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Nintendo Switch thread for Nintendo Switch players

Oobedoob S Benubi

Questions for Switch gamers (2022)  

214 members have voted

  1. 1. What is your favorite Nintendo exclusive on switch (2022)?

    • Splatoon 2/3
    • Xenoblade Chronicles 1/2/3
    • Mario Odyssey
    • Metroid Dread
    • Fire Emblem 3 Houses
    • Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild
    • Animal Crossing: New Horizons
    • Pokemon Legends: Arceus
    • Luigi's Mansion 3
    • Super Smash Bros Ultimate
    • Mario Kart 8: Deluxe
    • Kirby Forgotten Land
    • Other
  2. 2. How many hours do you have in your most played game?

  3. 3. What NSO feature would you like to see the most?

    • Custom Themes/Wallpapers
    • GB/GBA emulator
    • Game Cube emulator
    • Wii/Wii U emulator
    • Extra eShop discounts
    • Monthly free eShop games
    • More N64/SNES/NES/Genesis games

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3 minutes ago, MosesRockefeller said:

I downloaded 7, and bought 5 retail. So 12 to your 13.


I selected all 12 for the poll, but should I have picked only the 7 I downloaded from the eShop and not also the 5 I bought retail? I was confused by the wording of the poll.


Now ask me how many of those 12 games I've played... stupid job and parenting getting in the way of gaming!


Well, it's very explicitly "downloaded" in the poll :)


5 hours ago, Super-Fly Spider-Guy said:

Essay on Ridge Racer


If any of you see a post or status of me in the next few days about having bought a Raspberry Pi, then take note that @Super-Fly Spider-Guy is to blame.


I wanted to respond on this earlier today by saying no non-SF racing game on N64 could beat Rush 2: Extreme Racing USA, then I got to thinking about how even if we got VC on Switch, I'd never see Rush 2 released, or Jet Force Gemini, or for that matter SNES games like Jurassic Park or Aladdin or The Lion King and, well, things snowballed from there.

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19 minutes ago, Simple Rick said:

Well, it's very explicitly "downloaded" in the poll :)


Let me rephrase. The poll wording was fine, but you mentioned games from the list that you bought retail in your post that I replied to. That's what made me confused.


I'm not sure if you can delete my poll results. I bought Super Bomberman R, MK8D, SMO, BotW, and Mario+Rabbids retail.


Also, damn you, I bought Bulb Boy last night. I'm supposed to be decreasing the size of my backlog!

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3 minutes ago, MosesRockefeller said:

I'm not sure if you can delete my poll results.


Nope, can't. You'll have to live with the shame.


3 minutes ago, MosesRockefeller said:

Also, damn you, I bought Bulb Boy last night. I'm supposed to be decreasing the size of my backlog!


You're welcome, enjoy!

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On 29.1.2018 at 11:17 AM, Simple Rick said:

180+ hours on one game, fuck me... I don't think I've played any single game that much, except maybe Mario Kart 64.


Well, Xenoblade Chronicles 2 has a lot of content and I REALLY enjoy the gameplay. I think my most played game is Animal Crossing: New Leaf with 1000+ hours.

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19 hours ago, ElEyeman said:

Just bought a Switch, I'm really liking it so far! Bought Xenoblade Chronicles 2 the same day, and also Blaster Master Zero and Earth War (a game that I wanted for the PS4, which is named Earth Dawn on that console and is much more expensive *$30 PS4 Vs. $4.50 Switch*. Also bought a copy of  Breath of the Wild online and now I'm waiting for it. 


Welcome to the club! Switch is a nice console and I especially love how quick it is to get a game running on it. PS4 is only loading the OS by the time I already have a game running on Switch. 

I just finished the main story of Xenoblade Chronicles 2 a couple of days ago and I'm continuing with some end game content. I liked the game so much I also got Xenoblade Chronicles 3D for 3DS.

