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4 for 4 on my picks this weekend, but it's bittersweet cause only 2 of the 3 teams I really wanted to lose did in fact lose.


Hahaha. Fuck the steelers. Hopefully Carolina gets spanked and the Patriots get bitch slapped. Then in the sb, the Cards get killed by the Broncos so Peyton can win a superbowl in his last game (most likely)


lmao, I'm all for that scenario... I think Palmer would have taken the Bengals all the way in 05 if the Steelers hadn't taken him out at the knees on the first play of the wildcard round.  Broncos vs. Cards would be a perfect Super Bowel for me this year, though honestly I'd take anyone left other than the Pats, so yeah..



There's 2 kinds of Seahawks fans.  Fans, and "12's".  12's will fall onto excuses every time anything goes wrong, fans will look at the teams flaws and accept them, hoping they'll be addressed next year.  I'm a Seahawk fan and even I get supremely annoyed with the 12's.  The Panthers didn't play dirty and they didn't rig their field.  Anyone who lives in a volatile climate area knows that when the ground gets frozen, then wet, it gets reeeeeaaaaaally soft.  It looked like the nasty morning weather followed by the clearing did just that.  Players were having a hell of a time getting their footing and their was a lot of slipping and sliding going on.


It boils down to this:


Fan/Reason - O-line couldn't protect Wilson for most of the game and he made some terrible decisions in the 1st quarter because of the constant pressure he was under.


12/Excuse - Panthers messed up their field and the receivers couldn't get open because of it.


Fan/reason - Due to the rotation, their schedule was among the hardest in the league and they've played more games than any other team over the last few years, they're fatigued and came up short.


12/excuse - The NFL hates them so they got a bias schedule.


Fan/reason - The Panthers built a team that gives Seattle, and the rest of the league, the same trouble that Seattle has been giving everyone the past couple of years and now is their time.


12/excuse - Panthers just got lucky this year because of blah blah blah.


It goes on and on.  12's will never accept that sometimes other teams are just better.  They think the Seahawks were founded in 2012 and have never missed the playoffs in their 4 year history.  Odds are, your PSN friend is a 12.


Yeah, 'fair weather fans' as they've been traditioned known have been around for a long time.  As a 49er fans since the 80s (it would have been longer, bit I was also born in the 80s, lol), I've exprienced this twice now.  First in the mid 90s when the Niners were good and won that SB in 94, and again the past few years with Harbaugh.  Too many know-nothing fans sporting clean, brand new Kaep jerseys walking around strutting talking about 'their team'.  It's gross.  Real fans are always fans.  And now all those douchebags are in hiding since the Niners are shit again, and the same thing will happen with most of the 12s too whenever Seattle slips.  It's nice to know you're a true fan, skid, cause despite the fact I don't like Seattle, I can respect the fans that are honest and loyal.


Also, while the first half was terrible, damn fine effort on Seattle's part trying to mount a 2nd half comeback.  They shut out Cam and the offense and scored 24 unanswered points.  That's not bad at all.  Honestly I'm hoping for the same thing in the draft that you are, that the Niners get some linemen who can actually block.  It still amazes me that teams go out and spend over 100 million on a QB and then put scrubs up front to protect him.  Peyton's been dealing with that for 90% of his career.  One of the reasons Brady is so consistently good is he almost always has time to throw the ball, and in the few games each year he doesn't, he gets destroyed and posts terrible numbers.  O-inemen are just as, if not more important, than the franchise QB they're protecting.  Hopefully the Niners realize that and compete with your Hawks for some good draft picks this year.  Would be really nice to see the Niners have strong, fast, smart O-linemen next year, since with Chip Kelly in charge, everyone will be gunning for Kaep (unless by some miracle they realize they need a new QB and draft/trade for one).

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lmfao I KNEW I couldn't have been the only person to think they heard it.  :giggle:

My dog is notorious for letting it rip. Once I heard that I immediately blamed my dog and my brother only responded with "what?" I replied with "you didn't hear that?" and still thought it was my dog. Of all things, it just so happens that so many others heard it to. :D
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I'm sure this is going to sound like butt-hurt whining but I've made peace with that.  


