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trilogy game versions

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So i have a question..

for a year back i bought a game and it always glitched on me

freezes before a bossbattle or weird things happen to my screen..  so i didn't played the game anymore..

after a year i bought a trilogy and that game was also in the collection
but i can't choose the trilogy but only the normal version off the game when i want to download it in the store

so i deleted it and downloaded it via the store on my laptop where i could pick the trilogy version.
turned on my ps3 and started downloading but still was the normal version..

gave it a try and again right in the beginning it freezes.

how the F  can i download the trilogy version instead of the normal version..or am i double f*cked 

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i'm sorry i posted in the wrong section..
if you are admin change it otherwise just help me instead..

it's about the prince of persia collection..  

but i don't see why that's important..  got the sly trilogy and hitman trilogy  it's just the problem that i want the trilogy version instead of the bugged normal version what i just can't play..
i made a beginning and now i want to finish it but it's impossible with the normal so i want to try the trilogy version.

i bought the game 2 times and can't play..makes no sence to me

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I've got no idea what your problem is, but here's a (kind of) similar problem I had with Sly.


So Sly 1 was free on PS+ at one point.
While it was on my account and I was subbed to Plus, I bought the trilogy.

However, it only registered as me buying 2 and 3.

Months later, I wanted to get my girlfriend into Sly because I knew she'd like it, and Sly 1 wasn't in my download list.

Rang Sony, they saw the transaction had went down, they put the game back in my list. Problem solved.


With that in mind, did you own one of the games in the trilogy before buying the trilogy? Because that's just about the only thing I could think of that would lead to a problem like this.

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So i have a question..

for a year back i bought a game and it always glitched on me

freezes before a bossbattle or weird things happen to my screen.. so i didn't played the game anymore..

after a year i bought a trilogy and that game was also in the collection

but i can't choose the trilogy but only the normal version off the game when i want to download it in the store

so i deleted it and downloaded it via the store on my laptop where i could pick the trilogy version.

turned on my ps3 and started downloading but still was the normal version..

gave it a try and again right in the beginning it freezes.

how the F can i download the trilogy version instead of the normal version..or am i double f*cked

the trilogy version is the same as the standard version. Its just the three titles bundled together. Only thing I can recommend is starting a new save. Edited by skateak
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if its the 2nd PoP game that one is known to be buggy, has something to do with the collectibles. luckily the collectibles aren't tied to your game save so u can always collect and go to a previous save as i had to do.

Its a good idea to make plenty of saves, keeping an eye on the name of the saves i noticed whilst playing the game that it reverted to a previous chapter and glitched the game for me

Edited by L33N3WB3
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it's like this :

prince of persia :the two thrones
prince of persia :sands of time trilogy HD
prince of persia :warrior within trilogy HD

the one without trilogy on the end in cant play.
that's the game i bought before i bought the trilogy and also the game i can't play because of the bugs.
i deleted it and re installed it but keeps having the same problems.
bought the trilogy so i have another version but it registered only the normal version in psstore and not the trilogy version.

i know it's the same game but in the save data section on the ps3 it says  :
prince of persia :the two thrones
prince of persia :sands of time trilogy HD
prince of persia :warrior within trilogy HD

how can i pick the trilogy version instead of the normal version..

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you have to restart the game if u don't have an earlier save to go back to, its also the reason it took me so long to finish the game because i had to restart over.

Once you have a glitched save there's nothing you can do about it, your best bet is to delete it and try again.

you want to be using 3-4 different saves as well not just 1, so u can use an older 1.

Edited by L33N3WB3
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not really what i'm looking for..

like i said i deleted and re installed the game and deleted the save..everything that had something to do with the game..

i even tried to play on my old fat ps3.

i think i can solve it by playing the trilogy version of the game because it had a other save folder.

i'm waiting on a answer from the pshelpsupport from the store..    


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There is no "trilogy version". When you buy the blundle of games, you just get the three individual games at once. There is really no difference between buying the three games one by or one, and buying the trilogy bundle. (Besides the price, that is).


