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Trophy Hunters League - Season 41 winner: Banana_Sausage47!

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37 minutes ago, Zach Version 2 said:

Gonna need my account transferred to this one. :) Restarted for a better completion. Not sure if I'll be actively competing, but will definitely be shooting out a bunch of trophies next month!


@ShogunCroCop I look forward to seeing you on the battlefield though, my good sir.

@Mesopithecus And I look forward to getting destroyed by you.... again.

I also look forward to it

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10 hours ago, Zach Version 2 said:

Gonna need my account transferred to this one. :) Restarted for a better completion. Not sure if I'll be actively competing, but will definitely be shooting out a bunch of trophies next month!


@ShogunCroCop I look forward to seeing you on the battlefield though, my good sir.

@Mesopithecus And I look forward to getting destroyed by you.... again.

Man your crazy 300+ plat and 87% completion! You can't get much better than that :D

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Now, I know that this doesn't affect me directly, as he isn't in my League, so I don't really have a place to complain; but something about x9zachattack5x switching accounts to Trophy_Prodigy screams "UNFAIR!" to me.  The fact that he will be able to play games he has already Platinumed seems like an unfair advantage that the others in his League will not have.  If anything, the new account should be forced to abide by the same Platinum requirement as any competitor entering the competition for the first time.  Or maybe even a higher one to make up for the Post Count requirement not needed in this case.


Now, before anyone comes out and says, "Well, Michael, you don't meet the Platinum requirement either, and yet you're here," the reason for that is I was here before the Platinum requirement was a thing, and the rule is not retroactive.


Also, in terms of accounts, I am more active as me7lingual (for Overwatch) and me12lingual (for playing with my South American friends) when I play and leave me3lingual strictly for trophy hunting, but you don't see me asking to switch to me1-, me4-, me5-, me6-, me7-, me9-, me11-, me12-, or any of the other me#lingual accounts I have whenever I feel like a change for this League.  I would expect any account I play as to fit the requirements for entering the League, should I ever want to switch.


I get that this may be too late to really come up with a viable solution, with the League starting so soon, but I figure better late than ever.  I just happened to only log on today after working so hard these last couple weeks and finally getting a moment to play.

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19 minutes ago, me3lingual said:

Now, I know that this doesn't affect me directly, as he isn't in my League, so I don't really have a place to complain; but something about x9zachattack5x switching accounts to Trophy_Prodigy screams "UNFAIR!" to me.  The fact that he will be able to play games he has already Platinumed seems like an unfair advantage that the others in his League will not have.  If anything, the new account should be forced to abide by the same Platinum requirement as any competitor entering the competition for the first time.  Or maybe even a higher one to make up for the Post Count requirement not needed in this case.

I understand where you're coming but this is how I feel about it. The post+plat count rule was solely put in place to prevent inactives from joining the league and then doing nothing the entire season. By putting this rule in place, we at least know the people who join are somewhat active both in terms of trophy hunting and on the forums. We already know Zach is both as he's participated a lot of season already and he's a well-known and active person on the forums, I would say. There hasn't been an official rule put in place for switching accounts so for now the current league runner can either approve or deny the account-switch. Since this is just Zach's second account (that I know of, at least :lol:) and he played on the previous one until he earned a whopping 305 plats on it, I think switching accounts this one time isn't that much of a problem. It'd be a different story if someone who's known for/planning on switching accounts every few months wants to (keep) switch(ing) accounts for this competition. I'd probably allow it the first time but no more after that. I hope you understand :).

Edited by Lucas
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It would be a bit hypocritical not to let Zach compete with his new account, when I was allowed to when I switched from my RachP13 account to this new account.  I think there are a couple of others who have switched accounts too.  As it turned out, I didn't really replay a lot of things that were on my old account, at least for THL purposes.


Zach and I are in the same league again this season and I don't have an issue with him using a new account.  Maybe a rule could be put in place in the future that games you played already on an old account won't count towards THL on the new account, but that would all be dependent on how arduous it would be on the admin team to double check and verify.


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I do understand why the requirements were put in place, having competed since before they were a thing (Season 3 seems like such a long time!).  But he even said that the point of the new account is to get a better completion percentage due to not being able to complete games with closed servers.  And as I am sure a lot of us know, one way to do that is to replay the games you have already completed once before.  There is no way to know what games will be played until they actually get played.


And after having looked through the 600+ pages, I have noticed a couple people switching accounts without having the Platinum amount, so I will back down from this debate that I started.  But before I do, I will say that switching accounts only started within the last five seasons, it seems (Please correct me if I am wrong).  And I would prefer to see an official ruling on this before everyone decides they want a fresh start with a new account.  I mean, I know that my own scores would increase if I were to request an account switch.  Of course, I wouldn't, because my extreme sense of justice and fairness in all things would forbid me from requesting such a thing.  I get an uneasy feeling in my stomach whenever a friend of mine wants to play at my house, because I am always afraid that he'll earn a trophy accidentally during a season.  Thankfully, that hasn't happened during a fixture.  I have been extremely lucky that it has only happened during breaks within the season, or after a season has ended.

