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Feminist Frequency is shutting down after 15 years .


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On 04/08/2023 at 6:25 AM, Jelly Soup said:

Please don't take the bait on this, folks. Whatever interesting talking points you think there are, they aren't actually here. Every time, and I mean every damn time, this crap gets brought up you'll find the same "I am very smart!" people repeating the same scripts to whip people up into a tizzy. Easy way to tell, if the phrase "everything is political" comes up, you're dealing with a bad actor. Someone who isn't interested in having a discussion, they want to prove you're a woman hater/GGer/nazi/snuffleupagus and will use the same poorly backed up talking points followed by oneliners to piss you off. Then when you're mad and/or visibly done, it'll be all "See see! This is how those people act!" Take that shit back to ResetEra.



You tell me!



I'll take your advice on this one.?


It's a shame though because this kind of debate could have been so much more instead of the huge rupture it caused back then.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I love threads like these because they always expose at least one person whose bigotry I wasn't previously aware of (granted, I'm not that active here on the forums, so their bigotry was probably already exposed a long time ago by this point and I just never noticed, but still). It's incredible how these folks never fail to trip themselves up in the "oh no I'm not racist/sexist/LGBTphobic/etc., it's just that [proceeds to be racist/sexist/LGBTphobic/etc.]" discourse.


On 8/4/2023 at 1:25 AM, Jelly Soup said:

Please don't take the bait on this, folks. Whatever interesting talking points you think there are, they aren't actually here. Every time, and I mean every damn time, this crap gets brought up you'll find the same "I am very smart!" people repeating the same scripts to whip people up into a tizzy. Easy way to tell, if the phrase "everything is political" comes up, you're dealing with a bad actor. Someone who isn't interested in having a discussion, they want to prove you're a woman hater/GGer/nazi/snuffleupagus and will use the same poorly backed up talking points followed by oneliners to piss you off. Then when you're mad and/or visibly done, it'll be all "See see! This is how those people act!" Take that shit back to ResetEra.



Not every single game (or piece of media in general) is political, of course, but the vast majority of them are, whether intentionally or subconsciously. Politics encompasses a vast majority of our social interactions and the way we perceive the world as humans, it's not just when there's something happening on the screen that you (as in general, not as in you specifically) don't like. And, as people mentioned before, it's not the fault of women/POC/LGBT/etc. that their lives had to be made a political matter because otherwise they would just be exterminated merely for being different from the "standard" (which is very much a fabricated and oftentimes hypocritical standard, at that, but that's deviating from the matter at hand).


And usually, the people who get upset whenever that's brought up are either ignorant (as in the "not knowing" sense, not the "idiot" sense) and still believe in apoliticality (which is perfectly fine – it's difficult to swallow, as I learned from personal experience, especially when one side's dedicated to fueling that narrative as much as possible because it works just as well for them as having active supporters) or are the ones who are being challenged by the view on X political topic contained in a given work. It's not really anyone wanting to prove a person is a bigot as much as it is just speaking and seeing which of the two is the case; the latter type will naturally out themselves sooner or later.


On 8/6/2023 at 11:25 AM, You said:

I think, honestly, the easy way to sum it up is that certainly people have just gone mad.


This isn't just exclusive to games though.


I probably will start to sound like AJRadio, but in the 90s, people were just sane and not crazy. And nobody thought of such nonsense to get upset about.

No, people were always affected by sexism/racism/LGBTphobia/etc. The difference is that now they actually can express themselves, have their plights heard and find peers which they can share their struggles with, thanks to social media, whereas before they would either be forced to hide their struggle for the rest of their lives or be honest about themselves and then face the immense ostracization (at best... think I don't need to say what the worst outcomes would be) from the society around them afterwards.


Of course, this is a simplified explanation – these people were fighting for their rights long before the Internet even dreamed of existing, evidently, but their reach was massively capped by their material conditions at the time (which is what makes things such as the Stonewall riots, the anti-segregationist movement in the USA, etc. and their leaders that much more impressive).

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14 minutes ago, Eagle said:


Quite literally not one sentence of that word soufflé is an actual response to the post you quoted, beyond picking out the word 'pollical' to soap box from. The point was less about arguing people down and more about people coming in all piss and vinegar with the same aggressive statements (and it's always the same), then getting all hot and bothered when that same aggression is shoved back in their faces. I fully admit there is a good, healthy discussion to be had on the subject. However, in my experience people who toss around "everything is political" as critical arguments dismissively or resort to petty ad hoc "god the bigots!" statements aren't arguing in good faith. They came looking for a fight. Anyone who points this out is [-ist label goes here].


