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Trophy Hunters League - Season 41 winner: Banana_Sausage47!

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If anyone happens to be interested, i'm doing a Fifa 15 Vita speedrun today, starting in about 40 minutes, i have a Gdocs checklist which i will be following and filling in as i go, so in case any of you wish to follow me as i attempt to achieve the quickest time, here is the link: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1HNzuA8wgt54wvGRJU1D-gFD2eqRy6Lbl_VkCOponpDY/pubhtml#

Just out of curiosity, would the points from the vita version count considering you've played Fifa 15 for the PS3 already this season?

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Just out of curiosity, would the points from the vita version count considering you've played Fifa 15 for the PS3 already this season?


Similar to Kochiya-Shana's question, These games may have the same Title, but completely different trophy lists, i ought to re-iterate on this further on the homepost. The rule refers to games that have the same names AND trophy lists such as sly cooper on vita and ps3, or sound shapes and i believe god of war is another example.



EDIT:- Well that is what it was designed to stop. People from playing the exact same game for easy gains. If you have played a vita version of fifa, you'll see they are completely unalike, just unfortunately share a title.

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I was actually going for 1000 trophies this month, but since i started playing runescape again and 3 good (atleast thats what im expecting) games will come out very shortly i dont think i will achieve those 1000 trophies in a month.

But atleast i want to try brake my monthly record which is 506.

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I was actually going for 1000 trophies this month, but since i started playing runescape again and 3 good (atleast thats what im expecting) games will come out very shortly i dont think i will achieve those 1000 trophies in a month.

But atleast i want to try brake my monthly record which is 506.

1000 trophies a month? Lol I wish I could get that many in a year.

Good luck anyway dude.

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Well, finished my Fifa 15 Vita speedrun at 15 hours 25 minutes, current fastest time by around 12 hours. I realised there is a much faster way to get it, but i feel that method is cheating the system, so i do expect to drop eventually, but it's nice to have top 3 fastest time on 3 Fifa titles! 

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Now all you need, Precision, is to place in the top 5 first platinum achiever's in any game and you're golden :)

Unfortunately for us in Ireland and the UK we get shafted for the release dates so it makes it near impossible to get first achiever or even in the first 5, I really don't know why but for some reason a lot of games now are getting a separate release date for Europe and then comes out a day or two later again in the UK and Spudland. Add that to the fact the US version is already out a few days prior to the EU release it makes it impossbile unless it's like a really long plat which even then is pretty much hopeless.

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Unfortunately for us in Ireland and the UK we get shafted for the release dates so it makes it near impossible to get first achiever or even in the first 5, I really don't know why but for some reason a lot of games now are getting a separate release date for Europe and then comes out a day or two later again in the UK and Spudland. Add that to the fact the US version is already out a few days prior to the EU release it makes it impossbile unless it's like a really long plat which even then is pretty much hopeless


Woulda done it with Fifa 15 Vita if i had bought at day of release for £35. For what it is, no thanks lol xD

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At the start of this Season, two players requested to drop leagues due to a cut in playing time. I asked both of these players on what league they wanted to be dropped to, and what scores they expected to score throughout the season. The first player in question was zajac9999. He had requested to be dropped to the silver league due to returning to university. He expected to score i believe 10-30 points as a rough average. I refused him to drop to the silver league and dropped him to the gold league as a precautionary method. I now realise i was wrong and i can only apologize to him for that.

The second player in question was Kochiya-Shana. She requested a drop due to her health, which would lead to a drop in playing time. She requested to be dropped to Gold league and advised that she would be likely to earn i think 30-60 points per fixture. I accepted the drop to gold on that basis. Again i was wrong, and i have to apologize to everyone in the gold league for that. Kochiya currently stands as the 3rd highest scorer in the entire league with 1 of the 2 others being a newcomer. That is a Platinum League average and her drop should not have been warranted.


As an apology to the Gold League, aswell as a punishment to Kochiya-Shana for misleading myself. I am banning Kochiya from becoming the Gold League Champion this season, which subsequently bans here from the CWC aswell. She can still gain promotion, but will not be allowed to win the Title.

