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Skull & Bones Trophy Thoughts


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“AAAA game”


Just what we needed, another already persuasively ill buzz-term that’s almost certainly going to be abused.

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Only see 2(?) Coop trophies, one for grouping with 2 people, and another for 5 shared contracts (someone correct me if I'm missing one). Not a terrible list, I'll always prefer a grindy list over some gimmick list.

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$101 CAD standard version - only the game.


$146 CAD premium edition - play 3 days early, cosmetics, a token for a 'premium battle pass/additional content', digital artbook and soundtrack and 2 extra missions (oh boy!)


Plays beta for 12 hours - worth less than 50 for the amount of hours you'll spend sailing, shooting npc ships and gathering rather than being an actual pirate. 


Bravo. You spent an extra 6 years making an over priced 'pirate game' that isn't an actual 'pirate game'. 


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7 minutes ago, xMissFantasy said:

worth less than 50 for the amount of hours you'll spend sailing, shooting npc ships and gathering rather than being an actual pirate. 


Bravo. You spent an extra 6 years making an over priced 'pirate game' that isn't an actual 'pirate game'. 

I don't know. Pirates spent probably less than 1% of their life doing all the exciting "pirate" stuff and the majority of it doing the mundane stuff like sailing, shooting at other ships, and gathering.

Sounds like this really is a pirate sim, making it a pretty accurate pirate game. 😆

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56 minutes ago, Violino said:

Anyone help with Shared Contracts? What are they and how do I start them lol?

You need to play with at least 1 other player to convert the contracts that you do in shared contracts.

Pretty simple as soon as you found another player 👍

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8 minutes ago, KAIZER_SHARKY said:

You need to play with at least 1 other player to convert the contracts that you do in shared contracts.

Pretty simple as soon as you found another player 👍

Ah that would make sense! Also I struggle to get groups so that’s why I’ve been so confused! Thanks for your help! Now to hunt for partners lol.

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9 hours ago, Violino said:

Ah that would make sense! Also I struggle to get groups so that’s why I’ve been so confused! Thanks for your help! Now to hunt for partners lol.

It takes a little bit of time but I kept quitting and rejoining to refresh lobbies looking for people who had an open party. I found that anyone I tried to invite just ignored me, but open party people actually wanted someone to play with (or they just rolled with it).

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8 hours ago, VibbyTheValkyrie said:

No player have hello world trophy. That don't look so hard.


That Lunar Effect trophy doesn't seem hard as well, and yet plenty of people are unable to make it pop. I'd love an explanation on that one too.

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13 minutes ago, andreas_s_78 said:

Lunar effect is super easy. Wait until night and the moon is full. Stand on an island (outpost) and look at the moon for 10 seconds 😃


This is what I expected: not just any moon would do. The thing is: I keep getting crescent moons at night, and no full moon. So I thought the trophy is glitched and there's only one type of moon regardless.

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Perhaps I was lucky then… Got the trophy the second time I looked up to the moon. First time it was half moon, second time I didn‘t even see it cause the moon was partially behind a cloud. Then the trophy plopped. I stood on a hill next to a pirates fire.

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Just an idea: Is it possible that the moon phases are realistically programmed? Full moon is every 29.5 days. I got the trophy at 7.15 AM (GMT +1). If you know the length of an ingame day, you can perhaps calculate the next full moon phase. But as mentioned, just an idea, i hope it isn‘t that complicated 😅

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4 hours ago, andreas_s_78 said:

Just an idea: Is it possible that the moon phases are realistically programmed? Full moon is every 29.5 days. I got the trophy at 7.15 AM (GMT +1). If you know the length of an ingame day, you can perhaps calculate the next full moon phase. But as mentioned, just an idea, i hope it isn‘t that complicated 😅


I don't think it is, I waited for several nights (hours of just waiting in real time in the game), saw the moon phases progress towards full moon until it did and then got my trophy


I'll make a separate thread to explain it

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