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Hate The Combat. Dislike The Game. Another Rant By Yours Truly.


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I won’t say anything about the points regarding the combat because that can be dependent on skill and everyone is different.
The old games for the most part are Kratos is just angry, he hates everyone and everything, he doesn’t give a shit about anything, while yes that was fun and had it’s charm at the time things eventually had to change and I’m on the side of they changed for the better. Gameplay wise that could be debated and go on all day but in terms of character development and story the newer games especially Ragnarok do it really well. 
Kratos may be the baddest fucker of them all but he would have eventually gone “soft”, because of his child. Mike Tyson is one of the most dangerous people on this planet but what makes him “soft”, his family, his kid does.

Kratos is the same he couldn’t be angry all the time and something had to change for Artreus so he so wouldn’t repeat the mistake he made in an previous instalment and you slowly see the change, it honestly was an extremely beautiful story and the ending was emotional. It resonated with a lot of people, whether it’s because someone is a father, they’re expecting a child or Kratos and Atreus’ relationship is somewhat similar to theirs. It’s tough love but it’s love and you really feel it by the end. Mixed with the song playing at the end, blood upon the snow, I think I actually cried. It was fucking beautiful, Kratos felt whole and he was finally at peace he finally won and he had something to show for it which was his new family. It’s all he ever wanted. Throughout 2018 and Ragnarok he was still this hardened maniac who would destroy anything in his path, same as the original instalments, he didn’t feel human and the point of 2018 and Ragnarok was to humanise him which was done extremely well. I can’t say spoilers but it was really well done, especially a specific boss fight where he completely loses his shit like the old instalments, if you pay attention you slowly see him change and the ending for Ragnarok really seals in that in with the emotions.  
The story has some twists and I’m not easy to impress but a certain reveal made my jaw drop, the game does a great of keeping people interested if you actually bother to listen and pay attention. 
If people go in and look for things to dislike no matter how minuscule they are you’ll sure as hell find them and then wonder why you dislike it.

Edited by SzzMN
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2 hours ago, MrTacoNinja said:

"Anti-war fatherly pussy", lol. But he IS though! ? I mean, I wouldn't have the balls to say that to Kratos' face in real life so thank god he isn't real. He's definitely not a pussy. I guess I just termed it that way because his character now is so much.. softer... compared to how he once was and I really miss that.


There was no depth at all to Kratos' character, he was just popular with younger players back then because they were able to play as someone who wanted to murder the entire Greek pantheon of gods for tricking him. That was the only thing driving the franchise. What he once was is basically a broken man turned into a mindless killing machine.


The 2018 reboot turned all of this around, making him fall in love again and have a family he actually engaged with. Kratos had a more realistic purpose this time: it made him realize that war would have the same bad consequences for them as it did for his Spartan days, and thus wanted to avoid it, for his son's sake. The other characters also had more depth than anyone in the original saga.


This all made for a more nuanced, character-focused story than simply going from one killing spree to the next one. I'd really recommend you to experience more of it. It really pays off.

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I really disliked the combat at first too, but I eventually accepted these new GoWs are meant to be played more like an RPG with some action elements. Still, it has issues that especially rear their head when there's multiple enemies. It's also ridiculous that enemies just slide towards you instead of the attack just whiffing.


As for the story, it's atrocious. I can't understand why people think the story for this game is a masterpiece or anything close to that. They're constantly going on about avoiding war, yet doing everything to move towards it. Odin keeps getting hyped up as some master manipulator, yet he comes across as a complete fool. The conflict with Freya was poorly handled. Ragnarok was a complete joke. GoW3 had pretty much done what Ragnarok should have been.


People constantly talk about how Kratos is humanized with these new games, but that's always been there, just not as in your face as they do now. In terms of production values, GoW Ragnarok is amazing and I think that's become the problem with games these days. People just see something with great graphics or brilliant acting and immediately jump to calling it a masterpiece even when in reality, it's shallow.

