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Trophy Hunters League - Season 41 winner: Banana_Sausage47!

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Congrats to Shana for winning CWC. Congrats to all CWC participants. They won their leagues and proved they were the best. Looking forward to spectating S5, and maybe getting back into it S6.


I can't fathom 452 points in one day. That is something I could never have done. Many props for that.

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Congrats to Shana for the win CWC.


Regarding score this is just good.


This is the reason why all games should be permitted within the League - even games without platinum and all 50 fastest finishers are even under one hour.

For the platinum game which top 50 fastest time are under 35min but you get one trophy one week earlier, and you need to finish minimum 4 fast games without platinum to get same total score ;-)

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Right everyone, this is the bit where i sadly step down as the League runner.




Only Joking!  i know, that was cruel ;)



But seriously, i don't really have a whole lot to add this season, i definitely want to patch up the rules a fair bit, but overall, i am pretty happy with the look of the tables, the format of fixtures and the points system and in all honesty, the group of players in the league is fantastic, so i am really pleased with this as a rough final product. The only thing left to do for me really is give power to the people. I would like to take in and list everyone's personal ideas, i can then thoroughly look into how well i can implement said changes, how it will effect running the league from my point of view and try to make the league as accessible and enjoyable as i can for the current competitors.


Secondly, i would like to get as much feedback on the current rules as possible, what's missing that doesn't explain the current system well enough? what rules could maybe be implemented to make the competition more fair? anything you can think of that i can look at and possibly implement. 


Finally, as you all know, Season 4 was the trial run for the breaks system, i would like as much feedback as possible on what you thought about them. Too long? too short? too many? not enough? should they be scrapped completely? the more feedback i get, the more people i can please with my final decision on how the break will run for season 5 :)


On behalf of myself and the Admin Team, many thanks to all you folks for making Season 4 one to remember, and as always, it's been a pleasure!


Mr P

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Don't do that again Precision!! The league would not be the same without you running it! :D


I love the 'power to the people' thing, some players posted some interesting tournament ideas here and it would be nice to consider their implementation in future seasons. As regards the breaks, they came to me with perfect timing during S4, so I think we should at least keep them going, they have the right lenght for me and two per season seem reasonable, although 3 wouldn't hurt either :)

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Right everyone, this is the bit where i sadly step down as the League runner.




Only Joking!  i know, that was cruel ;)



But seriously, i don't really have a whole lot to add this season, i definitely want to patch up the rules a fair bit, but overall, i am pretty happy with the look of the tables, the format of fixtures and the points system and in all honesty, the group of players in the league is fantastic, so i am really pleased with this as a rough final product. The only thing left to do for me really is give power to the people. I would like to take in and list everyone's personal ideas, i can then thoroughly look into how well i can implement said changes, how it will effect running the league from my point of view and try to make the league as accessible and enjoyable as i can for the current competitors.


Secondly, i would like to get as much feedback on the current rules as possible, what's missing that doesn't explain the current system well enough? what rules could maybe be implemented to make the competition more fair? anything you can think of that i can look at and possibly implement. 


Finally, as you all know, Season 4 was the trial run for the breaks system, i would like as much feedback as possible on what you thought about them. Too long? too short? too many? not enough? should they be scrapped completely? the more feedback i get, the more people i can please with my final decision on how the break will run for season 5 :)


On behalf of myself and the Admin Team, many thanks to all you folks for making Season 4 one to remember, and as always, it's been a pleasure!


Mr P

I only have one suggestion.


And it may not go over well, but here it goes:


What about making the season 10 fixtures long? It is a nice round number.


My proposal is this: the 10th fixture is one person facing someone else from a different league, and it is either based on players choice, or random draw. For instance, someone from Bronze League faces someone from Gold League. The opponent is either chosen by the player, or by some sort of randomizer. That might increase competitiveness, as well as adding a little strategic element to the season.


Just a thought.

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*sigh* Just got discharged from the hospital for my grindy rpg withdrawals, now I was readmitted for the heart attack I had from Precisions joke doods  :shakefist:


Anyway one topic that seemed to come up a good bit during the season was having 100% and games with platinums both going by Top 50 leaderboards for fastest times instead of just 100%. I know we did this before and it was a complete nightmare but maybe we could look into making the rules a bit more clearer than last time so you won't have to get flooded with questions about what games count or not. 


Just a thought

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Secondly, i would like to get as much feedback on the current rules as possible, what's missing that doesn't explain the current system well enough? what rules could maybe be implemented to make the competition more fair? anything you can think of that i can look at and possibly implement. 




Congratulations again for the CWC winner.