PoP2 is one buggy game, I remember the pain I had with it back on the PS2 era. Nothing you can do about it, just push through it.

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You know what annoyed me the most about this trilogy, when you boot up the physical copy, all three game's trophy list is installed...

Yeah, I haven't noticed that till I platted Sands of Time and I saw the other two lists, luckily now you can delete the other 2 trophy lists because they're 0%. Yes, using the PS4. I'm playing WW in this moment and indeed it's very buggy.

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There is no "trilogy version". When you buy the blundle of games, you just get the three individual games at once. There is really no difference between buying the three games one by or one, and buying the trilogy bundle. (Besides the price, that is).


PoP2 is one buggy game, I remember the pain I had with it back on the PS2 era. Nothing you can do about it, just push through it.

That's what I said. I guess he skimmed over it.

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no i did not..and i know it are the same games BUT like i said before..   when you go to save files on youre ps3 you can see  that there are 2 different save folders..  one for prince of persia the two thrones and one for game of persia the two thrones trilogy hd

thats what i know after research on google all day long

like i said the normal version of the game with the normal save is bugged so i want the trilogy version.

it's like it are two different games with different save folders BUT with the same name..it's that simple.

  it's stupid that i bought two games and can play one of them.
you dont buy two tv's and watch on one because the other doesn't work and just accept it the way it is..  i payed for it ..i want to use it..

anyway i deleted it from my trophy list because i cant play the damn game and because of that is had 0%  trophies.


i need to know how i can post a picture over here so you can see that there is a difference between trilogy and normal..

it's even in the title off the game  and in the save file section on the ps3.


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You know what annoyed me the most about this trilogy, when you boot up the physical copy, all three game's trophy list is installed...


It won't effect your %  nor your time (how long it takes you) until you at least earn one trophy. So really, you have nothing to worry about there.

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  • 3 months later...

So i was curious about something.I recently finished the trilogy,TTT was last.I'm checking the rarity of trophies and (by the time i wrote this) it seems that most people finished the game on Normal,it says 10.157 achievers and 19.02% rarity.The weird things is,that the trophy for killing the Vizier (Revenge) has 24.75% rarity and 13.215 achievers.So we have 3.000+ people (almost 25% of those who killed the last boss) that didn't bother chase the Dark Prince and finish the game?Am i missing something?The part after last boss takes 5-7 minutes and you can't die.

Edited by sephiroth4424
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So i was curious about something.I recently finished the trilogy,TTT was last.I'm checking the rarity of trophies and (by the time i wrote this) it seems that most people finished the game on Normal,it says 10.157 achievers and 19.02% rarity.The weird things is,that the trophy for killing the Vizier (Revenge) has 24.75% rarity and 13.215 achievers.So we have 3.000+ people (almost 25% of those who killed the last boss) that didn't bother chase the Dark Prince and finish the game?Am i missing something?The part after last boss takes 5-7 minutes and you can't die.


You've got it a bit mixed up. You get the trophy for killing the Vizier before the one for finishing the game on whatever difficulty you play it on first. So 13,215 people beat the Vizier, but only 10,157 did it on the Normal difficulty. The other 3,000+ did it on another difficulty. The difficulty trophies don't stack, btw.

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So i was curious about something.I recently finished the trilogy,TTT was last.I'm checking the rarity of trophies and (by the time i wrote this) it seems that most people finished the game on Normal,it says 10.157 achievers and 19.02% rarity.The weird things is,that the trophy for killing the Vizier (Revenge) has 24.75% rarity and 13.215 achievers.So we have 3.000+ people (almost 25% of those who killed the last boss) that didn't bother chase the Dark Prince and finish the game?Am i missing something?The part after last boss takes 5-7 minutes and you can't die.

Yes, I think what you are missing is that some people don't play on normal.


If you beat the last boss, then finished the game on Easy, you won't get the trophy for finishing the game on Normal.


Further, since difficulty trophies DON'T stack for this game, you can't earn the Easy trophy by playing on Normal.


The 3000 player gap is due to the fact that of the 13000 people that beat the last boss, some go on to earn the Easy trophy, and some the Normal trophy.

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