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What Games You Like That Everyone Else Hate?


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9 hours ago, Ssharif0402 said:

I wasn't paying much attention to PlayStation at the time, but I do remember people saying some pretty bad stuff about the Medievil remake from 2019, which made me avoid it. I ended up playing it last year and I thought it was great. It's really beautiful, has a good progression system and has some really memorable levels like the pumpkin patch and the cave. Also you unlock the entire PS1 version when you get 100% which is absolutely insane.


The only other game I can think of right now isn't even PlayStation related, but I absolutely love the 7th generation Pokémon games (S/M/US/UM) and think they are the best post-2D entries in the series.


I'm currently playing Medievil and almost got the platinum trophy and i'm having a really great time with it.

i'm also someone who avoided this game because of bad reviews but finally decided to give it a go and i really like it , i think most people don't understand that this is basically a PS1 game with just better graphics on a PS4 console , that's why it feels a bit clunky to play and the camera can be annoying sometimes but it's just because the developers tried to make it as faithful as possible to original PS1 game.


and yeah the fact that you can play the original PS1 game in this PS4 remake was just mind-blowing to me.



57 minutes ago, JRSC-100percent said:

Resident evil 6. I think it's better than original re4


Not gonna lie i've never heard this opinion before , i think it's the most unpopular opinion i've ever heard actually.

but i'm glad to see that some people really like Resident Evil 6.


Edited by OmriStyle27
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On 4/2/2024 at 8:26 PM, OmriStyle27 said:

What games you like that you know for a fact that majority of people don't like them , either by game reviews , poor score rating ,

forums , people you know who played them and didn't like them at all , etc.

 i will go first:


Assassin's_Creed_III_Game_Cover.jpg   Far_Cry_Primal_cover_art.jpg   The_Legend_of_Spyro_Dawn_of_the_Dragon.jpg  ShOG4Gg_350x200_1x-0.jpg 


 s-l1600.jpg   MV5BODIzMDJlOTMtZDM1OS00YzNkLWEwYWItNTRhODM3ZTQ0Zjg0XkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyMTA0MTM5NjI2._V1_FMjpg_UX1000_.jpg   Eternal_Night.jpg


Edit: I added more games i forgot about

Far Cry Primal was awesome, I really enjoyed that game.


As for my list, I've got a few that come to mind.

Final Fantasy II - sure not the most hated game of all time, but I've seen quite a bit of negativity, I even saw a list which put it as the worst mainline FF game, where I personally do not see it. I thought that the story was pretty cool, the music was awesome and the level system being different really made it stand out to me.

Final Fantasy XV - Another one that has a lot of negativity, I do agree with a lot of complaints, but the story that was there, most of the DLC, exploring the world and the bosses were a lot of fun in my opinion.

Tales of Arise - A game that got a lot of positivity when it came out but as the years happened the a lot more negativity began to happen, out of the games I am listing this is probably the most well received but with the DLC that came out last year and just as it got older, people became a lot less positive about it. The stuff I like about it; I love the battle system, the bosses are a lot of fun, the music is great and I really like the story and characters.


There are probably some other games that I can't think of at the moment, but these 3 are (for now) the only that came to mind.

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Final Fantasy XIII ! I never understood the bashing on this game, it has a great story with high personnality characters. The linear story and the absence of a real open world didn't bother me neither.


On the other hand, I think XIII-2 was useless for the story and didn't appreciate it that much...

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Final Fantasy X-2: It was my favourite game as a kid and i had got 100% without a guide on the PS2 as we had no internet at the time.... it took me 11 playthroughs. i was addicted to that game and used to play it over and over. 


FFXIII: Lightning is my favourite heroine and I really enjoyed this game, I also got all the japanese novella books and the ultimania omega. I also have a lightning doll. I can say the same about XIII-2 and Lightning Returns, I really enjoyed this trilogy and would love if they were remade onto PS5.


Tales of Xillia 2: I don't think this was very popular as far as Tales go, especially with Ludgar being voiceless. I really liked this game for the choice based gameplay and story, and also the battle system with three different weapons and link artes.







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Valkyria Revolution - I liked the story and characters (that got a lot more personality when you watch the many bonus cutscenes), that the game has. Also, the artstyle looks great, even today.

Valkyrie Elysium - the beginning was rough, but as soon, as you unlock a few more  moves and weapons, the game becomes a fun an surprisingly challenging action rpg.

Succubus - despite the censorship and comming from the developer of Agony, the game is a good fast paced and very edgy first person hack and slash.

Gungrave G.O.R.E. - like the PS2 entries in the series this one is just a style over substance dumb action game, and there is nothing wrong with it.

Sword and Fairy 6 - this game is a technical mess (a lot of bugs and glitches) but the story was very good and has a lot of twists and turns.