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8 hours ago, Simple Rick said:

If any of you see a post or status of me in the next few days about having bought a Raspberry Pi, then take note that @Super-Fly Spider-Guy is to blame.


I wanted to respond on this earlier today by saying no non-SF racing game on N64 could beat Rush 2: Extreme Racing USA, then I got to thinking about how even if we got VC on Switch, I'd never see Rush 2 released, or Jet Force Gemini, or for that matter SNES games like Jurassic Park or Aladdin or The Lion King and, well, things snowballed from there.

I'm sure it doesn't help you at all, but Jet Force Gemini is HD-ified in the Rare Replay collection on Xbox One and those textures look real good. Like playing on an emulator with 15 billion times the resolution cranked up kind of good. Perfect Dark also looks fantastic compared to it's original self. I've said it before, but Rare Replay (and by extension BC in general) is what pushed me over the edge to buy an Xbox One a year and a half back.


Although it's unlikely, if the VC does drop with access to your previously purchased games, I'll be stoked. While playing RR3D yesterday I had a squizz in my download list and I've got a good 20 odd games for the NES and Game Boy / Color that I'd definitely be down to replay, not to mention there's also a fair few SNES games like Super Mario Kart and World over on the Wii U... but given that the SNES games on Wii U and 3DS require two separate purchases, it's doubtful. Nintendo did do a bit of cross buy on some games though, including Olli Olli, that I basically own on every damn system at this point (This is why good sales are great, did I need it on 3DS after getting it free with my PS TV? No. Did I really need that dollar fifty I spent on it though? Also no). Anyway, it's pipe dream, but how good would it be if that rumoured follow up Direct dropped out of nowhere and was all


"Here's the VC. Here's like 300 of the best selling games from NES to GC. Here's all your old VC games on your Switch for free. Here's Mother 3 that Dylan couldn't care less about but he knows everyone else does and it's kind of a running joke at this point so fuck it, Mother 3."

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6 hours ago, Super-Fly Spider-Guy said:

I'm sure it doesn't help you at all, but Jet Force Gemini is HD-ified in the Rare Replay collection on Xbox One and those textures look real good. Like playing on an emulator with 15 billion times the resolution cranked up kind of good. Perfect Dark also looks fantastic compared to it's original self. I've said it before, but Rare Replay (and by extension BC in general) is what pushed me over the edge to buy an Xbox One a year and a half back.


Although it's unlikely, if the VC does drop with access to your previously purchased games, I'll be stoked. While playing RR3D yesterday I had a squizz in my download list and I've got a good 20 odd games for the NES and Game Boy / Color that I'd definitely be down to replay, not to mention there's also a fair few SNES games like Super Mario Kart and World over on the Wii U... but given that the SNES games on Wii U and 3DS require two separate purchases, it's doubtful. Nintendo did do a bit of cross buy on some games though, including Olli Olli, that I basically own on every damn system at this point (This is why good sales are great, did I need it on 3DS after getting it free with my PS TV? No. Did I really need that dollar fifty I spent on it though? Also no). Anyway, it's pipe dream, but how good would it be if that rumoured follow up Direct dropped out of nowhere and was all


"Here's the VC. Here's like 300 of the best selling games from NES to GC. Here's all your old VC games on your Switch for free. Here's Mother 3 that Dylan couldn't care less about but he knows everyone else does and it's kind of a running joke at this point so fuck it, Mother 3."


Rare Replay is really, along with Alan Wake and now maybe Cuphead, the only reason I'd buy an X1. Sadly it doesn't have DKC1, 2, 3 or DK64 but those are titles that will definitely turn up on a Switch VC.


In the end, VC on Switch will probably once again be a drip system. And it'll probably be the best, to protect us from ourselves - who would buy the comparatively unknown Axiom Verge is Super Metroid was available? Many retro indies, great games in their own right, currently also fill the VC gap. getting a VC game a month would be less damaging to those independent developers than getting all old Nintendo games at the same time would be.


