due to whatever items the companies put into their database.

IE: If, say, Nintendo had audio from The Legend of Zelda as something to be detected - any video that it found with that audio in it would be flagged. There's no one sitting at a desk going "OH HEY, THAT VIDEO HAS COPYRIGHTED MATERIAL, BETTER FLAG IT."

Adam Sessler's most recent "Address the Sess" covers this fairly well, he, TotalBiscuit, itmeJP, FarFromSubtle and Fork Parker as well as Stephanie Schopp [PR for Deep Silver], and Nigel Lowrie [Devolver Digital (Hotline Miami, Shadow Warrior)] have a great conversation about this issue - it's about an hour and a half long, but it's well worth watching.

This system really needs to be reworked.

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Youtube isn't doing it. Youtube's only fault in the matter is that they have this system in place for copyright holders to use.


The system they created is broken, it doesn't only flags complete rip-offs of movies, songs, etc. It identifies pieces of that content being used on original material, wich is why all hell is breaking loose. Not to mention that there are fake flags being summited now. 

I understand how hard it must be to lose your only income source like that. But like I said, Youtube is not the only place in the web were they can do it. One of the two sides is going to give, the other has to adapt somehow.

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I much prefer Mark from Classic Game Room's way of doing this. He didn't post a rant or anything like that, he simply posted a video saying his next review would be up at classicgameroom.com and left it at that. I understand the frustration with this as well as Angry Joe's persona but I prefer someone to take action rather than just talk about doing something. 


Also, since Mark won't be uploading game reviews to his channel anymore (though Undertow still does, but who watches that?) I sincerely hope we get more videos like he is uploading now. I always love seeing Stella the viral dog. 





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