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For me, 

The Kane & Lynch series. 

Disappointing that the first game never had trophies and the second one had amazing style. I'd hope for modern  IO Interactive to reboot it. (Unlikely)

Generation Zero and Fallout 76

Loved every second with these games. Putting them together because of similar motives. Beyond the bugs, there is awesome atmosphere and community. 

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Silent Hill Downpour- I get why people don't like this one but it's definitely not as bad as people make it out to be. I had fun going for the plat too.


Kingdoms of amalur - I feel like people have come around on this one a bit but it was originally disliked a lot, it has its flaws but I liked that it was just a chill easy rpg.


Metal gear solid V - The story was weak yes but the gameplay is great and the missions were fun to go for S ranks, I had not anticipated that I would go for the plat as I don't care much for stealth games.


FF8 - Theres just so much potential in a remake for this game if it was better written and if they fixed the gameplay. The music is good though and it's the game is interesting enough for a playthrough.

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21 hours ago, Rufian said:

The Order: 1886 is one of the greatest video games ever produced.


The gaming media psyoped you into thinking it was bad.



off topic.


Thank you for bringing to my attention the gaming media is a military organisation.




I did not know this, you really do learn something new everyday...



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One that immediately comes to mind is The Legend of Spyro Trilogy. When it's brought up, most people don't have good things to say about them. I do agree gameplay wise, they're repetitive but the story, voice acting and music is brilliant ♥️

Edited by ZachBoardyHD
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Prince of Persia Warrior Within: easily the best modern PoP game to date, one of the best games of all time for me personally. It combined many elements that worked great together: interconnected environments , time travel, hard rock/heavy metal soundtrack, and so on. I was introduced to the trilogy with this game, and i doubt that the first or  third game would have left a similar impression.



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7 hours ago, JohnCenaSong- said:

Sorry to upset the TLOU2 haters out there but something like this kinda doesn't really even belong in a thread like this lol. It was pretty widely beloved, mostly a small but very vocal minority obsessively slating the game. It's hard to consider a game that won pretty much most user voted awards out there as being hated, it even came 2nd place on the one everyone fusses over despite a coordinated effort to try and stop it lol. A small group of people just can't admit the game is widely liked. It's perfectly fine if people don't like the game, no one's forcing them to, but I'm so done with this idea the game isn't well liked because it demonstrably is xD


I don't know about this... I enjoy The Last of Us 2, and even I'll admit it's always been controversial - especially when, as you say, it swept awards season that year. I know for a fact that everybody in my circle hated it, some even dropping it entirely after witnessing the golf party. It seems the game is doomed for eternal divisiveness.

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11 hours ago, JRSC-100percent said:

Resident evil 6. I think it's better than original re4

Re6 and Infinite warfare are both great. So is bo4

Bo4 and re5 peak. Bo4 is just a pain for blackout


Yeah I just liked the fast pased multiplayer, maps and being able to make my own emblems and gun paints lol. That was legit.


No campaign and it's zombies sucked too but man was the multiplayer fun. I also recently discovered ww2 was better than I remembered.


I haven't played RE6 but I remember it getting trashed hard. 

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12 hours ago, ddracarys said:


I don't know about this... I enjoy The Last of Us 2, and even I'll admit it's always been controversial - especially when, as you say, it swept awards season that year. I know for a fact that everybody in my circle hated it, some even dropping it entirely after witnessing the golf party. It seems the game is doomed for eternal divisiveness.

It has its haters, for sure, but I was just thinking in the context of this thread. It's hard to consider a game that won nearly every player voted award out there and 2nd place in the ones it didn't as a game that's especially 'hated' or as the title suggests 'everyone else' hated.


I'm perfectly accepting to anyone who has a contrary opinion and doesn't like the game, some people make a really good argument too, but it's pretty conclusive that overall reception was overwhelmingly in the positive for the game. A very vocal minority seemed to give an impression to onlookers (myself included at one point) that it was like almost a 50/50 love it/hate it divide but the truth is as I'd learned that they were just loud, not actually large in numbers.


To be honest, I only posted a comment on it to trigger some of the more delusional haters out there, I definitely don't take it seriously lol.


I see those who very vocally hate the game in deep denial about the games popularity. Like, I really don't like RDR2 but I'm happy to concede that I'm in the minority. There's going to be people who agree with me and don't like the game but I'm not going to echo chamber myself into thinking everyone else also hated the games when I know for sure it was a super popular well loved game. My opinion is only my opinion and it doesn't dictate the general consensus is. That's what's cool about a thread like this, being able to see people show their adoration for games that the general consensus was negative for. We all have our own personal opinions and tastes and that's cool.


