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Let's Finish: Tales (The Series)

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As a general tipp for everyone who does the equipment trophies in Zestiria:

Fusion train first! Because of a simple reason: If you sanctify an equipment piece, up it to +99 and put one of the Normin skills in first slot (meaning use the joke equip), that skill will be x2 ALWAYS (drops AND shops) after you offer it up to a lord of the land. Makes the stack 16 trophy a walk in the park and if you put something like Lindwer in the first slot, the powered up endboss too.


Also if you're farming for a specific piece of equipment and looking to upgrade it to +10 or higher, sell one rubbish copy and use Rose's and Sorey's (after he gets it) support talent for item ordering. Item you sell will appear in the ordering list of the npc you sold too. Easy way to get copies, without RNG.

Thanks for the tip! Will try to remember this.

Can my game be changed from Tales of Xillia to Tales of Graces f please?  I tried Xillia again and I just can't get into the game, so I'd rather go with Graces.

I feel that towards Xillia 2. Played it, but I'd rather play Zestiria first. Will you go back to Xillia in the future?

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I feel that towards Xillia 2. Played it, but I'd rather play Zestiria first. Will you go back to Xillia in the future?


I'd need a few years to remove negative disassociations and preconceptions about the game and to be able to play it reasonably fresh again to even consider that.  That's the problem with Tales of games, you can't avoid views about the games and get a preconception and if the game doesn't meet those standards it's easier to end up disliking a game right out the gate.  Same happened to me with Symphonia which has similar faults in the beginning as Xillia.

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Getting very close to finishing the story again in Xillia 2, finishing up the friendship chapters before I jump to the Land of Cannan. I've been getting some of the character-specific titles during this playthrough, but I still have around 4 character-ability ones and 4 linked-ability ones to do (and only 3 characters that have both done). Even with the 2x multiplier from the grade shop it's looking like there's gonna be alot of grinding to do before I finish up, but I won't have access to my PS3 for a few weeks once exams are over, so that'll be fun to deal with.

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Getting very close to finishing the story again in Xillia 2, finishing up the friendship chapters before I jump to the Land of Cannan. I've been getting some of the character-specific titles during this playthrough, but I still have around 4 character-ability ones and 4 linked-ability ones to do (and only 3 characters that have both done). Even with the 2x multiplier from the grade shop it's looking like there's gonna be alot of grinding to do before I finish up, but I won't have access to my PS3 for a few weeks once exams are over, so that'll be fun to deal with.


Those awful Battle Lord and Battle God trophies are the only thing preventing me from getting the plat. Good luck!

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Those awful Battle Lord and Battle God trophies are the only thing preventing me from getting the plat. Good luck!


Thanks, I haven't even tried to get any of the battle challenges that i'm missing yet (besides elite assassin and a few stupidly easy ones I missed my first playthrough). I'm expecting the grind to 200 to be a big mashup between paying off the debt, completing character titles, getting annihilated in the Illusionary Darkness, and spending more hours in the arena than necessary trying to get Battle Lord and Battle God.


Congrats on the Zestiria plat, reading your description of the grind has me not looking forward to it though. Over 20 hours in and I still haven't quite figured out the equipment system yet (beyond some of the basics of it), but at least the game has been enjoyable up to this point.

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Thanks, I haven't even tried to get any of the battle challenges that i'm missing yet (besides elite assassin and a few stupidly easy ones I missed my first playthrough). I'm expecting the grind to 200 to be a big mashup between paying off the debt, completing character titles, getting annihilated in the Illusionary Darkness, and spending more hours in the arena than necessary trying to get Battle Lord and Battle God.


Congrats on the Zestiria plat, reading your description of the grind has me not looking forward to it though. Over 20 hours in and I still haven't quite figured out the equipment system yet (beyond some of the basics of it), but at least the game has been enjoyable up to this point.


Don't worry about not figuring out the equipment system yet.  I didn't figure it out until the end of the game when I decided to tackle those achievements (I 100%ed the Steam version).  It's much easier then anyhow because the stack 16 trophy is a piece of cake once you have the ability to freely travel anywhere.


So for now, I'd advise to just worry about fusing stuff for the +99 equipment trophy, worry about the stack 16 and other equipment related trophies later.  Zestiria isn't a really difficult platinum and it doesn't require titles or tons of sidequests or have any specific level grinding requirements or anything like that.  It took me around 131 hours in total according to the time showing on Steam for the game, but I went the route of doing a second playthrough to make some of the difficulty related trophies a bit easier.

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Don't worry about not figuring out the equipment system yet.  I didn't figure it out until the end of the game when I decided to tackle those achievements (I 100%ed the Steam version).  It's much easier then anyhow because the stack 16 trophy is a piece of cake once you have the ability to freely travel anywhere.


