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Pick The Plat You Are Jealous of.


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I will have to say Skyrim (only because I own all the other plats :P)

You have lots of rare plats from games I don't know anything about so I'll go with Far Cry 3. Mostly cause it looks like game I would enjoy playing, but still great collection of ultra rare platinums.

When I was looking trophies Hasan316 posted. Dead Space 3 from his collection. Same reason.

Edited by ihadalifeb4this
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Castlevania, I wish i never traded it in kinda want it again. I love the avatar by the way. Just watched all 3 season on netflix


I'll go with the original BioShock. I've completed the game twice on the PC but never got around playing the PS3 version. It's been a while too, so I might just get the Ultimate Rapture Edition and play through it again someday.

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