My tastes, as evident to me agreeing with a fair amount of this thread, is clearly unpopular and I'm probably an idiot xD but I like what I like and I'm having a good time with it lol. I don't mind if other people love or hate the games I played, it shouldn't effect me. Some people are fixated on the idea that their opinion or anecdotal experience with friend groups/social media bubble reflects the majority even when the data says otherwise.

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  • Final Fantasy X-2 - It butchered FFX's characters and world, but its job class system is top-shelf. 
  • Jak II - Everyone seems to prefer the first game, but I much prefer the animated sci-fi GTA vibe that they moved to. They didn't age especially well, but II and 3 were some of my favorites back during the PS2 era. 
  • Life is Strange 2 - Seems to be universally hated by LIS fans, but it's not a bad game in the slightest. Story is good, characters are good, world is good. It was just cursed by being arguably the weakest title in a series dominated by great stories, characters, and world-building. But taken on its own merits, it's still very well-done. 
  • Saw - Saw on PS3 wasn't a masterclass in gaming by any stretch, but it's FUN, and it utilizes the sort of mechanics you would expect in the Saw universe pretty faithfully. Unless they had taken a narrative game approach (like a Telltale game) or maybe adapted it in the style of an indie puzzle game, I honestly can't envision a Saw game being done any better than what we got. 
  • Silent Hill: Book of Memories - Bad Silent Hill game, but a pretty solid Vita exclusive and satisfying Diablo knockoff. 
Edited by Unlucky_Thir13en
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1 hour ago, JohnCenaSong- said:

I don't mind if other people love or hate the games I played, it shouldn't effect me. Some people are fixated on the idea that their opinion or anecdotal experience with friend groups/social media bubble reflects the majority even when the data says otherwise.


That's not what I said at all, seems you're just putting words in my mouth at this point. But I'm not about to argue about how poorly a game was received, that we seemingly both enjoyed, lol.

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15 hours ago, ddracarys said:

I don't know about this... I enjoy The Last of Us 2, and even I'll admit it's always been controversial - especially when, as you say, it swept awards season that year. I know for a fact that everybody in my circle hated it, some even dropping it entirely after witnessing the golf party. It seems the game is doomed for eternal divisiveness.


You're the right one here. This game, which does belong here, is controversial/divisive and was purposely designed to be so (which is why "it's doomed for eternal divisiveness"). Druckmann, Joel's VA, etc warned the audience multiple times pre-release that they'll probably hate the game. Druckmann, however, verbatim did not care about upsetting the fans. For TLOU2 he in-fact spitefully rehashed the scrapped story of his from TLOU1 that was rejected by his peers (way before consumers followingly could), multiple of which departed from the studio during/after Uncharted 4. One of the peers being the man mainly responsible for why TLOU1 turned out good and ended up a success, Bruce Straley (someone who Druckmann didn't have credited on the HBO tv show). Without that guidance and balance (like when it/Straley prevented Druckmann from killing Elena in Uncharted 2 among... other things), it's no surprise the game ended up being widely divisive.

Some other contributing factors for the game being divisive was all the intentionally, indefensibly deceptive marketing (a tactic Druckmann is generally a fan of), from selling the dream of the story being a continuation of TLOU/Joel and Ellie's story to the extremely strict review embargo that were conveniently not allowed to talk about the most critical areas of the title, story and gameplay wise. There is so, so much more to say, but this post is getting longer than I wanted.


I don't know what "coordinated effort" the commenter is talking about, but it's funny to mention that while also omitting the TLOU2's main writer [Druckmann] did exactly that himself when he begged his fans via a public tweet to vote for his game under that same award everyone "fussed over". To their other point, haters are perfectly aware of the game being beloved on the other side. They simply just question their position (which the other side also blatantly does).

Lastly, the relatively underwhelming and definitely below expectations sales data (like I briefly mentioned roughly 2 years ago) for such a top flagship series that was embarrassingly comparable to brand new IPs, greatly contributes to debunking the "such a small minority dislike the game" argument. God of War's latest two installments' much higher and far more impressive sales are also a strong reality check (among other truths) - the 2018 GoW entry did the 2020 TLOU entry's 2yrs worth of numbers (2020-2022) in slightly over 1yr (2018-2019); while the 2022 GoW sequel sold what TLOU2 did in two years in less than half a year (that's crazy). And TLOU2 had a FAR bigger budget than both GoW games (HZD, MSM, GoT, etc).


With all that said, I don't know how you'd feel about that since I know you like the game, but that's not something im arguing against nor have a desire to change.

