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Platinum Rain Day - Ended

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Update time


Stoogebag hasn't earned shit in ages because Black Ops 3, Kris Army has been replaying a few games though, I also got a shirt made up with Kris Army on it, the people who were in on the joke found it almost as funny as I did. Anyway, here's some new stuff that I've got (nearly) ready to plat.


1: Rocket League. I don't remember if that was on my list or not, I don't think it was. Anyway, I've just got to grind to 500km driven and then I've got the 20 saves trophy sitting there ready to pop the plat.

2: inFamous: First Light. I don't think this was on my list either. Either way, I'm nearing the end of the small grind that is arena mode, this one's pretty well ready to pop as well.

3: Resogun. I've basically just gotta do a runthrough on vet with Phobos and this one's done too. I'll probably do the PS4 version of the game as well but for now this is just a one off plat.

4 & 5: Goat Simulator. Both the PS3 and PS4 versions of this game are pretty well ready to pop, just a couple of collectibles stand between my second account and 2 plats.

6: Tony Hawk's Pro Skater HD. I just need to finish off the projectives mode and this plat is done. Easy peasy.

7: Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 5. Not too much left in this one, a couple of grind trophies (heh) and so on, when done with those I've left the tutorial unplayed so I can run through that and pop the plat. Also worth noting online still is incredibly broken and getting the 25 levels rated trophy could prove to be trouble.


Bonus points, for games I've started, will probably finish, but have made no real progress in.

8: Riptide GP 2. I started it the other week but haven't touched it since, I'll probably get around to platting this soon though.

9: PlayStation All-Stars: Battle Royale. Haven't made much progress but most of the trophies are easy as balls, only one that could be trouble is the online ones, so if someone wants to help (Hint) that would be swell.

10: Resogun. But for PS4.


Extra bonus points, for games I'll probably toss in for good measure.

11: Magus. A big ass grind at the end when I did it on my main account but I'll probably be up for replaying this, since I actually enjoyed most of my time with it.

12: Trine 2. I renewed PS+ (begrudgingly) for Black Ops 3 and with it, this game is back in my account. Everyone knows this game.


Extra special bonus points, for Telltale games I own that I'll probably replay through soon.

13: Back to the Future. 

14: The Walking Dead.

15: The Walking Dead, but on PS4.

16: Tales from the Borderlands.

17: Game of Thrones, now that episode 6 is out.


As you can see, my list is full of easy crap, but at least I had the guts to only pick ones that will take at least 10 hours or so. *scrolls up* Okay, Goat Simulator is just there because I love the game, and Trine I wasn't planning on including but fuck it. Anyway, good luck to everyone else in this thread, looking forward to feeling proud about popping as many as I can, only to see all you guys pop so many more harder, better games. Adios!


Edit: Extra special bonus round, for games Dylan spent 10 minutes looking for his last post on this thread to find the names of.

18: Teslagrad.

19: Sly 1.

20: The Order 1886.


If I can manage to get all of those 20 down, I'll be pretty proud, even with the mega lists a lot of you guys have planned.

Edited by Super-Fly Spider-Guy
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I posted earlier about me dropping out but I think I'm going to attempt to get as many as possible! Little update to my list:

Nice, great to see you're still giving it a shot :D.



Ratchet and Clank 3: Up Your Arsenal - 98% (Plat ready

I got platinum number 5 ready :)

Lightning Returns is plat ready! 98% (41/43)

Congrats guys :yay:.


Also, please remove Rayman Origins from the list, I am going to trade it in. I really decided not to pursue the platinum for that game as getting the speed trophies would ruin my holidays and my upcoming birthday. :(

Ok, removed it. When is your birthday?


Update time


Stoogebag hasn't earned shit in ages because Black Ops 3, Kris Army has been replaying a few games though, I also got a shirt made up with Kris Army on it, the people who were in on the joke found it almost as funny as I did. Anyway, here's some new stuff that I've got (nearly) ready to plat.