So for now, I'd advise to just worry about fusing stuff for the +99 equipment trophy, worry about the stack 16 and other equipment related trophies later.  Zestiria isn't a really difficult platinum and it doesn't require titles or tons of sidequests or have any specific level grinding requirements or anything like that.  It took me around 131 hours in total according to the time showing on Steam for the game, but I went the route of doing a second playthrough to make some of the difficulty related trophies a bit easier.


I didn't figure out the equipment system until after the final boss fight of my 1st playthrough either.


I don't agree with you saying that sweet 16 is a piece of cake and that Zestiria is not a difficult platinum. It's easy to forget once the plat is obtained but it doesn't mean the game was a walk in the park.

The plat is at 7.03% for the EU version and 4.58% for the US version and I think that reflects this game's difficulty.

The difficulty is not in how hard the boss fights are but in the frustrating ridiculous requirements to get some of the rarest trophies.


For example, for the Sweet 16 trophy, you have to do an insane amount of things to get the proper settup, and only then does the grind begin.

I had to :

-> get the required Lord of the Land to a high level to get all the required drop bonuses which means

     -> get enough money to buy stuff repeatedly to increase the lvl which means

          -> get to level 70 (or something like that) for the Gold Golem to appear in already opened chests which means

                -> get the "refill opened chests", "normin skill increased" and the "free travel" bonus from several Lords of the Land

                -> get 300,000 Gald to buy items that significantly increase the amount of Gald you get after a battle

                -> travel again and again to different dungeons to try to get a Gold Golem to appear and farm Gald until your Lord is at least lvl17

-> settle for the skill you want to get 16x (the recommended one being "Lind-something" (Draco in French) and you can farm it on the bridge (and that took several hours, just for the ring)

-> farm a ton of pieces of equipment until you get enough Lind' skills to fuse them and get a set of x3 Lind' skills for one of your character.


And since I was thinking that it was taking to much time to get the required skills, I thought about the x2 skill drop thanks to the +99 sanctified nameless weapon.

Stupid me had already sold everything I had in my inventory to increase the odds of equipment drops in the Crucibles... So, no nameless weapons left...


I ended up doing a 3rd playthrough, get the nameless weapon, get it to level 10, sanctify it, get it to level 99 with Lind' skill in the first slot.


And Sweet 16 wasn't even the most annoying one. Divine Intervention is so much worse.


The difficulty of this plat comes from the fact that you have to stay aware of every requirement for every trophy in other to not screw it, and I'm obviously not good at that. I think I wasted way too much time doing pointless things and I was not very effective in time managing.


Also, 40 hours of story content VS 100 hours of painful grinding is what makes it even more frustrating.


Berseria better be good!

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If it will help, here's the guide I wrote for the stack 16: http://astats.astats.nl/astats/Steam_Achievement_Info.php?AchievementID=34&AppID=351970#tabs-2


The trick is pretty much making use of normin and picking items that have your chosen skill in the first slot.  The normin set on the lord of the land for the area does affect skills on items you farm.  If you remove all other normin and put on only the one you are trying to farm, you'll get items with just that skill and nothing else more often than not.  That speeds things up a lot.  I only spent an hour or two farming equipment once I planned out what items I was going for and knew where to find them.  In fact, I'd also recommend looking on Steam for guides because it's identical to the PS4 version and Steam users often have helpful guides with screencaps.


And I say Zestiria is an easier platinum because it's under 200 hours and doesn't require a ton of potentially missable stuff.  Every Tales of game requires some grinding somewhere, but some of them require a ton of missables to boot and multiple playthroughs are required, not optional.  I also 100%ed the 360 version of Vesperia.  That's a hellish one to get all the achievements in, 220 hours and by the end of it I hated the game.  Trust me, 130 hours is way better than that and the grinding that is done in Zestiria is useful for many trophies, not just one.

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If it will help, here's the guide I wrote for the stack 16: http://astats.astats.nl/astats/Steam_Achievement_Info.php?AchievementID=34&AppID=351970#tabs-2


The trick is pretty much making use of normin and picking items that have your chosen skill in the first slot.  The normin set on the lord of the land for the area does affect skills on items you farm.  If you remove all other normin and put on only the one you are trying to farm, you'll get items with just that skill and nothing else more often than not.  That speeds things up a lot.  I only spent an hour or two farming equipment once I planned out what items I was going for and knew where to find them.  In fact, I'd also recommend looking on Steam for guides because it's identical to the PS4 version and Steam users often have helpful guides with screencaps.


