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Trophy Hunters League - Season 41 winner: Banana_Sausage47!

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On 9/24/2020 at 8:56 AM, Redbeard-Rik said:

@iSkyIaexcellent round! I got lucky because I had 4 days off work and found someone to boost hawx with all it's ultra rares. I'm looking forward to the return fixture. 


Yeah i was a bit unlucky as i had work on all those days and spending time with the gf that wasnt feeling too good. Nice one on the win tho, hopefully ill be more lucky in the rematch, if i would have been able to plat this game i would have won but didnt have much time yesterday sadly

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7 hours ago, GTA_Darren said:

Apparently the season 25 & 26 Champion is a cheater. If you ask me, I think it is kind disgusting to know we competed unfairly for 2 seasons. I think the title should be revoked.


This is always an area I hate to get into. For all intents and purposes, the trophy scoring was above board and neither me nor @ShogunCroCop could see issue with how the trophies have been won. The issue was only brought to light by Tearraven after the second CWC and by that time, Andrea had arranged to retire from the league.


It has happened before in the league too but I don't think anything happened to the scoring because it couldn't be definitively proven.


Does anyone else have any thoughts on this?

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6 hours ago, Psy-Tychist said:


This is always an area I hate to get into. For all intents and purposes, the trophy scoring was above board and neither me nor @ShogunCroCop could see issue with how the trophies have been won. The issue was only brought to light by Tearraven after the second CWC and by that time, Andrea had arranged to retire from the league.


It has happened before in the league too but I don't think anything happened to the scoring because it couldn't be definitively proven.


Does anyone else have any thoughts on this?

I recall she had whole bunch ready to plat games during those 2 seasons. My main concern is how many of those games were cheated. Even if it was done off season, it still took effect during the season.

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I mean at this point Andrea has been exposed and no one is considering the trophies on her account legit now which also would mean no one here considers her titles legit. Revoking or not revoking the title doesn't really matter at this point since the common perception of her account and any points earned from it aren't legit

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As for Andrea, I have considered all of the viewpoints here. I'll make any necessary changes tomorrow when I update the standings and statistics.


I am not sure I can give the trophy to second place in the CWC because she also altered results in the season. I know in season 25 in which Precision and jem were a part of when we were all in Bronze, the 3 of us finished 6-4, and we all lost twice to Andrea. So which of us would have taken her place in the CWC? Awarding it to second in the CWC would be unfair, because any of the 3 of us should have been in it and maybe even have won in the CWC too, had we actually been able to make it. Same goes for those who were affected in season 26 in Silver League. If any revocation is done, I think the tile should stay vacant.


But I will discuss with the other admins to decide on the best course of action. For now, here are the matchups for fixture 6:


Platinum League

theshywaterguy v shadowhood1111

Wavergray v ShogunCroCop

GTA_Darren v microsamm


Gold League

iSkyIa v Psy-Tychist

BraveNoobWorld v Boooda

Arctic Cress v Redbeard-Rik


Silver League

blu3st4rdust305 v stupid0089

Wdjat Prinny Doods v X18JELLO18X

FallacyUnknown v me3lingual


Bronze League

Sylvie v OmegaFenron

AffectatiousDonk v Krazy_99

AmarisSkye v Omar


Manganese League

Sptj7 v freddie1989

Zach v Ichiban-Hybrid

BYE: Flex_Da_Brent


Fixture 6 began 10 minutes ago. Good luck!

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34 minutes ago, ShogunCroCop said:

As for Andrea, I have considered all of the viewpoints here. I'll make any necessary changes tomorrow when I update the standings and statistics.


I am not sure I can give the trophy to second place in the CWC because she also altered results in the season. I know in season 25 in which Precision and jem were a part of when we were all in Bronze, the 3 of us finished 6-4, and we all lost twice to Andrea. So which of us would have taken her place in the CWC? Awarding it to second in the CWC would be unfair, because any of the 3 of us should have been in it and maybe even have won in the CWC too, had we actually been able to make it. Same goes for those who were affected in season 26 in Silver League. If any revocation is done, I think the tile should stay vacant.


