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Sea of Boredom

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18 minutes ago, MAUSZX said:

This is a game that can only be fun while playing it with friends. Without that aspect the game is empty, personally I think that's kinda obvious, sorry you spent money on that.

Honestly I am upset with myself for not understanding it’s not meant for solo. I knew that it was gonna be a fun time in multiplayer BUT I thought it would be fun solo too… 

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Everyone's tastes are different, but I'm loving the game so far. I'm playing solo 90% of the time, but co-op whenever schedules align. If you approach this as a pirate simulation game it is a lot more fun imo. Each play session is different, and there are so many ways to roleplay as a pirate however you like. Stealth, subterfuge, persuasion, force, etc., there is no one correct way to play. If you find digging up treasure boring, maybe try other content. There are forts, mermaid lairs, naval fleet combat, deliveries, shipwrecks, ashen lords, Kraken and Megalodons to hunt, hidden vaults, and plenty of other salty seadogs to rob. There is a reason some people have sunk (no pun intended) thousands of hours into this game. The variability and replayability is insane.

Edited by Ghulthar
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Get coins buy cosmetics rinse repeat.

might be different now but back on xbox it definetly was not fun for me.

worst thing was we logged off then the next day log in to be told “oh yeah your boat resets when you log off” never played it again, combat was bottom of the barrel, graphics typical rare stuff, dont really care what games look like but doesnt stand out, and the pvp.. what the hell, they spawn in right back next to you? We fought each other over and over for like 5 - 10 mins until we all seemingly ran out of steam and just moved on, seriously what on earth, its like fo76 where you question why on earth even have pvp 🫠

not for me at all luckly gamepass then had 99 other games to wash the trash out of my memory

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Been playing exclusively solo and am very much enjoying myself. Haven't had any major PvP encounters, but have been attacked by Skele ships which are stressful having to manage everything myself, but fun at the same time.


Different strokes for different folks. 🤷🏻‍♂️

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I couldn't get into it either (on Xbox), and I was playing with my regular group. It just seemed so... soulless somehow. Not a terrible experience, but not something I would really want to re-experience.

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13 hours ago, OnlyCass said:

Get coins buy cosmetics rinse repeat.



sorry, while it is legit that you don't like the game, gameplay, or the gameplay loop, this "argument" here is a bit moot because, in my opinion,  it is in a way true for every multiplayer game.


Call of Duty Multiplayer - get on a map, shoot other guys, rinse repeat.

Fifa Multiplayer - run around and try to get a ball in a net, rinse repeat.

Gran Turismo Multiplayer - drive a car around a track, rinse repeat.

Fall Guys - run a parcour, get cosmetics, rinse repeat.

and so on...

How are they any better than "be a pirate, get loot, rinse repeat"? 🤷‍♂️ There are of course more intricacies in all these games than I mentioned here, but that is true for SoT as well.

In SoT you do it to unlock cosmetics and ranks, in Call of Duty you do it to unlock Prestige Rank and cosmetics), in Fifa you do it to climb a virtual rank list... 🤷‍♂️

It's all the same.

You also seem to have played a lot of Warframe - how does that offer more variety than SoT? Go on a mission, run through it, get loot, rinse repeat. 🤷‍♂️ Maybe a space ninja is a bit cooler than a pirate but Warframe is super repetitive IMO. (I played it on PC)

Hell, even Helldivers 2 is always the same - with much less to unlock as in SoT. (as of now)


So, idk... you can not like the gameplay loop but the argument that you are "always doing the same things" is a bit weird IMO, because it's true for most multiplayer games.


Your argument can even be true for single-player games.

Tetris - spin some pieces around, rinse repeat.

RPGs - get XP, kill a boss, rinse repeat.

DOOM - enter an area, shoot demons, rinse repeat.

Mario - run from left to right and jump sometimes, rinse repeat.


If we want to go very absurd, we could even say every game is "sit in front of a TV, push some buttons on a gamepad, rinse repeat" :D


All that being said... there is much more SoT could do. It is true that as of right now, the main "motivation" of the game is collecting cosmetics for your pirate and boats as well as getting bragging rights. That doesn't work for everyone. But it works for a lot of people. Guild Wars 2 for example is another game, where after Level 50, it's just cosmetics hunting. People play it for thousands of hours, as they do with SoT as well. Never underestimate the "fashion players", it is a huge player base. FF14 basically only exists because of them :D And bragging rights are a huge factor as well, see CoD. All you get for playing lots of CoD is getting to show off your prestige rank and cosmetics. Lots of players crave this shit. It's all about the famous "e-Peen" :D 

In the end, this game, as are most of the others I mentioned, is about the experience and not the resulting rewards. If you don't enjoy doing something, just don't do it. It's fine. But I don't like trashing it as being "rinse repeat". That somehow triggered me, because, as I hopefully demonstrated here, it is such a platitudinous "argument" that can be used against virtually every game and has therefore no merit.