And I say Zestiria is an easier platinum because it's under 200 hours and doesn't require a ton of potentially missable stuff.  Every Tales of game requires some grinding somewhere, but some of them require a ton of missables to boot and multiple playthroughs are required, not optional.  I also 100%ed the 360 version of Vesperia.  That's a hellish one to get all the achievements in, 220 hours and by the end of it I hated the game.  Trust me, 130 hours is way better than that and the grinding that is done in Zestiria is useful for many trophies, not just one.


I have platted Tales of Vesperia too (the XBOX version) and I also spent more than 200 hours on it but I loved everyone one of them and I had fun all the way until the end. The speedrun trophy was one of the most interesting things I had to do in a Tales of and the story was great. Zestiria's was very boring in comparison.

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I just finished (:platinum:) Tales of Xillia yesterday. It's an excellent game. Tho sometimes it's not that hard to impress me, still... It was my first Tales game and I think I'll be a big fan of the whole series.

My first playthrough with Jude took me 66:59. I didn't use any guide till post-game except for the missable subquests. Game was pretty easy (played on normal). Did almost everything in Jude's run. Ended up with about 6.4k points in titles. At the end of my second/Milla's run the clock read 88:08. I would have to say I enjoyed every minute of it, not one moment felt grindy (I'm used to way more grindy games), but I kind of spaced out the stuff to do.

Story-wise (without going into any spoilers), I thought Jude's was more "complete" (might not be the right word to use), but it's cool to see Milla's side too. I don't know if it's just me, but I felt like the game just kept on giving/opening up right as I thought I was nearing the end. The combat I didn't fully explore. Sure I did the stuff for the trophy/title requirements and pretty much mastered those, but for regular encounters I just kept it simple, no jumping around/dodging. As for the characters, I think they all worked. Some more fleshed out than others, but all of them grew by the end. It was fun changing their looks too. I'm not a great judge of these things tho, so don't question me. xD

I think I'll be playing ToX2 very soon. But right now I need a little break, work on my 100th plat, then the holidays. There's no way I would be able to finish it before Berseria hits if I squeezed it in right now.

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On 13.11.2016 at 1:56 PM, ShadowStefan said:
On 30.10.2016 at 2:39 AM, Vincento said:

Hello, I'd like to join. I already finished Berseria but having a "deadline" to finish the rest from this series sounds fun. I try to finish Xillia 2 before end of November, Zesty before end of December and Innocence R before end of January. :)

Hey, you're going to plat Innocence R? Innocence R is the only Tales of Platinum that I'm missing. I managed Vesperia, but only because I had a guide, since my japanese is only at a basic level, I'm hasty to try Innocence R yet. Do you by any chance plan to do a guide?

Sorry for the late reply. I might write a guide, if someone better and more popular doesn't do it before me. (And i find the time to do it).                                        Btw platted Xillia 2 on November but was so freaking busy that forgot to post about it. Already playing Zestria, heh. Have to say that Xillia 2 wasn't really that bad as expected. Even though Elle and Nova kept getting on my nerves. Difficulty was pretty meh..But atleast there were more than six playable characters and option to have a full male party. ;)

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Managed to beat my second runthrough of Xillia 2's story yesterday. I think I liked the true ending much better than the normal one that I went for this time, but both were very satisfying. Also making more progress on some of the remaining titles, shame I won't be able to work on the game now until next year since I'm out home with just my PS4.

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  • 3 weeks later...

After my nice christmas break, I've resumed working on Xillia 2's platinum and got abit of grinding in towards level 200. Since yesterday I've beaten all of the normal versions of the elite monsters, earned 2 more titles (Elite Annihilator & Master of Chains), and currently I'm making my first run at the Illusionary Darkness in this playthrough. Thanks to some Spicy Chicken Rolls (+80% EXP each battle) and finding 3 Shadow Bacuras on the same floor of the dungeon I'm currently on, I've managed to hit level 94 as of this typing, which is 10 levels higher than when I resumed yesterday (and higher than I was able to get on my first playthrough). I also decided recently that my 5,000th trophy will be the platinum from this game, so hopefully within the next week or 2 I can get this game finished off :).

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Finished Zestiria. It was definitely my least favorite Tales game after Xillia 1, there were moments when it was fun to play at least on co-op but mostly I tried to avoid playing it as much as possible, very happy it's over now.. Unfortunately won't be able to Platinum Innocence before the deadline. :( But I might start working on it at the end of this month, if I have time. 

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Grrr. I went through Gladsheim, got the Kismet on the first try, and...no skit completion. Now, I have to go through all of the skits AGAIN to see which one I'm missing.


Just one more trophy. I even like Dawn of the New World, but even I have my limits...

On 1/9/2017 at 8:52 AM, Vincentto said:

It was definitely my least favorite Tales game after Xillia 1,


Hmmm. And here I thought I was the only one that disliked Xillia.