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13 hours ago, BubbleJayGum said:

I was just mocking you


Why would you do that? To mock: tease or laugh at in a scornful or contemptuous manner. I hope you chose the wrong word accidentally or something because otherwise that's messed up, lol! 



13 hours ago, BubbleJayGum said:

There has to be a friendly banter in discussions like this, right?

Absolutely. But "mocking" isn't exactly how you go about it. I honestly do try to get along with everyone and usually I do. Jokes and laughs are always welcome with me.
13 hours ago, BubbleJayGum said:

I guess I just didn't quite understand why you mentioned that challenging combat equates to a bad experience.


Challenging combat that's challenging in a fair way is one thing. But with all I said in my rant about the combat in this game I just can't see how some of it's actually fair. To me a lot of it is challenging in a cheap way. 




12 hours ago, freddie1989 said:

The previous entry was one of the best of the generation, truly great from start to finish. Yet to get round to Ragnarok.


Your profile seems to be full of crap and indie dross in the most part so not sure how a game of this level can get shit ahead of those unless you have complained about them already ?


Because I don't share your view you attack my profile? Why is that a thing on here anyway, attacking people's gaming profiles just because they share different views and opinions? Welcome to the internet, I suppose, where it's filled with dudes like you. Oh and by the way, I looked at your profile too and honestly it's nothing worth bragging about, especially with all those incompletes you have. Your game completion percentage is atrocious, most of your platinums aren't that noteworthy and most aren't anything special that the average gamer couldn't accomplish.


Yet you think you're... what? Superior to me and have the right to attack my list? You also make it sound like damn near my entire list is filled with shit games. Did you actually even look at my entire list or just skimmed to the ones you can easily attack? Yes, it's true, I do have quite a few shit games that I've unfortunately stained my profile with, but it's a very small percentage if compared to the entirety of my list.


Lets break it down and do the math, shall we: I've played a total of 949 games as per my profile. Of those games, I've platinumed 752 games, 100%'ed 181 non-platinum games and did not complete 16 games for a total of 949 games. Out of 949 games I've played/platinumed/100%'ed I'll admittedly agree (and I regret staining my profile with them) that approximately 218, give or take, were cheap, garbage games with ridiculously easy requirements to complete them. If you take 949 and 218 and divide them, what's the percentage? According to MY math it's 22.97%.


Dude, that is a ridiculously low percentage when it's a gaming list as big as mine! Yet you claim my list is filled mostly with "crap and indie dross". Someone didn't do their homework (and apparently the math either) when they decided they wanted to run their mouth and take cheap ass pot shots at me. Listen, I'm sorry I hurt your delicate little fanboy feelings but IN MY OPINION

these recent GoW games you clearly have a massive hard-on for just didn't do it for me. I found them to be unenjoyable and far from a "masterpiece". 

Edited by MrTacoNinja
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On 6/14/2023 at 2:20 PM, Killbomb said:

I honestly didn't think you liked any game and just enjoyed complaining about them until I read a positive comment from you about Dragon's Dogma. 1f606.png


I did respond to this but it got deleted because I was quoting someone else in the same post and told them to fuck off. Naturally a mod deleted it. Why they delete the entire post is aggravating and they do this shit to me ALL the time. I've noticed there are quite a few other posts in this thread missing as well that were multi-quotes of me basically getting a long with one dude while arguing with another. Delete the bad, keep the good instead of deleting the entire thing... why is that so complicated to do mods?


 I'll repeat my response because you're not the only one that thinks that, Sir Killbomb of the Bombers! A lot of people seem to think that I'm this miserable, complaining asshole that hates every game I play and that's far from the truth. There are many, many games out there that I found to be truly awesome and enjoyable and had a lot of good things to say about them. I think ranting just grabs a person's attention more and due to the high volume of rants from me over the years that's all people seem to remember about me, ha ha! I'm very, very picky though when it comes to games so it's no wonder the ratio's so unbalanced.

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27 minutes ago, MrTacoNinja said:

A lot of people seem to think that I'm this miserable, complaining asshole that hates every game I play

When you spend so much time on forums making kilometric posts about how much you hated a game, I think it's no longer a matter of thinking you're miserable....