Edited by Precision-Playy
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I hate to disagree with the leader of the league, but as a member of the Gold League, I feel like I should say something about this. I think it's unfair to ban someone who dropped a league from becoming League Champion just because he/she is performing better than they thought they were going to. I'm sure that when the season was starting, Kochiya didn't know what days she could play and for how long due to her health and genuinely thought that she wasn't going to score a lot of points this season. No one was misled. Kochyia just got lucky and had more opportunities for points than she thought she would. If someone who requests to drop a league isn't allowed to win the league they're placed in, why allow drops in the first place? I know this probably doesn't change anything, but I thought I'd throw my thoughts out here.


It's not because she is top, it is the way she is top. If she "wasn't sure" she shouldn't have asked. Im sorry, but i have see actually no difference in performance from any other season, and i think that it is incredibly unfair on blueyoshi5 who has had a fantastic season so far but is going to miss out on the title because someone that should be in the plat league was allowed to be in the gold league. It is one thing to win the league, it is another to dominate, i mean, she has averaged nearly double what she predicted. She also mentioned that she would only be adding 1 game and then working on backlog as another reason, however 1 is a little different to 16, that is more games than i have put in this season.


EDIT:- The drops were supposed to be so they feel like they could compete, not dominate every person they come up against. i may aswell request a drop to the bronze on that basis so i can have the set of league titles.

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It's not because she is top, it is the way she is top. If she "wasn't sure" she shouldn't have asked. Im sorry, but i have see actually no difference in performance from any other season, and i think that it is incredibly unfair on blueyoshi5 who has had a fantastic season so far but is going to miss out on the title because someone that should be in the plat league was allowed to be in the gold league. It is one thing to win the league, it is another to dominate, i mean, she has averaged nearly double what she predicted. She also mentioned that she would only be adding 1 game and then working on backlog as another reason, however 1 is a little different to 16, that is more games than i have put in this season.


EDIT:- The drops were supposed to be so they feel like they could compete, not dominate every person they come up against. i may aswell request a drop to the bronze on that basis so i can have the set of league titles.

I see what you're saying, but I still think that if you gave Kochiya permission to be in Gold League, then she has the right to win, regardless of her score. I can argue this more, but since it looks like you've made up your mind, I don't really see the point. Can we at least agree that requested league dropping is a bad idea? I was against it to begin with, and this situation has made me dislike the idea even more.

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I see what you're saying, but I still think that if you gave Kochiya permission to be in Gold League, then she has the right to win, regardless of her score. I can argue this more, but since it looks like you've made up your mind, I don't really see the point. Can we at least agree that requested league dropping is a bad idea? I was against it to begin with, and this situation has made me dislike the idea even more.


It was a one off thing anyway, it won't be happening again, i wouldn't have any issue if her average had been like 60 or 70 but to be at 100, having estimated around 50... I would have never have permitted her to drop to Gold League on the basis that he/she had said "ill probably score around 100 every fixture" you see where i am coming from ?

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It was a one off thing anyway, it won't be happening again, i wouldn't have any issue if her average had been like 60 or 70 but to be at 100, having estimated around 50... I would have never have permitted her to drop to Gold League on the basis that he/she had said "ill probably score around 100 every fixture" you see where i am coming from ?

Estimated average and real average are two completely different things. Every season so far, I get a better average than I expected to get. This season, I expected to get about 20 points per fixture, and right now, I'm almost double that. I know that in Kochiya's case, the score difference is much more extreme, but this only means that Kochiya did better than she expected. If Kochiya pretended to have less time to play this season just to get the league win, then I'd understand where you are coming from, but I doubt that's true. I could be wrong (which would make this entire page of comments completely pointless), but that's something Kochiya has to prove herself.

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I am torn on this to be honest, I said at the beginning that league drops was a bad idea and felt that people wanted it purely to avoid losing but if someone says that they honestly don't think they will be able to stay competitive due to their health then it isn't really fair to dispute that and their word should be taken.