But as I said, there is more SoT could do. Housing would be great for example. Getting yourself a private island that you can decorate and invite other players into would be neat. Housing is always something I personally really like in online games and it motivates me to collect stuff to show off. Elder Scrolls Online is insanely good in this way as is FF14.

I would also like it if they overhaul fishing a bit because it is a massive slog right now. Catching a single fish just takes too long and too much effort IMO. Sometimes you spend minutes on landing a single fish - it's just too much for my taste. 
More story quest like the Pirates of the Carribean and the Monkey Island quest lines would be welcome as well. But I'm pretty sure more of them will show up over time.

And more social activities would be nice... I'm thinking about stuff like fishing contests, a carneval, duels, dance parties, competitive treasure hunts and so on...


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10 hours ago, ChaoticDoomOfBob said:

Every recent post the OP has made has either been arguing, complaining, or posting inaccurate information to others. There is no reason this forum topic should even exist.

Thats really funny because I’ve literally stated an opinion on my experience with the game and was wondering if anyone else felt the same way. Your post on my topic shouldn’t exist so go back down in your dungeon.

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2 hours ago, LordBeavington said:

Thats really funny because I’ve literally stated an opinion on my experience with the game and was wondering if anyone else felt the same way. Your post on my topic shouldn’t exist so go back down in your dungeon.

If you are wondering if other players are feeling the same way, there isn't a question involved with your original topic post to ask it. It's a set of statements from the perspective of someone disliking something without fully elaborating or fully exploring the content that is being discussed. This can come off as disingenuous to someone looking for information on the game although there has been attempts by others in this topic to try to provide constructive feedback. Insulting me and then feeling it's necessary to PM me insults is not necessary nor is it constructive and as stated previously, the original post was not either. I have no reason to continue responding if this is where things are going which i assume was the purpose of this topic in the first place.

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16 hours ago, OnlyCass said:

What a waste of time that was to read. Thanks captain obvious, take a break and relax


your sentence was much more of a waste of time and precious energy, electricity, and server space because it literally achieves nothing. At least my post is there to engage people in discussion.

Just go and rinse repeat your 9 to 5.

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16 hours ago, OnlyCass said:

What a waste of time that was to read. Thanks captain obvious, take a break and relax


Did you just wake up today and decide it's the perfect day to act like a dick online?

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On 4/30/2024 at 6:28 PM, OnlyCass said:

Get coins buy cosmetics rinse repeat.

might be different now but back on xbox it definetly was not fun for me.

worst thing was we logged off then the next day log in to be told “oh yeah your boat resets when you log off” never played it again, combat was bottom of the barrel, graphics typical rare stuff, dont really care what games look like but doesnt stand out, and the pvp.. what the hell, they spawn in right back next to you? We fought each other over and over for like 5 - 10 mins until we all seemingly ran out of steam and just moved on, seriously what on earth, its like fo76 where you question why on earth even have pvp 🫠

not for me at all luckly gamepass then had 99 other games to wash the trash out of my memory

Sounds like you haven’t played the game enough at all because one of the first things you should do with the money you earned is buy your own ship and there’s literally a trophy for saving stuff to your ship so it doesn’t reset 🙈. If you’re gonna talk shit on the game atleast make it sound like you’ve spent more than 5 minutes playing

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3 hours ago, Paleblood said:



ok, great Steven, some people also like to strangle themselves while masturbating and they seem to have fun with it too. Still not for me.

Not every game is for everyone, but stating a game is boring when the op clearly hasn't touched a fraction of the content doesn't seem like useful information. Also, the op stated "this game is boring", not "I find the game boring". Pointing out they are not in a position to speak for everyone is not the same as telling them they are doing it wrong. I actually agree with shelving a game that doesn't grab you within a few hours, but probably just move on to something you enjoy rather than going online to complain. 

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On 4/30/2024 at 3:19 PM, LordBeavington said:

Honestly I am upset with myself for not understanding it’s not meant for solo. I knew that it was gonna be a fun time in multiplayer BUT I thought it would be fun solo too… 

This game has a history of griefing that was apparent since its release 6 years ago. Next time you just gotta google "is it fun solo" before assuming it is would be fun for you. This game has a very niche audience and if you want to get really good at the game, learn how to solo sloop well. I've went up against 3 large ships and was a pest to them in a FFA multiple times. If you don't have the patience or desire to get good then there is no point of playing this game as it will give you a headache and enrage you.

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