Not that I wouldn't love getting a huge list right away, but in the past year I've discovered so damn many cool games that I wouldn't have looked at if their original SNES inspirations had been available...

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7 hours ago, Simple Rick said:

In the end, VC on Switch will probably once again be a drip system. And it'll probably be the best, to protect us from ourselves - who would buy the comparatively unknown Axiom Verge is Super Metroid was available? Many retro indies, great games in their own right, currently also fill the VC gap. getting a VC game a month would be less damaging to those independent developers than getting all old Nintendo games at the same time would be.


Not that I wouldn't love getting a huge list right away, but in the past year I've discovered so damn many cool games that I wouldn't have looked at if their original SNES inspirations had been available...

Speaking for myself, I would buy Axiom Verge if Super Metroid was available. I never could get the hang of wall jumping in Super Metroid. In my opinion one of its very few faults was making that move difficult to pull off. Axiom Verge has some quality of life improvements that are awesome. Also, I'm weird in that I played Metroid Zero Mission and Metroid Fusion on GBA before I played Super Metroid, and those games perfected the Super Metroid formula, making Super Metroid a bit of a step back for me.


That being said, your point totally stands, and I'm probably in the minority concerning Super Metroid (I'm sure classic SNES owners will tell me to git gud). Ah, who am I kidding, I'd buy both games anyway, even if they were released on the same day. :P



Anyway, it will be interesting to see how and if Nintendo's strategy changes, and they do bring back the VC in some form. I'm not making any assumptions at this point. They have shown a willingness to try new things with the Switch (while not changing their company on a fundamental level), so who knows what will happen.



Edited by MosesRockefeller
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19 hours ago, Simple Rick said:


Rare Replay is really, along with Alan Wake and now maybe Cuphead, the only reason I'd buy an X1. Sadly it doesn't have DKC1, 2, 3 or DK64 but those are titles that will definitely turn up on a Switch VC.


In the end, VC on Switch will probably once again be a drip system. And it'll probably be the best, to protect us from ourselves - who would buy the comparatively unknown Axiom Verge is Super Metroid was available? Many retro indies, great games in their own right, currently also fill the VC gap. getting a VC game a month would be less damaging to those independent developers than getting all old Nintendo games at the same time would be.


Not that I wouldn't love getting a huge list right away, but in the past year I've discovered so damn many cool games that I wouldn't have looked at if their original SNES inspirations had been available...

Did the DKC series actually end up on the Wii / U VC? I haven't turned mine on in probably a good year now and can't really be bothered plugging it in to find out if the games were on there or not. Xbox's BC is fantastic though, seeing that stupid old OG Xbox logo the first time I shoved Knights of the Old Republic into my Xbox One was magic.  Honestly at this point, for a new comer to the generation, I'd genuinely say buy an Xbox and a year of Game Pass. Gonna pick up Sea of Thieves when it drops? I'm looking forward to it greatly, now that I'll get it for freezies.


I agree and disagree. I grabbed MK8D day one, despite having it on Wii U, and if SMK was there day one, I wouldn't even bother buying it. But if MK64 was there day one, I'd buy MK8D and MK64 day one. I think it comes down to the individual player, the individual games, and in particular, the console they're on (and the prices that come with it). I'd personally MUCH rather buy Axiom Verge for 15 or so, knowing it's a modern game inspired by a classic, than Super Metroid at 10 bucks. Price is key here. If the old ones are dirt cheap, then a lot might buy them and skip the new ones, but if they want just over 10 bucks for a SNES game (like they do on Wii U and 3DS here) and there's a recent game that's similar and inspired by them, but more modern and all that, and that wants only 15 or so, I'd go for that every time. What I mean is, if Super Metroid is worth 10 bucks, then to me Axiom is worth at least 20, given that it's not just a ROM of an old as balls game. But if Axiom is selling for 15 or under, then Super Metroid is worth less next to it by comparison. Am I making sort of sense? I'm quickly typing before I have to head out and think I'm all over the place to be honest.


