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Kill Your Completion v3. 0

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34 minutes ago, NebbyLunala said:


<_< I know that it's usually a tired cliche that virgin girls who go to prom lose their virginity in romantic passion at some hotel but I know for a fact that I went to something like a prom and that never happened to me. Then again, I was a complete geek and rarely attended school dances and I don't think I ever went to prom. Ah, the high school days. :giggle:


Then again, I should have expected this. :eyebrow:


After playing and platinuming Clockwork Tales, I might look into Cursed Heart. I do love me a good pirate ghost story.


Somehow, I got credited for those literary gems about virgins and Godzilla. Those are all Zettlock.  I just want to make sure credit goes to the appropriate author.  


As for Nightmares, I'm not sure I can claim it's a 'good' pirate ghost story. But it does involve ghosts and pirates...and a cheap, easy platinum. 

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18 hours ago, BillyHorrible said:

I might not know The Wizard Of Oz by heart but I'm pretty sure you'll realise you had a brain all along :)


Will I? Holy crap, my only excuse for sucking at life will cease to exist :(


15 hours ago, PerryToxteth said:

- Quite simply, the most hilarious review I've read in the two KYC events I have partaken in.  I'm not even into Godzilla but you might have motivated me to start. :yay:


I bow before thee in gratitude! However, for a non-Godzilla gamer this game might - and will - be average at best. For majority it will be crap, I guess. Especially for those that expect americanized (blow-shit-up) version of Mr. G. It's very, very campy.


12 hours ago, NebbyLunala said:

<_< I know that it's usually a tired cliche that virgin girls who go to prom lose their virginity in romantic passion at some hotel but I know for a fact that I went to something like a prom and that never happened to me. Then again, I was a complete geek and rarely attended school dances and I don't think I ever went to prom. Ah, the high school days. :giggle:


Well, in Poland we don't have a prom night per se, there is this "Hundred Day Party" that is held exactly one hundred days before final exam in high school. And I remember going there thinking about scoring like crazy (though not a virgin anymore by then). And getting wasted - central Europe FTW :giggle:. Anyhow, nothing happened that night. But I remember being asked by that girl that was younger and deep into me to go with her for her party, and turning that down because I was playing EVE Online and Ultima Online at that time without breaks. This is, boys and girls, how you fail at life and win at games B).


12 hours ago, PerryToxteth said:

Somehow, I got credited for those literary gems about virgins and Godzilla. Those are all Zettlock.  I just want to make sure credit goes to the appropriate author.  


Appreciated! Virgins and Godzilla - modern day version of damsels in distress - © zettlock 2017 :)


19 hours ago, xFalionx said:

Game #7: Oddworld: Stranger's Wrath HD (on PSVita)

Final Review

Total playtime: about 21 hours and 30 minutes

Trophies: 37/37 for an S rank



I had that game in my backlog for a long time. Knew it was good, but you, sir, made me want to start it. And I will!

Edited by zettlock
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My posts and reviews may be a little sparse for a few days.....my 'net has gone down :devil:


Worst possible time it could happen too. Swapped Life is Strange to game 8 so I can play This War of Mine when @BillyHorrible does.


Played episode 1, love it so far....rewound the game so many times as my internal dialogue convinced me my choices were wrong....then maybe I was right with gut instinct, then maybe I was right to think it over, then actually....go with your gut, lol.


Finished the episode, nice....can't wait to continue.....but alas....I didn't preload all episodes, assumed (incorrectly) the season pass would download all episodes. Now stuck in the dark ages wanting to play and can't! 


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15 minutes ago, zettlock said:

Will I? Holy crap, my only excuse for sucking at life will cease to exist :(


Yeah, I think that's where the comparison with Scarecrow ends because he actually liked having a brain.


1 minute ago, Pickle2907 said:

My posts and reviews may be a little sparse for a few days.....my 'net has gone down :devil:


Worst possible time it could happen too. Swapped Life is Strange to game 8 so I can play This War of Mine when @BillyHorrible does.


Played episode 1, love it so far....rewound the game so many times as my internal dialogue convinced me my choices were wrong....then maybe I was right with gut instinct, then maybe I was right to think it over, then actually....go with your gut, lol.


Finished the episode, nice....can't wait to continue.....but alas....I didn't preload all episodes, assumed (incorrectly) the season pass would download all episodes. Now stuck in the dark ages wanting to play and can't! 



You didn't swap anything, you just forgot the order of your own list :)

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8 minutes ago, BillyHorrible said:


Yeah, I think that's where the comparison with Scarecrow ends because he actually liked having a brain.