But I will discuss with the other admins to decide on the best course of action. For now, here are the matchups for fixture 6:

I can see how that will be a messy situation to deal with for the CWC, but with just the League champ title don't we have rule 11 to deal with tie-breaker situations?

11. League positioning is worked out through the following means:

- Amount of points earned in the season
- Average individual score

- Amount of platinums earned in the season
- Head to head result


So if you all lost to Andrea would not the second place person be found based Rule 11?

Edited by Wavergray
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14 hours ago, Wavergray said:

I can see how that will be a messy situation to deal with for the CWC, but with just the League champ title don't we have rule 11 to deal with tie-breaker situations?

11. League positioning is worked out through the following means:

- Amount of points earned in the season
- Average individual score

- Amount of platinums earned in the season
- Head to head result


So if you all lost to Andrea would not the second place person be found based Rule 11?

True. That probably would not have changed. Whoever finished second won all tiebreakers, and would have been first. I guess my main point though was that maybe without Andrea in that season, we play it different, and maybe the ties never even happen. IIRC, some of us set up our fixtures differently based on how the matchups fell with her, and the scoring opportunities available.


It's all hypothesis at this point, and I'd rather not go down that rabbit hole, but it does manifest all of the different permutations that could have happened without the cheating. That's why it makes it difficult to even award the second place finisher of the CWC the title. It'd be better to leave it vacant, or throw up asterisks next to her wins.

Edited by ShogunCroCop
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1 hour ago, ShogunCroCop said:

True. That probably would not have changed. Whoever finished second won all tiebreakers, and would have been first. I guess my main point though was that maybe without Andrea in that season, we play it different, and maybe the ties never even happen. IIRC, some of us set up our fixtures differently based on how the matchups fell with her, and the scoring opportunities available.


It's all hypothesis at this point, and I'd rather not go down that rabbit hole, but it does manifest all of the different permutations that could have happened without the cheating. That's why it makes it difficult to even award the second place finisher of the CWC the title. It'd be better to leave it vacant, or throw up asterisks next to her wins.


I'm following you on that, it's basically just a big 'what if' scenario. The timing of the fixtures would have been different without Andrea which might have been better or worse for some people, maybe some people actually tried to beat Andrea and wasted a lot of ammo doing so while others probably just let her win beforehand and took the time to set up some points to grab for the next fixture which put them into a huge advantage. It's not as easy to just let the person who came in second take it because Andrea had too much of an influence on the entire competition to determine if that same person would also have won without her. 


Besides, how can we determine who would have ultimately won the CWC without Andrea if one of the "rightful" particpants wasn't even able to participate because of her.


Leaving it vacant seems to be the best option.

Edited by Flex_Da_Brent
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Here are the scores for Fixture 5:


Platinum League

ShogunCroCop (5) v (52.6) microsamm (1)
shadowhood1111 (99.2) v (0) Wavergray
GTA_Darren (26.1) v (11.2) theshywaterguy


Gold League

Boooda (19) v (203.6) Redbeard-Rik (2)

BraveNoobWorld (0) v (45) Psy-Tychist

Arctic Cress (72.2) v (85) iSkyIa 


Silver League

blu3st4rdust305 (14.5) v (92.7) FallacyUnknown

Wdjat Prinny Doods (0) v (0) stupid0089

X18JELLO18X (51.9) v (22.8) me3lingual


Bronze League

Omar (0) v (9.6) Krazy_99

Sylvie (0) v (0) AmarisSkye

OmegaFenron (8) v (6.3) AffectatiousDonk


Manganese League

Sptj7 (4) v (29.5) Ichiban-Hybrid

Zach (4.3) v (42.3) Flex_Da_Brent

BYE: freddie1989 (0)


Standings and statistics will be updated shortly.

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8 hours ago, TheScruffyton said:

This is probably a dumb question, but is it too late to join Season 28? 


If so, feel free to pencil me in for Season 29. I would love to be a part of one of these. 

It is too late to join Season 28. I can put you on the wait list for Season 29.


Per rule 9, you'll need to get your post count up:


9. Players are only eligible to join if they posses one of the following:

- 50 forum posts and 15 platinums
- 25 forum posts and 40 platinums


But I am pretty lenient on this. However, I did want to make you aware.

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