Thanks for the all admins for running all League!

And for all competitors for making this League enjoyable!



Regarding feedback and sugestions - As for me:

All games should be permitted.

Full schedule for the all season should be from the start 

The breaks are GOOD but TOO LONG - two days break is optimum as for me

If breaks will stay as they are now - The first round of the FA CUP can start during 1st break second round can be during second break, and other rounds during last fixtures.

Platinums Should be first tiebreaker after points - because of platinums ;-)

These are my thoughts and suggestions 



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Congrats to Kochiya for winning the CWC and getting more points in one day than i got all season. Also, thanks to the admin team for making this season great. As for the breaks, I probably would have been relegated without them due to time restraints, so I personally want to keep them.


I only have one suggestion.


And it may not go over well, but here it goes:


What about making the season 10 fixtures long? It is a nice round number.


My proposal is this: the 10th fixture is one person facing someone else from a different league, and it is either based on players choice, or random draw. For instance, someone from Bronze League faces someone from Gold League. The opponent is either chosen by the player, or by some sort of randomizer. That might increase competitiveness, as well as adding a little strategic element to the season.


Just a thought.

This sounds like an interesting idea, but I think things will get too messy for the tenth round to actually count. For example, there could be two people tied for first in a league, and the tenth round, one person goes against Kochiya, and the other goes against an inactive player. This is obviously unfair, even with the randomizer. Instead, I suggest that during the CWC, everyone who is not in the CWC can choose a player to go up against (first come, first serve) while the top players are getting ridiculously high scores. That way, everyone will have something fun to do after the main season ends.

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*sigh* Just got discharged from the hospital for my grindy rpg withdrawals, now I was readmitted for the heart attack I had from Precisions joke doods  :shakefist:


Anyway one topic that seemed to come up a good bit during the season was having 100% and games with platinums both going by Top 50 leaderboards for fastest times instead of just 100%. I know we did this before and it was a complete nightmare but maybe we could look into making the rules a bit more clearer than last time so you won't have to get flooded with questions about what games count or not. 


Just a thought


Prinny, you are a legend, I dreaded being the first one to bring this up again!!


With the utmost respect, 452 points is unreal, I couldn't do it by autopopping trophies but some of those games should genuinely not be allowed in the league, the top 50 fastest times are like 35 minutes!! There is zero chance to compete with that kind of thing unless you are willing to play stuff you don't like to stay involved. I think there has to be a way we can all agree together on what should and should not be allowed, the 5 hour rule worked well barring the odd exceptions.


I know I had the issue earlier in the season with this so don't want to go on about it again but I don't want it bothering other people when it happens to them.


Oh and as far as breaks go I really don't mind!

Edited by freddie1989
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Congrats to Kochiya for winning the CWC and getting more points in one day than i got all season. Also, thanks to the admin team for making this season great. As for the breaks, I probably would have been relegated without them due to time restraints, so I personally want to keep them.


This sounds like an interesting idea, but I think things will get too messy for the tenth round to actually count. For example, there could be two people tied for first in a league, and the tenth round, one person goes against Kochiya, and the other goes against an inactive player. This is obviously unfair, even with the randomizer. Instead, I suggest that during the CWC, everyone who is not in the CWC can choose a player to go up against (first come, first serve) while the top players are getting ridiculously high scores. That way, everyone will have something fun to do after the main season ends.



I actually like this better.

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Secondly, i would like to get as much feedback on the current rules as possible, what's missing that doesn't explain the current system well enough? what rules could maybe be implemented to make the competition more fair? anything you can think of that i can look at and possibly implement. 

Well, regarding the rules, I'm still not completly happy about them  xD


FOllowing two rules are my problem: 

  • Games that you complete in under 8 hours, will not be counted. Examples: Detuned, Aabs Animals.
  • ANY non-plat PSN game that has a 100%  TOP 50 time of under 3 hours, WILL NOT COUNT

My point is still, why count plat games differently than 100% games. why do't you kill the rule "ANY non-plat PSN game that has a 100%  TOP 50 time of under 3 hours, WILL NOT COUNT" and just let the rule "Games that you complete in under 8 hours, will not be counted. Examples: Detuned, Aabs Animals." for every game? this would be the fairest solution. Right now 100% games and plat games are rated differently which isn't faire if you ask me. The person who want to play a game paid for the 100% or for the plat game, so both games should be counted the same way. also there is the problem with new games. Normaly the 50 fastest times aren't really fast in the beginning, but in 3 or 5 months, the time will adjust so the fastest time list isn't really a good reference to disqualify a game. I hope you rethink the rules regarding plat and 100% games. Use one rule for both and every game count the same. That would be the optimal situation.