Anyways, now that Seattle's season is over, Carroll should think about making a stink this off-season about the 10 A.M. road game issue.  I get there's gonna be 10 A.M. road games for every West coast team but the placing of them (and in some cases even having one) seems unnecessarily brutal at times.  Seattle, for instance, had to open their season with back to back road games, the 1st of which was at 10 A.M. according to the players body clock.  Then, a 10 A.M. road game against Cinci immediately after playing the Lions on a Monday night game.  Then, the Ravens game got flexed and caused back to back 10 A.M. road games.  Finally, back to back 10 A.M. road games in the playoffs, even though they were the only West coast team in the divisional round.  That's just too much.  


I pray that the Seahawks/Panthers, Seahawks/Packers, and Seahawks Patriots games next year are worthy of prime time.

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I'm sure this is going to sound like butt-hurt whining but I've made peace with that.  Anyways, now that Seattle's season is over, Carroll should think about making a stink this off-season about the 10 A.M. road game issue.


I might be a coddled East Coast type who doesn't have to cope with such weighty issues, but I believe you're spot on with your complaints.  Schedules need to be written to encourage better competitiveness, and that means not doing stupid things like asking football teams to play at obnoxious early-morning hours contrary to their biorhythms.  It's not the only offender or even the biggest one -- I have larger issues with Thursday after Sunday -- but it's one of those things that can be addressed similar to how the NBA (and to a lesser extent the NHL) are reducing the back-to-back sets in their own schedules.


That being said, good luck with that.  Professional sports leagues are going to chase the almighty dollar before they worry about piddling things like "player safety" and/or not putting their best product on the field because the players are being asked to give too much in too short a period of time.

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I'm sure this is going to sound like butt-hurt whining but I've made peace with that.  


Anyways, now that Seattle's season is over, Carroll should think about making a stink this off-season about the 10 A.M. road game issue.  I get there's gonna be 10 A.M. road games for every West coast team but the placing of them (and in some cases even having one) seems unnecessarily brutal at times.  Seattle, for instance, had to open their season with back to back road games, the 1st of which was at 10 A.M. according to the players body clock.  Then, a 10 A.M. road game against Cinci immediately after playing the Lions on a Monday night game.  Then, the Ravens game got flexed and caused back to back 10 A.M. road games.  Finally, back to back 10 A.M. road games in the playoffs, even though they were the only West coast team in the divisional round.  That's just too much.  


I pray that the Seahawks/Panthers, Seahawks/Packers, and Seahawks Patriots games next year are worthy of prime time.


Niners too had back to back road games at 10 A.M. this year... Think it's quite understandable since there's 6 west coast teams and 26 east coast teams. Well with Rams moving to L.A. it's going to be 7-25  :)


The real question I have is: why the hell Cowboys is considered an East division team while it's clearly whe west-most team in east coast?!?! Even the Chiefs (the east-most team in west coast) are eastern than them  :facepalm:

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I know I don't need to post this but Being from England, this thread confuses me greatly when I see the title.


See, our football (or soccer) league system works like this:


Barclays Premier League

SkyBet Championship

SkyBet League One

SkyBet League Two

The National League


Obviously, there are tons of other leagues under The National League but just thought I'd point that out.


I've now clicked on this thread five, maybe six times expecting to see people chatting about teams such as Grimsby Town, Forest Green Rovers, Boreham Wood and Kidderminster Harriers :facepalm:



Edited by LemonSack225
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Niners too had back to back road games at 10 A.M. this year... Think it's quite understandable since there's 6 west coast teams and 26 east coast teams. Well with Rams moving to L.A. it's going to be 7-25  :)


The real question I have is: why the hell Cowboys is considered an East division team while it's clearly whe west-most team in east coast?!?! Even the Chiefs (the east-most team in west coast) are eastern than them  :facepalm:

I'm not saying 10 A.M. games should be removed, they just don't need to pile on.  Seems like it wouldn't be too hard too prevent a 10 A.M. road start after a Monday night game, or having as few back to back 10 A.M starts as possible.

