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5 hours ago, Briste said:

Platinum #193


The Godfather II




5 hours ago, Briste said:

I ended up having Covid when I started this game.


Okay, maybe not so nice.


Great write-up, dude! I thought this game had a very unfinished feel, so many great functions like having a crew, or features like multiple maps, yet they just didn't feel quite as explored as they could have been. I still enjoyed it quite a bit, possibly because I loved the first Godfather game when it came out (warts and all, much like this one).


But yeah, agreed with pretty much everything you said - reminded me that my lazy ass needs to get to writing about this one of these days😄

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  • 2 weeks later...

Sorry this reply is coming so late...I've decided I need to stop saying I'm going to post more lol It never seems to happen despite my best intentions. My boss was recently let go and I've been doing the job of two people and my kids are starting to go to bed later now and I'm just beat almost every night. I'm kind of just going through the motions with my games right now to just blow off some steam...but I don't have the energy for it as much right now....and even less to properly maintain this thread. I'd really like to, but I just have so many other things going on so I'll just say that I'll post when I can.

On 9/8/2023 at 3:15 AM, YaManSmevz said:

Great write-up, dude! I thought this game had a very unfinished feel, so many great functions like having a crew, or features like multiple maps, yet they just didn't feel quite as explored as they could have been. I still enjoyed it quite a bit, possibly because I loved the first Godfather game when it came out (warts and all, much like this one).


I never new there was a Godfather game lol I didn't know this one existed either until I was looking up the first games with trophies. Was that game also a GTA clone? Unfinished is a good word for this one. A lot of potential and some good ideas, just didn't quite do everything it could have. I am definitely glad I played it though.


Platinum #194


Call of Duty: World at War

So this series has been a true surprise for me. As I mentioned in previous posts, I first playe CoD on my friends Xbox way back during the MW2 days I think. We played online for like 20 minutes, I got slaughtered and had absolutely no fun with it and thought never again. I had bought Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 when I bought my PS3, just so I'd have an MP game to play in case someone came over. It remained unopened until last year and I only played it since I paid full price for it way back when. I was shocked at how much I actually enjoyed it. I solo'd most of the online stuff and DLC's and thought the campaign was a really good challenge. After that experience, I bought most of the other ones that I plan on playing over time. I was pleased to see that this game was so low on the game page count and that I'd get to play a game I really wanted for my project. 


I had done a little research going into this one. I know these games can be full of hackers and I really don't want to have to hide any games on my profile for some online shenanigans. I saw that this game was not really safe to play in public lobbies online and I had also read that the main campaign on Veteran difficulty was one of the hardest in the series. I wasn't so worried about the campaign, but the online portion made me nervous. What made the campaign so hard was the absolutely ridiculous grenade spam. There were certain sections of the game (looking at you 'Heart of the Reich' mission). That particular mission requires you to take out four stationary guns. I found the first two guns to be fairly easy to do, and thank goodness there's a checkpoint right after that second gun is taken out because the next section taking out the last two was brutal for me. You need to use cover when you move virtually all the time if you want to survive in Veteran, but you also have to keep moving because if you stay still for more than a few seconds, odds are there's three grenades being lobbed at you. Even when you're not close, they are tossing them at you. It's bananas the amount of grenades get thrown at you. It's not unique to that level, but that particular checkpoint was really hard for me due to that.


The next hardest level for me was the 'Burn'em Out' mission. You get a flamethrower and spend most of the level in trenches, where you get shot at from people in trees and people running on the top of the trenches and people in the trenches. You get some smoke grenades, that I found extremely useful in a few tricky spots, but it just took a lot of trial an error to get through it. I tend to play these games through on Veteran my first go through to save time. I figure I have to beat them on that difficulty anyway, so I might as well just do it to start and then use the regular playthrough for clean up if needed.


