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This was the buggiest game I ever played. Entire zones wouldn't load at times. Loading times take forever. Sometimes takes minutes to respawn if you die. Sometimes you fall into the void and have to dashboard and lose progress. Easy platinum even with horrible glitches. Average game.

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3 minutes ago, Old-Toasty said:

This was the buggiest game I ever played. Entire zones wouldn't load at times. Loading times take forever. Sometimes takes minutes to respawn if you die. Sometimes you fall into the void and have to dashboard and lose progress. Easy platinum even with horrible glitches. Average game.

Yes, That is why I avoided it ... I see its on sale now so, is this game patched up by now or is this still a mess? 

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I've been playing it over the last few weeks. As far as technical goes it has been a fairly smooth experience. I did have one game crash but otherwise the game has been pretty bug free. I think the times when the game hitches up the most for me is when I am running around getting collectibles because then I'm not worried about taking my time and i rush through between areas as fast as i can go and loading in new areas is when it gets a little glitchy but otherwise its been a smooth ride

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I see ..What about all the trophies? Still a problem?

10 minutes ago, Raqiros said:

I've been playing it since thursday and haven't encountered any bugs so far.

I hope they patched them up and I'm not just lucky.


8 minutes ago, DarthMagnus0605 said:

I've been playing it over the last few weeks. As far as technical goes it has been a fairly smooth experience. I did have one game crash but otherwise the game has been pretty bug free. I think the times when the game hitches up the most for me is when I am running around getting collectibles because then I'm not worried about taking my time and i rush through between areas as fast as i can go and loading in new areas is when it gets a little glitchy but otherwise its been a smooth ride


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As of the current patch, none of the trophies are glitchy on my side anyways however when you do enter different areas, it can freeze for about 20 seconds due to to the loading and rendering of the next environment which is somewhat annoying but didn't bother me that much


I would say definitely buy it because it is quite an enjoyable game despite the slow progress at the beginning

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When I played the game on launch day, it was really glitchy. Enemies on t-poses, they would be invisible and then show up, hitbox issues, when I was going too fast in between areas my game would freeze while loading. 


But the game was still amazing. 


Trophy wise me and my friend both got the platinum and none of us encountered trophy issues. (maybe we were lucky?) 


I haven't played the game anymore since I finished it on release but I would hope that the game by now is fixed. I would do some research though. 

Edited by SupakGaming
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I got the platinum March 1st this year and it was a glitchy fucking mess. My Yevon. The framerate is dropping a lot, there's a lot of eaten jump inputs, fell through the ground multiple times [sometimes repeatable], if you move through some areas too quickly entire objects won't load and prevent you from progressing until it loads the textures not loading would be more acceptable but it also just won't load some things that you need to jump on to go forward.


It's a technical mess. I played on base PS4, not sure how the Pro is though. And somehow I doubt within the last month they've magically fixed all the glitches. I still quite enjoyed the game, but it's a mess.

Edited by Elvick_
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6 minutes ago, Elvick_ said:

I got the platinum March 1st this year and it was a glitchy fucking mess. My Yevon. The framerate is dropping a lot, there's a lot of eaten jump inputs, fell through the ground multiple times [sometimes repeatable], if you move through some areas too quickly entire objects won't load and prevent you from progressing until it loads the textures not loading would be more acceptable but it also just won't load some things that you need to jump on to go forward.


It's a technical mess. I played on base PS4, not sure how the Pro is though. And somehow I doubt within the last month they've magically fixed all the glitches. I still quite enjoyed the game, but it's a mess.

I’ve recently got the plat as well and I experienced nothing but an awesome game. Zero glitches etc


i did play on a pro, disc version 

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I think alot of people's problems came from a literal 3d map with layers on layers so it's easy to get lost unless u are good at figuring out maps like that


Another issue I've seen is people either going places they arnt supposed to go yet (like narrowly surviving a drop into a new area u arnt supposed to go till a proper way opens) or trying to take on boss monsters and trading final blows thus both killing  it but dying aswell glitching the fight to not count because it says u did not survive but that monster is a 1 shot chance. Or both happens u go where your not supposed to fight what u are not ready for and it bugs out



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1 hour ago, Taliesin_2943 said:

I think alot of people's problems came from a literal 3d map with layers on layers so it's easy to get lost unless u are good at figuring out maps like that


Another issue I've seen is people either going places they arnt supposed to go yet (like narrowly surviving a drop into a new area u arnt supposed to go till a proper way opens) or trying to take on boss monsters and trading final blows thus both killing  it but dying aswell glitching the fight to not count because it says u did not survive but that monster is a 1 shot chance. Or both happens u go where your not supposed to fight what u are not ready for and it bugs out



I see .. so how to stop this .. I mean what order to take ?

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I'm actually surprised, never heard of glitches in this game, but I heard it was quite short, so hmmm, maybe wait some more to have the price further down and, hopefully, glitches solved.

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1 hour ago, Titanomachy_75 said:

I see .. so how to stop this .. I mean what order to take ?



I used that and had zero issues and aslong as u don't go reading ahead it's pretty well spoiler free. If u fallow the walkthrough your only issue will probably getting Abit lost no help for that but to explore and examin your map to figure out where u need to be heading.


It also lists all the collectibles as it goes so you shouldn't be post game having to scour every planet and tells u what world ECT to head for so u don't end up where u shouldn't be yet


If u do fall into an area u don't think u should be practice the art of touch little fight less till ur back where u should be or reload a save 

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