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Advise the next plat to the person above you

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Bionic Commando.

Usually you don't need to suggest the game the person is currently playing. Also, BC doesn't have a platinum :D

@Bry: P4G. I hear great things about it and it's not supposed to be super difficult.

Edited by Hemiak
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From the ones he already owns, Uncharted 3. If he wants to try one game that he hasn't played, he should try Metal Gear Solid 3, it's a masterpiece (for many people, me included), it doesn't have online trophies and it's an easy platinum.

Edited by Deceptrox
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Dead Nation Apocalypse Adition. It's an easy platinum and your not far from it

I don't find it easy. I think Never Give Up may be impossible and aliens with names like Joey and Timberloche are the only people with it platted. 


And for you, I think you should get those two grindy trophies for Rocket League.

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