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Kudos to Plat Achievers


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I am currently going for the plat, and I have to say I really don't mind FFXIII. I think Final Fantasy had a story in diversity of gameplay that no saga dared to push into its main titles. The paradigms system is truly enjoyable for me, and for most of the advanced missions in post game, I truly felt like I had to use proper strategy, because the game's really fast and you have to be quick in thinking and switching as well. 

I am only missing Longgui (finished the missions to unlock him one hour ago), 5 stars missions (I got the golden clock or whatever it's called in English half an hour ago) and the inventoy, but I've checked the list and it seems like I did a good job not missing or selling unbuyable objects that need upgrades. I simply dread the amount of grinding it's gonna take to fully updgrade them ...

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53 minutes ago, HummelsSmythe said:

The paradigms system is truly enjoyable for me, and for most of the advanced missions in post game, I truly felt like I had to use proper strategy, because the game's really fast and you have to be quick in thinking and switching as well. 


Agreed 100%. I don't think people praise the paradigm system enough. It makes progressing through the game a matter of having the right strategy instead of just grinding like hell until you're strong enough to brute force a boss battle or something.

FFXIII is not without its flaws, but still a pretty solid JRPG IMO. And from someone who got the 1000G on the Xbox 360 and still wants to get the plat on PS3, hang in there. The Long Gui grinding is all that's left and will be over before you notice it. Good luck!

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FFXIII is one of my favourite games of all time. I never understood the hate it got. Yes, it’s very linear at times, but I enjoyed the story and characters so much I didn’t care. Then, when you reach the endgame, there are huge areas for you to explore.


I also loved XIII-2 and Lightning Returns. If you’re invested in the story and characters and enjoy the combat, they’re worth playing as well.

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I loved the game. Getting money in the game was not so boring for me for some reason.  It was very fun and made people jealous of the game because it was too hard for my friends.  

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I played it back on my roommates 360.  Beat it and did a little other stuff.  I got XIII-2 and Lightning Returns plats and figured I'd go again.  Playing it again after the rest of the trilogy is something.  Especially Vanille.  She annoyed me before the past came out.  And now I'm like aw, Vanille.

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i liked 13. not as much as some. but by no means is it a bad game.

only reason i never went for 100% is i had a checklist off the net. did all the items but low and behold the robot said I didn't have them all. I know i had all weapons and acc and items and rings.


so what could be commonly missed ones?

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I got FF13, 13-2 and Lightning returns when they all came out and didn't finish any of them. They were good, but nothing I wanted to spent more time than I already had.
After some years I decided to replay them/platinum them and holy moly - FF13 is one of my favorite FFs!  I don't know exactly what my problem was back in 2010 (I played a lot different back than, didn't even read dialogue properly for example), but now I just love it to death ! ?

It's the same thing for me like for many others, I love it and don't quite understand the hate for it. Every game has its flaws, but I sometimes think that games get so much critisism just because they have a name like FF. Or people are generally not satisfied with something they're crying for (wanting linear games and then hating on linearity; wanting open world and then hating on to much to do; wanting challenging gameplay, and then hating on the difficulty)
- the game has amazing music

- the graphics are very nice for ~2010

- the combat was kinda new, kinda like the old games, in general something different and nice to look at; not to easy and not to hard; paradigms are very interesting and change gameplay in a  very positiv and tactical way

- and the story as a whole is amazing, at least if you like the characters and are interested in the world etc.

It's definitely one of the best FFs for me. All FFs ranked I played so far would be

ff12, ff13, ff13 Lightning returns, ff4, ff13-2, ff1, ff15, ff2


And if a FF13 Collection for PS4 ever comes out, I'm going straight for that platinum again ?

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1 hour ago, LegacyJKO09 said:

i liked 13. not as much as some. but by no means is it a bad game.

only reason i never went for 100% is i had a checklist off the net. did all the items but low and behold the robot said I didn't have them all. I know i had all weapons and acc and items and rings.


so what could be commonly missed ones?


AFAIK as long as you don't disassemble or sell any items by mistake, you cannot lock yourself out of the Treasure Hunter trophy (but don't quote me on that, it's been a really long time since I played). So maybe you missed picking up an item or two somewhere over the course of the game?

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The only trophies I'm missing is the 5 star rank on the last boss and the last cieth stone mission. Just cant seem to pull it off. 

If anyone's interested, I used this guide. It made collecting all the gear so much easier



Personally, I dont think 13 is the worst final fantasy. I just have a hard time finding any of the characters really likeable. Though Lightning gets points from me for punching Snow multiple times. A lot of it feels rushed, and its literally a straight line until Chapter 10. And thats only on Gran Pulse. I feel like if they had fleshed the characters out a little more and added a little more exploration it could have been a lot better. The graphics and the world did look really good though.



Edited by Xeroknight67
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32 minutes ago, AFRising said:


AFAIK as long as you don't disassemble or sell any items by mistake, you cannot lock yourself out of the Treasure Hunter trophy (but don't quote me on that, it's been a really long time since I played). So maybe you missed picking up an item or two somewhere over the course of the game?

yeah i remember i got all the rings which apparently was the hardest part. then i decided to dismantle some stuff for weapons and trapehezoids or w.e they were called. 

if i ever wanted to 100% it im sure i would need to start over.  especially cause some weapons make the 5star missions much much more manageable. 

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16 hours ago, AFRising said:


Agreed 100%. I don't think people praise the paradigm system enough. It makes progressing through the game a matter of having the right strategy instead of just grinding like hell until you're strong enough to brute force a boss battle or something.

FFXIII is not without its flaws, but still a pretty solid JRPG IMO. And from someone who got the 1000G on the Xbox 360 and still wants to get the plat on PS3, hang in there. The Long Gui grinding is all that's left and will be over before you notice it. Good luck!