Edited by EcoShifter
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I'm glad it fits the bill. Now that we've circlejerked back to the initial point, I guess I have to change my answer from Fortnite to The Last of Us 2 on "what's the game you like that everybody else hates?". :awesome:

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Alot of people seemed to hate The Last Remnant, but for me it's easily one of my favorite Square Enix Games and such an enjoyable battle system once you fully grasp it and learn how to manage your squads and stat gains.


Also, Dungeon Encounters was a sleeper hit for me. Absolutely loved the gameplay loop and the minimalist vibe of the game. When announced I saw nothing but bad reviews and criticism due to the simplistic look of the game. Really hoping there is a sequel.


Hate that RPGs and JRPGs are starting to get to the same place that FPS games were at, where if they aren't the same big names or these lavish, beautiful graphics, they are just automatically deemed as bad and not given a chance.

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4 hours ago, EcoShifter said:

I don't know what "coordinated effort" the commenter is talking about, but it's funny to mention that while also omitting the TLOU2's main writer [Druckmann] did exactly that himself when he begged his fans via a public tweet to vote for his game under that same award everyone "fussed over".

I shall give you a brief summary of the situation I referenced since I just naively assumed people may have already knew (my bad, sorry). It all went down during the Players Voice award poll at The Game Awards (the one hosted by Geoff Keighley). At some point during the polling TLOU2 had a strong lead and the strongest runner-up at the time was Ghost of Tsushima. As a result some posts appeared on 4chan and Reddit strongly encouraging groups who either hate TLOU2, have played neither but didn't want to see the popular 'overrated' game win, and bizzarly also Xbox fanboys to rally around Ghost because it was considered "the only game with the chance to stop TLOU2 winning" or something to that effect. What is amusing as you may already notice is that Ghost is also a PS exclusive so I don't know why the XBox fanboys felt encouraged to participate, perhaps it was the lesser of two evils to take down the more overly promoted PS flagship IP?


Anyway, whilst this was happening the poll was also taken down by hackers several times with it sometimes being replaced with a fake poll result showing TLOU2 with 0% of the vote. There was also a significant amount of detected bot voting which led to quite a few debates going down over whether there's any point in 'player voted' awards when they can be potentially manipulated by dedicated enough people.


So that's what I meant by the coordinated effort. Hope that helps. I'm sure there's probably still plenty left of the threads/pages and/or screenshots still on the socials if you want to have a quick browse and catch up on the story. It was a bit silly and I think people take awards ceremonies far too seriously lol, and that's not a problem exclusive to the games industry sadly.


I don't think it would be fair to think I'd omitted the Druckmann part though, it's just not something I would have considered comparable enough to the point I was suggesting to mention. It's not unusual for someone who worked on a game to try and promote and encourage their followers to vote for their game and pretty much most nominees do so even if some do to a lesser extent. To try and encourage votes in a negative attempt to overthrow a result you're not happy with, use bots and hack the page is quite a different matter. But so as to not be accused of ignoring or omitting that fact, indeed Druckmann (and others) did post things up encouraging (sometimes strongly) for people to vote for TLOU2.


5 hours ago, EcoShifter said:

the relatively underwhelming and definitely below expectations sales data

I mean, the sales data is still very strong. Not that strong sales data is indication of a liked game but I think it would be disingenuous to suggest that it underperformed in a significant way. To compare it to other well received successful games and say it didn't do quite as well as a couple or to compare it to the first game would seem a bit disingenuous. That would be like saying well received movies weren't well loved or were hated because whatever hit Marvel movie came out that year outperformed it. It still ranked as one of the most successful PS exclusive launches.


Also, the completely unnecessary Remaster did pretty well too, especially considering how much of a blatant cash grab that was IMO. And by that point people would have made their minds up unlike the potential argument that the original launches performance could have been down to hype rather than positive reception.


5 hours ago, EcoShifter said:

This game, which does belong here

Just to be clear, I was only jokingly suggesting it shouldn't be here based on the notion that it had a widely positive reception and as a totally unnecessary jab at the more delusional haters of the game since they get needlessly triggered if someone suggests it was popular, which is pretty conclusive.


Popular well recieved games can have their hate groups and if you want for say something positive about a game you know some sections of the gaming community hate it should still be acceptable in this thread, I wasn't trying to somehow ban it from thread eligibility or anything xD


All games are welcome, I'm not about to dictate what games you can and can't praise in a thread all about speaking positively on games you liked. The more the merrier.

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I loved Battlefield Hardline. It's one of my most played BF games, I enjoyed the Cops & Robbers theme and thought it was something fresh.


I'm sad the servers are dead these days for the most part, I had a lot of good times playing that game.

Edited by ChilledBrandon
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Marvel's Avengers will always be my number one pick for this type of question. I played it straight through to the platinum on an old account when it first came out and loved every minute of it. No bugs, no glitches, just fun. 

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