I like these campaigns and I appreciate that they bounce you around a few different characters to play. It allows them to expand the story a bit and gives you some different perspectives to play from. The graphics were good for the time and the controls are good. The trophies for the game are pretty consistent as well. You pretty much get some trophies for beating missions in Veteran difficulty, there's always a collectible to find and then there's some unique things to do in a mission for a trophy. I found the hardest random trophy to be the 'Sum of all Zeros' trophy for shooting down 45 Japanese planes. There's not too many more planes than 45 it seems so you need to shoot down most of them. It takes a little while to learn the level well enough to know where they are coming from. Thankfully it can be done in Regular difficulty...but that one took me a good 45 minutes to an hour to get.


I found the hardest trophies in the game to be for the DLC's. Both involve the Zombies mode of the game, which has historically been my least favorite part of the games. The trophies are not easy for either of them and require quite a bit of luck to do solo. In the Map Pack 2 DLC, there's no place safe where you do not have to worry about zombies coming from a blind spot. There's a very specific strat for doing it solo, but it requires a lot of luck with regards to the random gun you get from the mystery box and the random perk you get from the vending machine. You need the Wunderwaffe, which is like an electric shock gun, and a high capacity, fast shooting gun like the PPSh-41. You need specific perks. You really need to end each round with a crawler, which is a zombie whose legs have been blown off, so it moves really slowly. This allows you to catch your breath, replace boards on windows for some cheap points and get ready for the next round. As the rounds get higher, the zombies move much, much faster and if you get stuck, you're pretty much dead. The strategy involves getting those key guns/perks, unlocking specific areas, and then running a loop to get a huge zombie train behind you before running back into the hut, creating a long line of sight where you can just mow the zombies down. It took me several days of trying to get the right setup and used to the strategy, until I was able to beat it. You feel like a major badass when you get it working, but it was very hard to do.


I didn't think DLC Map Pack 3 could possibly be as hard as Map Pack 2, but I was wrong. In theory, it is easier. The level has warps, you can boost up your weapon, and there is an area where you can camp where you won't be attacked from the back or sides...but the trophies make this one harder. The trophy 'Perkaholics Anonymous!' requires you to get to the 20th round without buying a perk. That is super hard to do. I tried for several days to do this solo and just wasn't even getting close. I did what I could and then decided to do something risky...I joined a public lobby to see if I could do it with others. I got reeeeeaaaaaaally lucky. I got into a room with two dudes who were vastly better than me at the game. I pretty much just had to not screw them up, and we were going to make it. It's hard not to screw things up in the later rounds. There's just so many zombies, they move so fast, and they don't go down as easy...plus there's Hell Dogs to contend with. The first 18 rounds or so, you can hang out in the camping spot up the stairs and survive...but after that round, it gets impossible. You have to use the teleporter and start to kite a bit to survive. I was not prepared for this the first time through and we died in round 19. Thankfully, the same two dudes played again and we got to like round 22 and I got the trophy. I was able to do all of the other trophies alone, but I rolled the dice with that one that I wouldn't get screwed by hackers and really lucked out.


While Zombies is my least favorite part of the game, I found the DLC's to be very satisfying to beat since they were so hard and it's typically not something I'm good at. The game has been out for 15 years, so odds are if you wanted to play this game, you would have by now. If you haven't, it is a fun game to play and I would recommend it. I'm not terribly good at FPS games and I was able to solo everything but one trophy, so I think it's achievable by most with a little patience. I'm currently playing the Vita CoD game, Call of Duty: Black Ops Declassified. That game is mostly hard because the Vita screen is so damn small, but I will definitely play more games from this series going forward. I think I have less interest in the newest ones, but these classic ones have been a lot of fun.


The rest of the games in my project will be beaten eventually, but I'm going to turn those into series runs now. I really enjoyed Bioshock and am looking forward to the other games in that series. I also need to finish Mirror's Edge...and the Soulsborne series...my ambitions are high and my time is low 😭

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 9/21/2023 at 7:30 PM, Briste said:

I never new there was a Godfather game lol I didn't know this one existed either until I was looking up the first games with trophies. Was that game also a GTA clone? Unfinished is a good word for this one. A lot of potential and some good ideas, just didn't quite do everything it could have. I am definitely glad I played it though.