May the force be with you young padawan.

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1 hour ago, giinha said:

When you spend so much time on forums making kilometric posts about how much you hated a game, I think it's no longer a matter of thinking you're miserable....


May the force be with you young padawan.

Wait.. what? He's misrable because he points out his opinion on a game? You obviously only notice the rants but I've heard him say positive things about games all the time, I know shocking right.

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1 hour ago, JAK-KRIEG said:

Wait.. what? He's misrable because he points out his opinion on a game? You obviously only notice the rants but I've heard him say positive things about games all the time, I know shocking right.

Notice the part where I say "when you spend so much time on forums making kilometric posts about how much you hated a game". I don't think anyone is miserable for giving their opinion about a game, good or bad, and I'm glad you interpreted what I wrote so well.
But I believe that there are people who understand that their opinion is not a rule and those who believe that their opinion is law, even if they say "I'TS JUST MY OPINION". And from the posts I saw from Mr. Ninja seems to me that he fits into the second group.
Another point that I think is valid in this case is, being bad at a game doesn't mean that the game is bad, obviously the game still might not be your style and you might not like it, and that's okay.

Anyway, I hope it's clearer what I mean, and if it wasn't, patience. Don't take it to your heart.

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1 minute ago, giinha said:

Notice the part where I say "when you spend so much time on forums making kilometric posts about how much you hated a game". I don't think anyone is miserable for giving their opinion about a game, good or bad, and I'm glad you interpreted what I wrote so well.
But I believe that there are people who understand that their opinion is not a rule and those who believe that their opinion is law, even if they say "I'TS JUST MY OPINION". And from the posts I saw from Mr. Ninja seems to me that he fits into the second group.
Another point that I think is valid in this case is, being bad at a game doesn't mean that the game is bad, obviously the game still might not be your style and you might not like it, and that's okay.

Anyway, I hope it's clearer what I mean, and if it wasn't, patience. Don't take it to your heart.

Oh I'm not taking it to heart I'm just explaining he is far from a misrable dude, that is all. I do not get the impression at all that he has ever expressed his opinion as fact, far from it. Maybe it's because I know him.

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On 15/06/2023 at 1:19 AM, Eblait said:


From what I saw in the trophy list, he hasn't finished the game. So this probably a rant in progress. 1f602.png


But why is it that every time there's a character any different from the standard videogame trope, people say it's forced representation?


Character development and forced representation - while they can certainly be intertwined - are usually two different concepts - the latter mostly being a result of modern politics.


Anyhow, I think you made the mistake of lumping them together, which isn't the case here.?

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7 hours ago, giinha said:

When you spend so much time on forums making kilometric posts about how much you hated a game,


Ugh. Since you seem to think I spend "so much time on here" let me just tell you that I'm hardly on here that much, my rants are very, very few and far in between and I'd hardly call this rant of mine "kilometric". A bit long, perhaps, but as per the definition of the word (very long, endless, interminable) I'm sorry but kilometric doesn't apply here. This rant took me 20 minutes to type up. That's your idea of "spending so much time on forums"? 



4 hours ago, giinha said:

But I believe that there are people who understand that their opinion is not a rule and those who believe that their opinion is law, even if they say "I'TS JUST MY OPINION". And from the posts I saw from Mr. Ninja seems to me that he fits into the second group.


Whaaaaaat??? Ha, ha, ha! Oh my god, lol. You can't be serious. Really dude?


When I say it's just my opinion that's exactly what it means: just my opinion. Never have I forced or manipulated my opinion on to others or have said that my opinion is the only opinion that matters and to hell with everyone else. I state opinions based off how I interpret an experience, how I feel about an experience, etc. If a person wants to agree or disagree that's entirely up to them. If they don't agree, they don't agree, no one has nor will they ever receive any backlash from me as a consequence so I have noooo idea where you're getting this crazy shit from.


