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Don't you just hate when someone on PSN adds you then Deletes you the same day?

Bonzi Buddy

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Im almost positive that generic message is due to the new Ps4 feature where you can add "people you may know". If you add someone through that, PSN automatically puts in that generic message and people are often too lazy to change it, i guess it was to combat against blank friend requests. I personally hate the "People you may know" feature because it resulted in me getting 10's of friend requests a day, I even went as far as to disable that feature (which is hidden in your privacy settings) but i STILL kept getting those friend requests...so i just outright turned off friend requests, which sucks because I do enjoy having trophy hunters on my list. 

ooh okay I see, that's good to know then. thanks! 

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Don't accept the friend request and just send them a message back asking why they are adding you. If they don't reply within a week, just delete the friend request. That's how I deal with it.


Yet, I get some strange friend requests from time to time. Especially because I got a female avatar on PSN. haha

If i sent you a friend request with " I love your avatar, marry me" will you accept me ?  :lol:

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I'm not a fan of random friend requests to begin with. That said, if I do accept I'm not too mad when they delete themselves. I just assume it's people from here that wanted to boost or something that got their stuff and saw no need to have me added. :P

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Im almost positive that generic message is due to the new Ps4 feature where you can add "people you may know". If you add someone through that, PSN automatically puts in that generic message and people are often too lazy to change it, i guess it was to combat against blank friend requests. I personally hate the "People you may know" feature because it resulted in me getting 10's of friend requests a day, I even went as far as to disable that feature (which is hidden in your privacy settings) but i STILL kept getting those friend requests...so i just outright turned off friend requests, which sucks because I do enjoy having trophy hunters on my list. 


You are on "people you may know" list with 18 common friends  :lol:

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Though I don't add anyone myself usually, I get added and then when our mutual usefulness is up, I remove them. Am I an asshole for this?


Nope, when I feel there's literally no emotional connection - just the needing of something which has already been fulfilled I normally remove them too, it's only if we have a good talk or something along those lines I always keep them on my list. 

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Im almost positive that generic message is due to the new Ps4 feature where you can add "people you may know". If you add someone through that, PSN automatically puts in that generic message and people are often too lazy to change it, i guess it was to combat against blank friend requests. I personally hate the "People you may know" feature because it resulted in me getting 10's of friend requests a day, I even went as far as to disable that feature (which is hidden in your privacy settings) but i STILL kept getting those friend requests...so i just outright turned off friend requests, which sucks because I do enjoy having trophy hunters on my list. 

i think that's how we are friend now lol, i saw i had 50 "friends you may know" i sent a request to all because i wanted to get rid of this thing, but 2 days later i still have 50 "friends you may know"... lol ok F that lol

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I haven't had that specific thing occur to me but i do get alot of blank friend requests, which i never really understood. Are people really THAT lazy that they can't even be bothered to state where they found your psn id or even say a simple 'hello' in the message section of the request?

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i think that's how we are friend now lol, i saw i had 50 "friends you may know" i sent a request to all because i wanted to get rid of this thing, but 2 days later i still have 50 "friends you may know"... lol ok F that lol

Haha probably, there was a time when I was content with adding random people, especially trophy hunters. But after a while my friends list just became a cesspool of people I had next to no attachment to, to the point where I would see someone sign in and feel like thats the first time ive ever seen the name before. I cleaned up my friends list recently but tried to keep all the people from this site. 

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I get blank friend requests all the time, each and every time I play a mp game... They don't delete me though, I tend to be the one to delete them. They'll add you if your username is cool and then pretty much never speak to you anyway. So, I delete 'em. I also go through and delete people who haven't been active for months and months. I've never had anyone add and then delete me before, at least not on the same day. If it is for a boost It's common place to delete the people you've added... Though I have one or two still from boosts still on my friends list. 

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I dont like it when people want to add me if they dont have any meanings to keep contant. This one dude sent me about 5 blank friend requests before I accepted for lols to see what he is like. Been a few mounths on my list and he hasnt messages me once. I think it's time to delete him one of these days :D

Edited by LovesAnInjection
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I must admit I delete newly added 'friends' pretty quickly if I don't get responses to my messages. I prefer to have active friends who chat whether mic chat or messaging. If I have messaged and can see someone has been on for a few days and not replied I'll delete. Not usually on the same day though.

Some people just like to beef up their friends list

Edited by LimelightBoy
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I must admit I delete newly added 'friends' pretty quickly if I don't get responses to my messages. I prefer to have active friends who chat whether mic chat or messaging. If I have messaged and can see someone has been on for a few days and not replied I'll delete. Not usually on the same day though.

Some people just like to beef up their friends list

I like Active people as well, i had to clean out my Friends List of inactive people.

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I cannot say I have had any personal experience in which people have proceeded to delete almost immediately after requesting that I add them, but I believe one of my friends had it happen to him. If I remember correctly, it was over something very stupid. Some type of thing that was said he did not like, or something along the lines. It was so long ago I do not remember any of the exact details. As for my hating it or not, I am just "meh" towards it. If they do that, clearly they were never interested in me to begin with.


This may also be due to my being highly picky over whom I allow on my Friends List. I become rather peckish having people I do not envision ever developing a genuine emotional attachment to on there. As such, I now refrain from adding just anybody who wishes to add me. My settings are now as follows; "No One", Messages; "Friends Only". If someone wishes to be on my Friends List, speak to me personally for a few days and I will determine whether or not you are the type of person I desire to be around. Then I will send you a request personally.


Apologies if this comes off as being a bum, but as stated, I am rather picky about who I decide to let in. 

I'm also picky, you can see (if you have a vita) that my friends list is public and not bigger than 20 people, so...


If you mean adding someone to play a Gaming Session, then deleting them after it's done, that's pretty standard practice.

Always do that, I even did feel bad about it for a while, but then I started making it a statement about that was going to happen and now I'm pretty much OK with it.


Shout out to all the people I've deleted!


Seems as good a place as any to tell the universe I'm sorry if I caused any hurt feelings over deleting people. I often get added for help with trophies online (recently for example, I got added by 2 people for a Tony Hawk trophy yesterday, and in the last month I've had over 30 people add me for the NFS friends trophy) but when I'm done helping them I'll delete them almost immediately, I have like 10 friends on the PSN that I actually play with/know, and I want to keep it that way.


Though I don't add anyone myself usually, I get added and then when our mutual usefulness is up, I remove them. Am I an asshole for this?

Pretty much this! Extra to the bolded as I think EXACTLY the same way. Not keeping someone in my list just because it have space for one more person.

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how do you know if someone is a bot? because I've gotten like 10 friend requests from people with high trophy levels, but they're friend request message is always the exact same: hi my name is blank please be my friend. I found it kind of weird but i always added since the requests weren't blank... 


Because of the dickhead "friend" I know does this shit all the time. Plus when you see that the account was created more than 3 years ago and still hasn't gotten a single trophy kinda gives it away.

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