Also, since I installed Oxenfree the other day, I've been meaning to put this up for you, I get a laugh every time





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Well, fine by me I guess. I'm down for free online for another 8 months, but like, I was looking forward to the yearly sub and monthly game/s. I loaded 60 bucks onto my eShop account late December with the intention of spending it on Shakedown Hawaii and a year of Switch online. Okay then. I don't know how to feel. If they don't launch VC before the online though, I will probs be peeved. I could see a mic drop moment around E3 when they FINALLY say GCN games will rock up on the Switch with everything else, then after a couple months and a fair few releases, the online side of things is out and the offerings are alright. It would be pretty dumb to launch the online sub at the same time as the VC, since they usually only add a few games here and there and promised at least one every month, it would cut down the value of those games individually immensely if you could buy them for 6.50 a piece (3DS pricing for an NES game) or just pay 25-30 for a year with one of them each month.


Anyway, they also announced Mario Kart Tour, which is coming to mobiles...? I'm keen I guess. I mean, I've played enough Mario Kart on my phone through emulation and Bluetooth controllers to know it's a good idea. Can't imagine it would be anything more than a couple tracks though, or else how the hell are you gonna lure them over to buy the Switch version? Either way, a free / cheap Mario Kart game on my phone is always welcome, the Sonic Racing games were surprisingly decent on phones and that was over 5 years ago now, imagine something with the visuals of MK8 on your phone while you take a poop at work, then you come home and play the real thing on your Switch while pooping at home because you don't take it to work because you're a grown up or something. Think of all the Mario Kart and pooping action!

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@MosesRockefeller @Super-Fly Spider-Guy there definitely would be less people going for the indies though, butI think we already discussed this about a year ago.


Good news that they finally announced a new date for paid online, should mean a good VC announcement will be done soon, E3 at the latest.

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17 hours ago, Dreakon13 said:

It's getting closer. :D  Slated for "early 2018" right now, along with a new free expansion after the Switch release.





Honestly, I'm going to guess it'll be ready for March. If it were coming out in February, I feel like TC would be confident enough to state as such. And April is spring, while it can still be technically classified as "early 2018", my spidey senses are tingling, and telling me March is when this bitch finally gets released on the Switch.

Been waiting to play this game for so long. If it drops in March, I'll drop any game I'm playing at that given moment and give HK my undivided attention. That is how much I want it.

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11 hours ago, Super-Fly Spider-Guy said:

Did the DKC series actually end up on the Wii / U VC? I haven't turned mine on in probably a good year now and can't really be bothered plugging it in to find out if the games were on there or not. Xbox's BC is fantastic though, seeing that stupid old OG Xbox logo the first time I shoved Knights of the Old Republic into my Xbox One was magic.  Honestly at this point, for a new comer to the generation, I'd genuinely say buy an Xbox and a year of Game Pass. Gonna pick up Sea of Thieves when it drops? I'm looking forward to it greatly, now that I'll get it for freezies.


I agree and disagree. I grabbed MK8D day one, despite having it on Wii U, and if SMK was there day one, I wouldn't even bother buying it. But if MK64 was there day one, I'd buy MK8D and MK64 day one. I think it comes down to the individual player, the individual games, and in particular, the console they're on (and the prices that come with it). I'd personally MUCH rather buy Axiom Verge for 15 or so, knowing it's a modern game inspired by a classic, than Super Metroid at 10 bucks. Price is key here. If the old ones are dirt cheap, then a lot might buy them and skip the new ones, but if they want just over 10 bucks for a SNES game (like they do on Wii U and 3DS here) and there's a recent game that's similar and inspired by them, but more modern and all that, and that wants only 15 or so, I'd go for that every time. What I mean is, if Super Metroid is worth 10 bucks, then to me Axiom is worth at least 20, given that it's not just a ROM of an old as balls game. But if Axiom is selling for 15 or under, then Super Metroid is worth less next to it by comparison. Am I making sort of sense? I'm quickly typing before I have to head out and think I'm all over the place to be honest.


