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respectable platinums you know


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I honestly find it annoying how people bash others for spending time to platinum games, whether you're platting an easy game or a hard game for whatever reasons you may have its nobodys place to judge, that being said..

I have 30 platinums for games I actually loved..for the most part lol

My hardest I would say were

1) Rune Factory Tides of Destiny ( Colloseum consecutive battle wins) I spent a whole day trying, I almost cried a few times lol

2) Resident Evil Operation Racoon City (S+ ranks)

3) Resident Evil 1 and Revelations 1

4) Family Guy BTMU (Multiplayer)

5) Any God of War game (honestly)

I respect anybody who plats Dead or Alive 5, I personally love this fighting series but I cannot for the life of me defeat 100 fighters in a row in survival mode, this is truely an accomplishment

I do not respect MK9, for the sole reason that one trophy asks that you play 24 hrs with each character..thats a month worth of electricity..not worth it dumb trophy in my opinion but good game nonetheless

Another plat i respect is The evil within..god what a really hard game.

Edited by Ctoala6474
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Based on what I've played, my votes go to:


Vanquish (challenge 6 alone took me 30 hours of practice and never dared to face it a second time)


WKC1 and 2 (even more now that the servers are closed)


NGS2 (especially if one is able to own the bosses as Ryu in team missions... I had to twirl as Rachel :blush:  )


Star Ocean (still working on this)


but mind you that some of the trophies in these plats are more of a job than gaming lol

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At the top of my head:



Street Fighter IV

Super Street Fighter IV

Fight Night Champion

NBA 2K14 (pretty much all the NBA games)


I honestly find it annoying how people bash others for spending time to platinum games, whether you're platting an easy game or a hard game for whatever reasons you may have its nobodys place to judge


If I see someone platting trash games such as Megamind and Hannah Montana, then I'm just going to consider them a cheap trophy whore that's only in it for quantity


High platinum counts shouldn't be automatically considered impressive, it's what they consist of that's determines whether it's impressive 


Quality > Quantity 

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At the top of my head:


Street Fighter IV

Super Street Fighter IV

Fight Night Champion

NBA 2K14 (pretty much all the NBA games)

If I see someone platting trash games such as Megamind and Hannah Montana, then I'm just going to consider them a cheap trophy whore that's only in it for quantity

High platinum counts shouldn't be automatically considered impressive, it's what they consist of that's determines whether it's impressive

Quality > Quantity

I dont have the plats for Hannah or Megamind nor would I go out of my way to plat Hannah but if I came across Megamind without having to pay for it, yes I would plat it, I would careless for people like you that like to judge I've spent a great deal platting games hard and not so hard because I wanted to, I've platted Toy Story 3 an easy plat that I honestly enjoyed a lot and then I platted Resident Evil Racoon City, let me see you plat that game buddy, your opinion is as irrelevant as the next persons, its my time and money spent not to impress you or anybody else but to enjoy a hobby, good day to you

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Any of the Disgaea games is a good start.


There's also the Call of Duty games which shows that you're not all Multiplayer when it comes to those games (Especially Black Ops II with those challenges that I'm still working on from time to time).


Then there would be Star Ocean: The Last Hope (or whatever that title was called), which is pretty much the king of grinding trophies.


And finally, anyone with either the Velocity Ultra or the Velocity 2X platinum (or both) shows skill right there.

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I'd say any of the Souls games, even though I don't like them. Mortal Kombat, Resident Evil 5/6, Tekken, BioShock, Bloodborne, Diablo III, Injustice. I don't look down on anybody because of their platinum. A trophy is a trophy. In fact, my first two platinums are going to be Phineas and Ferb and Skyrim.

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I dont have the plats for Hannah or Megamind nor would I go out of my way to plat Hannah but if I came across Megamind without having to pay for it, yes I would plat it, I would careless for people like you that like to judge I've spent a great deal platting games hard and not so hard because I wanted to, I've platted Toy Story 3 an easy plat that I honestly enjoyed a lot and then I platted Resident Evil Racoon City, let me see you plat that game buddy, your opinion is as irrelevant as the next persons, its my time and money spent not to impress you or anybody else but to enjoy a hobby, good day to you


I guess you're just one of those type of people, then


I've played harder games than Raccoon City, buddy

Edited by Aex
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