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Pick The Plat You Are Jealous of.


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Both of your Prince of Persia plats. I would love to have the plat to all four on the PS3. Too many games, not enough time.



Definitely jealous of your Fighting game platinum's mainly Mortal Kombat and SSFIV. Because I'm horrible at fighting games even though I did master dudley's infinite combo.

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Holy crap, I'm jealous of your Binary Domain plat! I'm so close but the multiplayer trophies are killing me!


Looking at your plat list gives me a headache.  


Aside from that, I suppose Asura's Wrath would be one I envy.  I didn't like the game at first, but the more I see of it, the more I want to play it.  It may be in my next bundle of games I buy.

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