Or, change the rules for the plat games, so that they disqualify certain games with a 50 percent time. Shana showed nicly the problem in the CWC. she got almost 500 wich wouldn't even be possible if the rules would be a bit different. I mean, some of the games shana played are faster to finish, then the 100% rule states for the 100% games. Thats simply no fair rule making. And btw, I will not gratulate shana for her win, in my opinion this isn't an earned win, for me it's a bought one. I mean for example take this game https://psnprofiles.com/trophies/2577-ハーレム天国だと思ったらヤンデレ地獄だった%E3%80%82 the slowest achiever has a time of 1 hour and 44 min, is this fair? I don't think so. In my opinion the rules regarding the completion time really need some tweaking.


Oh and excause my englisch, I's not my main language, but I try my best to express what I want to say.

Edited by cybershark91
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If you really want to do somehting about those rules then I think it would be fairer to just let every game count .

The person paid for it so why not let them enjoy it, its a friendly competition after all.. i really wouldnt mind if somehting like that would be used against me.. It already happend to me several times.

But yhea i dont think alot of people will agree with me, but anyway i will just play whatever i like whether they count or not. So i will just wait and see what will happen to this rule. :)


And about the break thing.. i got really annoyed by the brakes if it were up to me i would remove those brakes again or atleast make them shorter.


And finally i hope to see some special cup or something like this coming soon, because i really liked that idea.

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Congratulations to Shana for becoming the new CWC champion. Also, thanks to Precision and all the admin for their hard word this season and also ganryu for producing the statistics :)

I like the idea of ganryu's of all games counting - maybe have season 5 as a free for all. How about also making a couple of the fixtures as bonus points rounds - with players scoring extra points for certain genres of games (RPGs for example) or games that are tougher to beat.

I like the idea of having a Wildcard competitor too in the CWC

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Congratulations to Shana for becoming the new CWC champion. Also, thanks to Precision and all the admin for their hard word this season and also ganryu for producing the statistics :)

I like the idea of ganryu's of all games counting - maybe have season 5 as a free for all. How about also making a couple of the fixtures as bonus points rounds - with players scoring extra points for certain genres of games (RPGs for example) or games that are tougher to beat.

I like the idea of having a Wildcard competitor too in the CWC


I like that Wildcard idea.

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Congratulations to Shana for becoming the new CWC champion. Also, thanks to Precision and all the admin for their hard word this season and also ganryu for producing the statistics :)

I like the idea of ganryu's of all games counting - maybe have season 5 as a free for all. How about also making a couple of the fixtures as bonus points rounds - with players scoring extra points for certain genres of games (RPGs for example) or games that are tougher to beat.

I like the idea of having a Wildcard competitor too in the CWC

Well, I like the idea with the bonus points, but I see a problem there. If you give bonus points, who will determine which game get bonus points? Maybe a game were the fastest achiever had 50 hours or something like this? In my opinion it will never be completly fair if you rate the game recording to the top 50 achievers at psnprofiles. I still believe the best solution would be, to let all gaes count. maybe take a rule in place, werde the personal time can't be faster to finish a game than 8 hour oder so, but let every game count the same way. right now 100% games and plat games aren't countd the same way, and that's still my problem. EQUALITY FOR ALL GAMES! XDD

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Well, I like the idea with the bonus points, but I see a problem there. If you give bonus points, who will determine which game get bonus points? Maybe a game were the fastest achiever had 50 hours or something like this? In my opinion it will never be completly fair if you rate the game recording to the top 50 achievers at psnprofiles. I still believe the best solution would be, to let all gaes count. maybe take a rule in place, werde the personal time can't be faster to finish a game than 8 hour oder so, but let every game count the same way. right now 100% games and plat games aren't countd the same way, and that's still my problem. EQUALITY FOR ALL GAMES! XDD


My issue lies mainly in the fact that as the rules currently stand they can be manipulated whenever someone needs fast points because god forbid they might lose so people start turning to visual novels and shit like that just to win! It really isn't fair on individuals that have worked hard for their points over 4 day with every spare hour they have to then be done over at the end by a visual novel that can be finished in 35 minutes!! How would that not irritate you?!


At least the top 50 times give a rough idea albeit not perfect as to what we should use. Maybe just bring the top 50 time limit down to like 3 hours or something so that it removes that element!

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 It really isn't fair on individuals that have worked hard for their points over 4 day with every spare hour they have to then be done over at the end by a visual novel that can be finished in 35 minutes!! How would that not irritate you?!