I bold, underline and all-cap "just my opinion" in the hopes that people see it quite clearly as to avoid any misunderstandings. I literally do it ALL the time in my posts. If I thought my opinion was "law" why the fuck would I even put in the effort to do that? I wouldn't even bother if that was really the case. I have no clue why you think otherwise and what gave you this impression of me but hey, it's whatever either way.





4 hours ago, giinha said:

Another point that I think is valid in this case is, being bad at a game doesn't mean that the game is bad,


I'm not bad at this game (I'll touch on that more below) nor did I ever say the game itself was bad. In fact, I said this:


On 6/14/2023 at 2:15 PM, MrTacoNinja said:

Now just because I'm complaining here doesn't mean that I think Ragarok is 100% horrible.


So what the hell are you even on about? Dude, this game has flaws with the combat, especially when there are multiple enemies to deal with. I'm not alone with this opinion (or a lot of my other opinions for that matter either). Check around the internet, check Reddit. You'll find many posts mirroring the same shit I complained about in my rant. 


As for being bad at this game, yeah, at first I kind of sucked and the aforementioned problems in my rant post didn't help the situation. But not only was I an idiot and didn't realize I was playing on the third highest difficulty (Give Me Balance) when I thought I was on the easiest (Give Me Story), but I also slowed my role a little and stopped going off the beaten path to do Berserker fights until I was leveled a bit more. The first 3 Berserker fights I fought I really should've waited until my gear was a bit better but I chose to fight them (and I beat them) anyway even though they were pretty damn tough. I even went and did the Crucible underleveled/geared and beat that. I now have only 2 Berserker fights left, I'm over half way through the game and other than the shit combat, horrible camera and horrendous lock-on feature I'm in cruise control.


I have every single GoW platinum you can possible have and I'll tell ya, the original GoWs were tougher than 2018 and Ragnarok. Yet you (and others) immediately assume a player's bad at something just because they rant about it? Because you (and others) had no trouble with the combat whatsoever that clearly must mean that there's absolutely nothing wrong within the game mechanics and it's just a "me" issue? There ARE problems with the mechanics, but some are just lucky, I guess, to be able to adjust to it better than others do. 


Anyway, that's all I wanted to say. I don't want to spend any more time in the forum because God knows (and you do too apparently) that I spend all day in here typing up kilometric posts. Do me a favor and just don't respond, okay? I honestly have nothing more to say to you.




4 hours ago, JAK-KRIEG said:

Oh I'm not taking it to heart I'm just explaining he is far from a misrable dude, that is all. I do not get the impression at all that he has ever expressed his opinion as fact, far from it. Maybe it's because I know him.


Hey bud. Ridiculous, right? Assumptions and bullshit... welcome to the internet, lol. 

Edited by MrTacoNinja
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On a separate note: To anyone else in the future that sees this thread, if you have positive/negative things to say about the game, feel free to share. If you agree/disagree with anything I said in my rant, by all means that's your right to do so but don't attack me or anyone else just because our views and opinions are different from yours. Keep it civil. Keep it respectful. Please.

Edited by Beyondthegrave07
Keep off topic banter in PMs pls
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Can anyone who's finished this game please tell me how many more times I have to play as this damn kid (Atreus)? I'm going on either my 4rth or 5th playthrough with him now and I'm just fed up with it. Once or twice, yeah, sure, fine, whatever... the developer's way I guess of breaking the player into the inevitable spin-off that's coming with this irritating little shit. But jesus christ it's just getting stupid now. A God of War game = playing as Kratos, not his goddamn kid all the time.

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18 minutes ago, MrTacoNinja said:

Can anyone who's finished this game please tell me how many more times I have to play as this damn kid (Atreus)? I'm going on either my 4rth or 5th playthrough with him now and I'm just fed up with it. Once or twice, yeah, sure, fine, whatever... developers way I guess of breaking the player into the inevitable spin-off that's coming with this irritating little shit. But jesus christ it's just getting stupid now. A God of War game = playing as Kratos, not his goddamn kid all the time.