Also, since I installed Oxenfree the other day, I've been meaning to put this up for you, I get a laugh every time


  Reveal hidden contents






I don't know about the Australian eShop, but here in the USA I can go on Nintendo.com, search for "Donkey Kong Country" and see which eShops it's on and how much it costs. So anyway, DKC1-3 are available on Wii U VC and also New Nintendo 3DS VC.


I think you're right about the eShop and VC. It could end up affecting sales, but it's not a simple cut-and-dried "indies wouldn't sell at all". Which to be fair, I don't think anyone is saying. Anyway, Nintendo decided to take the strategy of appealing to indies in the first 1+ years of the Switch, and it has paid off. We'll see how much longer it takes for classic Nintendo systems to appear (I'm not going to call it a VC, because we don't know what it's going to look like).


That's a great geek joke with your Xbox games library.


11 hours ago, Super-Fly Spider-Guy said:

Anyway, they also announced Mario Kart Tour, which is coming to mobiles...? I'm keen I guess. I mean, I've played enough Mario Kart on my phone through emulation and Bluetooth controllers to know it's a good idea. Can't imagine it would be anything more than a couple tracks though, or else how the hell are you gonna lure them over to buy the Switch version? Either way, a free / cheap Mario Kart game on my phone is always welcome, the Sonic Racing games were surprisingly decent on phones and that was over 5 years ago now, imagine something with the visuals of MK8 on your phone while you take a poop at work, then you come home and play the real thing on your Switch while pooping at home because you don't take it to work because you're a grown up or something. Think of all the Mario Kart and pooping action!

I have no interest in any Nintendo mobile games. The other day I introduced a coworker to nonograms, which he got hooked playing on his phone. The whole time I kept thinking "man, I can't wait to go back and play Picross S on my Switch, because I get to use buttons!" But, good for Nintendo I guess. If they do it justice, Mario Kart Phone Version will be a smash success.


Also, I'm not a "grown up" because I take my Switch to work. But yeah, the single greatest thing about portable systems is being able to play "on the throne!"

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I find it interesting those that bring their Switch to work.  Granted, I'm not sure what kinds of jobs anyone has, but my brother brings his Switch with him and he works in an office environment (as I do).  Seems bizarre to me, I'd never consider it, but supposedly has his own office and a fair amount of downtime... so I guess it works for him. xD

Edited by Dreakon13
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8 minutes ago, Dreakon13 said:

I find it interesting those that bring their Switch to work.  Granted, I'm not sure what kinds of jobs anyone has, but my brother brings his Switch with him and he works in an office environment (as I do).  Seems bizarre to me, I'd never consider it, but supposedly has his own office and a fair amount of downtime... so I guess it works for him. xD

I don't actually play during work, but I get to work 30+ minutes before I start (one of the realities of commuting into work with multiple people), so that's a perfect time to get in a bit of Switch time. Also, I don't socialize during my lunch break, so that could be more gaming time. I typically watch shows/movies during lunch though.


There are still a fair amount of jobs with lots of downtime though. I used to know a guy who watched movies all day while he basically sat there waiting for alerts to show up.

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10 minutes ago, Dreakon13 said:

I find it interesting those that bring their Switch to work.  Granted, I'm not sure what kinds of jobs anyone has, but my brother brings his Switch with him and he works in an office environment (as I do).  Seems bizarre to me, I'd never consider it, but supposedly has his own office and a fair amount of downtime... so I guess it works for him. xD


I bring my Switch to work once a week, yet I don't play it at work.


Pro tip: if your partner travels along with you in your car, make them drive.




