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Do you consider Destiny to be an RPG?


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I dont consider destiny to be a traditional RPG. It does have RPG elements but it also borrows many aspects from different genres. This is why destiny is so difficult to define as a specific type. I believe is a well rounded mesh of different genres (rpg, fps, mmo, adventure, etc). It feels like it is trying to combine all the aforementioned elements into one game without truly excelling in an individual one. 


Again that is just my humble opinion.

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There was an interesting discussion a while back on a gaming podcast I listen to (Giant Bomb) where the idea of the RPG-ification of games was considered - basically the idea that while the 'traditional' RPG was in decline in popularity, almost all non-rpg games were getting more and more RPG elements added (branching paths, good/bad morality alignments, leveling and progression etc) to the point where possibly RPG no longer means a distinct genre but rather an descriptor for other games.

The question would become not "Is this an RPG?" But rather "how RPG is it?"

I think in a world pf Mass Effect, Borderlands and Destiny this is becoming very true

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I don't think so. Same with Mass Effect, Borderlands, Dead Island, and others. Just because they have RPG elements, doesn't make them an RPG.

Games are getting more complex. Some games have multiple different elements to them, so it's kind of difficult to name the main genre it is. For example, Last of Us had horror elements, does that make it a horror game? No, it's still a 3rd person shooter. Assassin's Creed had stealth, but it's an action/adventure game. Destiny is an MMOFPS.

Final Fantasy, Elder Scrolls, Dragon's Dogma, and Dark Souls, are just a few examples of RPGs.

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I agree with the meshing of genres already discussed. I'm coming at Destiny as someone formerly excited about it but growing dissatisfied as I continue to play (I'm level 23). It borrows much from Borderlands, games I consider to be a perfect mix of FPS and RPG. But Destiny's content is so much less than a Borderlands game, that when directly compared it's laughable. And if one focuses on character development (in the XP, loot, perks sense), I think Destiny also comes up way, way short.


Looked at as pure FPS, though, Destiny fares much better. The RPG elements are icing to develop your combat style to your liking (although still not overly impressive). But the repetition of content is insulting. The story is very weak, the Strike missions are simply story missions repeated. The weekly and daily special missions are ALSO story missions repeated. The bounties to assassinate various baddies are ALSO story missions repeated. I haven't been able to play a Raid yet, but I would be shocked and (slightly) impressed if large portions of it were not repeated chunks of the story missions.


I am hopeful that Bungie will discover (and hear from us) the problems within Destiny and work to correct them with patches and added content to the game world. I don't think they've delivered a game worth $60. So if the next significant change/addition to the game is not free it should indicate where Bungie's head is at as far as respecting their customers and having pride in their vaunted new series.

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when i think of RPG i think that itll be long with lots of story "in-game" and content, not thru stupid social media. so no Destiny is not a RPG imho. Maybe once we go thru the season pass content and whatever else bungie originally have in mind for us, then it will be a RPG, or complete a little bit. but at the moment the game is just a repeat of the same missions of same thing u did lvling. story missions. even the patrols are very repeatable. i thought diablo gear grind was bad, things done even drop here. at least what is needed for upgrades and stuff.

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I think that this is a frankenstein of an RPG. It assembled itself from a bunch of different RPGs into something else.


Then again, the more I play this, the more this feels exactly like an FPS version of Diablo 3 Reaper of Souls. Loot grinding, bounties, loot progression, colour graded gear, small story campaign in relation to the mega grind that occurs later.

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Then again, the more I play this, the more this feels exactly like an FPS version of Diablo 3 Reaper of Souls. Loot grinding, bounties, loot progression, colour graded gear, small story campaign in relation to the mega grind that occurs later.


Funny enough, the franchise director for Borderlands just said in an interview that the genesis for the idea of a first person loot shooter came from them wanting to try to combine Halo with Diablo.

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It is yes and no.  Destiny has some Western RPG elements (level progression, upgrading abilities, weapons, and armors) similar to Mass Effect and Borderlands. However, the lack of story, limited communication with everyone (not in the fireteam), and character development are some examples against it.  Sure there are a lot of grinding pass level 20 with light attribute armors, but it has to be done to keep people in the game. 


When I heard/read about Destiny, the first thing I assumed is this game is FPS.  I guess it is the general perception on games today.  Every game has a progression in acquiring new items in battles or purchasing it in shops.  For example, Devil May Cry series had level progression method of using souls as their currency to upgrade their weapons, buy new skills, and add more health items in their inventory.  It was a hack & slash game and people didn't think it was a RPG.  If you look Destiny in that perspective, then it isn't a RPG but only FPS.  

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While it has some RPG elements such as creating your own character and the endgame grind it is still, in my opinion, a first person shoot and loot.


I would love to see more RPG elements in the game than they already have. The game stands alone in the fact that it brings multiple genres together, which is why it hasn't been considered strictly an RPG or FPS, etc.


I liked the game, but after you hit 20 its pretty boring. (My opinion, please respect that.) Or it may just be that I can't get into the pvp.


Either way, no, i wouldn't classify it as an RPG.

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If you played RPG like Neverwinter Nights or Planscape Troment, then you have know what RPG is and what no. And NO this isnt RPG, it isnt even cRPG or jRPG. It have few RPG elements but they dont make them Destiny to be RPG.

and about destiny. Its fun game, but after 20 level its geting boring to make to level 30. And from that point all fun is in Raid. BUT! If you wanna play Raid you MUST HAVE friends who can play Raid and they also have 28-30 level. IF not then you will bored pretty quickly.

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IMO no, i think it's just a bunch of game elements thrown together into a blender and we have... this. But the question is, would you rather have a game that has Borderlands elements, or play Borderlands itself? I'd choose the latter.


Destiny didn't interest me because of that, there's already Borderlands there, so i'd rather play that instead of Destiny. Same thing with every other FPS that tries to be "innovative" (i.e Titanfall), there's already the original (i.e Battlefield, CoD), and Destiny did not exceed any of the originals it tried to "copy".


FPS rarely have a big impact on me, only really Borderlands did (specifically the 2nd).

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Destiny is one of those games that does technically feel RPG-ish wise.. well you have leveling up, getting gear.. and PVP I guess?


Other then that, from what I've played (back when the beta was around), It was neat but it wasn't something I had to have and crave over.

Edited by S4V463_F0XH0UND
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