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Are you a compulsive gamer?


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Reading an article on a new study on compulsive gamers and the difference in their brains and non-compulsive gamers.




Everytime I read an article about studies on gamers I get all paranoid that I might have the issues mentioned. Luckily, I don't fall into the categories studied here and would be considered a non-compulsive gamer.


If you consider yourself a compulsive gamer, do you think this is something you want to change or are you okay with it?

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Interesting stuff.


Anecdotally, I got a perfect score on the hazard perception part of the driving test (for non-UK people: done at a computer, you had to click a mouse when a hazard or potential hazard appeared in a series of dashboard videos - e.g. a woman with a pram standing on the sidewalk like she's thinking of crossing the road) when I was going for my licence. The examiner remarked that she'd only seen that a couple of times before. 


Am I a "compulsive" gamer though... probably not. I like to play games, and they are my favourite hobby, but if I can't play for whatever reason I seem to get on just fine. I'll just do something else. I'll forgo sleep on the weekends, but try to make sure I get enough during the week. 

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Not really. If I'm tired, need to eat, drink, etc. I stop gaming immediately. However, there are moments were I become so hooked in game, most of the time a tough one that kicks my ass 1000 times, and sometimes I lay down eating for a couple more hours just to get an objective done. Doesn't happen too often though.

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Interesting read. Once or twice a year I'll get hooked on a game and can't stop thinking about it. I always eat before/during play though I will sleep less than I should occasionally. If I miss a day due to watching football or doing family stuff it doesn't kill me. I didn't play for over a week during the holidays.

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Honestly depends on the game. I remember spending around 20 hours on FFXIII-2, I only got off it to give the PS3 a break. When I do find a game I really enjoy I won't eat or sleep until it's to a point I'm unable to play the game anymore. I wouldn't change it, as long as it's making me happy I don't mind ^_^

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I don't think I'm a compulsive gamer. I'll put off eating or going to the bathroom for a few minutes if I'm in the middle of something, but I do the same thing for TV shows and movies. I'll wait until the end of the show/movie, or I'll wait until a scene change to pause. As for sleeping, I used to stay up and get less sleep to keep playing games when I was younger, but not anymore. I'm an old man, I need my sleep.

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I'm definitely not. I mean, I play games quite a but because it makes me happy, but I will stop if I need to do something, sleep if I need to sleep, and I'm ok if I don't have time to play due to other circumstances (unless I'm like super hooked on a game, which doesn't happen too often).  


I can't even imagine being a compulsive gamer. That just sounded like an addiction to me...

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I can't even imagine being a compulsive gamer. That just sounded like an addiction to me...


It does seem like an addiction in a way.. and unfortunately that's how I get at times. Thankfully not all the time. That'd be a nightmare. But it sucks when I have those moments. I just don't have the desire to eat. That only happens when I REALLY get into a game, and it's been a little while cx

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I can focus on multiple things at once, mostly... Unless I'm really concentrating on something that demands my full attention. I'd say videogames have helped me more than they could ever hurt me. Can I push myself for a game? Sure, I've done 12-14 hour gaming sessions.... Like any hobby though, you can get lost in it.... but it's also more than just a bunch of pixels on the screen for me. As I'm sure it is more than that for most or all of you. People looking in from the outside have always seen what they've wanted to see when it comes to videogames, because they either lack the imagination to see the full picture, or they are just plain ignorant about a subject they know very little about. I love videogames, the stories, the impossible situations a player gets thrown into, the worlds, being able to walk in places I never could in real life, to see different centuries brought to life before my very eyes. 


I try not to spend my money frugally, and often go a year without spending little if any money that I didn't absolutely need to. So no, I may be a game addicted weirdo, who spends his days playing often violent videogames, but I am not a compulsive gamer :D

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I wouldn't say I'm a compulsive gamer, but a compulsive person in general. If I get really obsessed with something, gaming or not, I can skip a day or two of sleep to do more of it. I've gone a night without sleep before to learn about physics before because it was really interesting.

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