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On 10/22/2016 at 4:14 PM, soultaker655 said:


Our goal is to platinum any Tales game before Tales of Berseria is released in the US and EU on January 27, 2017.

After a couple dozens runs throught the Illusionary Darkness, Elite Party Mode in the Coliseum, and random fights trying to activate Jude & Rowen's link abilities, I've finally earned the Platinum in Tales of Xillia 2! With about a week and a half to spare, I also managed to successfully make this platinum my 5,000th trophy, hitting a milestone that a few years ago I thought wouldn't be possible. I was hoping to get Zestiria's story done as well, but I think I'll take a break from Tales games until Berseria comes out just so I'm not burned out.

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On 11/28/2016 at 5:40 AM, ladynadiad said:

Can my game be changed from Tales of Xillia to Tales of Graces f please?  I tried Xillia again and I just can't get into the game, so I'd rather go with Graces.



On 11/28/2016 at 2:18 PM, Kishnabe said:

Already beat Tales of Hearts R.


will join for the rest. (Most worried about the Symphonia games...too much notes I have for it).

Okay, you have been added to the event. Welcome and have fun. 


On 12/2/2016 at 1:24 PM, NullRay85 said:

I'd like to join. Tales game: Tales of Symphonia: Dawn of the New World.


Finished Symphonia earlier this year and it was amazing. Dawn of the New World... not so much. But I really need some motivation to just finish it and start Xillia and hopefully Berseria.

Okay, you have been added to the event. Welcome and have fun. 


On 12/8/2016 at 10:18 PM, DizzyDavidson said:

I just finished (:platinum:) Tales of Xillia yesterday. It's an excellent game. Tho sometimes it's not that hard to impress me, still... It was my first Tales game and I think I'll be a big fan of the whole series.

My first playthrough with Jude took me 66:59. I didn't use any guide till post-game except for the missable subquests. Game was pretty easy (played on normal). Did almost everything in Jude's run. Ended up with about 6.4k points in titles. At the end of my second/Milla's run the clock read 88:08. I would have to say I enjoyed every minute of it, not one moment felt grindy (I'm used to way more grindy games), but I kind of spaced out the stuff to do.

Story-wise (without going into any spoilers), I thought Jude's was more "complete" (might not be the right word to use), but it's cool to see Milla's side too. I don't know if it's just me, but I felt like the game just kept on giving/opening up right as I thought I was nearing the end. The combat I didn't fully explore. Sure I did the stuff for the trophy/title requirements and pretty much mastered those, but for regular encounters I just kept it simple, no jumping around/dodging. As for the characters, I think they all worked. Some more fleshed out than others, but all of them grew by the end. It was fun changing their looks too. I'm not a great judge of these things tho, so don't question me. xD

I think I'll be playing ToX2 very soon. But right now I need a little break, work on my 100th plat, then the holidays. There's no way I would be able to finish it before Berseria hits if I squeezed it in right now.

Congratulation on finishing Xillia  :yay:. You are the first person to finish Xillia in this event and have been added to the Xillia Hall of Fame. 


On 1/9/2017 at 9:52 AM, Vincentto said:

Finished Zestiria. It was definitely my least favorite Tales game after Xillia 1, there were moments when it was fun to play at least on co-op but mostly I tried to avoid playing it as much as possible, very happy it's over now.. Unfortunately won't be able to Platinum Innocence before the deadline. :( But I might start working on it at the end of this month, if I have time. 

Congratulation on finishing Zestiria  :yay:. You are the third person to finish Zestiria in this event and have been added to the Zestiria Hall of Fame.


On 1/12/2017 at 11:17 AM, T1M1D_HER0 said:

I'd like to join. So far I've got platinum in Tales of Symphonia, Dawn of The New World, and Graces f.

Okay, you have been added to the event. Welcome and have fun.


2 hours ago, Ratchet2425 said:

After a couple dozens runs throught the Illusionary Darkness, Elite Party Mode in the Coliseum, and random fights trying to activate Jude & Rowen's link abilities, I've finally earned the Platinum in Tales of Xillia 2! With about a week and a half to spare, I also managed to successfully make this platinum my 5,000th trophy, hitting a milestone that a few years ago I thought wouldn't be possible. I was hoping to get Zestiria's story done as well, but I think I'll take a break from Tales games until Berseria comes out just so I'm not burned out.

Congratulation on finishing Xillia 2  :yay:. You are the first person to finish Xillia 2 in this event and have been added to the Xillia 2 Hall of Fame. So how does Xillia 2 compare to any of the other Tales game you have played?



Also sorry everyone for taking so long to update this event. I've been really busy.

Edited by soultaker655
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