And look at me taking the bait.

Don't @ me for this, I'm not playing.

Edited by Jelly Soup
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6 minutes ago, Jelly Soup said:

Quite literally not one sentence of that word soufflé is an actual response to the post you quoted, beyond picking out the word 'political' to soapbox from. The point was less about arguing people down and more about people coming in all piss and vinegar with the same aggressive statements (and it's always the same), then getting all hot and bothered when that same aggression is shoved back in their faces. I fully admit there is a good, healthy discussion to be had on the subject. However, in my experience, people who toss around "everything is political" as critical arguments dismissively or resort to petty ad hoc "god, the bigots!" statements aren't arguing in good faith. They came looking for a fight. Anyone who points this out is [-ist label goes here].


And look at me taking the bait.

Don't @ me for this, I'm not playing.

Well, I do agree that such discussions are usually charged with more aggression than perhaps was necessary to be (especially in places like Twitter [or X, I guess] and whatnot) – sometimes, it is because the people in these discussions are merely interested in the personal attention and/or peer validation and don't actually care much about the causes they are defending, true, but I find that oftentimes it's because it's getting more and more difficult by the day to differentiate people who aren't coming out of a place of malice and those who are but need to pretend like they don't (for obvious reasons), and thus the ones affected by such discourse have to keep their guard up at all times lest they fall into the trap of giving apparent legitimacy to someone who will use that to bolster their ill purposes.


Also, unfortunately, this is not like Discord where I can quote someone without sending them a notification (at least, not as far as I'm aware of – if there is a way to do so, please let me know), so I'm gonna have to disappoint you on that front. Sorry. I promise it's not in bad intent, as much as I can't imagine there'd be anything particularly worrisome coming my way if it was anyway.

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The whole point of “everything is political “ is that fiction and media doesn’t exist in a vacuum and that everyone crying about politics in their games are either hypocritical or media illiterate.


FFVII is a 1997 game that starts with eco-terrorism .


silent hill 3 is a 2003 game about the fears and anxieties that woman go through. 


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On 8/17/2023 at 7:47 PM, JPtheNeurotic said:

The whole point of “everything is political “ is that fiction and media doesn’t exist in a vacuum and that everyone crying about politics in their games are either hypocritical or media illiterate.


FFVII is a 1997 game that starts with eco-terrorism .


silent hill 3 is a 2003 game about the fears and anxieties that woman go through. 


But it's a blanket statement. Not everything is political, and I'd argue the statement 'everything is political' actively detracts from work that try to be- it can just as easily be read in a casual, dismissive way. After all, if all fiction WAS political, what would be impressive or daring about including a political message? AAA games most certainly don't, and by design as well. If people are going to get the credit they deserve for having messages in their games we have to get past this ridiculous notion that everything has always been political from the start because frankly all it does is diminish the efforts of those that do try to go for that in their work.

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1 minute ago, DrBloodmoney said:

While, yes, there are works of art and commercial products that are inherently apolitical (I challenge anyone to find the political message in Tetris, for example

Real quick I absolutely agree with your post but I could see an argument while the game Tetris itself isn’t political the creation or it’s distribution might be .


I just t it be funny to point that out as a possibility haha 

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Just now, JPtheNeurotic said:

Real quick I absolutely agree with your post but I could see an argument while the game Tetris itself isn’t political the creation or it’s distribution might be .


I just t it be funny to point that out as a possibility haha 

ha! - True - that’s a whole different kettle of fish there!

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1 hour ago, DrBloodmoney said:

While, yes, there are works of art and commercial products that are inherently apolitical (I challenge anyone to find the political message in Tetris, for example!)


Tetris is a game in which success is fleeting and failure cascades; I don't think it takes a historian or art critic to apply its mechanical design to the context of its creation in the mid-80s Soviet Union.


The point of "everything is political" as a snappy one-liner isn't to argue that every piece of art has some secret hidden meaning that, conveniently, tells you to vote for Hillary (not that that's what you're suggesting!), but rather that every piece of art is shaped in some way or another, intentionally or otherwise, by the culture and politics within which it was created. It's just another way of saying, as I think @JPtheNeurotic put it earlier, that art isn't made in a vacuum.

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