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Kill Your Completion... Again(Finished)

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I suppose I might as well already start keeping the thread alive until the next installment :lol: .


I finished up Letter Quest Remastered the other night. It kept being fun and is overall an easy game, at least on the normal setting. A tip to those who didn't bother reading through the guide. Switch to the red version of the Grim Reaper as sson as you can, who appears to be able to pull off crits significantly more often.


Anyway since it's probably going to be a while until I complete another game from my list, I'll already wish everyone Happy Holidays now.

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I guess this isn't over yet which is good. I'll probably pick up some games that were played here throughout the event such as Driver San Francisco. There were a lot of Ps4 games that caught my eye although I haven't bought a Ps4 and I'm kinda saving for that this was good to be on the lookout for some of the digitals releases on PSN.

The problem with saving up money is that I end up spending on more Ps3 games, But oh well What can you Do?


By the way I just bought FarCry 3, Resident Evil Operation Racoon City, FarCry 2 and Sengoku Basara: Samurai Heroes (It seemed pretty so I bought it and then realized I had seen gameplay from Voodoo_eyes). They were a pretty good deal I bought all these for 19€, FarCry 3 was the most expensive (8€) and I'm currently playing the story to plat it a second time :D


Also because I buy these and start them (When Probably I shouldn't) I have pendant Plats such as Terminator Salvation and Need for Speed Rivals among others.

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Only games I really have played again from the event are Mind 0 which I now have 25/36 trophies in and am almost done with the main story  I also played a bit of Atelier Rorona and got that to a D rank with a whole 6 trophies  I also played a bit of Trinity: Souls of Zill O'll to get a couple more trophies in it.


I have Atelier Rorona on my Backlog and I just hadn't the will to pick up yet another Rpg since I'm working on Demon Souls and Skyrim but I played a couple of hours and it seemed very well done. I'll probably try to progress a bit more in the story.

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I have Atelier Rorona on my Backlog and I just hadn't the will to pick up yet another Rpg since I'm working on Demon Souls and Skyrim but I played a couple of hours and it seemed very well done. I'll probably try to progress a bit more in the story.


It's a nice one to pick up for a short time and do an assignment or some stuff as a break from other games.  It only took me maybe an hour to get three more trophies in it for a D rank so I was less annoyed by the sheer amount of E ranks I had.

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I haven't really played much since the event ended, I played a wee bit of Watch_Dogs 2 two or three days ago but mostly I've been putting more focus on non-gaming stuff.


For instance, Saturday I have built the LEGO U-Wing, and Sunday I have decided that it didn't look enough like the movie version so I widened it a bit and lengthened it a lot.

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Always nice having a Vita game to play, while watching the sports. Made a pretty good dent in Noire; over 17 hours played. Been replaying every story mission and quest that pops up, and it's not going so bad. Been doing better than I was, at least. It can get pretty tedious, though. All of these missions have these silly quirks. Traps that make you move in a certain way, warp pads, enemies on high up ledges that require lifting and throwing climbable blocks, etc.. 

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I haven't really played much since the event ended, I played a wee bit of Watch_Dogs 2 two or three days ago but mostly I've been putting more focus on non-gaming stuff.

Can't add anything constructive to this thread as I was solely focused on Steins;Gate 0 for the last few days but oh my gosh, that Christmas Bowser is creepy.  :blink:

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Can't add anything constructive to this thread as I was solely focused on Steins;Gate 0 for the last few days but oh my gosh, that Christmas Bowser is creepy.  :blink:

Yeah, I was actually working on adding a christmas hat to my former avatar when I figured, why go through the trouble when The Super Mario Bros. Super Show has already shown the perfect Koopa Claus :)

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Yeah, I was actually working on adding a christmas hat to my former avatar when I figured, why go through the trouble when The Super Mario Bros. Super Show has already shown the perfect Koopa Claus :)

Great idea. I just added a christmat hat to my avatar. I don't know if this looks good though...

I'm not good with picture editing.

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I suppose I have a good problem of not knowing which game to go back to first?

Any idea when the next one will be? I know it came up earlier in the thread but I'm know sure if anything was settled on. I found out the hard way that an event like this is hard enough on its own without factoring other events, life, and mental endurance.

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I suppose I have a good problem of not knowing which game to go back to first?

Any idea when the next one will be? I know it came up earlier in the thread but I'm know sure if anything was settled on. I found out the hard way that an event like this is hard enough on its own without factoring other events, life, and mental endurance.

Should I do the next event, which I don't know right now, I aim for march. January is to early and february hasn't enought days.

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Great idea. I just added a christmat hat to my avatar. I don't know if this looks good though...