As you can see, my list is full of easy crap, but at least I had the guts to only pick ones that will take at least 10 hours or so. *scrolls up* Okay, Goat Simulator is just there because I love the game, and Trine I wasn't planning on including but fuck it. Anyway, good luck to everyone else in this thread, looking forward to feeling proud about popping as many as I can, only to see all you guys pop so many more harder, better games. Adios!


If I can manage to get all of those 20 down, I'll be pretty proud, even with the mega lists a lot of you guys have planned.

Awesome, nice progress :yay:. Don't worry about playing easy games, the main point is that you're having a great time. Nobody is going to judge you :).

Edited by Dragon-Archon
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I guess it's time for an update, made slight progress just got to choose which games to work on now;


1. Jak & Daxter: The Precursor Legacy; 91% (37/39) Ready

2. Jak II 91% (39/41) Ready

3. Jak 3 91% (45/47) Ready

4. Ratchet and Clank 91% (33/35) Ready

5. Ratchet: Deadlocked 90% (29/31) Ready

6. Ratchet and Clank: A Crack in Time 97% (35/37) Ready

7. Ratchet and Clank: Into the Nexus 98% (21/23) Ready


Working on:

Ratchet and Clank 2 7% (4/35)

Ratchet and Clank 3 4% (2/33)

(possibly) Resogun 45% (20/34)


Probably adding to my list

 The Walking Dead Seasons 1/2

 The Wolf Among Us

 Broken Age

 Tales From the Borderlands

 Game of Thrones

 Uncharted 1

(Possibly) Atelier Ayesha Depending on how I get on

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Hi everyone!

I had just started a new account yesterday and have many games to plat.

Want to join but we're already november 17 so I think it's to late for me to prepare 10 games to plat.

Good luck to all participants!

Edited by Sadazel
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Dragon, my birthday is December 6th. Also, when my birthday comes around, I'll be switching to my other account, DetectiveCJ, on a more perm basis and make that my official trophy account. It's not that this account is bad, it's just full of junk games that I don't intend to platinum in the near future or find impossible to Platinum. I had MySims Skyheroes put on the list on a whim and regretted it because that game stinks in graphical quality. (I had completed MySims Kingdom on Wii and thought that this franchise would be cool. Boy howdy was I wrong!) I don't intend to make those mistakes - if a game goes on my list, I will get all the trophies on it even if I have to devote my entire life to doing so. So far I got my first platinum on LEGO Jurassic World on that account.


That's not to say I am dropping out of the event, not by a long shot. I am three games away from reaching the ten game minimum. Once I get to that point, I'll stop there because I don't intend to earn any more plats on this account, all plats will be put on my new account. I'll also be switching to my new account on this site as well once the new year rolls around. I already posts a few messages from that account.

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Ok, got 2 more plats ready to pop - Tales From The Borderlands and SoulCalibur II.  SCII still has the 10,000 hits trophy to be finished, but that's as good as in the bag already, so it guess it can be classed as done.  Can TFTBL replace inFamous on my list, as I won't have enough to finish that one, in all likelihood?  So, my list should now look like this...


01 - Lego Pirates of the Caribbean - 34/36 (91%) - ready to plat

02 - Little Big Planet 2 - 43/47 (50% due to DLC)

03 - Dead Nation - 28/35 (55% due to DLC)

04 - Frozen Synapse Prime - 26/30 (87%)

05 - Tales From The Borderlands - 34/36 (91%) - ready to plat

06 - Worms Revolution - 27/29 (82% due to DLC)

07 - God Of War II - 33/35 (91%) - ready to plat

08 - God Of War: Ghost of Sparta - 0/36 (0%)

09 - ICO - 0/16 (0%)

10 - SoulCalibur II HD Online - 28/30 - (98%) - ready to plat


Guess I better get to work on LBP2 and Frozen Synapse, as they each have only 3 trophies left till platinum.  Should be doable.

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Hm. You know what, I may be able to do this.