Oh yeah, total GTA clone. I thought it was a lot of fun though! Definitely more fully realized than the sequel, even if it didn't always work as well as it should have. Definitely worth a play, especially if you had fun with the sequel!

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  • 2 months later...
13 hours ago, Briste said:

The fact is, I'm the only one that truly knows my mind...and despite the fact that I present happiness to my friends and family, because that's how I want them to feel, I'm not sure that is how I truly feel. I should feel that way....but something just seems off. I feel fatigued and I'm just running the rat race, treading water. I'll keep that lie going with my wife and kids, because I don't want them to worry (and truly there isn't anything to worry about), but I just need to do some soul searching and find what makes me happy. In the pursuit of doing, what I think is the right thing for my family, I've forgotten about myself a bit....I'll make no promises about this thread...I won't abandon it, but I also don't know how often this will be updated either.....stream of consciousness over.


Not that I would be qualified to give advice, but - have you thought that it might be something bordering burn out if reallife is afflicted? Please take good care of your health, it's usually the only one you got. There is nothing wrong with doing something for yourself now and again.


Hope you feel better soon.

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  • 2 months later...


I remember seeing you around in Bad Company. I decided to just get all the multiplayer trophies I could before the closure and I never successfully joined a boosting group. I did fairly well all things considered and actually got pretty good at the game even against the lifers haha. But I definitely didn't attempt the 10000 kills or all the awards. I did get half of them(and the trophy for it) so I felt pretty accomplished over that since I did them legit. I'm sad the game is over it actually replaced R6 Siege for me for awhile. Now I'm back on Siege for my multiplayer shooter fix haha.

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15 hours ago, Super_Mep said:

I remember seeing you around in Bad Company. I decided to just get all the multiplayer trophies I could before the closure and I never successfully joined a boosting group. I did fairly well all things considered and actually got pretty good at the game even against the lifers haha. But I definitely didn't attempt the 10000 kills or all the awards. I did get half of them(and the trophy for it) so I felt pretty accomplished over that since I did them legit. I'm sad the game is over it actually replaced R6 Siege for me for awhile. Now I'm back on Siege for my multiplayer shooter fix haha.

I remember seeing your name too! I'm impressed you were able to do that much without a boosting group. It was painfully slow on my own with an alt...can't imagine without it. Not all of the lifers were bad, but some of them were pretty unfun to play with. I'll be cycling through the old COD games if I need a fix any time soon.

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  • 2 months later...
20 hours ago, Briste said:

It was the third to last trophy I had to get and I could not have been more happy once this trophy popped. It meant all I had left was two more boring run throughs to max out WR and QB...two of the 'more fun' positions to play. If you are looking for a football game and do not care about the platinum, you already know this exists and probably will enjoy it just fine. If you are a trophy hunter and completionist....stay far, far away from this steaming turd. The game was 95% headache and 5% fun...you can do much better than this.


Yea... I looked at those Madden trophies when the game became available for all users on EA Play and nope'd the hell outta there when I saw the grind that was involved. Last Madden I touched was Madden 22 which I was able to get done in a handful of days. Now they've made the plat unfathomably grindy in the laziest ways possible. It feels like they've given up on all things creatively given they did the exact same trophy list for Madden 24, will 100% do the same thing for Madden 25, and are even repeating the same boring ass white/black font for the trophy icons. 


On the other hand, MLB The Show platinums have become cupcakes in a role reversal so if you ever wanna get a sports fix, I plan on scooping up 24 later in the year. OR maybe I won't. Marlins damn sure haven't given me anything this season.


20 hours ago, Briste said:

Well, I'm going to pat myself on the back for a moment....I got two reviews done in two days. It's still early-ish here so maybe I get one more in tonight while I'm watching the Bruins game. They are going head to head with @realm722's Florida Panthers, who knocked out the record setting Bruins last year in the first round after the Bruins were up 3-1. We're looking for payback this year, however the Bruins are coming off an exciting game 7 while the Panthers are well rested. Hopefully the Panthers have a little rust tonight and the Bruins can get out to an early lead.