I'm not good with picture editing.


Seems decent enough. Personally I'm a stickler for the details so I would edit out the hair myself (might be difficult though since you don't have a single colored background).



I suppose I have a good problem of not knowing which game to go back to first?


The Deadly Tower Of Monsters! Also, you don't seem to have done any Colossi in The Shadow Of The Colossus yet, care to give it another go?


Any idea when the next one will be? I know it came up earlier in the thread but I'm know sure if anything was settled on. I found out the hard way that an event like this is hard enough on its own without factoring other events, life, and mental endurance.



Should I do the next event, which I don't know right now, I aim for march. January is to early and february hasn't enought days.


I proposed March as well earlier on, I think that's fitting since then we have one month on, three months off - or three events a year. This also means four new PS+ line-ups for every event so if you're like me and you try not to buy many new games, you can just save up PS+ titles.

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45 minutes ago, DamagingRob said:

Mad Max Platinumed! Some of the challenges were a bit tedious, and there was just so much to do, I started running past enemies when I could, grabbing the items in the area, and then jumping back in my car and taking off. But overall, it was a wonderful experience. I'll have to check out the movies sometime. 

It only took me 64 and a half hours to get the Plat, by the way. This is more in line with Pst.org's estimate, which says 50-75. Our guide has it listed at 90. :/ I didn't think I operated all that efficiently(I died a lot, among other things :/), so I'm inclined to believe the former is correct. 

Grats man. It's good to see the thread getting some love after a couple days of silence. I realize it was mostly due to the conversion but still. 

Ive just been among South Park and Destiny, taking my time and enjoying the ride. 

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1 minute ago, Hemiak said:

Grats man. It's good to see the thread getting some love after a couple days of silence. I realize it was mostly due to the conversion but still. 

Ive just been among South Park and Destiny, taking my time and enjoying the ride. 

Thanks. :) And yeah. Lol. I didn't even want to post the past couple of days, knowing I'd have to repost what I posted, or let it evaporate into nothingness. ^^' 

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Well, even if the conversion was going on, didn't have much to say myself since I was playing some games besides the ones from the event to get them to D ranking.

Some of the bugs from the update are a letdown as well, like completion percentages dropping more, statistics being all messed up, etc.  I finally was getting close to getting back above 70% and then it drops more.

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3 hours ago, ladynadiad said:

Well, even if the conversion was going on, didn't have much to say myself since I was playing some games besides the ones from the event to get them to D ranking.

Some of the bugs from the update are a letdown as well, like completion percentages dropping more, statistics being all messed up, etc.  I finally was getting close to getting back above 70% and then it drops more.

My guess is that will get sorted, along with a dozen other issues over the next few weeks. The profile page seems to have a lot of calculation bugs currently.

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The most annoying thing for me is that we only have the WYSIWYG-editor and that some of the BBCode seems to have changed.

12 minutes ago, BillyHorrible said:

What annoys me about the new site is that the large game images can't just be put into  posts any more, this messes up many KYC posts.

Small game pictures can still be copied but the links have changed. Notice what has happened to my backlog thread, for instance...


Oh, that sure looks nice. Seems like the update also caused major havoc in the trophy checklists. I just checked Dragon's list and every trophy image is broken. :|

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33 minutes ago, Crimson Idol said:

The most annoying thing for me is that we only have the WYSIWYG-editor and that some of the BBCode seems to have changed.

Oh, that sure looks nice. Seems like the update also caused major havoc in the trophy checklists. I just checked Dragon's list and every trophy image is broken. :|

Yeah, same problem - image links have changed. It's very annoying that BBCode view is not there any more, That would make it easier to fix (seeing as the letter/number notation of the images and games seem to not have changed).


Edit: realised I had a text backup of the BBCode of my main backlog post, decided to check if a forced "replace all" on the links would help. It did, check it out! :)


P.S. This works for big images as well. Seems that they're still there, it's just that seeing the location is broken on the main site, so you can now only post those of which you already knew the link...

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Man, I didn't even realize it borked my checklist so badly.  Only two images remained and all my formatting was a mess.  I only used small images and game images, so the image issues wasn't a problem for me.

I do like that you can just paste the image link in now and it embeds the image automatically.  That's way easier.  Also looks like we can upload files to add to our posts as well.  That will make it easier to share Vita screencaps.

So not liking the circular avatars though.  I have a lovely xmas avatar ready to go, but it was hard enough to make a nice crop for it in a square, in a circle it just looks inappropriate.  Guess I'll need to do some creative cropping to ensure it doesn't look totally wrong.  Edit: Oky, so I edited the image a lot.  Now I can have the utter wrongness of Santa McBurn.

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