You didn't swap anything, you just forgot the order of your own list :)


Lol....I'm sure I checked the first post to see what I'd chosen as @Hemiak is nice enough to put it there for us, but I must have got confused.


Just checked again and I definitely just screwed up, lol.....I'm getting old, haha.

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54 minutes ago, Mendant909 said:


Game #7


Days #1-3


JEEZUS, the annoying perverted "friend" said "tig ol' bitties" and I haven't heard that phrase in years. Conception II is a shallow version of Persona 4 Golden that retains certain elements from the master without fully understanding what made the elements works well together. Conception II is a dungeon-crawling JRPG with dating simulation elements but none of the highschool life simulation aside from a festival at the end of the year; please let this game not have an embarrassing concert as in Trails of Cold Steel.



It's interesting to read your review as Conception II is one of my favourites among the dungeon-crawler category.

I don't see how this game can be compared to P4G (except for the fact that they are of the same genre? But then it's like comparing FFXIII to Tales of Xillia). It's been a while but from what I can recall, the gameplay is really not the same. I think Mind=0 was closer to P4G or Shin Megami Tensei than Conception II is.

While the story is not that great (few dungeon crawlers have a good story, unfortunately) I grew very fond of my last generation of children and it was kinda funny to see Mommy, Daddy and their new batch go kick some random monster's ass. I loved the chara-design too. 

I'm still hoping for a sequel :) 



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3 hours ago, Mendant909 said:

Game #6



Sorry for the tardiness, but I might as well give this game a write-up despite doing only a chapter, just like Thief. Castlevania: Lords of Shadow is a remake of God of War with the Greek mythology replaced with European mythology and angry Kratos replaced with mopey Gabriel Belmont; that and it poorly rips-off Shadow of the Colossus. Combat is just hacking and slashing away at enemies with boring boss fights just being a mook twice the size of regular mooks, and it goes down just like the rest with little strategy or excitement. The game sure does love tutorials as even into Ch. 2 there were still tutorials about using light magic, and maybe Ch. 3 will have tutorials about dark magic. The end of the first chapter introduced a colossus from a frozen lake and boy did they screw it up. These behemoths can only be taken down by stabbing into specific spots, but hardly anything that made SotC satisfying is here. The environment isn't used to solve the method of reaching the boss, the boss shakes every two seconds and will sometimes just swat you off with its hands, and you need to wait for the boss to perform specific actions to reach the next stabbing section. As far as story goes it's not until near the end of Ch. 1 that we learn that Gabriel lost his lover, probably from him killing her in a drunk stupor while playing Nekopara. Of course Gabriel would have killed her since it wouldn't be a proper God of War rip-off if it didn't steal that plot point as well. Why is this even called Castlevania?! Oh well, moving on!


39 minutes ago, xFalionx said:

Well, now I know what game I won't be playing. I guess I'll stick to the old Castlevania games...


Want me to spoil it for you so you don't have to play the game any more?



There are eventually a couple of chapters in a castle, but it's not Dracula's castle.


In fact, Dracula isn't even in the story at all, unless you think it counts that THE PLAYER CHARACTER WILL BECOME DRACULA, BUT ONLY A LONG TIME AFTER THE STORY OF THIS GAME HAS ALREADY CONCLUDED. A last second plot twist (seriously, it only becomes obvious in the cutscene after the final bit of gameplay has already concluded) that was completely spoiled (if you think about it for a moment) by making Castlevania: Lords Of Shadow 2 where you "play as Dracula!"


By the way, I feel like Mendant wasn't correct in stating that all this game did was steal stuff from God Of War and Shadow Of The Colossus. It also stole from Dante's Inferno.



39 minutes ago, xFalionx said:

Game #8: From Dust (on PS3)

First day
Total playtime: about 6 hours



The game is about a tribe trying to survive in a post-apocalyptic version of the world (...)


Wait, what? For real? I played a bunch of From Dust back on the X360 (really want to play through it some time on PS3) and I can't remember it being post-apocalyptic... is that actually in the game? I thought it was just a side history, like Populous: The Beginning or Black & White...


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18 minutes ago, BillyHorrible said:

Want me to spoil it for you so you don't have to play the game any more?

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There are eventually a couple of chapters in a castle, but it's not Dracula's castle.


In fact, Dracula isn't even in the story at all, unless you think it counts that THE PLAYER CHARACTER WILL BECOME DRACULA, BUT ONLY A LONG TIME AFTER THE STORY OF THIS GAME HAS ALREADY CONCLUDED. A last second plot twist (seriously, it only becomes obvious in the cutscene after the final bit of gameplay has already concluded) that was completely spoiled (if you think about it for a moment) by making Castlevania: Lords Of Shadow 2 where you "play as Dracula!"