As it happens she clearly can compete in the Plat league and the drop should never have been given in the first place, if it turned out she couldn't compete, so be it, she would have lost most of the fixtures and been relegated to the correct league for her level. I am looking good for getting a promotion into Gold at the minute where I will most likely get murdered every fixture but that's the way the cookie crumbles!!


On the flip side of this in her defence, I think we can all find time that wasn't available to us previously to try and get those extra points needed to win certain fixtures!! I have on certain occasions played at silly hours etc to try and win tough games and we have all done the same thing!!

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The only people affected by Shana's dropout are us folks in the Gold league, so maybe us Gold players should choose if we want that punishment to happen or not (only a suggestion, Precision has the last word)

I honestly don't feel like this should be punished. Yes, she's scoring higher than she said and she asked to be dropped out, but she was allowed to as well....

(Only my opinion on this) What I would take out of this is to spare this first trial and error issue and never EVER allow voluntary dropouts anymore under ANY circumstance. If you're not gonna be able to score decently, then play your league and wait for the natural flow of things to get relegated and play in a lower league. That is the way it should've been in the first place.

Oh, and I like Shadow's idea of a Champions League :D

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I honestly don't feel like this should be punished. Yes, she's scoring higher than she said and she asked to be dropped out, but she was allowed to as well....


This is true, but she was only allowed to drop on the basis of the facts that she gave me.


Let's have look...
Remove my score against Yoshi and work out my average I have a funny feeling the average would drop quite a lot but I suppose I wasn't allowed to try push myself for a single round as per a friend's request to see if they could win at my "best"?
You can ask Prinny, Yoshi and unsure but maybe GarciaFever on where I have spent MOST(70%+) of my time per round, I bet the answer you'll get will be the XMB. I also find it quite frustrating one round you always mention in me "dominating" is my round against me3lingual now let's look at that round if their consle didn't die at that point it could've gone either way as they were playing Playstation All-Stars which is easily a 2-3 day platinum but that get's overlooked just because I played something I had pre-prepared to stand a chance against such games.
Look at my round against zajac, I earned what a trophy per day until the final day where I played a VN and one I was hoping to save as a milestone just so I could stand a chance against a possible FIFA platinum... 
The only round I've had a huge difference was the first round which really shouldn't even count due to circumstances outside my opponent's control, I haven't dominated I have been competitive per round if I was dominating you'd be seeing scores on par with ToxiKirby's per round which I'm not doing. The top three places in gold have very close averages but I suppose it'd be pefectly fine if they dominated?
I'm sorry I am just annoyed I've slept more than I have played, tried my best to stay on par with my opponent's out of respect as I am sure they wouldn't want wins handed to them with the exception of Krazy for his brithday and all my rounds haven't been one-sided(round 1 exception) so to be denied a chance to be champion for doing better than I thought while sleeping more than Snorlax might I add is very discouraging.
If you need another to ask where I spend most of my time per round another you can ask that should be reliable who is on Prinny, Yoshi and my PSN friends list is Lumibelle and you'll get the XMB as a response from each of them but I suppose that won't matter. 





The fact of the matter is Kochiya, is that the higher figure you gave me when i asked for your predicted scores, was supposed to be you at your best given your time constraints, so to call 60, and put in a 210, is ridiculous. Take every one of your scores and put them into the platinum league and it is clear to see that you are in the wrong place, it doesn't sound like much, but 80 is alot more than 60 when you put it in almost every round. Using Visual Novels as excuses for scoring high is invalid, these are things i would have expected you to take into consideration when giving me the average scores that you expected to score really. You knew the whole time that you could put in easy points via that method of play. So with that in mind, you XMB argument is invalid also, considering you knew you could play short easy VN's. By dominating i don't just mean smashing your opponents score, it is also the matter of you simply upping your game on the last day to a standard that you know your opponent can't match. Whether this is you just trying to keep your score down because i warned you about it before, or whether you are just saving some points for later or generally couldn't play for the first 3 days, i don't know.