Hah... 'grats on the Game 1 victory. I had the game on and watched the whole 1st period. Then from then onwards I was on some ZOOM calls with some friends from Colombia and Venezuela and the game on in the corner. I saw us go ahead 1-0 and then get spanked the rest of the way lmao. Panthers need to be better in every facet in order to get a chance because we were outplayed in every category. Still expect it to be a long series regardless.

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On 5/8/2024 at 10:28 PM, Briste said:

FYI, I have so much I want to say to you about your awesome review on Rebirth....but it'd end up making my review moot lol I'll probably reference your review several times in mine, but you went the extra mile with yours. I won't go into the Chapter detail that you did, but I'll have a lot to say as well.




Looking forward to it! I've been waiting for somebody to bounce my opinions off of from that wall of text and see if my sentiments were generally in line with others or if I'm just too hooked on that narcotic to talk about it rationally.


On 5/8/2024 at 10:28 PM, Briste said:

I used it one time in one of the rooms (can't remember which) because I was trying to pin a postcard or photograph on the corkboard or wall, but it just wouldn't let me do it. Nothing else made sense and I didn't feel like doing the old 'point and click mix and match everything' move. I turned that on so I could put the photo on the wall, finished the level, and then turned it back off.


Happy to see you played Unpacking. It's a lovely little title to break up the rhythm between bigger, more expensive games. I did wanna make mention of one thing. I think it's possible the postcard you're referring to is the one with the ex-boyfriend/husband and THAT'S the reason the game didn't allow you to hang it up out in the open. If you attempted to put it away in a drawer rather than have it on display, the game would have allowed it. If it's not that, forgive me. But I'm decently certain it was given the fact I've seen this mentioned by a number of trophy cabinet threads here for being a wonderful example of subtle narrative storytelling. Rather than say: "GIRL SAD. GIRL BROKE UP WITH BOY. PLEASE HIDE PHOTO." You're subtly nudged in that direction. if I'm totally off base, forgive me.

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On 5/6/2024 at 2:43 PM, Briste said:

Platinum #197


Madden NFL 23


Great review, man! For a split second gave me FOMO with football games... til I remembered that I hate football😂


On 5/6/2024 at 2:43 PM, Briste said:

Growing up, Madden was one of the games that I used to get every year. I always found the Sega Genesis version to be the superior version over the SNES one. I'm not sure why, but Sega Genesis just did sports games better for some reason. It was the same with NBA, NHL, and FIFA games. I think SNES held its own with baseball games, but always trailed in the other sports.


As an SNES kid with Genesis-toting friends (or some who had both because they were rich asses), I'd like to go on record saying that all of this is 100% factual😂


On 5/8/2024 at 7:28 PM, Briste said:

Platinum #198




I'm so glad you played and liked this one! As Realm said, the subtle storytelling adds a lot, I really dug this one a lot. Great write-up as always, sir!

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On 5/11/2024 at 9:56 PM, Briste said:

lol I had both 🤣but it wasn't because we were rich lol it was because my parents were divorced and they used to try to 'one up' the other quite a bit around the holidays. My mother had gotten me an SNES for Christmas, so my dad got the the Genesis for my birthday. Another year, my dad got me a cool road bike so I could ride over to my friends houses, then my mom got me a sweet mountain bike to one up that. While the divorce sucked because my parents hated each other so much and shit talked each other all the time, the divorce was great for presents around birthdays and the holidays when I was younger.


Damn man, that's wack.. though I suppose at least you got something out of the deal? My sister's dad wasn't married to our mom, but after they split there was an awful lot of mud-slinging my she had to endure going from house to house. It really took a toll on her, so I have a very vague idea of how much that must've sucked, I'm really sorry to hear that.


