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PAC Motos Master (Bronze)

Completed all PAC Motos missions.

PAC-MAN Museum+ (PS4)




This game was okay. Nothing to write home about, but relatively entertaining. It's like bumper cars, kind of. Some of the later levels I played were rather annoying, but the mission list here was very quick and easy. It only took me around an hour to knock out. I might actually Platinum this game a lot faster than I thought I would initially. Pac & Pal is up next.

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Game is pretty fun so far. I do have a few gripes with it, but overall I dig the anime art style.





Drink Deep
Successfully use a special drain from a parry, back attack, or launch attack



Together Until Oblivion
Listen to partner conversations 50 times while exploring



Oliver Collins
Defeat Oliver Collins in the ruined city underground

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In Perfect Sync
Landed enough Beatdrop Combos to boost your Groove above 200%.


Okay... so... the returning character wasn't who the game initially teased it as being. But it's still a returning character and still a decent returning one at that. So it's fine lol. 😍


Also... a theory I had since really the start of the game just got teased as potentially being correct. I KNEW IT. Well... maybe lol 😅



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@Don_Chipotle You wanted to know what I thought of this. So far it seems pretty decent. The animations for the character and combat are pretty janky, but the exploration itself is fun. It definitely does a pretty good job capturing those early Resident Evil vibes of exploring the mansion. The puzzles are pretty straight forward and shouldn't give you too much trouble. The game seems to be pretty generous with ammo, healing and save items on the Normal mode, and the enemies are pretty easy to stunlock. So I'd put it on the easier side of survival horror, at least the first chapter anyways. It may get harder later, I'd have to find out. All in all, I definitely feel it is fun enough to buy on a sale, although I probably wouldn't recommend paying full price. Unless you are really itching for a RE style game and have played literally everything.


The game visually is decent for a Unity game and it seems to perform fine for the most part. It did drop frames a little when I went outside. Loading times are pretty fast.


Hope this did a good job giving you an idea of it. Cheers! :)





Clever Girl
Solve a puzzle.



Surviving the Nightmare
Defeat your first threat.



A Moment of Rest
Heal yourself.



Hold the Line!
Defeat 20 threats.

Edited by ChilledBrandon
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3 minutes ago, ChilledBrandon said:

@Don_Chipotle You wanted to know what I thought of this. So far it seems pretty decent. The animations for the character and combat are pretty janky, but the exploration itself is fun. It definitely does a pretty good job capturing those early Resident Evil vibes of exploring the mansion. The puzzles are pretty straight forward and shouldn't give you too much trouble. The game seems to be pretty generous with ammo, healing and save items on the Normal mode, and the enemies are pretty easy to stunlock. So I'd put it on the easier side of survival horror, at least the first chapter anyways. It may get harder later, I'd have to find out. All in all, I definitely feel it is fun enough to buy on a sale, although I probably wouldn't recommend paying full price. Unless you are really itching for a RE style game and have played literally everything.


The game visually is decent for a Unity game and it seems to perform fine for the most part. It did drop frames a little when I went outside. Loading times are pretty fast.


Hope this did a good job giving you an idea of it. Cheers! :)





Clever Girl
Solve a puzzle.



Surviving the Nightmare
Defeat your first threat.



A Moment of Rest
Heal yourself.



Hold the Line!
Defeat 20 threats.



I will check this out, thanks for the preview

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No Delayed Fights
Complete the "Boss Rush" Challenge Mission


Y'all Going Down!
Complete "Boss Rush" with the top Grade


I Won't Lose to Anyone!
Learn all Skills


Fly Away
Fly with Gum-Gum Rocket for 30 minutes in total


Treasure Hunter
Open 200 treasure chests


    I'm Going to Be the Pirate King!
Get all trophies

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Et tu?
Betrayed by a friend.



Complete Showdown.

Why do I like these people again?



We could go home, or…
Sing karaoke with the Saints.

The whole song....I had to watch the whole thing. 😕



A Golden Age
Unlock Criminal Empire Tier 5.


Have a few trophies left and to get the annoying co-op trophy for Plat.


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[Ranked Match] Fought a total of 200 matches.



Everyone's Welcome

[Player Match] Fought over 20 different characters.




[Online] Fought a total of 100 matches from the Lobby. 




[M.O.M] Class increased. 




[M.O.M] Passed Lv 50.



Spray and Pray

[M.O.M] Maximum combo damaged exceeded 1,000.


Pretty close to the platinum now. I feel that the worst is behind me and now all that's left is the Combo mode, finishing Episode mode with 20 characters, unlocking 150 badges, and hopefully by the end of all that I'll be close to being able to spend 500k world dollars for the last trophy and plat. 

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Honestly a good effort for a survival horror game. From the credits, it looks like it was all done by a single person. Very impressive if so. It's got a fair few issues but for the price I paid for it on sale and the fun I had, it was more than worth it. Whilst there's no cutscenes, I still think this did a solid job telling a good survival story. You get it all through text, but it was well written and I enjoyed reading through it after finishing each chapter. You could tell the dev had passion for these games in my opinion, and that goes a long way with me. I appreciate the time that was clearly put in to making this.


Sadly it looks like one of the trophies may be bugged, for landing 50 critical hits. So I might not be able to 100% it. Looks like all the recent players are stuck at the same percentage, so it may be one of those trophies that very rarely drops. Some people have earned it, but it has ultra rare.





Keep Firing!
Defeat 100 threats.



Quite the Detective
Solve 10 puzzles.



Destroying the Horde
Defeat 200 threats.

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I haven't died this much since I played Dark Souls 😂


Game is amazing, though. I can see me sinking a lot of hours in to it, very addictive gameplay loop.


I like the heir system when you die and the new character having different traits. Very cool death mechanic, keeps things fresh.





Choose a hero with no traits.



Die 20 times or more.

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SUPER PAC-MAN Master (Bronze)

Completed all SUPER PAC-MAN missions.

PAC-MAN Museum+ (PS4)




The prior two games I did are basically the same, so I'll discuss them both here. Super PAC-MAN is... fine. It's basically just a less fun version of the original. Not a huge fan of the "eat keys to unlock the paths you need to access in order to eat the fruit you need to clear the stage" mechanic, but I am quite fond of the super-charged Power Pellets that make you all huge and fast. Pac & Pal is basically just Super PAC-MAN with two different mechanics and a different bonus stage. The new additions are the Special Items that give PAC-MAN access to the ability to fire at ghosts to stun them, and Miru (though Museum+ seems really adamant on calling her Mil for some reason?), who will grab any fruits you haven't eaten and cash them in, removing them from the board. This seems annoying at first, and it will cost you points, but she eventually became a life-saver by the time I was almost done with the 15 rounds in one game mission. You'd be surprised by the difference that having one less fruit to eat will make when you have to get that far.


Those 15-round game missions are absolutely evil. Even with liberal use of pause-saves, the process of reaching stages that far into games where I usually game over before I even get to the higher single-digit numbers is an absolute nightmare, and I dread the idea of having to do that in the other classic arcade games. Especially in the original PAC-MAN. I can guarantee that one's gonna suck. I'd say Super PAC-MAN was overall a tad easier than Pac & Pal, since that game is cruel enough to only let you have two power-ups per round - one of which Miru can easily run off with if you're not paying attention to her. They were both still really difficult and frustrating to pull off, though. This is shaping up to be one of my hardest Platinums if the difficulty of these missions doesn't cool down a bit.

Edited by blue_blur_98
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