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Trophy Hunters League - Season 42 sign-ups still open!

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That's exaxtly my plan lol. I jusy bought myself the red bull x2010 last night so I'll let it grind by itself overnight.

Have you done the Senna Tribute event yet? 2 new trophies for that.

Nope, i sold the game thinking there wasnt going to be any DLC as there wasnt any trophies for GT5 for DLC lol, i just brought it off Ebay for £18 again though, not sure whether to keep it incase any more DLC comes out or just sell it again afterwards haha.

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Season Forecast is available to view on Page 1  :awesome:

FIX SET 1 (3rd - 6th June)
HcG-_Clawz vs zajac9999  :platinum:
GarciaFever vs MrCostari
Diddle666 vs DJ-Silver
ExHaseo vs dragnierkira
Mendant909 vs shadowhood1111
Precision-Playy vs RachP13
xZoneHunter vs theshywaterguy
STFUxDxD vs JosuePR_41
Hemiak vs Krazy_99
HcG-_Terror vs omar280792
Nexus_x2007 vs Matthew_Banfield
Mah2c vs TJ-Yoshi
Gate_guard vs ShogunCroCop
XShadowYakuzaX :bronze: vs Grindcore12391
silverstag88 vs twaanie
Killcount2121 vs jem12345
Dragon-Archon vs man_with_wdjat
KerplunkMB vs Kochiya_Shana

Fixtures Start: Approx 1 min ago Good Luck all!

Edited by Precision-Playy
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Two games at 100%, I think I am off to a good start.



Just noticed for my PSN you've used Kochiya_Shana instead of Kochiya-Shana, I just thought I'd point that out so nobody goes searching for a PSN account that isn't mine or doesn't exist.

Edited by Kochiya Shana
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So my roommate just bought Mario Kart 8 for his Wii U. *shakes fist* I think my roommate is in cahoots with Dragon to bring me down during this first fixture!

It's really fun, I'm sure you'll enjoy it, especially the online. I've been playing some of that and am downloading Wind Waker HD atm, so I think that might affect me this fixture as well. :D

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It's really fun, I'm sure you'll enjoy it, especially the online. I've been playing some of that and am downloading Wind Waker HD atm, so I think that might affect me this fixture as well. :D

Yeah played some of it already and it is awesome! When my roommate bought his Wii U I immediately went out and bought Wind Waker HD, I absolutely love that game. I played it a lot on gamecube and it was great getting to experience it again. Hope you enjoy it dood!

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There are only 8 players in the bronze league this season Costari, if you view the fixture forecast, you will see that this will be catered for over the course of the Season  :rolleyes:


Dafuq? What's that for? Why? That can't be possible! You can't have 10 people in 3 leagues and only 8 in the fourth?? :S

Edited by MrCostari
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Dafuq? What's that for? Why? That can't be possible! You can't have 10 people in 3 leagues and only 8 in the fourth?? :S

Well given, how quite a few dropped out. It was either hold off starting the league untill 2 newbies decided to join (which would take a while) or continue with the number we have. 

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Its was the best option at this time i think, its the same with soccer tho like Eredivisie has 18 teams and Jupilear League has 20 teams Dont hear anyone complaining about that either.

And it doesnt change anything except for them having 2 brakes in between the season.

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Yay I got over 5000 trophies!


EDIT: wait... how did zajac get almost 200 points in one day? So far most of the trophies are prior to the start of Season 2, unless... you are being secretive about it  :hmm: ?

Edited by GarciaFever
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