On 5/11/2024 at 9:56 PM, Briste said:

When I was at my mom's house, I was an SNES kid, but at my dad's I was a Genesis kid. While Genesis tended to have the better sports games (none better than NHL 94 with Jeremy Roenick as a God in that game), SNES tended to have better every other genre. The arcade style games were pretty good on Sega (Golden Axe) and some of the RPG style (Shining Force, Phantasy Star), but I think the three button Genesis controller held back some of what it could do. They did come out with a six button controller at some point, but the Fighting games were better on the SNES (except Mortal Kombat since Nintendo didn't allow the blood/gore that Sega did) so I had more SNES games than Genesis.


Yeah dude, NHL and NBA on Genesis were the business! And back in the day the whole Mortal Kombat blood thing was a huuge blow to us SNES kids... although the three button thing is true, I could never get the hang of that, and can only imagine how that must've been when playing MK!


On 5/11/2024 at 9:56 PM, Briste said:

        Platinum #200


Final Fantasy XVI


Yo that's a dope platinum image!


Magic and equipment being useless? A story that goes from amazing to dumb with ease? Sounds like XVI has a case of FF8itis!


It is kinda funny to picture excessive cursing in a Final Fantasy game, particularly in that type of setting. "Here son, I've loved these games my whole life, why don't you play for a while an-" "COCK!! FUCK!!!" "Uhhhh yeah, nevermind, go to your room!"


You also hit the nail on the head with how those quests go. I always would laugh at how someone's towns would be in ruins, with a very clear desperation in the air, and there's always some dumb motherfucker who's like "Hey, would you find these trading cards for me?" Coping mechanisms are strange, I guess!


As always, great write-up! I'm still debating if I'll get past XIII with my FFing (and the 7 remakes, of course), but we shall see.

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On 5/13/2024 at 10:06 PM, YaManSmevz said:

Damn man, that's wack.. though I suppose at least you got something out of the deal? My sister's dad wasn't married to our mom, but after they split there was an awful lot of mud-slinging my she had to endure going from house to house. It really took a toll on her, so I have a very vague idea of how much that must've sucked, I'm really sorry to hear that.

No worries my dude....it was almost 40 years ago so I've had time to cope lol It was a weird dynamic where I think I ended up liking and not liking my parents more from it. I'd get upset at the mudslinging, but it made me look for the good things I liked in them when I had to defend one to the other. I guess it helped me appreciate and find the good stuff so that I could properly defend. It wasn't fun to have to do it, but it was a long time ago now.


On 5/13/2024 at 10:06 PM, YaManSmevz said:

Yo that's a dope platinum image!

I thought so too! That's part of why it made it's way as a milestone :)


On 5/13/2024 at 10:06 PM, YaManSmevz said:

As always, great write-up! I'm still debating if I'll get past XIII with my FFing (and the 7 remakes, of course), but we shall see.

Thank you sir! It's a pretty large undertaking to tackle the whole series, but I've truly enjoyed almost all of my time with the series. Even the less popular games I enjoyed at least a little. They are long, grindy and not for everyone, but I think they are worth playing. 


Platinum #201


LEGO DC Super-Villains

Well guys, it happened again. My son saw a LEGO game he wanted to play with me, so I downloaded it, started playing it with him, and after a few hours, he lost interest and I'm stuck finishing up the 40 hour grind solo lol. While I find these LEGO games to be mostly fine....they are all pretty much the same and I really didn't need to play five of them. Having said that, if he came up to me tomorrow and said 'Dad, can we play a LEGO Star Wars game?' I'd 100% buy it and play it with him. He just turned 10 and I'm sure he'll not want to be playing games with me at some point, so I'll take all I can get! I did wait almost a year before finishing this one with the hopes he'd ask about it again....but he's now into Roblox quite a bit. He's also playing Mario 64 with me on my N64 (he has gotten about half the stars), and he's lightly playing Diablo 2 as a Druid. 


I don't have much to say about this one. I'm pretty sure it's based on a LEGO movie that I've seen with my kids, but it's the same recipe as all the others. There's a story mode where you do the story with locked characters, then a free play mode where you can play as any hero/villain to clean up on the collectibles....you collect LEGO studs to unlock new characters.... you collect gold bricks as you go that are rewards for minigames and puzzles...red bricks you find give you special additions like a stud collecting multiplier. All very familiar for LEGO games.


