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Trophy Hunters League - Season 41 winner: Banana_Sausage47!

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FIX SET 9 (22nd - 25th Oct)




HcG-_Terror VS Havoc273
HcG-_Clawz VS Mendant909
Hemiak VS Precision-Playy
XShadowYakuzaX VS theshywaterguy
dragnierkira VS xZoneHunter




man_with_wdjat VS X18JELLO18X

Krazy_99 VS blueyoshi5
Kochiya-Shana VS Mah2c
jem12345 VS zajac9999
omar280792 VS me3lingual


Chinigan- VS nexus_x2007

ganryu_pl VS DJ-Silver
Grindcore12391 VS cybershark91
Gate_Guard VS silverstag88
BraveNoobWorld VS freddie1989


sinnriel VS TheLastSurvivorD

pridefc83 VS ShogunCroCop
allenbird VS zR_DoWnLiNkZ
Matthew_Banfield VS Jarethgeason
VASORAT13 VS mary-d_9


ReimiSaionji9742 VS TheAkittaja123

ToxiKirby VS NiTR0--X_
BigApe101 VS KerplunkMB
x9zachattack5x VS RachP13
Good luck to everybody in your final fixtures of this season, sorry for the late release!
Approx start time: 4 hours 10 minutes ago.
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Well the non-prinny team is certainly at a huge disadvantage but this will have to do I guess dood


Don't worry, I'll team up with you :). We brought down the Jellies and the Shin Demons, we can do this :highfive: . Although I confess beating Kirby is going to be difficult.

Edited by Dragon-Archon
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Just warning you Precision, probably going to finish the main game of Dark Souls and get my first gold trophy of the season, I might even get into the 20s.  I just don't want you to get caught off guard.


Thanks Hem, i think i should be ok, if things go to plan, i should be getting 2 plats aswell as a few others.....IF things go to plan :P

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Thanks Hem, i think i should be ok, if things go to plan, i should be getting 2 plats aswell as a few others.....IF things go to plan :P

Didn't figure it'd be too difficult. Just today want you to get caught out like last season.
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theshywaterguy (12) - (1) xZoneHunter
Precision-Playy (157) - (57) dragnierkira
Mendant909 (26) - (17) XShadowYakuzaX
Havoc273 (31) - (10) Hemiak
HcG-_Clawz (18) - (17) HcG-_Terror 
zajac9999 (9) - (0) me3lingual
Mah2c (40) - (0) omar280792
blueyoshi5 (58) - (19) jem12345
X18JELLO18X (98) - (85) Kochiya-Shana

Krazy_99 (12) - (44) man_with_wdjat 


DJ-Silver (28) - (29) nexus_x2007
cybershark91 (6) - (0) Chinigan-
silverstag88 (3) - (7) ganryu_pl
freddie1989 (51) - (0) Grindcore12391
Gate_Guard (0) - (6) BraveNoobWorld

ShogunCroCop (80) - (37) TheLastSurvivorD
zR_DoWnLiNkZ (52) - (109) sinnriel 
Jarethgeason (28) - (45) pridefc83 
mary-d_9 (5) - (58) allenbird 
Matthew_Banfield (0) - (7) VASORAT13



ToxiKirby (91) - (75) ReimiSaionji9742 
TheAkittaja123 (69) - (40) BigApe101
NiTR0--X_ (80) - (37) x9zachattack5x
KerplunkMB (0) - (12) NIALLERMANBUZ
RachP13 (81) - (0) faiz0r


Scores are up guys, precision was unable to post them tonight so I'm going to. The leagues should be updated tomorrow afternoon. :) Good luck in your final fixtures of this season!!

Edited by zajac9999
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Woohoo, I have won myself a prize - promotion into a bunch of regular ass whoopings in the Gold league next season!!


Good luck to BraveNoobWorld in our dead rubber match.


Good luck to you and congrats on the Sly 3 plat.


Not sure whether to go hard and try to lock up a perfect season, or take it easy and leave something for the CWC/next season. You've locked up promotion right? No need to go all out against little 'ole me. :lol:


Edit: You put up 24 points in <5 mins. Impressive. Most impressive.

Edited by BraveNoobWorld
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Good luck to you and congrats on the Sly 3 plat.


Not sure whether to go hard and try to lock up a perfect season, or take it easy and leave something for the CWC/next season. You've locked up promotion right? No need to go all out against little 'ole me. :lol:


Edit: You put up 24 points in <5 mins. Impressive. Most impressive.


Cheers dude!


Personally I would hold something back for a good CWC showing, I wont be getting much more I wouldn't have thought to be honest. I have promotion so it is a dead match for me, may just set stuff up for S5.

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*insert news station intro* **BREAKING NEWS**  "Today Wdjat Prinny Doods announced he will be retiring from the League of Trophy Hunters at the end of the season after being hospitalized for having serious grindy RPG withdrawals. A statement from one his doctors earlier says that this was the worst case of withdrawals he has ever seen. Eye twitching beyond belief and an insane amount of scratching, the dood was fiending. In an earlier interview with League founder Precision-Playy he says that Prinny will still remain an admin once he is medically cleared. Wdjat Prinny says that he has had a lot of fun competing in the league and hopes to return after some R & R. More on this story at 11, we now turn you back to your regularly scheduled gaming"

It's a shame to say goodbye to a good rival. I've been wanting to go back into RPGs too, but with all the days off of school and new games I'm getting in a few weeks, I feel like I should try for at least one more season before leaving the league. Have fun recuperating!

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*insert news station intro* **BREAKING NEWS**  "Today Wdjat Prinny Doods announced he will be retiring from the League of Trophy Hunters at the end of the season after being hospitalized for having serious grindy RPG withdrawals. A statement from one his doctors earlier says that this was the worst case of withdrawals he has ever seen. Eye twitching beyond belief and an insane amount of scratching, the dood was fiending. In an earlier interview with League founder Precision-Playy he says that Prinny will still remain an admin once he is medically cleared. Wdjat Prinny says that he has had a lot of fun competing in the league and hopes to return after some R & R. More on this story at 11, we now turn you back to your regularly scheduled gaming"

LOL, as always your comments are way too funny. 


Are you finally going to plat Kingdom Hearts?

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