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The benefits of having a female avatar/character in online games


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So yeah if there's anything i've learned about online gaming it's that it's always a good idea to have a female character. So for an example i was getting trophies in Playstation Home and i chose a generic female avatar because i'm lazy and the game doesn't really deserve any of my effort because it's kinda bad. So as i was transitioning from area to area some random players aproached me and started asking me questions like: ''Are you a girl''? ''Hey i like your outfit what's your name''? One person offered me some items i needed for a trophy if i talked to him on Skype  :rolleyes: . GTA 5 Online is another game where it's both creepy and hilarious to flirt and mess with people who want to talk to me cuz i have a blonde girl character.


So if you're a girl or you have a girl character in a game, have you had any creepy or funny encounters with other players?

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Hah, my ex-girlfriend played as a male online, and she even said she was a male in her game profiles, since she always was being hit on the instant some teens found out that she was a female, and she found it pretty annoying once it was normal for her to be daily hit on by some goddamn horny chimpanzees.

Edited by jack21_98
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I have quite a number of female friends who game and they all tell me that the guys they interact with either are amazed by the fact that they're a girl and immediately fall in love, sending love mail, game invites and the obligatory friend request or hate on the with every fiber of their being, swearing, cussing and using evey tired mysoganistic word or phrase in the book. Seems a bit like a Marmite situation to me!


All of them have told me stories about how guys have helped them get trophies and given them stuff like loot in Borderlands 2, simply because of their gender.


I usually scold them for taking advantage of naive guys on the internet but secretly im jealous of how easily they can manipulate them, should they choose to do so.

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Hahaha! Being a girl AND having a girl character in video games, does tend to give you certain benefits. For instance, if im in gta5 online, and my car is 3+ miles away, and my mechanic is acting dumb as hell, 9 times out of 10, all i have to do is stand on a corner and sure enough a thirsty virgin will come zooming down the street, ready to kill me, thinking that im a male, but when they see that im a girl, they honk their horn for me to get in. So, its only right for me to accept the ride, even though my mother warned me to never talk to strangers or get in a van with someone offering me candy.


Once im in, the car, they quickly drive me to my waypoint (which is my vehicle across the map), so once they get me to my car i hop out, get on my mic and have my voice changer changed to "deep", so that i sound like a man, and i quickly say "thank you"-- sounding like Debo from Friday, and then it quickly goes downhill from there. I either a) get shot in the face with a shotgun, b )get ran over and killed--while being cursed out, or c)they just drive away quick as possible, pretending that they didnt just waste their time driving a tranny across the map. :lol: :lol: :lol:


But thats just the good/funny things that happen. It is definitely hard for us though-- especially if we're better than the guys that we're playing against... it gets ugly! I've gotten some pretty horrible messages, but luckily i was raised in a house full of 7 guys, so i can dish it as well as i can take it.

Edited by Aalicia
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Hahaha! Being a girl AND having a girl character in video games, does tend to give you certain benefits. For instance, if im in gta5 online, and my car is 3+ miles away, and my mechanic is acting dumb as hell, 9 times out of 10, all i have to do is stand on a corner and sure enough a thirsty virgin will come zooming down the street, ready to kill me, thinking that im a male, but when they see that im a girl, they honk their horn for me to get in. 

How dare you take advantage of that poor naive man!? DISPICABLE!

Edited by Sir_Palkia
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CrimsonMars and Jenni XJ-9 pretty much said everything necessary, I'd also love to know how it is a benefit to get images of certain parts of a guys body, get asked for a real meetup or some of the abuse received when playing online...


Well the benefit is that i tend to get a lot of free s*** and almost everyone i talk to treats me like a princess which i like.  :D

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I have not had many benefits, but I have had it where people would send me massive amounts of Friend Requests, and later delete me upon finding out I am physically male. Despite having acted like a Best Friend while thinking I am in fact, physically female. Sad, no? This is probably due to the fact I do not play games online much, however. So I have not had much exposure to the communities. I do remember on WoW people would usually help me out a lot, though. Or stop me for pointers.