The games seem to get bigger and bigger, with more and more to collect. There were like 100 characters to collect in this one. Nothing terribly hard though and I was able to complete everything, including the DLC, in about 40 hours. The games are fun enough, but I don't think I am the target audience for these titles lol It wasn't a terrible game to finish up, but nothing something I will actively choose on my own. If you have kids or are a LEGO nut, then this game would be fun for you....if not, then you definitely do not need to play this. If you want to play a LEGO game, there are dozens to choose from and just pick one in a setting you like. Once you finish that one, you've pretty much played them all.

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  • 2 weeks later...
8 hours ago, Briste said:

For the past few years, a few people in my discord chat group and I will try and play some sort of co-op game together. None of them all out co-op since gaming schedules an be challenging to sync up. So far, Torchlight 2, Team Sonic Racing, Path of Exile, Diablo 2, DOOM Eternal, Demon's Souls, Genshin Impact, and Risk of Rain 2 are games I've played due to attempts to play something co-op.




8 hours ago, Briste said:

My plan for the rest of 2024's games to play will be:


South Park: Snow Day!

Metal Hellsinger

Disco Elysium

PAIN! (for milestone)

Demon's Souls (PS5)

Dark Souls Remastered

Dark Souls 2

Dark Souls 3


Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice

Elden Ring

Atelier Rorona: The Alchemist of Arland DX 

any other Atelier games I can before the end of the year.


As much as I love the Souls series, I cannot recommend this. You're asking for burnout. I was burned out midway through Elden Ring and that was with a year's long break.


If you really want to do a whole series, just do DS1, DS2, and DS3. They're a complete set. Wait a bit before getting into Bloodborne. It plays very differently. Same with Sekiro. Elden Ring... honestly, I'd wait for that as long as possible. Play that when you're in a gaming lull. You're going to be doing yourself and that game a disservice if you try to rush it.


I know you're Mr. Series Completionist and you're probably thinking I'm just saying this to get you to play Rorona sooner, but I think future Briste will thank me if he chooses to heed my warning. You walk a dangerous path here.


8 hours ago, Briste said:

I already had planned that with the Soulsborne series, so no worries there....but Atelier is a horse of a different color....there are SIXTEEN games in that series. While I know I don't have to do it....and it's probably stupid to do it....but I'm going to do it since I think it'll be funny.


I know I already told you this, but for the sake of posterity, this is my recommendation for how to deal with the Atelier series:

  1. Play Rorona or Ryza first.
  2. If you play Rorona first and like it, play Totori and then Meruru. You're then free to play any other trilogy within the series.
  3. If you play Rorona first and don't like it, play Ryza. If you don't like that either, you're done with the series.
  4. If you play Ryza first and like it, play Ryza 2 and Ryza 3. You're then free to play any other trilogy within the series.
  5. If you play Ryza first and don't like it... what's wrong with you?
  6. The only oddball games are Lulua, Sophie 2, Marie, and Nelke. Recommendation is to play Lulua after the Arland trilogy, Sophie 2 after Sophie 1 OR the Mysterious trilogy, and Marie whenever you want.
  7. Save Nelke for last. And only for the lulz.
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On 5/26/2024 at 2:24 PM, Rally-Vincent--- said:

Disco Elysium definitely is worth playing.

I'm looking forward to it. I hadn't ever heard of it before, but from what I've seen, I think it's something I'll enjoy.


22 hours ago, Cassylvania said:

As much as I love the Souls series, I cannot recommend this. You're asking for burnout. I was burned out midway through Elden Ring and that was with a year's long break.


If you really want to do a whole series, just do DS1, DS2, and DS3. They're a complete set. Wait a bit before getting into Bloodborne. It plays very differently. Same with Sekiro. Elden Ring... honestly, I'd wait for that as long as possible. Play that when you're in a gaming lull. You're going to be doing yourself and that game a disservice if you try to rush it.


I know you're Mr. Series Completionist and you're probably thinking I'm just saying this to get you to play Rorona sooner, but I think future Briste will thank me if he chooses to heed my warning. You walk a dangerous path here.

