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Top 5 Entries You Hated in a Series You Generally Love?


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2 hours ago, ExHaseo said:

That's why I said if you disagree just move on. Believe it or not, there's such a thing as agreeing with someone, and discussing common points, instead of just arguing all the time. Seriously, by all means, if you find someone you agree with, talk to them, make a friend. I'm just tired of seeing threads like this devolve into bickering and personal attacks because of a difference of opinion.

But if we all agreed then there's no discussion to be had and everything would be boring. Where's the fun in that? It's what keeps threads alive. 


Also that last point you made is untrue because one can disagree in a respectful manner without it devolving into chaos. 


Arguing tends to have a negative connotation attached to it but it can be an exercise of critical thinking if done right. 



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Yeah I got a few games in mind.


1. Assassin Creed 3

There are alot of titles in this series that are hated for different reasons. AC1 for its repetitive game play, AC Revelation for those stupid tower defense sequence, AC Origins for introduction RPG elements, and the less said about AC Unity the better. But I will choose AC3 because this is when the franchise took a huge u-turn. While it does have a great setting and some great game play elements (like naval combat) but for me this is the most disappointed one of them all. Unlikable main protagonist, terrible recruitment system, very slow paced game, and one of the worst ending in the series (you know what I'm talking about).


2. God of War (4)

Definitely the most interested and recent game on this list, not because its actually bad. But like AC Origin it really changed the game play to make it more modern and appealing to new gamers. Compared to previous God of War game, this is practically no long a hack n'slash, more like a third person RPG, and it focus more on the story and characters than the actual combat. Again, not a bad game, just feels more like a reboot than a sequel, probably what it should have been.


3. Dead Space 3

As a third person shooter, its great, heck even enjoyable in co-op mode, like an arcade shooter. But as a horror game, it failed miserably. Mainly because of the weapon system and new human enemies. Plus the level design just aren't scary enough. That's all I've got to say.


4. Battlefield 4

Edit copy Battlefield 3, Edit past, make it look prettier.....and There! brand new game!

Thank god Battlefield 1 went a better direction.


5. Mass Effect Andromeda

?HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! good one EA, you.... messed up again on this one. Ahhh?

Yeah this was so bad it made the ending of ME 3 look good.


(btw I haven't played this on PS4, but I did on PC, so yeah, its still really glitchy)

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Here are my picks:


1. Command & Conquer 4: Tiberian Twilight - 

While not as bad as the wrongly resurrected C&C Rivals mobile game, this was NOT a Command & Conquer game. Most of the mechanics that made each game enjoyable to play were removed such as base building, ore collecting, and slow strategic battles. The story was forgettable and the mobile base with only having a certain selection of units to choose from was an outright joke. This game would have worked if it wasn't part of the C&C universe. EA should have ended it after Red Alert 3 after playing this travesty. 


2. Final Fantasy XIII-2

Sorry, but I preferred playing XIII over this mess. Wow it's far less linear and the combat is handled slightly better with the inclusion of using monsters and a more controlled paradigm system, the story jumps around far too often for a time travel story and it tries to be more philosophical then what it really is. Serah isn't a bad character but I never found her to be a strong enough protagonist. Noel was far worse. Poor line delivery and what was his importance in the story again? He was that bland I can't recall. Revisiting the same areas in different time zones wasn't that interesting since it was just a re-skin of the world and the ending...angered me. I stuck around to get the platinum but what a let-down. 


3. The Sims 3: Katy Perry Sweet Treats 

Look no more then the perfect example of product placement in video games! The Sims 3 had plenty of issues but this? THIS?!!! Pointless cash-grab on bland pop singer Katy Perry (during her peak popularity circa 2011-2012) with the most useless and poorly mismatched items EA has ever put out. I mean just take a look at this!Image result for sims 3 katy perry sweet treats bra It looks like someone copy and paste a google image and snapped it on a dress and called it a day. What else was included? Obnoxious cotton candy trees, candy nipple bras, the world's worst designed ice cream bench, lollipop furniture, and so much more pink and blue candy crap. To make it worse, a Simlish version of Katy Perry's Last Friday Night! To make it worse, EA charged MORE for this then what the average stuff pack was. Essentially, you got less items with cheap designs and so much candy items that it was enough to rot your teeth by installing it. I'm so happy this quickly went out of print and I will personally burn any copy I see of it. And you guys think what EA has done with other companies was bad? I think this was the worst one. 