Here's my progression:


MGS2 (PS3) 20/46

Bloodborne 32/34

Infamous First Light 23/25 LOCKED AND LOADED

The Legend of Korra (PS4) 29/31 LOCKED AND LOADED

DmC Devil may Cry Definitive Edition 49/51 LOCKED AND LOADED more or less...

Devil May Cry 4 Special Edition 41/43 LOCKED AND LOADED

Rocket League 48/50 LOCKED AND LOADED more or less...

Everybody's Gone to the Rapture 13/19

Guacamelee! Super Turbo Championship Edition 34/36 LOCKED AND LOADED

Batman: Arkham Knight 63/65 LOCKED AND LOADED

Metal Gear Solid V The Phantom Pain 39/43 LOCKED AND LOADED

Bayonetta 48/51

Guacamelee! (PS3) 44/48

Sonic All Stars Racing Transformed (Vita) 49/51 [ABSOLUTELY IMPOSSIBLE TO PLAT WITHOUT HELP]


For SASRT, I need at least 4 other people to go online to unlock the stupid Team Sonic Trophy. Ridiculous. Anyway, I'll make a game session in the future, if anyone would like to earn that trophy at the dawn of 2016.

Edited by PolarPhantom
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Update time.


Game of Thrones (PS4)  -  88%  46/49 RDY To PLAT               It is killing me not finishing this. Does any1 know the exact point I can push it before I would pop the last trophy for episode 6???


Also I played the 1st episode for GoT on my ps3 and it's bothering me seeing it sit there at 21% so I decided to pick up the disk version lol. I'll make different decisions and see if it really does make a difference.


Game of Thrones  (PS3)   -  21%    8/49


I believe that puts me at 17. 1 more and I'll b at 50 plats! Well you know what I mean.....

Edited by Fozzyabear
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Update time.


Game of Thrones (PS4)  -  88%  46/49 RDY To PLAT               It is killing me not finishing this. Does any1 know the exact point I can push it before I would pop the last trophy for episode 6???


Also I played the 1st episode for GoT on my ps3 and it's bothering me seeing it sit there at 21% so I decided to pick up the disk version lol. I'll make different decisions and see if it really does make a difference.


Game of Thrones  (PS3)   -  21%    8/49


I believe that puts me at 17. 1 more and I'll b at 50 plats! Well you know what I mean.....

When you pop everything are you going to pick something to be #50

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When you pop everything are you going to pick something to be #50

Yeah Mby you can help me come up with something? I'm thinking mby my rarest which atm would be magika 2 sitting at 0.84%. I got a month and a half to figure it out though. Mby I'll do a poll on the bvest plat image for games I have rdy to pop or something?

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Yeah Mby you can help me come up with something? I'm thinking mby my rarest which atm would be magika 2 sitting at 0.84%. I got a month and a half to figure it out though. Mby I'll do a poll on the bvest plat image for games I have rdy to pop or something?

Yeah do something when you are closer to the end of December and have the members here vote on it :D

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Oh lord, i'm stressing out a bit now since I don't have ANY plats lined up... Really need to get this sorted before that start of the new year :/




Ratchet and Clank: Full Frontal Assault 53% 15/23

Edited by Nitro
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Oh lord, i'm stressing out a bit now since I don't have ANY plats lined up... Really need to get this sorted before that start of the new year :/




Ratchet and Clank: Full Frontal Assault 53% 15/23

No plats lined up yet :o Get off this site :angry:


Also if you need help with that plat...a certain smexy doctor made a kickass guide for it :ninja:



I don't know about this, remember how well having members vote on Precision's 100th plat turned out dood :P

Oh man you're right  :facepalm:  I still have 300 hours to go on that stupid event. Stupid Dragon for taking my joke too far :(

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Count me in! I'm aiming for 100%s as well as plats so DLC is included in the trophy count, most DLCs are completed or almost complete on these games

Here's my games:

1. Lego Batman 2(Vita) 30/32 Ready to plat

2. Dead Space 3 56/59 Almost ready

3. Minecraft (Vita) 44/51

4. Rocket League 47/50

5. Battlefield 3 51/64

6. Assassin's Creed Revelations 44/70

7. Ether One 2/13

8. Tom Clancy's H.A.W.X 2 21/33

9. Tales From the Borderlands(Ps4) 0/36

10. The Wolf Among Us(Ps4) 0/36

11. Challenge: Far Cry 2 20/49

So far 1/10 are ready, 3 are close, 2 need to be started, and the rest fall in between. Should I post updates as edits or as a new post?