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I'm not saying 10 A.M. games should be removed, they just don't need to pile on.  Seems like it wouldn't be too hard too prevent a 10 A.M. road start after a Monday night game, or having as few back to back 10 A.M starts as possible.

My point is, we as NFW have 3 guaranteed road games in west, so remains 5 games with a 2-3 west-east ratio once every 4 years when we play against AFW, otherwise it's a 0-5 ratio!

The only way to prevent back to back east coast travel would be to alternate home-road games, but the league likes the 2home-2road system, so 3 out 4 years it's quite impossible to prevent back to back 10 A.M. road games  :(

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My point is, we as NFW have 3 guaranteed road games in west, so remains 5 games with a 2-3 west-east ratio once every 4 years when we play against AFW, otherwise it's a 0-5 ratio!

The only way to prevent back to back east coast travel would be to alternate home-road games, but the league likes the 2home-2road system, so 3 out 4 years it's quite impossible to prevent back to back 10 A.M. road games  :(

Wouldn't say it's impossible, they just would have to not do what they "like" to do to help the West coast teams out.

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but the league likes the 2home-2road system, so 3 out 4 years it's quite impossible to prevent back to back 10 A.M. road games  :(


Are you sure this is the reason?  It's not as prevalent as the NBA/NHL situation, but there are probably schedling issues to take into account.  Even if the stadium in question doesn't have a second major (sports) tenant, there might be blocks of time that simply aren't available when the schedule is written and that has to be worked around.  For example, the Patriots finished their regular season with two road games because the NHL needed significant advance time to prepare Gilette Stadium for the Winter Classic.  Another possibility: other events in the area can black out certain time slots (if not certain dates altogether) because of logistics -- e.g., the NHL changing the time for Devils-Coyotes last Saturday as not to conflict with Packers-Cardinals (because the two arenas share a parking facility).


Even if there were no distractions, writing an NFL schedule isn't easy.  Add some of the things I mention above, bye weeks, the need to try and spread out the attractive matchups for television purposes -- most expressly for NBC and ESPN -- and it becomes orders of magnitude more difficult.




The League can do a much better job with some of the ridiculous excesses, but it's not as easy as simply saying "all West Coast teams playing in the East get a 4 PM EST start time for their games".  There's be a fair amount of backlash from the Eastern teams simply because a lot of fans don't like 4 PM local start times for their games and that can change things like ticket sales and the composition of crowds.  Just speaking from local experience, the Giants prefer NOT playing home games in the 4:00 PM or 8:30 PM timeslots because much of their fanbase is older and as a result re-sells their tickets for later starts.

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Wouldn't say it's impossible, they just would have to not do what they "like" to do to help the West coast teams out.

Like Acasser says above, writing a season schedule for any sports league is extremely difficult. I won't go into the details since Acasser already did. To put it bluntly, I am certain that making sure a team doesn't have 2 10:00 am road games back to back is the absolute least of their worries. It sucks, but that is just how it goes. 

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Like Acasser says above, writing a season schedule for any sports league is extremely difficult. I won't go into the details since Acasser already did. To put it bluntly, I am certain that making sure a team doesn't have 2 10:00 am road games back to back is the absolute least of their worries. It sucks, but that is just how it goes. 

The back to back 10 A.M.'s during the regular season I can live with.  The 10 A.M.road game after a Monday night game and back to back playoff games at 10 A.M are what bother me the most.  There was one West Coast team in the playoffs this year and they knew who'd they be playing all the way until the (if they even made it) NFC title game.  Maybe there's some detail I'm missing but it seems like the Panthers time slot could have been the late game and the AFC game could have been the early game without any complications, Panthers fans were going to that game no matter what.  Instead, Seattle had to have a 10 A.M. road game against a rested #1 seed Panthers the week after playing a 10 A.M. road game in sub-zero temperatures.  I know being the top seed is meant to be advantageous but damn.

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The back to back 10 A.M.'s during the regular season I can live with.  The 10 A.M.road game after a Monday night game and back to back playoff games at 10 A.M are what bother me the most.  There was one West Coast team in the playoffs this year and they knew who'd they be playing all the way until the (if they even made it) NFC title game.  Maybe there's some detail I'm missing but it seems like the Panthers time slot could have been the late game and the AFC game could have been the early game without any complications, Panthers fans were going to that game no matter what.  Instead, Seattle had to have a 10 A.M. road game against a rested #1 seed Panthers the week after playing a 10 A.M. road game in sub-zero temperatures.  I know being the top seed is meant to be advantageous but damn.

