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Week 3 Predictions


Patriots over Texans

Cardinals over Bills

Raiders over Titans 

Redskins over Giants

Dolphins over Browns

Ravens over Jaguars

Packers over Lions

Bengals over Broncos

Panthers over Vikings

Bucs over Rams

Seahawks over 49ers

Jets over Chiefs

Chargers over Colts 

Steelers over Eagles

Cowboys over Bears

Saints over Falcons


Current Record: 19-13

So far you have same record as me, let's see if I choose any different ones to you this week coming

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Week 3 Predictions


Patriots over Texans

Cardinals over Bills

Raiders over Titans 

Redskins over Giants

Dolphins over Browns

Ravens over Jaguars

Packers over Lions

Bengals over Broncos

Panthers over Vikings

Bucs over Rams

Seahawks over 49ers

Jets over Chiefs

Chargers over Colts 

Steelers over Eagles

Cowboys over Bears

Saints over Falcons


Current Record: 19-13

Gonna have to disagree with the 3 I crossed out.  


-The Redskins are a huge mess right now, on the field and off, and the giants are well ahead of them in every way.


-The Bengals won't be able to handle the Broncos' D and I think Dalton falls apart while the on the other side of the ball the Bengals secondary accumulates a zillion penalty yards


-Finally, the Chargers are also completely dysfunctional right now, losing Woodhead is the final nail in their coffin. 


Half of me wants to disagree on the Seahawk/49ers pick too but I won't give up on Seattle quite yet.  The injuries are kind of scary right though.  Wilson, Baldwin, Rawls, Lockett, Ifeti... the offense is in such shambles right now that holding a team to 9 points last week wasn't good enough.  The 9ers defense just gave up 500+ yards and 40-something points though so maybe the Seattle defense can hold the 9ers down enough for the offense to squeak out enough to win... maybe.


Edit: Know what, I'm gonna add Patriots over the Texans as well.  Haven't heard if Gronk is playing or not but a 3rd stringer and Edelman are the QB's tonight, the dark magic has to end eventually right?

Edited by skidmarkgn
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My Week 3 NFL TIps

Patriots over Texans

Cardinals over Bills

Broncos over Bengals

Dolphins over Browns

Packers over Lions

Raiders over Titans

Panthers over Vikings

Giants over Redskins

Ravens over Jags

Bucs over Rams

Seahawks over 49ers

Colts over Chargers

Chiefs over Jets

Steelers over Eagles

My Cowboys over Bears

Saints over Falcons

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Gonna have to disagree with the 3 I crossed out.  


-The Redskins are a huge mess right now, on the field and off, and the giants are well ahead of them in every way.


-Finally, the Chargers are also completely dysfunctional right now, losing Woodhead is the final nail in their coffin.


It's not that the Giants are a wonderful team, but the Redskins do stink and the Giants are good enough to beat the bad teams put in front of them right now.  I was going through NYG's schedule the other day and this is a team that could finagle their way to 10-6/11-5 just by beating the lousy teams on their schedule and treading water (or even a little worse) against the better teams in their schedule.  Their division sucks, the NFC North/AFC North have some craptacular teams in them, and NYG has a third-place scheduline (meaning the Rams and Saints).  I think they'd be roadkill for a good Wild Card in the playoffs, but I don't have issues seeing them get there right now.


As for Colts/Chargers?  The Colts stink.  I'd pick the Colts because the game is in Indianapolis, but that's a franchise that just isn't very good and it's a shame because their division is very winnable.  Indy's GM ought to be fired for the job he's done bungling everything.

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Oi, less than 3 weeks in and already 2 shutouts.  The bad football epidemic is growing.


To be fair, it's two bad football teams that got shutout.  I don't care that Houston is 2-1, they're still a mediocre team at best.... and the Rams are simply bad against everyone not named "the Seattle Seahawks".


The historical average is ~8 shutouts/season, at least since the last expansion in 2002.  Two shutouts in three weeks isn't too far above that number, so I wouldn't worry about it very much.

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To be fair, it's two bad football teams that got shutout.  I don't care that Houston is 2-1, they're still a mediocre team at best.... and the Rams are simply bad against everyone not named "the Seattle Seahawks".


The historical average is ~8 shutouts/season, at least since the last expansion in 2002.  Two shutouts in three weeks isn't too far above that number, so I wouldn't worry about it very much.

Dang, I thought it was far less common than that.  Still though, the 9ers defense isn't "shutout good" (just ask Carolina) and Houston payed Osweiler waaaaaaaaaaay too much to put up zero against the Patriots.  Seems like the Thursday games really are becoming damaging to the overall product, more often than not the Thursday night games are just awful, I'm sure they're too profitable to ditch for the league though.

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Dang, I thought it was far less common than that.  Still though, the 9ers defense isn't "shutout good" (just ask Carolina) and Houston payed Osweiler waaaaaaaaaaay too much to put up zero against the Patriots.