4. Need For Speed (2015 Reboot) 

This was no Need For Speed Underground 2, this was much worse. For starters, online all the time? I was lucky I didn't run into any network issues throughout the two weeks I spent on it. Story mode? Interesting that they took the live action route but characters lacked personality and spirit and the whole "rookie Wannabe" plot felt over-used by this point. I really didn't care, I just wanted to race. The game looks nice but the major issue was that it wasn't fun. Races all felt the same and the challenges that were thrown in could be easily beaten with upgraded cars. The most fun I had was racing against my friends and customizing my cars. Compared to the ones from my childhood, (Hot Pursuit 2, Underground, Underground 2, Most Wanted), this was far below what it should have been. 


5. Call of Duty Black Ops III 

I love the early Call of Duty games. My favorites include the original, Modern Warfare 2, and Black Ops. The worst? It's a hard choice between Ghosts, Advanced Warfare, and Black Ops III out of all the one's I played. However, I feel Black Ops III is the biggest disappointment for me. Standard multiplayer with not that much new additions to be found that weren't already In previous titles, a very boring story that I couldn't even bother to finish because the game failed to get my emotionally invested in the characters they presented, and a short-lived entertaining zombie mode that didn't last very long. This was the point that I gave up on getting excited for new Call of Duty releases. I'd rather play Black Ops, Black Ops II, any of the Modern Warfare's, and even 2003 COD on my PC. 

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Tales of Zestiria: I hated the battle system the most- almost no party customisation since Sorey and Rose had to be in the party, allowing you to only choose 2 other members. The camera work was horrible, and there were a lot of things in the game that irritated me like that overly complex and unnecessary skill sheet that I could never get my head around, so I ignored it for the whole game which shows that it's not really needed. I disliked the characters as well; Laila and Alisha were annoying, Alisha and Rose's cat fight was silly... skits only occurring at inns was annoying, and the whole dessert and cooking system was out the window, the worst of all Tales games. I personally found the game to be a tedious drag that really tested my mental strength to just finish.


FFXV: There are many reasons I hated this FF as a long term FF fan. The whole male harem Roppongi host club emo boy gang setting with a lack of female playable characters was the main thing that did not sit well with me, along with the dingy story lacking the usual FF depth and unexplained ending. Luna and Noctis's relationship came across as weird to me; they have hardly met but were arranged to be married and supposedly in love with each other? The battle system was good, but magic being consumable, the night and day thing and the annoying aspect of having to camp or be devoured by those Iron giant monsters that decide to kill you in your car, staring at the backs of four boys just drive around a Cadillac lookalike for ages when fast travel wasn't available (I had a novel handy playing this game), treasure being barely visible specs on the ground that needs your tv set to max brightness to see, long load times etc.. Also, the girl scout stuff like cooking, selfies and fishing was a odd to me for guys to do as I don't really know or see guys do girly stuff like that. 


All the rubbish DLC, Online stuff and releasing content even now many months post release.... don't know what they are trying to achieve. Just bring us the FFVII remake that this world has been waiting for!


Pokemon Sun/Moon/Sun 2/Moon 2: I used to love Pokemon, but with Sun and Moon I didn't like how the characters designs were changed to little kids compared to looking more like teenagers in previous games. Also, the battles, evolution and everything just got too complex and convoluted, and the new pokemon designs weren't appealing to me. So ORAS marked the last of my Pokemon adventures and I have given up the series from sun and moon, and also sold my 3DS. I shall leave Pokemon to this generation of kids, as a millenial like me prefers the simplicity of something like Johto, Hoenn or even Unova and Kalos weren't too bad. I loved X and Y. For me, nothing beats good old Kanto, Johto and Hoenn, and Kalos was pretty good too. 


KH Chain of Memories: As much as I am addicted to KH, have played all the original games and spin offs, and have been waiting for KH3 since I was 12 (I'm now 26....), CoM had a bad battle system. I played the original GBA version and also the PS4 remake, and the game is practically identical to KH1 regarding the Worlds, but that card battle system and just going up some tower was really boring, especially compared to all the other KH games which I loved. 


Tales of Symphonia Ratatosk Knight: Cheesy, sugary, childish and embarrassing to the point that skits in this game made me want to vomit. Marta and Emil's lovely dovey corny interactions were just too much for my eyes and ears to handle, so I didn't make it past the first town before giving this game a toss. The whole monster capture thing and only having these two annoying love birds as human party members was pretty crappy as well. I much prefer normal Tales games with the usual 6 or so party members to choose from. But it was Marta and Emil themselves that drove me nuts. 