As for Jenni's comment here, I have had that, but rather due to my PSN avatar, not my game avatar. I have even had people try sexting me over PM before. Flirting, etcetera. It never really bothered me, however. I just sit there laughing at the one doing it, and block them. Now, though, it does not even go that far. As my FR settings and message settings are on highest priority now.


I could imagine you could use it as a way of manipulating the poor males (Or females, depends), though I personally could not find myself partaking in such an act.

Edited by Nepgear2
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I'm a male, but I almost always play as a female. I'm always open about the fact that I'm a guy, so it usually doesn't affect me much beyond the occasional creeper saying some weird things. It gets especially weird after I tell them I'm a guy, and they keep hitting on me anyway. But I have noticed that when I play some games (primarily MMOs), I tend to get treated much nicer when using a female avatar. I get more party invites, more friend requests, and people seem more willing to share than in the games I play a male avatar. I think it has to do with the age of the player base more than anything.


Ultimately, it depends on the game though. There are certain games where basically everyone uses female avatar, so there isn't any real difference.

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There are benefits imo. If you like the model animations, or moveset of the female model better, then it's perfectly fine to make a girl character. For example the majority of my wow characters are human females because i just like the way they move and cast spells and stuff. (That is until warlords of draenor came and ruined human females. RIP :()

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There are its "benefits" but i don't think that is the best word here. Being a female myself, i hate it when males want to play with me just because of what i have between my legs, i think it's a bit disrespectful. I am being a bit of a hypocrite here because i do mess around with random girls on PSN from time to time but i don't send them FRs or get creepy, like say; asking them to send pics or video chat with me, i think that's disgusting and whenever a guy starts going towards that direction i immediately block them. Thankfully nobody has reached that creepy level with me, i always tend to ignore them when they ask "duuuh, are you a gurl?" or "how old r u?". Though sometimes i do reply for the lulz.


It's a huge turn off, specially considering the enviroment we're in. This is PSN, it's not a social network (even there it'd still be creepy!), everyone wants to play games, not find their true love. Maybe you should start going outside more instead of being a huge creeper online, or at least try to be nice?


Just think guys, if a girl started to be creepy and asked you to do all sorts of stuff, would you be turned on? Or would you think it's insanely weird and that she is actually not a girl?

Edited by Sakura
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I always think it's funny when it happens. I was playing PS Home, and saw some female avatar surrounded by male avatars. They were all telling 'her' what they wanted to buy for her, and asking if she would be their girlfriend. It was pathetic, but I'm sure that person got lots of free stuff from them.

The only other place I've seen it happen was GTA Online. I play that game with a small group of friends, one of which is a girl. She uses her mic freely on the game, and is usually talking the most. We always have some little kids following us in the game, and offering to give her money. They all sound like they're 12 years old, so it's funny. She'll take whatever they give, then we switch to a private server to avoid them.

I rarely play as a female in online games, so I never have a chance to take advantage of lonely losers. The only game where it happens to me is Modnation Racers. If I'm playing as one of my created mods that are female, like Lara Croft or Jill Valentine, I'll get a bunch of random friend requests. I also get people following me or parking next to me, and never saying a word. I just switch to a Walter White mod or something, and they drive away.

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Just think guys, if a girl started to be creepy and asked you to do all sorts of stuff, would you be turned on? Or would you think it's insanely weird and that she is actually not a girl?


Hmm, it's really weird to think about with the roles reversed, a girl flirting with a guy, since its personally never happened to me or anyone i know.


If it did, i would assume they're trolling. In the unlikely but possible situation the girl was genuinely flirting with me, i would most likely politely turn down her advances.

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There's some benefits depending on what you do. This one MMO I played a long time ago, there was a class you could be called Entertainer and they would give characters buffs just by dancing or playing music. Most guys would make female Entertainer alternate characters, set macros where they would dance in the Cantina non-stop while giving out buffs to players asking, and then players would tip the Entertainer by giving them in-game money. I knew some people that wound up getting about 50k in a week at the least because of of the tips. I would normally tip about 1,000 in-game money (which was pretty much pocket change really), but there were others that would give about 10,000 and 15,000 for a quick buff. And all the while the Entertainers are playing as their main character looting and pillaging around in PvP zones for stuff to sell for extra money.


