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Don't you just hate when someone on PSN adds you then Deletes you the same day?

Bonzi Buddy

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Maybe? I certainly hate it because it has happened to me before all the time awhile back. But my most hated thing is that I get randomly added by bots because of a dickhead "Friend" I know of.

Ah Makes Sense, I see where you are getting, I don't see why bots add us? this is when i feel like changing my settings to No One on sending requests. U_U

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Ah Makes Sense, I see where you are getting, I don't see why bots add us? this is when i feel like changing my settings to No One on sending requests. U_U


I would do that, but you never know when you might bump into someone you like. Still if it get's even more annoying I'll probably do that myself.

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I cannot say I have had any personal experience in which people have proceeded to delete almost immediately after requesting that I add them, but I believe one of my friends had it happen to him. If I remember correctly, it was over something very stupid. Some type of thing that was said he did not like, or something along the lines. It was so long ago I do not remember any of the exact details. As for my hating it or not, I am just "meh" towards it. If they do that, clearly they were never interested in me to begin with.


This may also be due to my being highly picky over whom I allow on my Friends List. I become rather peckish having people I do not envision ever developing a genuine emotional attachment to on there. As such, I now refrain from adding just anybody who wishes to add me. My settings are now as follows; "No One", Messages; "Friends Only". If someone wishes to be on my Friends List, speak to me personally for a few days and I will determine whether or not you are the type of person I desire to be around. Then I will send you a request personally.


Apologies if this comes off as being a bum, but as stated, I am rather picky about who I decide to let in. 

Edited by Nepgear2
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Not hate, but this is so lamenoobygeeky childishfool act....  :facepalm:

you talking about the friend requests? D:

I cannot say I have had any personal experience in which people have proceeded to delete almost immediately after requesting that I add them, but I believe one of my friends had it happen to him. If I remember correctly, it was over something very stupid. Some type of thing that was said he did not like, or something along the lines. It was so long ago I do not remember any of the exact details. As for my hating it or not, I am just "meh" towards it. If they do that, clearly they were never interested in me to begin with.


This may also be due to my being highly picky over whom I allow on my Friends List. I become rather peckish having people I do not envision ever developing a genuine emotional attachment to on there. As such, I now refrain from adding just anybody who wishes to add me. My settings are now as follows; "No One", Messages; "Friends Only". If someone wishes to be on my Friends List, speak to me personally for a few days and I will determine whether or not you are the type of person I desire to be around. Then I will send you a request personally.


Apologies if this comes off as being a bum, but as stated, I am rather picky about who I decide to let in. 

hey I did this too, I just really hate it when a person keeps sending you friend requests multiple times you accept them then they send you a message that goes like this: "Hey! :D" then they delete you shortly if you don't respond, i called one a racist.  :lol:

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I've had 1 person do this, they were an absolute pain to me, they asked for my gender as soon as I accepted the request, I refused, they start getting aggressive & questioning my avatar (I had Rom as my avatar at the time), so I ignored them, after a while I get a message saying something like "fine, bye", and then they deleted me from their list. They're still on my block list to this day. I'm extremely hesitant to accept requests now, if they blank they're deleted.


If you mean adding someone to play a Gaming Session, then deleting them after it's done, that's pretty standard practice.

I think this thread is about people who just randomly send out friend requests on PSN, only to delete the person the same day for no decent reason or just at random, at least that's the impression the other posts are giving me anyway.

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I think this thread is about people who just randomly send out friend requests on PSN, only to delete the person the same day for no decent reason or just at random, at least that's the impression the other posts are giving me anyway.

you are right with that, this thread is based off of people who send you random requests on PSN, not of Games then delete you after saying hi.

If you mean adding someone to play a Gaming Session, then deleting them after it's done, that's pretty standard practice.

oh and i'm not talking about gaming sessions i'm just talking about Random adds, like this one person gave me requests multiple times and so then just deleted me after sending a message that goes like this: "Hey! :D" then they delete me.

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Don't accept the friend request and just send them a message back asking why they are adding you. If they don't reply within a week, just delete the friend request. That's how I deal with it.


Yet, I get some strange friend requests from time to time. Especially because I got a female avatar on PSN. haha

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Don't accept the friend request and just send them a message back asking why they are adding you. If they don't reply within a week, just delete the friend request. That's how I deal with it.


Yet, I get some strange friend requests from time to time. Especially because I got a female avatar on PSN. haha

i changed my Disgaea one to a HDN one and now i get random requests, my Disgaea one was of Salvatore.

as far as i can remember i haven't been added then immediately deleted, though i have done that so someone else. they started offering a free modded game just for accepting their request. im not stupid. i knew something was up so i deleted and blocked him/her

never happened to me except some Spanish PSN users add me then delete me immediately. U_U

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Don't accept the friend request and just send them a message back asking why they are adding you. If they don't reply within a week, just delete the friend request. That's how I deal with it.


Yet, I get some strange friend requests from time to time. Especially because I got a female avatar on PSN. haha

female avatar??? ooooooh im gonna add you TONIGHT! :eyebrow:  LOL

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Shout out to all the people I've deleted!


Seems as good a place as any to tell the universe I'm sorry if I caused any hurt feelings over deleting people. I often get added for help with trophies online (recently for example, I got added by 2 people for a Tony Hawk trophy yesterday, and in the last month I've had over 30 people add me for the NFS friends trophy) but when I'm done helping them I'll delete them almost immediately, I have like 10 friends on the PSN that I actually play with/know, and I want to keep it that way.


Though I don't add anyone myself usually, I get added and then when our mutual usefulness is up, I remove them. Am I an asshole for this?

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Though I don't add anyone myself usually, I get added and then when our mutual usefulness is up, I remove them. Am I an asshole for this?

not if you give them a message of deleting them for that reason. if the people need help why can't they check out youtube or this site? :3

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Maybe? I certainly hate it because it has happened to me before all the time awhile back. But my most hated thing is that I get randomly added by bots because of a dickhead "Friend" I know of.

how do you know if someone is a bot? because I've gotten like 10 friend requests from people with high trophy levels, but they're friend request message is always the exact same: hi my name is blank please be my friend. I found it kind of weird but i always added since the requests weren't blank... 

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If the friend request is blank, or the requester too low level (0-5 ps level) I just delete it. Not out of some snobbishness - purely because so many ass-hats create multiple PSN accounts just to spam people and getting to at least level 5 takes a bit of work - more than a person with multi-accounts for that purpose would do

I hate when people feel offended when i delete them.  :S

I hate when people feel offended when i delete them.  :S

Hear hear.

If you are so thin skinned as to care that someone you don't know in real life deletes you, then online multiplayer games are not for you - cause your gonna hear some fucked up shit pretty damn quick in the likes of CoD or Battlefield!

Edited by DrBloodmoney
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I really don't care who is on my friend list apart from hackers, funny there as a thread about this topic because i had a person add and delete me about 5 seconds after i accepted the request. I also got a friend request from a guy that deleted me without me even doing anything, was quite funny. 

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Im almost positive that generic message is due to the new Ps4 feature where you can add "people you may know". If you add someone through that, PSN automatically puts in that generic message and people are often too lazy to change it, i guess it was to combat against blank friend requests. I personally hate the "People you may know" feature because it resulted in me getting 10's of friend requests a day, I even went as far as to disable that feature (which is hidden in your privacy settings) but i STILL kept getting those friend requests...so i just outright turned off friend requests, which sucks because I do enjoy having trophy hunters on my list. 

That explains why im getting 1 million friend requests per day, it does get seriously annoying don't it. 

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