I relate to this 1000%. While I've liked all old school GOW and 2018, I have to keep taking breaks playing Ragnarok as I lose interest in the game playing as Atreus. Yeah the first camera shift to him was cool when you took control, but after that I just stopped caring.

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36 minutes ago, Malfunkshuns said:

I relate to this 1000%. While I've liked all old school GOW and 2018, I have to keep taking breaks playing Ragnarok as I lose interest in the game playing as Atreus. Yeah the first camera shift to him was cool when you took control, but after that I just stopped caring.


Yeah dude, fed up with it. It wasn't even interesting to me the first time. 

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18 hours ago, Mellenthin said:


Character development and forced representation - while they can certainly be intertwined - are usually two different concepts - the latter mostly being a result of modern politics.


Anyhow, I think you made the mistake of lumping them together, which isn't the case here.1f642.png


No, I don’t think I did.


First you throw out that term in a discussion without giving it any meaning, and then you say I’m mistakenly lumping it together in another, completely unrelated reply I made about character development?


Would you even care to explain what you mean by forced representation? Though from your “modern politics” take, you’re problem going to say the word ‘woke’ next.


Just don’t define my argument as a ‘mistake’ without saying something yourself.

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On 15/06/2023 at 9:53 PM, MrTacoNinja said:

Because I don't share your view you attack my profile? Why is that a thing on here anyway, attacking people's gaming profiles just because they share different views and opinions? Welcome to the internet, I suppose, where it's filled with dudes like you. Oh and by the way, I looked at your profile too and honestly it's nothing worth bragging about, especially with all those incompletes you have. Your game completion percentage is atrocious, most of your platinums aren't that noteworthy and most aren't anything special that the average gamer couldn't accomplish.


Yet you think you're... what? Superior to me and have the right to attack my list? You also make it sound like damn near my entire list is filled with shit games. Did you actually even look at my entire list or just skimmed to the ones you can easily attack? Yes, it's true, I do have quite a few shit games that I've unfortunately stained my profile with, but it's a very small percentage if compared to the entirety of my list.


Lets break it down and do the math, shall we: I've played a total of 949 games as per my profile. Of those games, I've platinumed 752 games, 100%'ed 181 non-platinum games and did not complete 16 games for a total of 949 games. Out of 949 games I've played/platinumed/100%'ed I'll admittedly agree (and I regret staining my profile with them) that approximately 218, give or take, were cheap, garbage games with ridiculously easy requirements to complete them. If you take 949 and 218 and divide them, what's the percentage? According to MY math it's 22.97%.


Dude, that is a ridiculously low percentage when it's a gaming list as big as mine! Yet you claim my list is filled mostly with "crap and indie dross". Someone didn't do their homework (and apparently the math either) when they decided they wanted to run their mouth and take cheap ass pot shots at me. Listen, I'm sorry I hurt your delicate little fanboy feelings but IN MY OPINION

these recent GoW games you clearly have a massive hard-on for just didn't do it for me. I found them to be unenjoyable and far from a "masterpiece". 


Sorry the delay in replying, rather busy weekend.


It seems you have gotten a little bit emotional dude. I at no point mentioned your completion % as mine isn't sparkling mainly due to selling my PS3 so they will all remain incomplete. Not to mention I don't judge based on how difficult games are to complete. I will play a great game with easier requirements before I play something that looks appalling so I can shout 'look at me' as it is difficult. Half the hard games are atrocious and many are hard for that reason.


I was more pointing at the fact that the early part of your profile (given I didn't spend hours looking at it all) is scattered with cheap indies that are forgotten about before they start. Meanwhile you are writing these damning reviews on GOTY level games that people will talk about for years. 

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I played on Give Me Balance and didn't really have the issues you're having with the combat. The Berserkers are meant to be fought after you've gotten some upgrades, so just keep upgrading yourself and your companions for the few you have left. The last one is pretty tough, he was the only one that gave me trouble, mainly because of his Bifrost attacks. Also, I found most sections in the Souls games easy, so maybe that factors in somehow. 


