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Advise the next plat to the person above you

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So near to plating :)

Man, you have so many great games that are unfinished!! 


I'd say Red Dead, Uncharted 3, Bioshock Infinite and Batman: Arkham City are the best games you haven't finished, but Sound Shapes is probably the closest to plat. 


Didn't really help much, did I? lol

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Since you have already said you're going for it...go for Catherine! :)


But if you want something after that..I'd personally go for Mafia II as it was one of my favorite games on the PS3, and it looks like you're already a good ways into it, even if you havent played it in a while..

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Skyrim! sounds bugged though, so AC2


It is. I need to make a new character and grind to level thirty to do the Deadric quests all over again. As for Assassin's Creed... I just hate those flipping feathers!



COD Ghosts


I try to ony advise games I have experience with so I am going to say keep where you are and work towards Bioshock 2.

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Kingdom Hearts Final Mix. Been meaning to go for it myself, and Kingdom Hearts is pretty awesome, so that's my recommendation to you :) And to whom may recommend a platinum to me, I point the following out: I'm at 97% on Minecraft for Vita, but alas, the last trophy is glitched for me -_- So unfortunately, that one shall not count.

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Comparing your trophies to mine StormRacer, I would advise you to go for AC4. Since you've pretty much completed the game with a bit left, and some cleaning up to do on side missions you're all set for the platinum. As for that last online trophy it should be fairly simple if you boost it enough on Wolfpack, regardless you seem like a veteran assassin like myself. It's such an enjoyable game and it's my favorite in the series after the Ezio trilogy, AC3 had potential but its glitches were a setback. 

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