I know that you was angry after our match, and sorry for that, but this that you worked hard for the points, and this that I won by "cheap shoot" this don't mean that I not worked hard during our fixture. 

I'm working 60h per week, and trust me this is very difficult to find free time every evening.

Through two seasons (and long time before I joined the league) I worked under Destiny of Spirits.

This is game without platinum and according trophy guide ---> click 100% is taking 350+h (Spirit Master trophy 1,72% rarity)

I finished this game within about 800+h ( I think should be less about 100h because I few times fall asleep when I played this game on my vita in my bed).

I have 33 Ultra Rare throphies on my profile and I'm working under next ones.

Maybe sometimes I taking the League too seriously, and if I supposig that I'm going to loose I'm using "a booster".

I know this is not quite fair(however without breaking any rules), but desire for the victory is strongest than me :-(

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I know that you was angry after our match, and sorry for that, but this that you worked hard for the points, and this that I won by "cheap shoot" this don't mean that I not worked hard during our fixture. 

I'm working 60h per week, and trust me this is very difficult to find free time every evening.

Through two seasons (and long time before I joined the league) I worked under Destiny of Spirits.

This is game without platinum and according trophy guide ---> click 100% is taking 350+h (Spirit Master trophy 1,72% rarity)

I finished this game within about 800+h ( I think should be less about 100h because I few times fall asleep when I played this game on my vita in my bed).

I have 33 Ultra Rare throphies on my profile and I'm working under next ones.

Maybe sometimes I taking the League too seriously, and if I supposig that I'm going to loose I'm using "a booster".

I know this is not quite fair(however without breaking any rules), but desire for the victory is strongest than me :-(


It wasn't aimed at you dude so no offence meant, I forgot about that ages ago, earned my promotion and got on with things. I just think there should be a way of making everything equal for everybody. I don't doubt you worked hard for all your results, it shows in your final tally! We have all taken this far too seriously at times but surely you can understand my point? I liked the 5 hour rule because it meant there was no way to exploit the rules for easy trophies like there is now.


I don't want this to become an argument, I wouldn't have mentioned if Precision hadn't asked about rule improvements because I think this is a very flawed rule that needs correction.


Congrats on Destiny Of Spirits, I know what its like to put that kind of time in and it feels great at the end!!

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Congratulations to Shana for becoming the new CWC champion. Also, thanks to Precision and all the admin for their hard word this season and also ganryu for producing the statistics :)

I like the idea of ganryu's of all games counting - maybe have season 5 as a free for all. How about also making a couple of the fixtures as bonus points rounds - with players scoring extra points for certain genres of games (RPGs for example) or games that are tougher to beat.

I like the idea of having a Wildcard competitor too in the CWC

I don't like the idea of bonus point rounds at all. How are you going to determine difficulty for a game? If you do it by genre, no matter whether you pick RPG, strategy, or anything else that the majority thinks as "the hardest game genre," there's going to be people left out who don't like those genres. There are also games of each genre that are much easier than others. If you determine difficulty by trophy rarity, this league will feel like a clone of the rare trophy hunters league, which I personally don't want. If you determine difficulty by time to platinum, barely anyone's going to get any bonus points because the "harder" games would be too long to make much progress in within a fixture. I don't really see a good way to do this. I also seem to be one of the few people that doesn't want all games counting next season. Let's think about this for a moment. We could have someone who tries really hard in the league who plays games that he/she likes to play for three days, and then on the last day, his/her opponent could download the Walking Dead, Jetpack Joyride, Back to the Future, and other free games with easy trophies and close a fifty point gap in a matter of hours. This scenario doesn't only apply to free games either. Some visual novels only take an hour or two to beat, and there are other quick games like Sound Shapes that I just think are unfair for this league. You could say that I or anyone else could buy Sound Shapes to gain the upper hand, but I'm not going to buy a game I don't want to play to win one fixture. I liked the idea in season 3 where if people got 100% in the game under a certain amount of time on the leader boards, the game doesn't count. Rather than have Precision be bombarded with questions about which games would count, I say there should be a new admin who decides which games count or not. I'd do it, but I'm normally very busy. Speaking of being busy, please don't quote this and say that you like quick games because you don't have a lot of time to play. I'm taking five AP classes right now and for most of season four had only an hour or two to play at least two out of the four days due to hw. It didn't help that I was doing SAT classes/college visits/volunteer work during the weekends. I avoided relegation without using underhanded methods despite my busy schedule, and next season, I hope to do even better. Don't use time as an excuse to use quick games. Sorry this turned into a speech, but I thought this needed to be said.

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