I see what you are saying. By the way, our wishes of Green Bay vs. Seattle in the NFC Conference game actually almost happened, which was surprising to say the least. Would have been an awesome game. I haven't been active on this thread in a while and I am sure you already went over it, but if you guys would have taken the field goal on that 4th down on like the 15 yard line and hit the one at the end of the half I honestly believe you guys would have been sitting here today heading to Arizona. Oh well I guess. Now that Seattle and Green Bay are both gone I have officially hopped onto the New England bandwagon for the rest of the season as I really don't like any of the other teams whatsoever. 

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Went 3-1 last week.


The Vikings and Bengals were so close to winning. I remember Blair Walsh getting some mad noise when he took the field at Georgia, but he missed the most important kick of his NFL career so far.



This week I'll go with the Broncos, Chiefs, Panthers, and Cardinals.


Went 3-1 again. Really wanted the Chiefs to win!


This week I'll take the Patriots and Cardinals, although i'd prefer the Broncos would win.

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Maybe there's some detail I'm missing but it seems like the Panthers time slot could have been the late game and the AFC game could have been the early game without any complications, Panthers fans were going to that game no matter what.  Instead, Seattle had to have a 10 A.M. road game against a rested #1 seed Panthers the week after playing a 10 A.M. road game in sub-zero temperatures.  I know being the top seed is meant to be advantageous but damn.


It won't make you feel any better, but this particular one isn't really on the NFL.  You can hang this past weekend's issues on the television networks, the contracts and specifics of which were decided well in advance.  Fox and NBC had the two NFC games, with (if I recall correctly) NBC having the late Saturday slot and Fox the early Sunday slot.  Since one of the NFC games was in Arizona, that obliged Carolina to play 1:00 PM EST on Sunday regardless of opponent -- CBS had both 4:00 PM slots for the AFC games.  The decision as to which site's game is played when gets made before the Wild Card round.


As for the weekend prior?  That one you hang on the networks picking which games they wanted and then fitting those into their allocated television slots.  Seattle simply got screwed by that one -- I don't know if NBC had first pick and wanted Vikings/Seahawks in their spot, or if Fox had first pick and wanted Packers/Redskins in theirs.

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I see what you are saying. By the way, our wishes of Green Bay vs. Seattle in the NFC Conference game actually almost happened, which was surprising to say the least. Would have been an awesome game. I haven't been active on this thread in a while and I am sure you already went over it, but if you guys would have taken the field goal on that 4th down on like the 15 yard line and hit the one at the end of the half I honestly believe you guys would have been sitting here today heading to Arizona. Oh well I guess. Now that Seattle and Green Bay are both gone I have officially hopped onto the New England bandwagon for the rest of the season as I really don't like any of the other teams whatsoever. 

I know man, both out teams were right there.  Seattle lost by a terrible pick-6 in the 1st and Green Bay lost by a terrible dropped pick-6 in the 4th.  So close.  Think I'm going complete opposite for the Superbowl and hoping for "anyone but the Pats".  Pretty sure Carolina will handle the Cards this weekend, especially if Palmer keeps playing like shit.  Fitz absolutely saved his ass last week.  Broncos/Pats, I'm hoping the Broncos D slows down the Pats enough for Manning to eek out enough points to win but I seriously doubt they will.

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Okay, "official" championship picks:


Carolina/Arizona - Carson Palmer has been playing like shit since gimping his finger.  He tried as hard as he could to give the game away against Green Bay and Green Bay refused to take it.  Carolina won't.  Palmer throws 3+ picks, one of them for 6 points trying to force the ball to Fitz on that rough field, Carolina wins.


Denver/New England - Going heart over head on this one.  Denver's defense mostly stops Brady and co.  Gronk still Gronks but Peyton eeks out just enough points to win on the back of his defense and running game.  Denver wins, 99% of the football world rejoices.

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