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Sony will refund consumers over ‘deceiving’ PlayStation Vita ads


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I never tried MP over 3G, but at the least I was unable to 1) check messages, 2) look at or update online trophies, 3) download updates for games [but the game still knew I needed an update and wouldn't run without it], or 4) see my friends list. The only use I got out of it was that it would let me play games (for example, Rayman Origins) that required me to be connected to PSN. I suppose one could argue that the commercial never came straight out and said "every single feature of PSN will still be available over 3G", but for me the implication was there. Between AT&T and Sony, there certainly were no warnings that PSN functionality would be severely limited. And at $15 per month for 256MB of data, one would expect more bang for one's buck. Even if it was only one "bang" per month, so to speak, at that amount of data. (Nudge, nudge, wink, wink. --sorry, couldn't resist it!) :-P

I'm not saying I thought it was a class-action lawsuit-worthy issue, only that I'm not going to feel guilty about redeeming that $50 credit, unlike how I felt about other similar situations.


If they're offering the cash, absolutely take it. There's some deceptive marketing at play here, mostly to do with Killzone 3, but otherwise, the Vita does more or less as advertised.


If only more publishers got onboard this would be largely a non-issue. Instead, they decided that playing PS3 games on Vita via RemotePlay broke their publishing agreements, so essentially prevented the Vita from doing the job.


I for one love my Vita. I don't personally care for 3G (that was always going to be an expensive proposition data-wise), the controls are smaller than I'd like and it feels a bit uncomfortable in my hands, but it's still one hell of a handheld gaming device and I don't regret my purchase for a second.


And let's not forget the mountain of games Sony tossed our way on PS+ over the last two years, along with free Vita versions if you own the digital PS3 equivalents. I've barely had to pay for a single game. That more than makes up for the $50 credit, which I won't see given I'm in Australia. 

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Only if you bought one before 01 June 2012.


I thought this was kind of stupid. As if only people who bought it before this date saw the ads, and picked up a Vita expecting to be able to use remote play and a better cross play feature. I certainly did, but I got my Vita a couple months later. I know the only game I was able to play smoothly with remote play from PS3 was Shadow of the Colossus, which was pretty disappointing.

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  • 9 months later...

Anyone else get their Vita Settlement checks this week? 


One of the main features I was super-excited for was one of the original ads showing a guy playing MLB on his PS3, he merely pauses, picks up the Vita, walks out the door and continues playing. Imagine my disappointment when I got my Vita at launch and realized it didn't and never would be able to recreate that scenario...


Oh well. Checks deposited. I'll consider us square on that one issue, Sony!

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I would be very surprised if Sony gave everyone $50 who bought a PS Vita before the date given.

It will be interesting to see who gets what, my gut feeling is that you might have had to complain or something like that... I just can't see them handing out so much money, and we would be talking millions obviously.


Everyone in the USA who didn't respond or opted out didn't get either a) a $25 check or B) $50 PSN credit. So yes, they did "hand out so much money", but it was punishment for doing something that a regulator found to be anti-consumer and the $50 PSN credit really costs them practically nothing. All the credit does is lock your content into their ecosystem (presumably you already are) and keeps you giving them more money. I'd suspect a great many of the participants don't pick the $25 check and in the end Sony still comes out on top.

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Everyone in the USA who didn't respond or opted out didn't get either a) a $25 check or B) $50 PSN credit. So yes, they did "hand out so much money", but it was punishment for doing something that a regulator found to be anti-consumer and the $50 PSN credit really costs them practically nothing. All the credit does is lock your content into their ecosystem (presumably you already are) and keeps you giving them more money. I'd suspect a great many of the participants don't pick the $25 check and in the end Sony still comes out on top.


How did you get $50 PSN Credit? When I got my email, my PSN code was only $25, and I got my Vita on release day.


EDIT: Just checked multiple websites stating that it was $25 in cash or $25 PSN Credit or 1 of 3 Game Bundles.

Edited by ShadowSigmaX
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How did you get $50 PSN Credit? When I got my email, my PSN code was only $25, and I got my Vita on release day.


EDIT: Just checked multiple websites stating that it was $25 in cash or $25 PSN Credit or 1 of 3 Game Bundles.


This was where I got my original information from: https://www.ftc.gov/news-events/press-releases/2015/03/ftc-approves-final-orders-related-false-advertising-sony-computer


"Under the order, Sony will provide consumers who bought a PS Vita gaming console before June 1, 2012, either a $25 cash or credit refund, or a $50 merchandise voucher for select video games, and/or services."


I see now that the game bundle was valued at $50 and it was either a $25 check or $25 PSN credit. My mistake. I took the check, I have a big enough backlog.

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