Getting back to the Applecore was the only part I struggled with when it came to the map. Again, I didn't see the issues that you're seeing. Maybe an update changed some stuff? 


I was able to tune out the AI during combat as I was more focused on the enemies. During the puzzles, they would either give me a hint right as I knew what to do (almost like they were trying to take the credit lol) or their hint would be too vague. 


As much as I love the Greek saga (GOW 3 is my favorite game of all time), it's in the past now. Kratos wasn't just going to leave a destroyed Greece just to go do the same thing somewhere else. Continuing like that wouldn't have worked and risked getting repetitive and losing many fans. If you long for that Kratos, then you can play the old games. They aren't going anywhere.


Just because Kratos isn't running around killing everything like a psycho doesn't mean he's not the god of war and it certainly doesn't mean he's a pussy. Kratos never liked how he acted and it haunts him throughout all of the games and I think he sees Atreus as a second chance at fatherhood, but you've said that you don't care about stories, so I'm guessing that didn't matter to you. Personally I love all of the God of War games. 



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  • 4 months later...

Rading through OP... TC doesn't suck at the game. He probably hasn't been paying attention to all upgrades available to him. Unfortunately, this game is about numbers. Even on Give me a Story difficulty, if you're underlevelled enemies are going to hand your arse back to you in pieces. I have the same issues with camera angle in this game and I agree combat would be much better with a more open camera. But when compared to 2018, this game is miles better. You have more options available from start, Dreipnir is also a game changer.


Had no troube at all trough most of the game, died maybe a handfull of times and all those times I simply wasn't careful enough and/or was facing an enemy while underlevelled. But all TC's rant apllies to my fight with Gna. She's lightning fast and blitz through the screen. Auto-lock on is useless, when she does her "For Asgard" attack, where she lunges int the air and swoops on Kratos to stomp on his face, auto-lock on is gone. I've had gone trough issues because of that for more times than I'd want to admit because of that. The forementioned attack, during most of the fight when she uses it, she does it three times in a row. Even though she's completely out of your sight after first swoop, it's easy to know when to dodge as she does that very distinctive "For Asgard" before charging again. Now, when she's in critical condition, she breaks her pattern with that swoop / stomp attack. She is going to do either one or two times, followed right after by another type of attack. That's where I've had issues. Timing for dodging / parrying her attacks is very tight, after first swoop you have to wait to hear "For Asgard" again in order to dodge, but she's out of your sight and you don't know whether or not she's coming for a different attack. By the time you figure out, too late. I could also swear her attacks get a different tempo when she's in critical condition. There was even one particular instance where I was really about to beat her, almost half health bar on my side. She did one attack where she charges forward and does a 360 attack with something that looks like a scythe, I managed to parry and unleashed what would be my final attacks. It's like she cancelled my parry effects, I heard the gong sound and she did her usual animation, but it's like she cancelled that effect some how and unleashed those attacks where she spins her wings. I clicked L1 but apparently not quickly enough as all hits went through, once I recovered from that she was really close by and did that attack where she grabs Kratos and slams him into the ground. There was no way in hell any human being would be able to escape from that, she didn't even initiate the animation charging forward, she simply grabbed Kratos and spun him to the floor, becasue she was really, really close.


This particular fight took me almost one hour because of the same... once she hits last section in her health bar, it's like she speeds up and it becomes incredibly harder to use same tempo for dodging / blocking / parrying her attacks. The one time I managed to kill her, it's because she followed up her "For Asgard" moves with stuff easier to counter. First she did that defensive move where she uses her wings as cover, followed by that another attack where she charges electricity and throws a boulder at you (one you break it by shield bashing her), followed by "Rise, rise", which can be cancelled with an arrow. Surprisingly, she didn't recovered faster than usual and I managed to unleash on her.


I was using Surtr armor set (all level 9), all weapon attachments on level 9, all weapons on level 8 + full health / rage. I was a bit underlevelled, as Gna is supposed to be taking on when we're level 9, I was almost there but still level 8. Hope King Hrolf won't be as annoying.

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