By the way, I feel like Mendant wasn't correct in stating that all this game did was steal stuff from God Of War and Shadow Of The Colossus. It also stole from Dante's Inferno.


Wait, what? For real? I played a bunch of From Dust back on the X360 (really want to play through it some time on PS3) and I can't remember it being post-apocalyptic... is that actually in the game? I thought it was just a side history, like Populous: The Beginning or Black & White...

Well, thanks for that, now my wallet is safe. :D 


Yeah, it's post-apocalyptic.


I don't know if you ever finished the story, but at the end of it you get to a level where your task is to complete a new island and place totems yourself. After that's done you make your tribe do another ritual to gain the powers for themselves, so they can survive without your help. (At least that's how I understood it.) And while you are performing that ritual the world starts falling apart, your tribe enters a final one of these passageway things and the ending scene has your tribe arriving in the remains of the first level with a single line of text along the lines of "And now we're back to square one". So you basically are in a constant cycle of following your own tracks after they've been destroyed.


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4 minutes ago, xFalionx said:

Yeah, it's post-apocalyptic.

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I don't know if you ever finished the story, but at the end of it you get to a level where your task is to complete a new island and place totems yourself. After that's done you make your tribe do another ritual to gain the powers for themselves, so they can survive without your help. (At least that's how I understood it.) And while you are performing that ritual the world starts falling apart, your tribe enters a final one of these passageway things and the ending scene has your tribe arriving in the remains of the first level with a single line of text along the lines of "And now we're back to square one". So you basically are in a constant cycle of following your own tracks after they've been destroyed.




Nah I never finished the game. That doesn't seem to be post-apocalyptic in the usual sense though, as in "our world but after the end". I thought there were hints of our own civilisation, long gone, in the game but that doesn't seem to be the case.


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2 minutes ago, BillyHorrible said:
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Nah I never finished the game. That doesn't seem to be post-apocalyptic in the usual sense though, as in "our world but after the end". I thought there were hints of our own civilisation, long gone, in the game but that doesn't seem to be the case.




No, but I personally see post-apocalyptic as "the game's world but after the end". After all post-apocalyptic just means after an apocalypse has happened.


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5 hours ago, Myu said:

It's interesting to read your review as Conception II is one of my favourites among the dungeon-crawler category.

I don't see how this game can be compared to P4G (except for the fact that they are of the same genre? But then it's like comparing FFXIII to Tales of Xillia). It's been a while but from what I can recall, the gameplay is really not the same. I think Mind=0 was closer to P4G or Shin Megami Tensei than Conception II is.

I liked it a lot, myself. But to me, the dungeons seemed a lot more similar to P4G's than Mind=0's did. Mind=0 didn't feel like Persona 4 to me at all, actually. I figured it was more similar to older Persona games, after playing both. 

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1 hour ago, bosssnake said:

Man, after looking into this so late, I wish I had stumbled across this in time to join. This type of thing is exactly what I want to do with my list... So many games not yet started...


Do these happen often? I'm quite interested.

I've been running one every 4 months or so, which puts the next one in July. Was thinking about bumping it to every 3 months after that, but haven't decided fully yet. 



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15 minutes ago, Hemiak said:

I've been running one every 4 months or so, which puts the next one in July. Was thinking about bumping it to every 3 months after that, but haven't decided fully yet. 



Wonderful! I'll be sure to keep my eyes peeled and my games neglected, though I don't need help with the latter, considering my backlog...

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1 hour ago, bosssnake said:

Wonderful! I'll be sure to keep my eyes peeled and my games neglected, though I don't need help with the latter, considering my backlog...

This thread will remain open and in use right up until the next event. People will continue posting updates about games they've returned to and Other random discussions will continue if the past is any indicator. I'll also announce here when the new link is active as well. As long as you check back here periodically you shouldn't miss the next one. 

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3 hours ago, PerryToxteth said:

Game No. 7

Assassin's Creed Chronicles: Trilogy Pack (PS4)





PSA Announcement:  This is the disc version of the Chronicles Trilogy Pack.  According to PSNP forums, the digital version of this game does NOT come with a platinum trophy.  The digital version is just a bundle of the three mini-games so beware when you see the sales on the PSN store for this title.


That's what I also heard, which is why I bough the disc version. Well that and because I always prefer getting physical copies over digital when possible.

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