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I guess it's time for an update, made slight progress just got to choose which games to work on now;

Nice, added it.


Hi everyone!

I had just started a new account yesterday and have many games to plat.

Want to join but we're already november 17 so I think it's to late for me to prepare 10 games to plat.

Good luck to all participants!

Ok, let me know if you want to join. Or alternatively you can start working on the next PRD :D.


Dragon, my birthday is December 6th. Also, when my birthday comes around, I'll be switching to my other account, DetectiveCJ, on a more perm basis and make that my official trophy account. It's not that this account is bad, it's just full of junk games that I don't intend to platinum in the near future or find impossible to Platinum. I had MySims Skyheroes put on the list on a whim and regretted it because that game stinks in graphical quality. (I had completed MySims Kingdom on Wii and thought that this franchise would be cool. Boy howdy was I wrong!) I don't intend to make those mistakes - if a game goes on my list, I will get all the trophies on it even if I have to devote my entire life to doing so. So far I got my first platinum on LEGO Jurassic World on that account.


That's not to say I am dropping out of the event, not by a long shot. I am three games away from reaching the ten game minimum. Once I get to that point, I'll stop there because I don't intend to earn any more plats on this account, all plats will be put on my new account. I'll also be switching to my new account on this site as well once the new year rolls around. I already posts a few messages from that account.

Ok, why didn't you start earning trophies on the new account? Or is this a recent decision?


Got another one ready Dragon, and also forgot to update a couple other games I've made progress in dood:


Guacamelee! Super Turbo Championship Edition-ready to plat

Titan Souls- 4/28, 5%

Battle Princess of Arcadias- 17/43, 25%

Awesome, congrats :yay:. How is Battle Princess of Arcadias? Someone recommeded to add it to the PP Dragons, but I have no idea how important they are to the plot. I know that the first boss is a dragon.


Ok, got 2 more plats ready to pop - Tales From The Borderlands and SoulCalibur II.  SCII still has the 10,000 hits trophy to be finished, but that's as good as in the bag already, so it guess it can be classed as done.  Can TFTBL replace inFamous on my list, as I won't have enough to finish that one, in all likelihood?  So, my list should now look like this...


Guess I better get to work on LBP2 and Frozen Synapse, as they each have only 3 trophies left till platinum.  Should be doable.

Nice, congrats :yay:.


Hm. You know what, I may be able to do this.


Here's my progression:


For SASRT, I need at least 4 other people to go online to unlock the stupid Team Sonic Trophy. Ridiculous. Anyway, I'll make a game session in the future, if anyone would like to earn that trophy at the dawn of 2016.

That's quite a list, good luck :D.


Update time.


Game of Thrones (PS4)  -  88%  46/49 RDY To PLAT               It is killing me not finishing this. Does any1 know the exact point I can push it before I would pop the last trophy for episode 6???


Also I played the 1st episode for GoT on my ps3 and it's bothering me seeing it sit there at 21% so I decided to pick up the disk version lol. I'll make different decisions and see if it really does make a difference.


Game of Thrones  (PS3)   -  21%    8/49


I believe that puts me at 17. 1 more and I'll b at 50 plats! Well you know what I mean.....

Damn that was fast. And here I thought you were going to play Fallout 4 and give me the chance to reach 20 plats... I only needed 14 more :P.


Oh lord, i'm stressing out a bit now since I don't have ANY plats lined up... Really need to get this sorted before that start of the new year :/




Ratchet and Clank: Full Frontal Assault 53% 15/23

Just keep calm, you almost have 1 ready :). That means only 9 more in 8-9 weeks. You can do this, just don't forget to have fun too.


