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Kill Your Completion (Event finished)

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Deadpool (Day 3)




First off: Thanks to @Crimson Idol for the tip with disconnecting from the internet. That worked just fine. No more freezes.

I finished two more levels today. This game is totally crazy. In one part Deadpool lost one of his arms and his head was turned 180°. In this section the conroles were inverted. So to move forwards you have to push the stick backwards.

Then Deadpool decides to walk away and you only have the camera to control and he tells you as the player to follow him.

Then he is torn apart and lands on an enemy to have some legs.

Deadpool allways mentions that this is his game and refers to you as the player sometimes.

When you like such games you probably should check this out.


I think this is one of the first games to complet after the event.


It's nice to read that you enjoy the game. The part where he was torn apart and landed on top of one soldier was a bit disgusting at first. Overall it was a fun game.



I heard that the game was pure touch, but your first post game me hope after knowing that there's an analog option. Seeing that maze, though, nope. The game looks good but that slow escort is not what I'd be interested in. I'll skip the game and say I only wasted a few bucks on it. Hope you enjoy your last two games.

The game really looks good and I adore the style of the characters but the controls just drag it down. You might give it a try, though. If you don't do the trophy specific actions in the first three stages of chapter 1 you could play up to the first boss and try it out on your own without earning a trophy. If you don't enjoy it then, you could delete it from your list and act as it was never added to your list.


I'm already eager to play the next two games although each one has some downsides. Love Live being japanese-only and Atelier-series has time-management (one of the things I hate, especially in JRPGs). But I will see how it turns out. But I hope you will enjoy your games, too. And I'm curious what you will think about the characters of Sonic Unleashed.

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 F@CK Polyphony Digital. 



I left in the summary :lol: . Sucks though that the patches kinda mess up the game. I bet some of those patches are actually there to fix stuff from previous patches, because that amount is just obscene. If I was sure that the game wouldn't have any glitches that would prevent trophy progression, I'd say fuck the patches and play the raw material. By now you're halfway there though, so might as well sit it through.

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That like was not for the horror you're experiencing, but more for your positive attitude and the fact that you're actually sticking with that shit-show. Seriously, if you have any other game to start feel free to skip the BS and move on. Or just play more FO3, can't go wrong there. Keep your chin up brother.

@all: FYI, I played another two or so hours of DD last night, having a blast, but haven't been able to get enough time for a full report. Will get to it soon.

Edited by Hemiak
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Note to self: Don't buy Gran Turismo 6. Considering 5 is still sitting at an amazing 1%, this was probably never going to happen anyways. xD 


Markus is making me want to go back to Deadpool, MStalker is making me want to go buy a PS3 copy of Fallout 3(because I'm not going back to the 360 in this lifetime  :awesome:), and Voodoo is making me want to fire up Transistor(loved Bastion, which they also made). Stop tempting me!  ;w;

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... And this is where I've hit the "real life getting in the way" wall.


Nothing really serious thankfully, but this weekend we had our nephew over. On saturday I managed to do some multiplayer Grid with my brother-in-law (not the nephew's father but he stayed with us as well), then on sunday we went to the zoo almost the entire day, dropped the nephew off at his parents and then the adults went to Finding Dory, meaning it was past midnight when I finally got home.


I didn't game at all yesterday either, thanks to work and preparation for today (remember me saying I wouldn't be in a good mood during game #9?). This evening, I'll finally have some time to game again (I hope). I'll post a final review of Grid and I'll try to make a start with Mousecraft, my ninth game.

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Note to self: Don't buy Gran Turismo 6. Considering 5 is still sitting at an amazing 1%, this was probably never going to happen anyways. xD


Markus is making me want to go back to Deadpool, MStalker is making me want to go buy a PS3 copy of Fallout 3(because I'm not going back to the 360 in this lifetime  :awesome:), and Voodoo is making me want to fire up Transistor(loved Bastion, which they also made). Stop tempting me!  ;w;


They're both good games, Transistor's combat takes a lot more getting used to though, but also offers more variety.

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I guess I could give it a shot. I'll just have to be careful as my Vita's analog sticks tend to be finicky.


I'm guessing you'll mainly have to appreciate Long Live's visuals and maybe a translated story from another site. I'm a fan of time-management mechanics if it's integrated into the game well, like the Dead Rising series. Hopefully you'll enjoy the Atelier game more than eff did. As for Sonic Unleashed, I'm just hoping the story is better than the convoluted mess of '06 or the snarky Sonic Boom.



The visuals of the Love Live-game are really bad but I'm enjoying it so far. Didn't expect this game to be so much of a rhythm game with only minor needs to manage stage gimmicks etc.

About Sonic: I always wonder why so many care about the story of a Sonic-game. :huh:  Have only played a little bit of the game on the PS2 but didn't really like it. The only positive thing I remember is the tune of the first stage.

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I left in the summary :lol: . Sucks though that the patches kinda mess up the game. I bet some of those patches are actually there to fix stuff from previous patches, because that amount is just obscene. If I was sure that the game wouldn't have any glitches that would prevent trophy progression, I'd say fuck the patches and play the raw material. By now you're halfway there though, so might as well sit it through.


That like was not for the horror you're experiencing, but more for your positive attitude and the fact that you're actually sticking with that shit-show. Seriously, if you have any other game to start feel free to skip the BS and move on. Or just play more FO3, can't go wrong there. Keep your chin up brother.

@all: FYI, I played another two or so hours of DC last night, having a blast, but haven't been able to get enough time for a full report. Will get to it soon.


I was thinking about playing it offline without the patches, but my only worry was if having a save file from the unpatched version would affect anything when I finally did finish all of the updates. Think I read somewhere that some people had issues with that and had to start over but I'm not sure about that. Anyways, I have good news. All patches have been downloaded and installed successfully so I'm good to go now.  :)




Game 8

Dragon's Dogma (Dark Arisen)

Update 2 + 3, about 6 hrs played

fun: 100/10

Difficulty: 3/10 so far

Trophies 9/51, 12%

TEW is probably the game I'm most excited to start. I loved RE 1-3, and then got hooked on the Dead Space series. I saw the trailer for this and was hooked immediately.



You have successfully convinced me to add Dragon's Dogma to the top of my list of games to buy. I've read people mentioning how much they loved the game before, but I always seemed to glance over comments about DD. Just one of the games that I was aware of but really wasn't on my radar. After reading your thoughts and looking at some videos, I'm definitely going to pick this up eventually.


I forgot that you are playing The Evil Within for this event. I know you have been looking forward to it for a while now so I hope you like it and it lives up to expectations. Looking forward to hearing your thoughts on the game. :D  

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Come to think of it, does anyone know a fun racer with a level editor? Midnight Club and the likes do not count, that's just using the standard map and placing checkpoints. I'm looking for original content.

LittleBigPlanet Karting, although the servers are shutting soon (they may already be down by this point?) so plat is basically impossible if you start now.

I wasn't a fan of the game, but I remember Gran Turismo 5 having a level editor and everyone else seems to like GT5... But again that's impossible now.

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