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Trophy Hunters League - Season 41 winner: Banana_Sausage47!

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I'm afraid that you might be disappointed unless you just want to see me get my ass kicked. Unfortunately, my games and schedule lined up much better last season so I'm expecting to be fighting just to stay in the Platinum League this season. Once again, my mouth has talked a bigger game than I can back up.  :(

I think it's going to be the same for me this season.

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Is there a fixture forecast? When does the first fixture end?


This isn't the official forecast but the topic came up in a recent admin meeting so I'll go ahead and post what I worked up for that. Should be accurate enough and Clawz will update the OP with the official forecast once he gets some free time.


Fixture 1: Nov 20-23

Fixture 2: Nov 24-27

Fixture 3: Nov 28-Dec 1

Break 1: Dec 2-3

Fixture 4: Dec 4-7

Fixture 5: Dec 8-11

Fixture 6: Dec 12-15

Break 2: Dec 16-17

Fixture 7: Dec 18-21

Fixture 8: Dec 22-25

Fixture 9: Dec 26-29


CWC: Dec 31-Jan 2


So to answer you original question, this fixture ends tonight or in about 6 hours and 28 minutes.

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Seems like I haven't pissed anyone off over here for awhile ........ now let me get started  :P



Haha 17 points last season. Let's just say that Life can catch up to you and punch you in the groin over and over and just when you get back on your feet, tomahawk to the crotch.



However......I'm Back!!!



I am sensing a rematch coming up. I was also thinking of starting Destiny, would you like to relive the journey. #ImisstheTrine2days   B)

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I'm curious, is getting a Platinum trophy in each fixture a good idea?

Well, you obviously wouldn't need to get one whenever you know/think you have a big lead on your opponent but if you're not really sure of your win yet, why not :)?

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I'm curious, is getting a Platinum trophy in each fixture a good idea?


Well it really depends on your strategy and your opponent, but in general yeah that's a good idea and you'll probably do pretty good if you average a platinum each fixture. The format of the league adds some strategy and luck since you are always competing 1 on 1 with an opponent. Depending on the size of your backlog of games, you might want to score enough points to win your match but not overkill to where you end up wasting points. Some people might try saving points for an opponent they know will be tough to beat. With that strategy though, you run the risk of having your opponent being sneaky with a late push of points to beat you (*cough* Whyfire *cough* :P ) at the very end of the fixture. In my opinion that makes it more interesting because you never know what your opponent will do or if you are safe. Maybe they really haven't scored much or maybe they have a ton of points not synced yet. You never know. 


Others just go all out and score all the points they can each fixture, especially if they have a ton of games and don't have to worry about running out of trophies. Really just depends on the strategy you want to use. Congrats on an impressive first fixture btw. Looks like you might be an early favorite to continue the Bronze streak if you keep that up.  :)

Edited by MStalker58
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Well it really depends on your strategy and your opponent, but in general yeah that's a good idea and you'll probably do pretty good if you average a platinum each fixture. The format of the league adds some strategy and luck since you are always competing 1 on 1 with an opponent. Depending on the size of your backlog of games, you might want to score enough points to win your match but not overkill to where you end up wasting points. Some people might try saving points for an opponent they know will be tough to beat. With that strategy though, you run the risk of having your opponent being sneaky with a late push of points to beat you (*cough* Whyfire *cough* :P ) at the very end of the fixture. In my opinion that makes it more interesting because you never know what your opponent will do or if you are safe. Maybe they really haven't scored much or maybe they have a ton of points not synced yet. You never know. 


Others just go all out and score all the points they can each fixture, especially if they have a ton of games and don't have to worry about running out of trophies. Really just depends on the strategy you want to use. Congrats on an impressive first fixture btw. Looks like you might be an early favourite to continue the Bronze streak if you keep that up.  :)


Cheers for the info, it all helps. I have a personal goal within the league as well, hopefully I can meet that too :)


Well, I think I have a mild advantage being that I have over 100 games I can Platinum (and that's just to the letter K  :blink:), so lots of options at least.

Edited by Psy-Tychist
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The league tables have been updated. You can check them out here (link is also in the OP). These will be updated after each fixture (as usual). The statistics have been updated as well. You can check those out here (link is also in the OP). This season I'll be trying to update those after each fixture too.

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I've been in the US for 4 Thanksgivings now, won't be having a fifth one way or the other. Maybe it's better if you have American family to celebrate it but I'm not too keen on it. Not a huge fan of any of the food and the consumerism in the ensuing days (there is not only Black Friday but also Small Business Saturday and Cyber Monday...it is a true orgy of consumption and avarice) juxtaposed with the message of Thanksgiving, which best I can gather is the importance of community and enjoying what you have, is probably the pinnacle of what I struggle against as an anti-capitalist.

Edited by Andrea
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I've been in the US for 4 Thanksgivings now, won't be having a fifth one way or the other. Maybe it's better if you have American family to celebrate it but I'm not too keen on it. Not a huge fan of any of the food and the consumerism in the ensuing days (there is not only Black Friday but also Small Business Saturday and Cyber Monday...it is a true orgy of consumption and avarice) juxtaposed with the message of Thanksgiving, which best I can gather is the importance of community and enjoying what you have, is probably the pinnacle of what I struggle against as an anti-capitalist.


This has been my second Thanksgiving and I have to agree with you in terms of the consumerism, although it feels like it's for every holiday (even Veterans Day and Memorial Day, which seems a bit crass - companies cashing in that way)  Whilst you're right, in recent years the importance has been on community, family and being thankful for what you have, the history is much more sinister and is not about honoring Native Americans (such as what is taught in schools) but the beginning of genocide, dispossession and constant warfare.  It was actually Abraham Lincoln who envisioned the holiday as a day for families to be together, mourn the dead and be grateful for the living.


We don't usually watch TV, but recently had it on due to all of the election news and the advertising here is so targeted and consumerist - husband had an amusing time listening to my reactions and rants.  

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Sounds like some rants I can get behind!


I knew it has some sinister past related to Native Americans, I've seen some offensive costumes and things of that nature but the history of Thanksgiving isn't a feature of South African private schooling. We have our own shameful colonial past - one that, in my experience, is whitewashed and downplayed to the greatest extent possible. At least Columbus Day doesn't seem to be much of a thing in practice, but it definitely seems like most holidays are so centered around commercial activity that whatever the original "point" was has been lost to time. Thinking of things like Labour Day (this would be a very useful holiday for Americans to reclaim as their unions and worker protections would appall most with experience in other countries) and 4th of July in particular, in addition to the ones you mentioned.


The way the military in particular is commercialized is pretty nauseating, I have watched a couple sport events (NFL football, a fair amount of NBA, a hockey game or two) and the way they wrap themselves in the flag/military is really tough to process for me coming from a country where that sort of thing essentially doesn't exist. Frequent shout outs to them, flyovers by jets, veterans on the field...maybe it's sincere and I'm missing something and this actually is helping veterans, but I can't help but think that it's in the same crass and insincere vein as Wal-Mart reaching out to returning veterans, who have seen horrors most can't comprehend and have served their country, for bad retail/sales jobs paying below the poverty line.

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