I just feel like i told you how un-keen i was to do this from the word go, i feel ike i put my trust in you, and you did seem genuine at first, but now it feels like you just wanted to throw it back in my face and gain a easier route to the CWC.

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I just feel like i told you how un-keen i was to do this from the word go, i feel ike i put my trust in you, and you did seem genuine at first, but now it feels like you just wanted to throw it back in my face and gain a easier route to the CWC.


It does seem kinda stacked in Kochiya's favor considering that given the reason for a move. As you said, obviously the move wasn't warranted given the obvious disparity in numbers. It makes me question the reasoning behind the move in the first place. This is my first season in this league and so far everyone has been very good competitors so idk what Kochiya's track record is in the past in the platinum league. Something tells me that based on this evidence, I may already know.

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I'm sorry I am just annoyed I've slept more than I have played, tried my best to stay on par with my opponent's out of respect as I am sure they wouldn't want wins handed to them with the exception of Krazy for his brithday

Hold on, that was just a joke by the way lol.

On-topic. I did say before the season started that the league drops were a bad idea, purely because those who requested drops were high scorers so dropping to a league where you feel comfortable, in my opinion, was wrong. You were put in those leagues because Precision believed you belonged in that league, where you would be competitive.

I said before I was surprised to be in gold because I don't really score that many but I'm trying my best and fighting to stay in Gold. Everyone is busy or has issues in real life that drops our gaming time. I have a full time job where I can work 12-15 hours at a time, 2 young children and a girlfriend who likes to watch a bit of TV, but I didnt request a drop. Its just how it goes I'm afraid.

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Woah, Woah, WOAH.


I understand your reasoning for doing what you did with Shana, I don't however approve of the reason why you did it. Personally this season I've been in VN's because of worries that my health would've wavered but because they'd give me a firm grasp ahead - something I misjudged with peacefc - but I did this in the knowledge that I'd more than likely be hospitalized in that week.


What I don't seem to understand here is why Shana has faced a complete denial of a title that she may not have worked hard for with VN's but worked for nonetheless, it wouldn't be her fault if her health picked up for a while and she scored higher as the point predictions she gave you at the time were mere predictions nothing else. If you wish to blame anything then blame her health and not her.


Yes I accept that she might've well have been kept in platinum league but still, your reasoning feels like complete "doo-doo" at this point in time.


With health problems of my own, I can personally vouch for Shana having her ability to win the CWC at the least back


On a personal basis and as I've spent most my days over the past 15 years in hospital and completely disagree with your judgement to do what you've done but I'll respect it nonetheless.


Teddie out.

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Woah, Woah, WOAH.


I understand your reasoning for doing what you did with Shana, I don't however approve of the reason why you did it. Personally this season I've been in VN's because of worries that my health would've wavered but because they'd give me a firm grasp ahead - something I misjudged with peacefc - but I did this in the knowledge that I'd more than likely be hospitalized in that week.


What I don't seem to understand here is why Shana has faced a complete denial of a title that she may not have worked hard for with VN's but worked for nonetheless, it wouldn't be her fault if her health picked up for a while and she scored higher as the point predictions she gave you at the time were mere predictions nothing else. If you wish to blame anything then blame her health and not her.


Yes I accept that she might've well have been kept in platinum league but still, your reasoning feels like complete "doo-doo" at this point in time.


With health problems of my own, I can personally vouch for Shana having her ability to win the CWC at the least back


On a personal basis and as I've spent most my days over the past 15 years in hospital and completely disagree with your judgement to do what you've done but I'll respect it nonetheless.


Teddie out.


I fell you have interpreted this wrong, what i was actually saying is when she gave those predictions she should have factored in the fact that she knew she had VN's at her disposal, which would score her alot of points very quickly. Im not bashing because she played them, but she should have factored that in when thinking about what scores she would achieve. About her health picking up for a bit, she has score over he predictions 4/5 fixtures, more boasts the question, "when is it going to not pick up?" im not trying to be a dick here, i already feel like one for letting the other Gold league competitors down for a start, but i know it must be difficult living with health problems, but i know if i was in the gold league and doing well i'd feel very very hard done by.

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