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Dead rising 


Loved 2 and off the record but the first one is a pile of shite. The gameplay is woeful especially once you pass level 9 and get the roll skill, once that happens you roll every 5 seconds for no reason and its annoying beyond belief. There is no point even trying to save survivors as they die within seconds even if they have guns. The game crashes if you kill quite alot of zombies when you are going for the kill 53,000 (standard crapcom) so you need to play it safe and save alot. I had tonnes of fun with the others so much so I Platted em both twice but I'd never bother with this one, I doubt I'll even bother finishing the story. And that bullshit trophy that you have to play for 14 hours straight!? Imagine if the shit game crashed. FUCK THAT!

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1. Devil May Cry 2... do I need to say more?
2. Assassins creed 3

Oh dear god, this game was such a step pack in every single way. The main character was one the most boring characters I have seen in a game, vendors in RPG games have more to them than this guy. And the story... oh lord... At least we got AC4 because of it...

3. Final Fantasy 13 

The fact that somebody got paid to write this game makes me believe i can do whatever I want and still get paid. The story itself was good but it was told in a terrible way. The gameplay was fun but the characters were stupid, the graphics were... amazing, but it was all eye candy... But hey I love FF15 so what do I know right?
4.Ninja Gaiden 3

How do you fuck up ninja gaiden? DMC is my favourite series of all time but NG always had better gameplay, and they fucked it up. It felt like I was playing a wii game about cutting fruit...

5. Dead Space 3

I love horror games, and this series had so much potential.... damn the first two games were so fucking good, and then they do this -.- Did you know that they wanted to used enemies for MP so that each play would see something different? So that even you as a player would start getting paranoid. So many good ideas and then they kill the franchise 

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MegaTagmention Blanc + Neptune VS Zombies

Danganronpa Another Episode: Ultra Despair Girls


I have least favourite games from other series but these two are the only ones that I actually hated. They were garbage.

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Digimon All-Star Rumble

A lot of the Digimon Games are hit-or-miss.  Even the misses have a certain charm about them.  The original Rumble Arena was so much fun.  A Smash Bros on the Playstation but with Digimon, sign me up.  But this, this was boring.  The story mode was a slog with no challenge after getting used to the controls.


Neptunia PP

Nothing against the game really, I just hate idols.  I don't get the appeal.  I played Dancing All Night and was like, okay, a cast of characters I like can get me to play a dumb idol game so I looked into Neptunia PP thinking the same.  Nope, couldn't really stand this game at all.


Shinovi Versus

This is in hindsight.  I liked it when it first came out.  But it's mostly a rehash of the first game, but with different schools.  The Crimson squad is the most interesting story and you have to play the other three first.  And this game gave us Yumi.  I have the same complaint against idols.  I do not get the appeal of her.


Lightning Returns

Debating putting this up here, since I haven't finished it.  But I put Neptunia PP and I barely played it.  I don't really like Lightning.  And if Square wants to make another Valkyrie Profile, they should make a new Valkyrie Profile.  I thought the stat system through sidequests was neat though.


Ar Tonelico Qoga: Knell of Ar Ciel

I love Ar Tonelico 2.  It's one of my favorite games.  I've played through multiple times.  Cloche, Luca, and Jaquli are some of my favorite characters.  Knell of Ar Ciel is just bad.  And like All-Star Rumble, it's just boring to play.  The music is bad.  The girls are awful.  The hero isn't interesting.  

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Far Cry 2 - I didn't care for the gun jamming or the malaria elements in this one.  If not for these things, I'd probably have liked it. 


Quake 4 - The action is rather slow paced compared to Quake II (which is included with the Xbox 360 version).  Q2's soundtrack & level design are also far superior to Q4's.  Q4's levels don't feel as wide open as 2's.  They're more corridor style & linear, like Doom 3. The Xbox 360 version of Q4 also has some horrible frame rate drops.


Tomb Raider: Angel of Darkness - I have never been a fan of the earlier TR series' controls.  I'm sure they're good games, just not my kind. But this one is worse to the point that it actually becomes a bad game.  I'll stick to the reboot TR series.


Call of Duty MW3 - Pretty much what BlueFireReaper just said.  The Black Ops trilogy (BO4 doesn't count for lack of campaign) totally smacks down MW.


F.E.A.R. 3 - Quite a disappointment after the first one, the two expansion packs, & Project Origin: F.E.A.R. 2. . It's not as scary or epic as the earlier titles.  Nothing really makes you say "what the fuck". The final boss battle is sort of a letdown as well (OMG, 2's is great).  At least the voice acting was great, with Peter Lurie returning as Paxton Fettel.  F.E.A.R. 3 is alright, but it doesn't exactly feel like a proper part of this series.

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