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Watch_Dogs will punish you for offline play


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What worries ME about being online are those ass-hats that don't wanna play properly, they just wanna piss you off. Say someone invades your game, but instead of hacking you and hiding, they decide to just run up and blast your head off, or run you over or something.


It's those kind of reasons I disabled online play on NFS Rivals. Imagine your doing a Rapid Response, your struggling and 20 attempts later your finally doing well, then some one else who's free-roaming decides to ram you head on just for laughs, destroying your chance to finally succeed.


It's all well and good if people play right. But trouble is, not everyone does. Some people just delight in ruining someone else's fun. Remember those assholes in GTA4 who would run race courses backwards just to sabotage the race leader? Or dick heads in Warhawk, who'd wait until you've reached your base with the flag, then boost their Warhawk into you sending you flying off the map?


I wouldn't mind being online all the time if things like this didn't happen.

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Maybe I'm reading it wrong but it seems like you will lose the ability to use some skills if you disable the online portion, that is why it seems like it is punishing people. Now, if those skills can only be used online that is a different story, but that isn't the way I interpreted it. I could be completely wrong though. 


Also, review embargo lifts on the 27th? Isn't that when the game releases? You'd think after delaying the game they'd at least let us read some reviews before the day it releases. 





If anything it sounds like the online skills to me also.  Since they previously mentioned notoriety is what it would be called.  It would make sense also so that people couldn't invade other people get a bunch of skills then turn it off so that nobody could invade them back.  This way if you want the skills you have to be willing to take the "risk" involved in it.  

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Maybe I'm reading it wrong but it seems like you will lose the ability to use some skills if you disable the online portion, that is why it seems like it is punishing people. Now, if those skills can only be used online that is a different story, but that isn't the way I interpreted it. I could be completely wrong though. 




Here is a place where I found out about the online (this one is from another forum):





Also here is an article I found about multiplayer.  In the article it describes notoriety only in the context of multiplayer, not single player.




Of course that being said personally I'm going to just keep the online on.  It doesn't bother me one bit :D

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To all the people complaining I have a question.  Do any of you know what the online hacking and tailing are?  If it's just an online gimmick with no real effect on gameplay then who cares if you lose it.  If you don't want to play online then losing online features is hardly a punishment. 

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To all the people complaining I have a question.  Do any of you know what the online hacking and tailing are?  If it's just an online gimmick with no real effect on gameplay then who cares if you lose it.  If you don't want to play online then losing online features is hardly a punishment. 


I think that is the whole issue. The way the article and picture are worded, it makes it seem like they will be disabling single player content if you don't play online. However it looks like it will only remove online content, so it doesn't matter at all. 


The wording is what was confusing people, that combined with the fact that none of us have actually played the game so we don't know exactly how these features work. 




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  • 2 weeks later...

The only thing that really irritates me is that if someone hacks you, you lose your current objective (Because finding them becomes your objective), Twice, I've been on the way to Convoy markers when I was hacked, and both times the Convoys disappeared. Neither have re-appeared In my world so I'm stuck at 16/18 done. I'm hoping they appear again later.

If you disable your internet, you can play without getting hacked, or losing notoriety. The game will simple not be able to connect to the server. That's what I'm doing from now on. (I have some good notoriety because I killed the hackers 2 of the 3 times I was invaded)


Edit: Played all day today, and neither Convoy re-appeared :( I just play this now with my Ethernet unplugged.

Edit Edit: The last 2 finally re-appeared. I had remembered where one was, but it just wouldn't appear. It finally did!

Edited by Floorkiller74
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So for the people still wondering about this the rundown of the notoriety skills are:

  • Anti-Vehicle Rounds - Boosts gun damage to vehicles.
  • Nitro Boost - Increases Nitros duration in Online Races.
  • Jam Coms Boost - Increases the duration of Jam Coms.
  • Precision Scanning - Shrink the Hacking Search Zone more at each step.
  • Contract Bonus - Increase cash earned from Online and Fixer contracts.
  • Security Footage - See a ctOS image of the fixer attacking you.

There's also some progression rewards

  • SG-90 (Shotgun) - 1 Online Tailing
  • SO Vector .45ACP (Silenced Submachine Gun) - 5 Online Tailings
  • Livarga LE (Sports Car) - 9 Online Races
  • OCP-11 (Assault Rifle) - 1 Online Hacking
  • MP-9mm (Machine Pistol) - 5 Online Hacking

So that's what you're missing out on if you choose to play offline only. 

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