My wife goes to the city I work at once a week, and she rides along with me that day (means she has to get up earlier and go home later but it saves about €20 in public transit costs), but ever since I own a Switch, she's the one who drives that day. 1.5 to 2 hours of gaming time!

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11 minutes ago, Simple Rick said:

Pro tip: if your partner travels along with you in your car, make them drive.


My wife goes to the city I work at once a week, and she rides along with me that day (means she has to get up earlier and go home later but it saves about €20 in public transit costs), but ever since I own a Switch, she's the one who drives that day. 1.5 to 2 hours of gaming time!

I shudder to think of the "price" you are paying for that gaming time. The best I can ever hope for is my wife driving one way when we visit my parents. Often though I "get" to drive both ways. :P


I hate driving, lost gaming time or not.

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10 minutes ago, MosesRockefeller said:

I shudder to think of the "price" you are paying for that gaming time. The best I can ever hope for is my wife driving one way when we visit my parents. Often though I "get" to drive both ways. :P


I hate driving, lost gaming time or not.


I like driving and I can't stand being in a car when others drive, and therefore I usually insist on driving myself. So my wife is already glad that she can drive from time to time, as long as she isn't too tired.


For trips to parents or holidays or whatnot, things that take longer than a minute or fifteen, she also drives much more often now.


Yay, Switch!

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1 hour ago, Simple Rick said:


I like driving and I can't stand being in a car when others drive, and therefore I usually insist on driving myself. So my wife is already glad that she can drive from time to time, as long as she isn't too tired.


For trips to parents or holidays or whatnot, things that take longer than a minute or fifteen, she also drives much more often now.


Yay, Switch!

Interesting. My dad was that way growing up. He was always "carsick" if my mom tried to drive. Us kids always let him know when he failed to use his turn signal, which was normally explained as "nobody's behind me, I use it when there are people behind me". :P


People that commute into the Washington DC area have a few options: a train that adds time to the commute and breaks down half the time, driving in yourself (which I'm not doing 5 days a week), or carpooling with people who are probably strangers. I've actually really enjoyed the carpooling option. I think some of those drivers are like you though, that they can't stand riding in a car.


Anyway, yes, yay Switch!

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3 hours ago, Dreakon13 said:

I find it interesting those that bring their Switch to work.  Granted, I'm not sure what kinds of jobs anyone has, but my brother brings his Switch with him and he works in an office environment (as I do).  Seems bizarre to me, I'd never consider it, but supposedly has his own office and a fair amount of downtime... so I guess it works for him. xD


I take my 3DS to work with me daily. I get a chance to score StreetPasses and it's also ready for me to play for a little while when waiting for takeaway food or in case of a boring day at work with no projects to work on. I have a short walk to work so I don't have time to play on my commute. 

I've taken Switch (+ dock) to work once to an office game evening where some people tried Zelda: Breath of the Wild and some demos. Otherwise I feel it's a bit too large and heavy to carry around on a daily basis - at least compared to 3DS.

Edited by Eyjabria
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Honestly I do not mind the VC on Switch but I want to see more or new games on Switch. It would be interesting to see how many new games to be offered on the console before reselling the classics again. BUT if they release N64 VC or Gamecube I am fine with it. Not Nes or SNES as we have that one 3DS..... I don't know just saying an opinion.......  

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21 minutes ago, Shiny Suicune said:

Honestly I do not mind the VC on Switch but I want to see more or new games on Switch. It would be interesting to see how many new games to be offered on the console before reselling the classics again. BUT if they release N64 VC or Gamecube I am fine with it. Not Nes or SNES as we have that one 3DS..... I don't know just saying an opinion.......  


Hi, I'm Billy. I don't have a Wii,Wii U or 3DS :)


Switch is going to replace the 3DS as Nintendo's handheld this year. You know, because the next main Pokémon game is on Switch. That means the Switch is now the new handheld, that's the rules.


Also, the Switch has a bigger screen with a better resolution, and makes it possible to play games on the television even.

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