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Glitches and exploits that still work


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Just was wondering if some of the more common Skyrim glitches still worked in this remaster. The Oghma Infinium glitch? The Dawnguard and Whiterun chests? If you take the time to test these glitches (or others) in the remaster it'd be highly appreciated by me (and I'm sure others). Thanks in advance! Picking up the game tomorrow and I can't wait to jump back in the amazing world of Skyrim!

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I'm 99 percent sure they patched the Whiterun chest and the Oghma Infinium glitches. The Dawnstar glitch still works however. I went to Dawnstar and checked it myself. Don't take my word for it though. Ill check tomorrow since I'm pretty tired and ill post here if the the other glitches work.

Edited by Kubanga
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Markrath and College chests still work. Sadly, Oghma Infinium doesn't. Went through that annoying, boring and slow quest for nothing :(. (The Elder Scrool is pretty cool though).

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I'm 99 percent sure they patched the Whiterun chest and the Oghma Infinium glitches. The Dawnstar glitch still works however. I went to Dawnstar and checked it myself. Don't take my word for it though. Ill check tomorrow since I'm pretty tired and ill post here if the the other glitches work.

Whiterun chests still work : )

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  • 3 weeks later...

Here's a glitch that still works, I can't extract blood from any race regardless of the fact that I have the Essence Extractor. So yet another release of skyrim and yet another broken oblivion walker quest, and yes it's my 15th Daedric quest and yes similar shit happened on the Ps3 version for me though it was that stupid dog mission. So I hereby say that even if I don't get the trophies, I can't %100 the game. I should have known better and left this game to rest.

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This still works: Usually if you give your follower a better bow and better arrows, they'll keep using the best arrows until they run out and fall back to their default arrows, which are unlimited. If you do not give them a better bow, but at least one of a better quality arrow (daedric, ebony, glass, etc), the better arrows will become unlimited. You can then occasionally pick up your follower's arrows from the enemies they kill with them (just like you can your own) and add them to your own inventory. Easy way of getting better arrows if you don't have the ability to smith or buy them yourself.

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After winding back 4 hours of saves and redoing the last 3 daedric quests, this time the essence extractor works and I got the Oblivion walker finally.


I'm not sure bit I don't think the plate through doors trick works any more, I can't rip off the thieves guild any more. All of the "hidden" chests are still there so that's kind of nice.

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Only played around with this a little bit, so I'd advise saving before doing an item transfer, but this seems to still work:


Followers will stop accepting items from you once you hit their carry weight limit, but they can't be encumbered by weight like you can. To get around this, drop the item you want to give them on the ground, then tell them you want them to do something, then command them to pick the item off the ground. You can then retrieve it later from their inventory the normal way. Couple things to keep in mind though: 1. Don't command them to pick anything that's in a stack of more than five. If you do, they'll only pick up one from the stack, and the rest will be gone forever. 2. Removing items from your follower's inventory that have been picked up this way may cause that item to gain a "Stolen" tag on it. If this happens, drop the item on the ground again, then pick it back up yourself, it should then be gone. 3. Doing this often enough may cause your follower to be unable to draw their weapon. If this happens, do a transition to a different area (one that causes a loading screen), then return where you were.


Wouldn't recommend doing this except for large items like weapons and armor pieces.

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  • 2 weeks later...

If you've been doing a lot of Soul Trapping and accidentally Soul Trap a smaller soul than the Soul Gem you're using can handle, you can drop the Soul Gem out of your inventory onto the ground, then pick it back up again to empty the Gem. I use Bound Bow a lot with the Soul Stealer perk, and found out by accident that this was a good way to counteract my Grand Soul Gems getting filled with Petty Souls.

Edited by damon8r351
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  • 2 weeks later...

You can "buy" and upgrade homes for free. Select that you are sure you want to purchase the house (make sure you actually have the correct amount of money in your inventory), immediately exit the conversation as the steward is saying congratulations and all that. As he/she is saying that, run to a nearby container of any kind, whether it's a chest, dresser, or barrel... just something you can put stuff in. Put ALL of your money in there. The game is programmed to take the money after the steward finishes talking. The same goes for upgrades. Just select the upgrade you want and then immediately exit the conversation to stash your gold in a nearby container. 

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As an archer I constantly run out of good arrows and have to resort to whatever I have available, usually iron or steel. So instead I choose to pick up a daedric/ebony arrow from the Thief's cache in Riften as soon as you start the Thieves Guild questline which is found below the main area at the same level as The Ratway, you should find a barrel which is labelled as a Thief's Cache instead of a barrel. Depending on the level you are (I believe I was around 30) you can pick up most like your first daedric arrow. If you then travel to Solitude and find the guards outside the keep practicing firing arrows at the targets. If you wait until their shift is over (8pm I believe) you can follow them into the keep, to the right to where all the guards sleep. Then pickpocket the two archers, remove the default iron arrow and replace it with an arrow that you wish to duplicate. Then wait until morning and when you go outside you should have the two guards now firing the arrow that you gave them, now just stand near the targets and every couple of minutes just take all the arrows that they fired into the target, therefore duplicating the arrows. It's a nice glitch to use while you watch youtube etc.

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  • 1 month later...
On 10/30/2016 at 7:30 AM, demonoutcast said:

Greybeard exploit still works, got my sneak to 100 within an hour. 

Post video. 

On 12/20/2016 at 8:03 PM, EvenstarII said:

You can "buy" and upgrade homes for free. Select that you are sure you want to purchase the house (make sure you actually have the correct amount of money in your inventory), immediately exit the conversation as the steward is saying congratulations and all that. As he/she is saying that, run to a nearby container of any kind, whether it's a chest, dresser, or barrel... just something you can put stuff in. Put ALL of your money in there. The game is programmed to take the money after the steward finishes talking. The same goes for upgrades. Just select the upgrade you want and then immediately exit the conversation to stash your gold in a nearby container. 

Seems pointless if you're going for 100k trophy, you have tons of money by then, more than enough, you can afford houses. 

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6 hours ago, DARKB1KE said:

Seems pointless if you're going for 100k trophy, you have tons of money by then, more than enough, you can afford houses.

It's never pointless to have more money. In fact, I think for the purpose of getting the 100k trophy this can only be more helpful, seeing as houses and furnishings are pricey. And this thread is about glitches/exploits that still work. So I find nothing pointless in what I've shared. 

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6 minutes ago, Berzerkgod313 said:

there's a glitch still active to get your alteration to level 100 in a matter of seconds, and you can do it an unlimited amount of times to level up. I used it this week and got from level 30 to level 85 in about 25 minutes, but it takes a few hours to actually set the glitch up.


Tell me more good sir!

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On 2/19/2017 at 10:12 PM, Mr_Freaker said:


Tell me more good sir!


well to do the glitch, you have to first get the power Secret of Arcana (you get it from one of the black books in the dragonborn DLC), and get telekenisis (however you spell it). Once you have those it's easy, simply go to Whiterun (or anywhere probably, i just found it easiest in whiterun) and have telekenisis on both hands, and pop your secret of arcana. Quickly use your telekenesis to pick up something small (i just picked up cheese) and hold it for about 4 seconds, then fast travel to any of the other 9 major cities. Once you arrive, your alteration should now be at 100. You can then make it legendary as many times as you like, and therefore keep levelling up. Hope this helps, if not, i know there's at least one video on youtube, and it shows you where to get secret of arcana and telekenisis, and do the alteration glitch.

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