Edited by me3lingual
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2 hours ago, me3lingual said:


I honestly thought the league was gonna have a bigger break than this. They say it was bigger than normal, but it was around the same break as usual. I also didn't make this account for the league. I'm probably no longer gonna use my other account because of my OCD about the completion. It would be different if I could actually platinum and 100% every game on my list, but there are 3-4 games that have closer servers now. There are also games that I regret starting and can't stomach to go back to (Example: Dark Void, RAGE, etc.). I know I know. This is coming from the guy who platinumed games like Barbie and Snoopy. I can taste my own irony in that comment.


Also, trust me. You know my track record in this league. I don't a need a new account to hand out the hurt on my opponents. :P My backlog is massive. 

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19 hours ago, me3lingual said:

Now, I know that this doesn't affect me directly, as he isn't in my League, so I don't really have a place to complain; but something about x9zachattack5x switching accounts to Trophy_Prodigy screams "UNFAIR!" to me.  


@me3lingual for what it's worth I agree with you


@Zach Version 2 as a serious trophy hunter I am sure you can see the advantage having your full library of games at your fingertips again would bring to this comp. I don't doubt your motives but I know how dangerous I would be with a new account and the knowledge I have aquired over the last 2 years and I assume you are similarly attuned.


@Pureproteinman, I respectfully disagree with your opinion. What if I was to start a new account and spam every VN that meets the time limit against you. (Obviously hypothetical I wouldn't want to invest anytime that slows my progress to lvl100 ?)


@Ethan Goodluck in your first season. What a way you have come from Disney Infinity. 


@thedegen that will probably private message me again with an offensive message save your time, my private email is [email protected], send it there I will get it much quicker.


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1 hour ago, CjShai said:



@Pureproteinman, I respectfully disagree with your opinion. What if I was to start a new account and spam every VN that meets the time limit against you. (Obviously hypothetical I wouldn't want to invest anytime that slows my progress to lvl100 1f61c.png)


If you was to spam every vn on a new account i would say fair play, if its within the rules then what can anyone say? i wouldn't have no issue. You should do that bro im sure you haven't done all the vns yet ?

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I'm interested to see people's mixed opinions about this. However, since there's no official rule about this yet, Zach can join this season and nothing will be changed about that for now. I'll make sure we have an official rule about account switching before the next season starts.

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38 minutes ago, Pureproteinman said:

If you was to spam every vn on a new account i would say fair play, if its within the rules then what can anyone say? i wouldn't have no issue. You should do that bro im sure you haven't done all the vns yet ?


Lol, many things are within the rules of life but sometimes we must take the high road. As to doing every VN you and I both know we will never have done them all ?

7 minutes ago, Lucas said:

I'm interested to see people's mixed opinions about this. However, since there's no official rule about this yet, Zach can join this season and nothing will be changed about that for now. I'll make sure we have an official rule about account switching before the next season starts.


I think he should be able to join for sure, was just pointing out that someone who is a high level hunter that restarts an account has a massive advantage if they choose to use it. 

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I have no qualms in backing out. I seriously didn't see this many complaints when Rach and other people made a new account. I also don't care if you guys put x9zachattack5x back in my place. I don't care if I win this season or not. I'll keep getting trophies on this account regardless if the points count or not. I'm doing this new account for myself, not the league. I could still put just as many points out with zachattack.

I just think it's funny that just now it's about to become a rule lol. :P 

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Personally I think that people who rejoin on a new account are at a big advantage. It's typically a lot quicker to do a game a second time as people who have stacked stuff etc will know I'm sure. Also you'll know an approx time to plat a game (more accurate than a guide) and know what game would be most suitable for scoring quick points if needed at the end of a fixture or whatever.


That being said I don't think Zach should have to drop out, it wasn't a rule and he was allowed to join when asked. The league is just for fun and should be treated as such imo. If he was particularly fussed he could just play new games on his account whilst the league was on. 

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Another new message that wasn't brought up to any other new accounts. :P  Well i feel like any points I make will just be judged (which didn't happen to anyone else) so personally I just don't see the point in me being in the league tbh.

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3 minutes ago, Zach Version 2 said:

Another new message that wasn't brought up to any other new accounts. :P  Well i feel like any points I make will just be judged (which didn't happen to anyone else) so personally I just don't see the point in me being in the league tbh.

For what it's worth I've always thought this, I just didn't really care enough to say, or possibly I did say at the time I don't really remember. I only commented now because I thought @Lucas say he was interested in hearing more opinions. Turned out I misread lol. Regardless it's pretty obvious that having access to a load of easy games again is an advantage over everyone else. If it wasn't brought up in the past then really it should've been. It's not like you're being unfairly treated or something. 


I'll certainly be checking every point you earn then scouring your old account to see if you've earned it in the past, along with the other's who're gonna judge you no doubt. :P

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