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DC Vs Marvel Choose your favorite Comic & Superhero/Villian


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I like Marvel better overall but Batman is the my favorite hero overall. In my opinion, he is the coolest and has the best villains, Ra's Al Ghul and Joker being my favorites.


Lamest is Superman; worst villains (Lex Luthor and . . . .) and everyone seems to get him trapped with Kryptonite (still). I mean, after fighting evil for the better part of 70 years you would think he would see it coming :P

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To be honest there are way to many to choose. If you're having a hard time choosing, visit these sites.


http://marvel.com/  ---> http://marvel.com/universe/Category:People

http://www.dccomics.com/ ---> http://www.dccomics.com/characters


Thought not all the heroes and villains are there for some reason.  :unsure:

Edited by DRaGoN-_-TaMeR
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Limiting us to just Marvel / DC... Boo to you! 


In the last few years Marvel has just become one big event after another, and the only real character development has been in the latest X-Men books from Schism onwards recently.  However,  I do still pick up the Ultimate Spider-Man line, as Miles Morales is a great character.  As for DC... ever since 52 (not the new 52), The only title I've really read with any regularity is Batman.  Everything else has pretty much chopped and changed so much it's been reduced to crap.


If you go and look in some of the darker corners of your comic book stores though, I suggest you pick up any of the following (some have now finished)


The Walking Dead (where it all began, surpasses the TV show in every way possible)


The Boys (All about a group who keep the corrupt superheroes in check.  Probably not suitable for younger readers)

The Astounding Wolf-man (Another Kirkman Special.)



Keeping in line with the OP:


Hero: Batman & Robin  (Dick Grayson & Damian Wayne)


Villain: Norman Osborn

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