So did I, at least until I looked up the relevant numbers.  The number is ~3.2% of games, or once every other week, and those numbers actually go back all the way to 1992.  I mean, I didn't think it was that common but I have a difficult time arguing with legitimate statistics because that's what they're there for -- they make a better record than our faulty memories and lovely things such as "confirmation bias".


As for the specific games this year?  San Francisco's defense may not be "shutout good", but Los Angeles' offense is absolutely "shutout putrid".  And New England still plays good defense and has the most brilliant scheming mind (Bill Belichick, *sigh*) to rely upon, plus Houston had to travel a long way on a short week, so that doesn't help.

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 Los Angeles' offense is absolutely "shutout putrid".  

Wow, I guess so.  The Panthers put  up what? 46 on them last week and Seattle's already dumped 21 in the first half.  Just makes it hurt even more knowing they just straight have the Seahawks number.  Although, the formula seems pretty easy, the better the pass rush, the better your chances against Seattle.

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Well... Just half time and 49ers are sucking out clear and loud... Damn. And again that Garbage Gabbert can't throw a fucking ball... Plus, did you see the first snap? He went for handoff, without a single damn back on field!! How the f*** can't you know where your mates are on the first ever snap of the game?

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Well... Just half time and 49ers are sucking out clear and loud... Damn. And again that Garbage Gabbert can't throw a fucking ball... Plus, did you see the first snap? He went for handoff, without a single damn back on field!! How the f*** can't you know where your mates are on the first ever snap of the game?


I know this is going to come as a stunner to you.... but did you know that Blaine Gabbert had the NFL's longest active streak of "consecutive games throwing at least one TD pass" before today's game?


One of my friends, who is a Jets fan, must be breaking things left and right with how bad this game is going for them.


This is precisely why I didn't want Ryan Fitzpatrick back, especially after the holdout and the massive price tag.  When he's good, Ryan Fitzpatrick is very, very good.  But he has far too many days like today when his decision-making goes well beyond "awful" to "What the fucking fuck is he thinking?"  I know the normal rule of thumb is not to blame the QB for an interception when the ball is tipped, but the two earlier picks in the KC end zone were balls he tried to force to receivers who were blanketed.


If I'm Seattle's defense, I'm licking my chops for next week.

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Wow Fitz and the Jets, just awful 8 total turnovers and 6 ints.


Vikings and Eagles 3-0 very impressive, Eagles totally destroyed the Steelers, never seen them so bad and that Vikings defense fantastic after the 1st qtr 



And How About those Bills :o

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I know this is going to come as a stunner to you.... but did you know that Blaine Gabbert had the NFL's longest active streak of "consecutive games throwing at least one TD pass" before today's game?



If I'm Seattle's defense, I'm licking my chops for next week.

The 9ers offense isn't their main problem, they have scored a pretty decent amount of points in all their games.  Some would say it was all garbage time today but Seattle's starters were still in there and I'm sure they wanted to hold 3 teams in a row to 10 or under.  


As for the last part, I was thinking the same thing about the Jets defensive line.  Especially with Russ being double gimped.  Gonna be a low scoring, ugly, game.

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I know this is going to come as a stunner to you.... but did you know that Blaine Gabbert had the NFL's longest active streak of "consecutive games throwing at least one TD pass" before today's game?


Well I knew that, still thinking most of that TD came on garbage time and/or was kudos of WR/TE, not to him. He never threw a 20+ yard if I recall correct.

Also, to my eyes mean nothing to have a longest active streak if at the end of the day 50%+ of that game went lost.


The 9ers offense isn't their main problem, they have scored a pretty decent amount of points in all their games.  Some would say it was all garbage time today but Seattle's starters were still in there and I'm sure they wanted to hold 3 teams in a row to 10 or under.  


I don't think so, they ARE the problem... last in the league in 3rd down conversion... first in 3 and out... If you can't stay on the field, then your defense have to... and get tired and give up point (well, yesterday not the case since they went 0-14 in less than 3 minutes)... Only threat is Hyde, so if opponent stop him, it's over.

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My Week 4 NFL Tips

Bengals over Dolphins

Colts over Jags

Panthers over Falcons

Patriots over Bills

Lions over Bears

Redskins over Browns

Texans over Titans

Ravens over Raiders

Jets over Seahawks

Broncos over Bucs

My Cowboys over 49ers

Cardinals over Rams

Saints over Chargers

Steelers over Chiefs

Vikings over Giants

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So anyone looking forward to the halftime how for the Superbowl (lady gaga)


I get laughed at in my household for this, but I've switched the channel to Animal Planet ("Puppy Bowl!") for the past several years and I enjoy that immensely.  And there are precious few musical acts the NFL could come up with to make me decide otherwise.


Lady Gaga is not one of those acts that will make me pass up Puppy Bowl.

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