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Trophy Hunters League - Season 41 winner: Banana_Sausage47!

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Thanks pureproteinman, RalphyLDN, HcG-_Clawz and Precision-Playy for the help. Good game allenbird, ExHaseo and omar280792. Good luck to pureproteinman and RalphyLDN for next season. Enjoyed playing both new and old games. I've won my league and would like announce I'm retiring.

Well done deano !!! No need to thank me, you did it all by yourself :) I just provided the late night cheerleading haha!!

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Dragon-Archon (2) - (2) ExHaseo





GOLD CHAMPION- ReimiSaionji9742


BRONZE CHAMPION- dean_gustafson


SEASON 9 CWC- August 16th 


ToxiKirby vs ReimiSaionji9742 vs Kochiya-Shana vs dean_gustafson

My first draw ever :dance:, not bad for watching mostly SAO while farming stuff in SO4. Luckily I got a shiny silver during the 1 hour I played Tales of Hearts R.


Congrats to the league winners :yay:. Looks like third time was the charm for Shana, now go and win the CWC.


My money is on ToxiKirby or Shana.

Never would've guessed you're zach.


Damn, I was hoping that Draw would win on my end and I would win a point for doing absolutely nothing. 

Then you should've played SO4 in order to be protected by its magic :P. I ended up fourth with 83 points.

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Wasn't Vasorat13 going to retire? If not then i'm kind of sad that Jareth snagged that promotion spot right at the last second... But alas he did deserve it! He put up an amazing score last fixture against Reimi.

But you do get promoted since there are 2 relegations and a retirement so there are 3 promotion spots since theshywaterguy retired but isn't in the red going by the tables.

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RachP13 (27) - (0) TheLastSurvivorD

(1) S4V463_F0XH0UND (51) - (3) allenbird

Grindcore12391 (8) - (0) BlueFireReaper

(1) omar280792 (20) - (51) dean_gustafson

Dragon-Archon (2) - (2) ExHaseo




GOLD CHAMPION- ReimiSaionji9742


BRONZE CHAMPION- dean_gustafson



Good games everyone. :)


And congrats to all the league champions! I had fun for my first time in this league. good luck guys!

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Well, I was definitely not expecting Akkita to drop 80 PTs on me but I was getting relegated anyway so it doesn't really matter. Just finished Kickbeat finally. Another UR 100% in the books. 13th achiever and 3rd fastest overall.

@ Zonehunter-aren't you playing Xillia? Did you take a break that last fixture or just not earn anything from it?

@everyone - are people thinking about their GG selections for next season yet?

I was wondering why KH:358/2 trophies aren't all common. It seems like as soon as you put that disc in that list is auto added, while you have to actually start the other two to add those lists. Kind of like the Sly mini games.

Yes, I realize I'm jumping all over. I'm still a little hyped from finishing KB.

Edited by Hemiak
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Wasn't Vasorat13 going to retire? If not then i'm kind of sad that Jareth snagged that promotion spot right at the last second... But alas he did deserve it! He put up an amazing score last fixture against Reimi.

I found some time so I asked if i could stay

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(1) sinnriel (67) - (73) zajac9999 (1) 

urm priny mate do you have this the wrong way round?

i loged my scores and i come up with 73

Just rechecked and I'm still getting 67 dood

Well, I was definitely not expecting Akkita to drop 80 PTs on me but I was getting relegated anyway so it doesn't really matter. Just finished Kickbeat finally. Another UR 100% in the books. 13th achiever and 3rd fastest overall.

@ Zonehunter-aren't you playing Xillia? Did you take a break that last fixture or just not earn anything from it?

@everyone - are people thinking about their GG selections for next season yet?

I was wondering why KH:358/2 trophies aren't all common. It seems like as soon as you put that disc in that list is auto added, while you have to actually start the other two to add those lists. Kind of like the Sly mini games.

Yes, I realize I'm jumping all over. I'm still a little hyped from finishing KB.


Congrats on finishing Kickbeat dood, know you've really been working for that one


As for KH: 358/2 it does auto add the list but some people just didn't care about it since it is only cutscenes so they didn't watch the cutscenes for the trophies dood

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@everyone - are people thinking about their GG selections for next season yet?


I have quite a few games in mind for it considering what I plan on focusing on next season but at current it is mainly out of either SAO: HF, Mugen Souls or Ninja Gaiden Sigma 2 for my golden game picks although I do have other titles in mind especially if we're going the genre roulette.

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Yesssssssssssss, Bloodborne is so good isnt it?

Indeed it is! Don't think I've seen the gameover screen this many times since playing Mega Man as a kid. Currently getting destroyed in the Defiled Chalice, namely vs. Watchdog. Not sure I have the patience for this battle. xD

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