While I would like to do it as I wrote above, what you're mentioning here isn't unprecedented for me. I was originally going to to the entire Battlefield series after finishing Bad Company 1 + 2, but really wasn't in the mood to do the other games so decided I'd treat the Bad Company games as a series and then decide if I wanted to do the other ones at a later date. If I'm feeling burned out after doing the three Dark Souls games, I'll probably pivot to what you mentioned....but if I could do the entire KH series in order, I'm feeling pretty confident I could do this. Atelier on the other hand might need to be split....16 in a row is a tall order.....BUT I think it'd be cool if I could do it so we'll play it by ear.


22 hours ago, Cassylvania said:

I know I already told you this, but for the sake of posterity, this is my recommendation for how to deal with the Atelier series:

  1. Play Rorona or Ryza first.
  2. If you play Rorona first and like it, play Totori and then Meruru. You're then free to play any other trilogy within the series.
  3. If you play Rorona first and don't like it, play Ryza. If you don't like that either, you're done with the series.
  4. If you play Ryza first and like it, play Ryza 2 and Ryza 3. You're then free to play any other trilogy within the series.
  5. If you play Ryza first and don't like it... what's wrong with you?
  6. The only oddball games are Lulua, Sophie 2, Marie, and Nelke. Recommendation is to play Lulua after the Arland trilogy, Sophie 2 after Sophie 1 OR the Mysterious trilogy, and Marie whenever you want.
  7. Save Nelke for last. And only for the lulz.

My current plan was to follow the series order that is on PSNP and do them in that order since I feel like this is a series where the order is less important...similar to most of the Final Fantasy games since the majority of them have nothing to do with one another.


The currently planned order is:


Rorona -> Totori -> Meruru -> Ayesha -> Escha & Logy -> Shallie -> Sophie -> Firis -> Lydie & Suelle -> Lulua -> Ryza -> Ryza 2 -> Sophie 2 -> Ryza 3 -> Marie -> Nelke


If that order makes no sense, feel free to re-arrange. My instinct would be to move Sophie 2 to right after Sophie and Ryza 3 to right after Ryza 2....but I have no idea lol

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20 hours ago, Briste said:

My current plan was to follow the series order that is on PSNP and do them in that order since I feel like this is a series where the order is less important...similar to most of the Final Fantasy games since the majority of them have nothing to do with one another.


The currently planned order is:


Rorona -> Totori -> Meruru -> Ayesha -> Escha & Logy -> Shallie -> Sophie -> Firis -> Lydie & Suelle -> Lulua -> Ryza -> Ryza 2 -> Sophie 2 -> Ryza 3 -> Marie -> Nelke


If that order makes no sense, feel free to re-arrange. My instinct would be to move Sophie 2 to right after Sophie and Ryza 3 to right after Ryza 2....but I have no idea lol


So, I don't want to spoil any of the amazing plots of these games, but the games within each trilogy are connected story-wise (e.g. most of the cast in Rorona is also in Totori, and most of the cast in Totori is in Meruru.) Usually, the alchemist you play as in the first game becomes the mentor for the next alchemist. The reason that Lulua is an oddball is that it takes place after the events in Meruru and continues/concludes the Arland series, even though it was released much later. Same for Sophie 2. Those are the only two games I'd suggest doing earlier than you have planned.


That said, if you don't care about the story, you can play the games in any order. The reason I suggested starting with Rorona or Ryza is because they're on opposite ends of the spectrum. Rorona is the hardest/most unforgiving game in the series. (It was made easier in the DX version, but now Meruru DX is the hardest.) I don't know if Ryza is the easiest, but it's the most fun. You'll get a good understanding of what a series completion will look like from just those two games.


Most of the games play the same. The main challenge in the earlier games is the time limit per assignment, which can potentially softlock you into starting over. Make extra saves when you do those ones. Every game has a slightly different combat and alchemy system, but it tends to get less complicated in newer games. If you can get through the Arland games, you can get through anything.

Edited by Cassylvania
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