Of course, there would occasionally be that one guy that would try to flirt with the Entertainers. But I don't recall anything dramatic happening except this one guy that kept proposing to them. I kind of wish I made an Entertainer alt, because I was kind of poor by the games standards. But that was just one game, I've heard it gets into really creepy territory in games like World of Warcraft.


Hmm, it's really weird to think about with the roles reversed, a girl flirting with a guy, since its personally never happened to me or anyone i know.


If it did, i would assume they're trolling. In the unlikely but possible situation the girl was genuinely flirting with me, i would most likely politely turn down her advances.


That actually did happen to me in the early days of PS Home. This one girl assumed I looked like my avatar on there, but when I told her I don't she wasn't very interested in talking to me anymore. She would later decide to cyber with someone on my friends list though.

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Just think guys, if a girl started to be creepy and asked you to do all sorts of stuff, would you be turned on? Or would you think it's insanely weird and that she is actually not a girl?


Admittedly, I might of for a time. In fact, I'm sure at least some of us were like that growing up. Don't try to deny it.


Now though, I'd be turned off if anything. I'd rather have that happen in real-life. :D Wait...

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Now though, I'd be turned off if anything. I'd rather have that happen in real-life. :D Wait...


*Creeper mode on* That can be arranged! *Creeper mode off*

That actually did happen to me in the early days of PS Home. This one girl assumed I looked like my avatar on there, but when I told her I don't she wasn't very interested in talking to me anymore. She would later decide to cyber with someone on my friends list though.

Don't mind her bro, im sure you look hawt! *Some homo*

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I tend to not play online games alot, when I do though I do get more then a few Pm's from guys wanting to be my friends, being weird, asking weird stuff and some just being plain asses online.


Main reason I never bought a mic, nothing but yellers online everytime I play online the room is muted lol- I never try and flaunt my gender I prefer to just go into a game and play it when I do so I find that I meet nice cool people.


When asked my gender I have started to just reply- Does it matter?


Gaming is gaming and-Gamers are Gamers.


But as said above it is the internet and sooner or later all people act weird on it.- the secret is just to push ahead and deal with things as they come. 

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I actually ran into someone online that assumed I was female based on the fact that my PSN avatar is Lightning and I was using Lady Black as my character in Assassin's Creed IV multiplayer, and just couldn't let go of that delusion. I assumed it was just his first day in cyberspace and let him down most ungently.

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Unfortunately, thanks to my PSN username having a female name in it (it's meant to be a Resident Evil reference goddamnit) I get the same shit girls do.  The lengths some people go to just to pester you is amazing sometimes.  Ignorance is bliss.


But girls who go around advertising their gender and get the same treatment?  No sympathy.  Are you here to game or are you here to lead on some thirsty teenage boys?

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Unfortunately, thanks to my PSN username having a female name in it (it's meant to be a Resident Evil reference goddamnit) I get the same shit girls do.  The lengths some people go to just to pester you is amazing sometimes.  Ignorance is bliss.


But girls who go around advertising their gender and get the same treatment?  No sympathy.  Are you here to game or are you here to lead on some thirsty teenage boys?

I might not go advertising my gender but those who do have the right to do so.- Why must a girl go into hideing her gender?


Some girls do like to show they are female in a Username- It's ok for them to do so- Same as a guy with a username showing he is male.


I think it's ok if a girl wants a fem name it's her right to show off her girly side.- can't help if alot of guys simply like to jump on girls online -_-u.


Now if a girl uses a sexual name or in your face come and get me name like- Singleandwilling, BustyNLusty etc I agree then they have it coming.


Girls with just Fem/Girly names- PrincessofFlames, WinterWonderLass, Grrl Power.- I think it's their right to pick a name and not have to feel that people say you brought it upon yourself. 



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