Right? I'm a level grinding person so I've never found most Final Fantasy's to be that hard, but on FFXIII you just have to be strategic and think fast otherwise you'll get your butt handed to you. I enjoy that it tests me, even if it's not my favorite game in the series in terms of story and world, I find it stimulating. Thank you by the way! I'm coming for Longguis!

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10 hours ago, Xeroknight67 said:

The only trophies I'm missing is the 5 star rank on the last boss and the last cieth stone mission. Just cant seem to pull it off. 

If anyone's interested, I used this guide. It made collecting all the gear so much easier



Personally, I dont think 13 is the worst final fantasy. I just have a hard time finding any of the characters really likeable. Though Lightning gets points from me for punching Snow multiple times. A lot of it feels rushed, and its literally a straight line until Chapter 10. And thats only on Gran Pulse. I feel like if they had fleshed the characters out a little more and added a little more exploration it could have been a lot better. The graphics and the world did look really good though.

You used the guide for XIII-2 to get all the gear in XIII? Weird flex but ok

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5 hours ago, Xeroknight67 said:

You got me there lol. My bad I forgot I swapped the bookmarks after i finished the treasure hunter trophy. 

Heres the link:


Haha, yeah I thought that was the case, just thought it was funny! I actually used both of those guides in my playthroughs as well (though have yet to 100% either)

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People's humdrum hatred for this game got so stale so fast. I always appreciate the point at which the bandwagoners of disliking a game fade away and the people who actually appreciate it stick around, or people actually give the games a fair shot. There are bad games, and then there are games that just rub people the wrong way, and the latter is what this series has always been. And except for Lightning Returns being a disaster of a conclusion, the series is great. I've held out for a long time in hoping that the series would get a PS4 release so that I could plat the games again on this account, but at some point I'll just have to go back on the ps3 for them.

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  • 1 month later...

My problem with Final Fantasy XIII it's that it is basically suffocating,  and going for the treasure hunter trophy made me realize that no, I hate this game. It's not a problem of missing towns, which sure,  would distort the noise of longtime fans, it's a combination of it being a corridor simulator, the battle system and the lack of things you can do in it. It basically took FFX and removed everything that made it great,  you need to focus on the main story without any distractions like blitzball, weapon smithing, chocobo races, aeons training, thunder dodging etc, it's only fight fight fight and  a bit of story, and that's when the problem comes, the battle system, while it can be stylish vs bosses, it is a disaster against normal enemies, where you need  to stagger every single enemies you face, even low tier guys like those wolf creatures, it becomes a  burden to your mind, when conversely FFX lets you personalize the flow of battles by letting you learn new overdrives, the way overdrives fill, the weapons you can use (much more advanced and less costly than XIII), abilities of characters AND aeons, XIII remains static, has the grind for money as an underdeveloped afterthought and even the weak enemies overstay their welcome into battle, and when you think that fighting is the only thing the game offers, a problem arises. XIII-2 on the other hand was much better, perhaps easier, but the DLCs solved that, more than it was required.

Edit: shit it's hard typeing with gym gloves.

Edited by scemopagliaccioh
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  • 1 year later...
On 2016. 10. 13. at 10:44 AM, Dragn_Whytefyre said:

I don't think I'll be getting it. The more I play, the less I like the game. No. That's not accurate. I hate this game. So many things that totally irritate me about it, from a pointless "Death" spell that rarely, if ever, works, to seriously overpowered enemies to way underpowered Eidolons. Don't think I've ever played a more lopsided game than this one in terms of battle strength.

So to anyone/everyone who got the platinum for this beautiful hot mess, my hat is off to you. Seriously. I mean it.


Dear @Dragn_Whytefyre, you who have not been active here since ages, your kudos mean a lot to me, they kept me going forward. I hereby accept your kudos with grace and dignity. I hated this game fiercely too, and I have the platinum.

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  • 2 years later...

I had a ton of fun with this one personally. The platinum did require a fair amount of grinding, but I think it's overblown how much you have to do of it. I mean, I guess RNG can screw you over, but 70 hours seems to be the standard length of platting the game assuming you're following a guide of some sort. 


That said, this is one of my favorite FF games. I never understood why people hated it so much back in the day, and I'm glad people are changing their mind on it in recent years. It has issues, sure, but it's still very ambitious and I feel like it pulls off what it set out to do. 

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On 10/13/2016 at 5:44 AM, Dragn_Whytefyre said:

I don't think I'll be getting it. The more I play, the less I like the game. No. That's not accurate. I hate this game. So many things that totally irritate me about it, from a pointless "Death" spell that rarely, if ever, works, to seriously overpowered enemies to way underpowered Eidolons. Don't think I've ever played a more lopsided game than this one in terms of battle strength.

So to anyone/everyone who got the platinum for this beautiful hot mess, my hat is off to you. Seriously. I mean it.



Edit: Just noticed it's necro threading, ugh.


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  • 3 weeks later...

100% the game today for the second time. First time I did it was on 360 when it released. My God did I forget how grindy the endgame was, lol. But you gotta love the grind if you wanna Plat RPG's. Which I certainly do! Give me a long grind that I can knock out podcast backlogs to any day. Playing it second time really allowed me to remember that Snow wasn't that bad of a character, imho. Sazh of course is still the best, accept no substitutes! 




Edited by Kloud1123
trophy card :)
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  • 11 months later...

I like the story. It's all like... Strength is the key to victory!... HUH?!... what?... Nothing.... I was just thinking about...oh nevermind... OH!... Rain.... somehow it reminds me of water.... You're getting wet, silly billy.... SO I CAN'T SEE MY TEARS!!



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