Oh man you're right  :facepalm:  I still have 300 hours to go on that stupid event. Stupid Dragon for taking my joke too far :(

Hey it's not my fault Precision dropped out and platted another after everyone had started... or that SO4 got the most votes.... or that there suddenly was a huge hype to convince people to do something as insane as platting SO4. Ok, I may sort of had something to do with that last one, maybe :P.


Count me in! I'm aiming for 100%s as well as plats so DLC is included in the trophy count, most DLCs are completed or almost complete on these games

Here's my games:

1. Lego Batman 2(Vita) 30/32 Ready to plat

2. Dead Space 3 56/59 Almost ready

3. Minecraft (Vita) 44/51

4. Rocket League 47/50

5. Battlefield 3 51/64

6. Assassin's Creed Revelations 44/70

7. Ether One 2/13

8. Tom Clancy's H.A.W.X 2 21/33

9. Tales From the Borderlands(Ps4) 0/36

10. The Wolf Among Us(Ps4) 0/36

11. Challenge: Far Cry 2 20/49

So far 1/10 are ready, 3 are close, 2 need to be started, and the rest fall in between. Should I post updates as edits or as a new post?

Awesome, welcome to the event :highfive:. Please post updates, because I don't re-read all the old posts again.

Edited by Dragon-Archon
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Nice, added it.


Ok, let me know if you want to join. Or alternatively you can start working on the next PRD :D.


Ok, why didn't you start earning trophies on the new account? Or is this a recent decision?


Awesome, congrats :yay:. How is Battle Princess of Arcadias? Someone recommeded to add it to the PP Dragons, but I have no idea how important they are to the plot. I know that the first boss is a dragon.


Nice, congrats :yay:.


That's quite a list, good luck :D.


Damn that was fast. And here I thought you were going to play Fallout 4 and give me the chance to reach 20 plats... I only needed 14 more :P.


Just keep calm, you have 1 already :). That means only 9 more in 8-9 weeks. You can do this, just don't forget to have fun too.


Hey it's not my fault Precision dropped out and platted another after everyone had started... or that SO4 got the most votes.... or that there suddenly was a huge hype to convince people to do something as insane as platting SO4. Ok, I may sort of had something to do with that last one, maybe :P.


Awesome, welcome to the event :highfive:. Please post updates, because I don't re-read all the old posts again.


Battle Princess of Arcadias is pretty fun, gameplay is pretty similar to stuff like Dragon's Crown, Muramasa, and Odin Sphere but has some of its own unique aspects. Dragons aren't relevant to the plot at all, in fact that Dragon boss is really the only dragon type enemy I've seen so far and I'm almost done with the story (there is another enemy that kind of looks like a dragon but don't think it is one). If dragons have to be relevant to the plot to be part of that PP then this game definitely doesn't qualify dood

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Battle Princess of Arcadias is pretty fun, gameplay is pretty similar to stuff like Dragon's Crown, Muramasa, and Odin Sphere but has some of its own unique aspects. Dragons aren't relevant to the plot at all, in fact that Dragon boss is really the only dragon type enemy I've seen so far and I'm almost done with the story (there is another enemy that kind of looks like a dragon but don't think it is one). If dragons have to be relevant to the plot to be part of that PP then this game definitely doesn't qualify dood

Ok, thnx for the info dood. I won't add it to the PP.

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Sweet, finally got Dragon's Dogma done. I was scared of the 350 items at first, but was able to get help from a friend. Saved right in front of the final boss (2nd time). Now on to Final Fantasy X and Okami HD!


1. Dragon's Dogma: Dark Arisen - 91% (49/51) Plat Ready.

2. Persona 4 Dancing All Night - 98% (38/40) Plat Ready.

3. Teslagrad - 98% (35/37) Plat Ready.

4. Final Fantasy X - 7% (5/34)

5. Okami HD

6. Trine 2

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